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Good Blood Test; HH Rocks Bigtime!

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Dear Humanity Healing Family,

This is a letter of awe and appreciation. The power of focused

healing is just amazing and so, so beautiful!

I am five and a half months out from my last chemo. I had two

concurrent cancers: endometrial, on the wall of my uterus and

ovarian. a very large tumor on my left ovary. I am now eight months

out from surgery. Yesterday, I think I said to two friends my tumor

had been the size of a grapefruit. I think I remember that???...but

that wasn't correct....I may have misspoken because it still scares

me a little to remember my doctor telling me it was the size of a


My subconscious mind was " protecting " me from my memory of fear. The

weird games we play to deny what is right before our eyes...at the

time, I could actually see the bump, looking down at my belly, as if

I was several months pregnant! I was numb with it, and it took till

after my chemo was over for me to even begin to really process it.

I feel love and empathy for anyone who is still in the midst of it.

Please know, if you're numb too, and feeling flat, that's OK. You're

busy. You're directing your focus where it needs to go, on healing,

and on resting, so you can keep healing. Your clarity will return.

Your zest for life will return. And...you will have some fear, blobs

of it, and then little twinges. They get smaller and then the are

there but less frequently and with less energy. It's when we know

we're safe that we can have the space to feel these feelings.

The more you let the big blobs up, the more they dissolve, and

become clear, bright happy energy again. Stay present with yourself.

Be your own good mommy, kissing yourself and making it better, and

ask for help, too, when this seems too much to tackle on your own.

Healers in the Humanity Healing Family respond if you ask for prayer

or Reiki or both. I felt it. I felt it overwhemingly...in a good

way. One afternoon, there was so much healing, and the energy was so

strongly moving around in my body, I just let go of what I was

trying to do at the time, went to lay down, and surrendered to it.

We know when two or more are gathered... Think about the vastness of

this fellowship! Know that you are loved. That you are surrounded

with love, That you rest in it and breathe it in. Your body will

heal. Your hair will grow back. And when people tell you that it

will grow back thicker and more beautiful than before...believe them.

It's true (lol)! God's gift to you for your courage.

Wishing you faith, cancer patients and survivors!

Thanks, Humanity Healing Family for all the prayers and healing and

thanks in advance for keeping me on the grid as my body gets firmly

settled in its healthy new alignment.

Together we can allow the Source of All Love and All Healing to work


Love and Gratitude,


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