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Protection Methods

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Thank You & Many Blessings To:LightworkerProtection MethodsI can never stress the importance of protecting yourselves~there are many feeders of energy out there~ and they search for people who hold alot of light~ they may draw us in to their little scheme~ but learn to recogize these peoplewho feed on others energy~A couple of additional protective methods that I personally use~is setting up a mirror or force field around me~visualize a mirror in front of you~ and when someone trys to pull your energy~ their intentions will be reflected back to them~this is a very old technique~ East Indian Peoples~sew mirrors into their clothing~I call this clothing~ Hippie clothing~sort of far out~I also immediately activate my Merkabah Vechicle~and say my prayers of protection~An excellent protection prayer:Om Dum Durguyei Namaha~Dum is the seed sound for protection, "Om and salutations to she who is beautiful to the seeker of truthand terrible in appearance to those who would injure devotees of truth"No matter how careful you will be~there will always be an occasional feeder of energy that lulls you into false trust~The face of evil comes in many shapes and disguises~I have seen them all~ its rather surprising to me sometimes~how they disguise themselves~You will know enery feeders by how they make you feel~as they are sucking your energy dry~you will feel tired and worn out~ depleted of energy~as soon as you recognize their pattern~disconnect yourself from them~ disconnect any cords of energy~that they might have placed upon your energy field~Aah the stories I could tell~ simply unbeleivable~a short prayer that I use:Calling upon the beloved fire of life~I invoke you to burn thru all cords, bindings and attachments~to all those things that do not serve us well~Blessings be to hold for us now the emaculate conceptof our true God Reality~ So be it~Hope you enjoy the following informatiaon~Blessings RedfoxseesAurashieldI am sure you have experienced the feeling of instant dislike sometimes when you meet someone or had an uncomfortable feeling when in a crowd. Most of us have also experienced other people shouting and being abusive towards us.I will share a very good method of using Reiki to protect yourself from these types of negative energies.Meetings of auras - good or bad?As you know the aura surrounds our body. The aura normally extends a few decimeters from the body but if you are a Reiki practitioner your aura can extend up to a couple of meters.Generally one can say that when interacting with other people, voluntary or involuntary, your aura will mingle with other peoples aura. Most meetings of the auras will pass by and you do not notice the interaction or feel anything. These encounters are not harmful to you or can even be beneficial.In fact the joining of the auras when it comes to people who are in love or have very strong feelings for each other are very beneficial. The problem occurs when you meet people who are not compatible with you, people who are energy leaches, too many people or you are forced into an argument etc.Why an Aurashield?Let me give some examples: * You meet someone that you instantly dislikes: This person could be what I call the leach type i.e. they try to "steal" your energy as soon as your auras touch (this person will usually not be aware of what is happening). * You are in a crowd or using a public transport system or similar i.e. your aura is affected by many other peoples' auras. Sometimes this feels fine sometimes not.* You get drawn into an argument and you can feel that the other persons words are hurting and making you uncomfortable. That person is forcing negative energies towards you, here you will once again have an affect on your aura.Let us settle for these examples, I am sure you can think of many more. If we realize that there can be a problem and the aura can be affected it is fairly easy to protect oneself.Use Reiki to make an Aurashield and protect yourself!What is an Aurashield? The best analogy I can give will be from Star Trek or some similar Science Fiction story, what protection does most spaceships in these stories have? Force fields! Your aura consists of pure energy, the trick is to make your aura into a "force field" that does not let in any negative energies or leak out any of your energy. As in all Reiki practice it is your intention that counts. If you want you aura to stop negative energies it will!Shields up! - Make your own Aurashield!Here is how you do it:When you feel you need to protect yourself just visualize that the outer edge of you aura goes hard like a force field covering you from head to foot.Nothing can get in and nothing can get out. I suggest that you mentally decide on a word or command that instantly will trigger your intention of putting up your shield. "Shields up" is one suggestion. For me it is the name of the Reiki Power symbol, I might even draw it or visualize it. In my Aurashield I have included that any negative energy directed at me should bounce back to the sender as positive energy. This can make many conflicts easier. Experiment and see what works for you.A few words of warningI am sure that you understand that this Aurashield will only protect you from negative energies, it will not protect you from physical attacks. I would also suggest that you use this in moderation if we were supposed to walk around shielded from others, evolution would have given us such a protection.Arthur unknown

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