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Re: 19 year old daughter getting silicone breast implants

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Hi Dede,

How are you feeling and do you have any results of your tests.

Has this group finished or has everyone gone somewhere else.

Love Sue

19 year old daughter getting silicone breast implants

Janine ~ and ~

I am so sorry that your daughter is so focused

on getting implants and is being filled with the

deception that goes along with them.

I hope that I am giving you some info that will be

a good education so that she will be truly informed

before her final decision. I highly suggest she really

studies everything, does the math on the statistics,

and looks inside herself and realizes that God already

created her totally perfect already. You cannot improve

perfection !

There used to be a silicone immune response test

that would give some answers, but they took it off

the market because it was showing proof of

immune response to the silicone. That didnt earn

them their big bucks...

For every person that a doctor implants, it is pretty

much a guarantee that they will have multiple surgeries

out of that person, so it is a huge income for them.

Of course they will say they are safe ! !

There are people that dont have problems, or shall I say,

realize that their fatigue, or allergies, or digestive problems

are actually an immune response to the implanted devices.

Many people dont realize that there are many chemicals

that make up the silicone for implants that are ALL known neuro-toxins. The silica in nature is not manipulated by all the chemicals that the silicone in implants are. All implants are silicone, they are just filled with different things. Below is a list of many of the chemicals in the silicone made for implants :

1)Methyl Ethyl Ketone


3)Isopropyl Alcohol

4)Denatured Alcohol



7)Poly vinyl Chloride

8)Lacquer Thinner

9)Ethyl Acetate

10)Epoxy Resin

11)Epoxy Hardener


13)Printing Ink






]19)Chlorplatinic Acid

20)Metal Cleaning Acid


22)Talcum Powder

23)Color Pigmentation (Printers Ink)



26)Ethylene Oxide

27)Carob Black




31)Hexanone 2



34)Acid Stearic

35)Zinc Oxide



38)Methylene Chloride

39)Platinum Salt

Quite the toxic soup ! !

As you see, this is why people eventually develope multiple chemical sensitivity disorder. Some people just start noticing that some fragrances bother them, or bug sprays, or candle stores, or fabric stores cause them to sneeze when they didnt use to, or even grass , or flowers . Some people get violent reactions almost immediately after being implanted. People may start getting bloated on occasion when they didnt used to. Then they might start having nausia frequently, or even diarrhea more frequently.

Maybe some lower backaches, and neckaches, and more frequent headaches, all part of the immune response to the overload of toxins from implants.

You know statistics reported say that 6-9 % of people get necrosis from implants. That number sounds low, but when you do the math........the number is very large ! Each year, reported cases of implantation are around 350,000 - 400,000 thousand people.

so, just estimate, say 7 % of 375,000. Well, 10 percent is 37,000, and 5 percent is 18,750, so, somewhere inbetween is the number of people that get necrosis, that is tissue cell death, here are photos of that for you to see: http://www.siliconeholocaust.org/photos1a.html

, this is necrosis , and the implant is starting to come out of the hole made by the necrosis

this is a result of a silicone rupture

If you want more education on this subject, here are some sites with tons of info:














http://www.info-implants.com/BC/indexbc.html ,

http://www.info-implants.com/links.html ,













Please, do yourself the biggest favor of your lifetime, read all these sites, do your homework before making a decision that will change your life forever, and if you decide to have children, these devices DO affect offspring. Despite what they say ! ! There is a support group for children born of implanted women. Many children born to implanted women are autistic ! many have horrible allergies and digestive problems as well as many other problems. Please think this through after you have the complete education on these devices. I wish you well whatever your decision is. A truly well rounded informed education ahead of time is in your best interest and will help you make the best decision. Remember, once implanted, insurance companies will not cover you for anything that they think may be remotely related to having implanted devices ! This will follow you the rest of your lifetime. You see, before implants, they say implants dont cause illness, once implanted, doctors say your problems are in your head, or not related to implants, and insurance companies say that your problems are implanted related and they wont cover you. All very contraversial, and you are too sick to fight it.

God Bless YOU ~ Dede

PS, look in the photo section at the saline implants

that are full of molds and fungus's....it is disgusting !

This happens very frequently ! and causes horrible illness

that takes a very long time to heal from.

And, the FDA, neatly tucked away under Immunotoxicology/toxicology is information on how implants are on your endocrin system, and how your bodies macrophages attack the implants ! http://www.fda.gov/cdrh/ost/reports/fy98/IMMUNOTOX.HTM

they made sure this is NOT in the area of breast implant discussion !

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Hello Clynn ~

Girl, I thought about you all day yesterday

and said a prayer for you !

I am so glad your surgery is over and behind

you ! ! I am sure you are very sore !

I am sorry you got so sick from the meds

that bites ! I got sick once after a surgery

on the ride home, and that is hard to do in

a car ! ! They had given me some dilaudid

and that stuff is so strong ! ! I hope to never

have that stuff again ! !

Wow, girl, they did some work in there ! !

I bet your hip and flank pain gets better now ! !

We have missed you on the board, but so many

of us arent on much because of so much going


I still have the migrane, it comes and goes and throbs

badly when I cough or strain for anything. It is definately

vascular. I have read, and Rogene mentioned that the

headaches can be caused by the gerds. She is having relief

from the meds, and I have some, but researched it, and am

a bit nervous about taking it cuz of my kidney disease, so

I am gonna call and ask. I also have a huge hiatle hernia

measures 35-41 cm ! That is somewhere between 14-16 inches.

I am not sure how they measure that, from what point to what point, I know my stomach isnt that big ! ! and my diaphram shouldnt be either, oh, well, guess I will find out when I have the appointment.

Life is weird these days, so I just keep praying and being thankful for all the good things.

You are in my prayers ! !

Love you ! ! DedeGas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for fuel-efficient used cars.

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Hi Sue . . .

We're still around . . . Just preoccupied right now . . . Lynda's still doing chemo . . . Lea's moving . . Dede's been dealing with health issues. . . Patty is juggling a whole lot of stuff . . . We've been traveling and have had some family and health issues lately.

Thank God we have some wonderful ladies here who can help newcomers. . .

We haven't been very chatty lately though.

How have YOU been doing? Are you feeling any better?



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Your daughter is fortunate to have parents who are willing to do the research and to educate her! . . . I hope she doesn't realize that too late!

The test is called a silicone hypersensitivity test . . . It was offered before they figured out it might prove why people were getting sick from silicone! It's no longer offered.

IF there are any autoimmune issues in the family, implants are a very, very bad choice indeed!

Regardless, your daughter needs to set enough money aside for the day when an explant comes - they should be changed out at least every ten years . . . at a cost much higher than implant! . . . It's costing some of our ladies $10,000-14,000 to have them properly removed. Women generally travel to find a good surgeon. . . Unfortunately, by the time they make the implant connection, they're often unable to work - so the financial burden may fall on their family.

If your daughter hasn't had children yet, she may want to wait until after she has. . . Some of the issues the children are dealing with are horrendous. . . If you'd like an invitation to 's SiliconeKids, I'll be glad to send you one. . . There is reason to think that there may be third generation effects. . . i.e., the implants your daughter gets may affect HER grandchildren.

All in all, they're a really, really bad deal.



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Janine ~

Bless your heart, I know you are so desperate

to save your daughter from harm.

I hope that she realizes that the doctor will

say what ever he can to sell his product and

proceedure to her. He does not have her best

interest at heart. He only has his mercedes, or

his vacation home, or his rolex in mind.......

She = money to him, nothing else, or he wouldnt

do that to her !

Unfortunately this may be a time where you

will just have to let her make her own mistakes,

and learn from them. That is so hard for us to do.

You are in my prayers ! ! ! ~ Dede

Actually, I think the LEGAL age for putting in silicone implants

is 22 ! ! ! Do you know what kind she is planning on having

put in? There have been known cases of doctors placing silicone in girls younger ! ! That is illegal ! !


below is the link to the legal age portion:


4. Are there any age limits with respect to who can get breast implants?

Mentor and Allergan (formerly Inamed) saline-filled breast implants are approved for: (1) reconstruction (primary reconstruction and revision-reconstruction) in women of any age and (2) augmentation (primary augmentation and revision-augmentation) in women 18 years or older.

Mentor and Allergan silicone gel-filled breast implants are approved for: (1) reconstruction (primary reconstruction and revision-reconstruction) in women of any age and (2) augmentation (primary augmentation and revision-augmentation) in women 22 years or older.

FDA restricts the marketing of breast implants for augmentation to women of a minium age because young women’s breasts continue to develop through their late teens and early 20s and because there is a concern that young women may not be mature enough to make an informed decision about the potential risks. However, there is there is no age restriction on the marketing of these products for reconstruction, so as to allow young women to have access to breast implants to replace breast tissue that has been removed due to cancer or trauma or that has failed to develop properly due to a severe breast abnormality.( this conflicts with the above saying that they can have them for augmentation only as well as for reconstruction) Naughty FDA ! !

As for devices that are not approved for marketing, there are various age criteria and other restrictions for women who receive breast implants as part of a clinical study. Contact one of the companies conducting a study for more information. See the company contact information at http://www.fda.gov/cdrh/breastimplants/addsources.html.Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for fuel-efficient used cars.

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Janine ~

Do you have a family history of any of the following ?

This includes your parents and grandparents and theirs too , both sides of the family :

Thyroid disorders

irritable bowel

digestive disorders of any kind



heart disease






bad teeth or bones

kidney disorders

lung problems

any other diseases?

If so, this makes any type implanted device


We will all help support you and your daughter

in this journey. You are in my prayers ~ Dede

Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for fuel-efficient used cars.

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I hope it is the reason the doc wants you the check back is because

he thinks it is benign.

Do finally get rid of your terrible migraine?

I had sugery yesterday. I was very sick from the pain killers they

gave me. I had surgery in an outpt surgical center at 12:30, they

kept me until 8 pm. because I was so ill. I threw up in a baggy,

twice, on the way home. Poor hubby!

I am really sore today. I got to keep both ovaries. He took a large

mass off of the right ovary and removed a cyst from the left. Oh,

and it took my appendix. I was pretty shocked about that! This was

nothing we talked about prior to surgery! I guess the appendix

typically hangs freeley and mine was stuck to my abdominal wall due

to adhesions.

Sorry I haven't been on the board more. I have a lot going on. But

I think of you all.

Love, CLynn


> Hello Sue ~

> How are you doing ? ? I have to say, I come

> and go these days myself, as I just dont feel well. I

> think that is the same for many of the other

> gals too. The group is still alive, just either on

> vacation, or ill. Sad, but true !

> This last test and biopsys have several things on

> them, the doc is outta town, but his aid said it didnt

> mention any cancer,so that is good. I have a very

> large hiatle hernia and a horrible case of gerds and

> esophagitis and erosion, but I dont have an appt with

> the doc til the 27 th to find out what he has to say

> or what his game plan thoughts are.

> The nodes in my lungs, well, they are small and the

> oncologist I saw wants to watch them... scare me !

> I think I may get another opinion, but it has already

> been 3 months since the CT, so, what will another 3

> months be? ? I just dont know Sue, I dont trust

> doctors, and they only treat their specialty and not

> connecting things, nor do they get with your other

> doctors and try to put the puzzel parts together.

> Medicine has become only a business for money, and

> not healthcare for humanity. Sad, but true !

> How are you feeling these days ? ?

> Good to hear from you ! !

> Love you ~ Dede




> **************Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for

> fuel-efficient used cars. (http://autos.aol.com/used?



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I'd love an invitation to join Siliconekids. She is trusting her doctor at this point. There is no talking her out of it. I am going to continue to try until the moment she goes in for surgery. She is regretting even telling us at this point ... feels like she just should have come home having had it done. I have mentioned the impact it could have on her children and even mentioned it at her doctors appointment yesterday. Unfortunately, she is believing everything that he tells her and NOT doing any of the research for herself. He told us yesterday that the evidence is conclusive that there is NO correlation to any of the problems with women and their children that have been implanted. I'm not sure if anyone in the family has autoimmune disease or not. I will do some research to figure out what it is and see if anyone has it. Thanks for your help. janinesaxony01 <saxony01@...> wrote: Your daughter is fortunate to have parents who are willing to do the research and to educate her! . . . I hope she doesn't realize that too late! The test is called a silicone hypersensitivity test . . . It was offered before they figured out it might prove why people were getting sick from silicone! It's no longer offered. IF there are any autoimmune issues in the family, implants are a very, very bad choice indeed! Regardless, your daughter needs to set enough money aside for the day when an explant comes - they should be changed out at least every ten years . . . at a cost much higher than implant! . . . It's costing some of our ladies $10,000-14,000 to have them properly removed. Women generally travel to find

a good surgeon. . . Unfortunately, by the time they make the implant connection, they're often unable to work - so the financial burden may fall on their family. If your daughter hasn't had children yet, she may want to wait until after she has. . . Some of the issues the children are dealing with are horrendous. . . If you'd like an invitation to 's SiliconeKids, I'll be glad to send you one. . . There is reason to think that there may be third generation effects. . . i.e., the implants your daughter gets may affect HER grandchildren. All in all, they're a really, really bad deal. Hugs, Rogene

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> Your daughter is fortunate to have parents who are

willing to do the research and to educate her! . . . I hope she

doesn't realize that too late!


> The test is called a silicone hypersensitivity test . . . It was

offered before they figured out it might prove why people were

getting sick from silicone! It's no longer offered.


> IF there are any autoimmune issues in the family, implants are a

very, very bad choice indeed!


> Regardless, your daughter needs to set enough money aside for the

day when an explant comes - they should be changed out at least every

ten years . . . at a cost much higher than implant! . . . It's

costing some of our ladies $10,000-14,000 to have them properly

removed. Women generally travel to find a good surgeon. . .

Unfortunately, by the time they make the implant connection, they're

often unable to work - so the financial burden may fall on their



> If your daughter hasn't had children yet, she may want to wait

until after she has. . . Some of the issues the children are dealing

with are horrendous. . . If you'd like an invitation to 's

SiliconeKids, I'll be glad to send you one. . . There is reason to

think that there may be third generation effects. . . i.e., the

implants your daughter gets may affect HER grandchildren.


> All in all, they're a really, really bad deal.


> Hugs,


> Rogene


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The FDA's own website says the studies are not conclusive . . . . There have been NO significant studies done on sick women or children.

Fact is, they don't want to know.


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I am bummed that the headache is still hanging on! It is so sad.

Please call and ask before you take the med. I don't want you to

damage your kidneys more.

Oh, and I pray the surgery was the answer to my hip & flank pain.

Time will tell.

Love you, CLynn


> Hello Clynn ~

> Girl, I thought about you all day yesterday

> and said a prayer for you !

> I am so glad your surgery is over and behind

> you ! ! I am sure you are very sore !

> I am sorry you got so sick from the meds

> that bites ! I got sick once after a surgery

> on the ride home, and that is hard to do in

> a car ! ! They had given me some dilaudid

> and that stuff is so strong ! ! I hope to never

> have that stuff again ! !

> Wow, girl, they did some work in there ! !

> I bet your hip and flank pain gets better now ! !

> We have missed you on the board, but so many

> of us arent on much because of so much going

> on.

> I still have the migrane, it comes and goes and throbs

> badly when I cough or strain for anything. It is definately

> vascular. I have read, and Rogene mentioned that the

> headaches can be caused by the gerds. She is having relief

> from the meds, and I have some, but researched it, and am

> a bit nervous about taking it cuz of my kidney disease, so

> I am gonna call and ask. I also have a huge hiatle hernia

> measures 35-41 cm ! That is somewhere between 14-16 inches.

> I am not sure how they measure that, from what point to what

point, I know

> my stomach isnt that big ! ! and my diaphram shouldnt be either,

oh, well,

> guess I will find out when I have the appointment.

> Life is weird these days, so I just keep praying and being

thankful for all

> the good things.

> You are in my prayers ! !

> Love you ! ! Dede




> **************Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for

> fuel-efficient used cars. (http://autos.aol.com/used?



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Dede, We do have some of those illnesses in our family. I will print out this email and show it to her. At this point she is getting so frustrated with me, I almost wonder if I'm making it worse. I have only know of four women personally that have had saline implants. None of them have had any problems. Are there any percentages of women affected by implants? JanineDGRAHAMA@... wrote: Janine ~ Do you have a family history of any of the following ? This includes your parents and grandparents and theirs too , both sides of the family : Thyroid disorders irritable bowel digestive disorders of any kind migranes diabetes heart disease allergies asthma MS arthritis migranes bad teeth or bones kidney disorders lung problems any other diseases? If so, this makes any type implanted

device risky. We will all help support you and your daughter in this journey. You are in my prayers ~ Dede Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for fuel-efficient used cars.

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Dede, She is having silicone put in. The Dr. says that she has a breast deformity. She has fat on the top of the breast, but not on the bottom. He was very confident that her "deformity" would qualify her for the silicone with the FDA's ruling. I did try that angle with him. He was quite smug with his loophole. Very frustrating! JanineDGRAHAMA@... wrote: Janine ~ Bless your heart, I know you are so desperate to save your daughter from harm. I hope that she realizes that the doctor will say what ever he can to sell his product and proceedure to her. He does not have her best interest at heart. He only has his mercedes, or his vacation home, or his rolex in mind....... She = money to him, nothing else, or he wouldnt do that to her ! Unfortunately this may be a time where you will just have to let her make her own mistakes, and learn from them. That is so hard for us to

do. You are in my prayers ! ! ! ~ Dede Actually, I think the LEGAL age for putting in silicone implants is 22 ! ! ! Do you know what kind she is planning on having put in? There have been known cases of doctors placing silicone in girls younger ! ! That is illegal ! ! http://www.fda.gov/cdrh/breastimplants/indexbip.html below is the link to the legal age portion: http://www.fda.gov/cdrh/breastimplants/qa2006.html#4 4. Are there any age limits with respect to who can

get breast implants? Mentor and Allergan (formerly Inamed) saline-filled breast implants are approved for: (1) reconstruction (primary reconstruction and revision-reconstruction) in women of any age and (2) augmentation (primary augmentation and revision-augmentation) in women 18 years or older. Mentor and Allergan silicone gel-filled breast implants are approved for: (1) reconstruction (primary reconstruction and revision-reconstruction) in women of any age and (2) augmentation (primary augmentation and revision-augmentation) in women 22 years or older. FDA restricts the marketing of breast implants for augmentation to women of a minium age because young women’s breasts continue to develop through their late teens and early 20s and because there is a concern that

young women may not be mature enough to make an informed decision about the potential risks. However, there is there is no age restriction on the marketing of these products for reconstruction, so as to allow young women to have access to breast implants to replace breast tissue that has been removed due to cancer or trauma or that has failed to develop properly due to a severe breast abnormality.( this conflicts with the above saying that they can have them for augmentation only as well as for reconstruction) Naughty FDA ! ! As for devices that are not approved for marketing, there are various age criteria and other restrictions for women who receive breast implants as part of a clinical study. Contact one of the companies conducting a study for more information. See the company contact information at http://www.fda.gov/cdrh/breastimplants/addsources.html. Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for fuel-efficient used cars.

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It really doesn't matter which type of implant is used . . . saline or silicone gel . . . eventually they all cause problems. The implant starts deteriorating the minute it's manufactured!

Some of these plastic surgeons are scum!


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