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How Body pH Can Affect Your Energy Levels

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Hi Ladies- As I have mentioned before, my father in law is a

chiropractor and has suffered with CFS since he had cancer quite a

few years ago.

He told me this past weekend that he has been checking the pH levels

in his body, and realized that his body was very acidic. He has been

taking measures to correct this and is feeling a lot better.

I thought you guys might find this info interesting and useful.


In order to accomplish all the many millions of complex functions

that occur over the course of the day, your body has to be able to

communicate with itself... all the way down to the cellular level.

And do you know how it does this? Through pulses of electricity.

That's right, electricity.

Your body operates on an electro magnetic current. Believe it or not,

all of the organs in your body emit these fields of electrical

current. In fact, nerve signals are nothing more than electrical


What creates this electrical power in your body is a very fine

balance that exists in your bio chemistry. And of all the systems in

your body that depend on this delicate, bio chemical balance, one of

the most important is your blood stream. This is where pH comes into

play. But what is pH?


PH is a scale that measures how acidic or alkaline a substance is.

The scale ranges from 1 to 14 with 1 being very acid, 7 neutral and

14 very alkaline.

So what does pH have to do with you and your blood? Well, the pH of

your blood is extremely important. The ideal pH level for your blood

is right around 7.35 and your body goes to enormous lengths to

maintain this level.

Why? Because if your blood pH were to vary 1 or 2 points in either

direction, it would change the electrical chemistry in your body,

there would be no electrical power and in short order you would drop

dead. As you can see, maintaining the right pH level in your blood is

pretty important!!

With this in mind a good way to avoid upsetting this delicate bio

chemical balance would be to take a look at those things that can

compromise the maintenance of the ideal pH level in your body. And

what is the main culprit in this case? The answer is the creation of

acid in your body.

Before we look at what causes acid, here's a graphic example to give

you an idea of what can happen in the blood when your pH drops to

less than ideal. Red blood cells are how oxygen is transported to all

the cells in your body.

As red blood cells move into the tiny, little, capillaries, the space

they have to move through gets pretty small. In fact, the diameter of

the capillaries gets so small that the red blood cells sometimes have

to pass through these capillaries one red blood cell at a time!

Because of this, and because it's important for the red blood cells

to be able to flow easily and quickly through your body, they have a

mechanism that allows them to remain separate from each other. This

mechanism comes in the form of the outside of healthy red blood cells

having a negative charge. This causes them to stay apart from each

other, sort of like when you try to push the negative ends of two

magnets together. They resist each other and stay apart.

Unfortunately, acid interferes with this very important mechanism in

a pretty frightening way. Acid actually strips away the negative

charge from red blood cells. The result is that your red blood cells

then tend to clump together and not flow as easily. This makes it

much more difficult for them to flow easily through the bloodstream.

But it also makes it harder for them to move freely through those

small capillaries. This means less oxygen gets to your cells. Acid

also weakens the red blood cells and they begin to die. And guess

what they release into your system when they die? More acid.

I could describe a whole list of processes that occur when your

system becomes and remains acid but I think you get the idea. The

point is that aside from the acid that is secreted into your stomach

to aid digestion, acid in your body is bad. Really bad.

In regard to producing energy in the body, here's an easy question

for you. What do you think happens to a person's energy level if over

time their system becomes more and more acid, their biochemical

balance is disrupted and their red blood cells can't deliver oxygen

and nutrients as efficiently to all their cells? The answer is

simple. Their energy level drops. Dramatically.

Are you beginning to get the picture here as to the importance of pH

in your body? Good. Now let's take a quick look at what causes

acidity in your body and then look at steps you can take to get your

body pH back to an ideal level.


The primary cause of an acidic condition in your body is from what

you put in your mouth. In other words, what you eat and what you

drink. And it isn't how " acid " something may seem when you eat or

drink it. It has to do with what is left over when you digest it.

Specifically, does eating or drinking something leave behind an acid

or alkaline " ash " . For example, I don't know about you but I love

seafood. Scallops are one of my favorites. However, when your body

digests scallops, it leaves an extremely acid ash. In fact, scallops

are one of the most acid foods you can eat.

Unfortunately, a lot of the things most people put in their mouths

create an acid ash. These include alcohol, coffee and a lot of flesh

protein in your diet. Interestingly enough, stress also tends to

create an acid condition in the body.


Fortunately, it is pretty easy to immediately change your pH for the

better and make it more alkaline. The first step is to understand

which of the foods you are eating and the drinks you are drinking are

acid and which are alkaline. Then it's simply a matter of eliminating

some of the more acid foods you are eating and adding in more

alkaline foods.

However, before you start, it's important to get a baseline of what

the pH is in your body so that you can see how you are improving or

if you need to continue to eliminate more acid foods and add in more

alkaline ones.

You can do this by testing the pH of your saliva on a regular basis.

This is really simple to do. More details on how to do this are

provided on some web pages I have created for you to help you out. A

link to these pages is provided below.

In addition to decreasing the amount of acid foods you eat and

increasing the amount of alkaline foods you eat, one of the best ways

to immediately begin changing your pH is to drink " green drinks " . You

can make these by simply adding a powder that is made up of a whole

host of vegetables that are highly alkaline to a glass of water.

Information on suggested green drink powders to use is included on

pages that I have a link to below.


Clicking on the following link will take you to some pages I created

that have more information on alkaline and acid foods, how to test

your own pH and what to look for in green drinks.


Start taking the steps described above and you may very well find

your energy levels increasing over time. Mine certainly have.

- Andy Long

After years of extreme fatigue, severe digestion problems and

frequent sickness, Andy Long now enjoys energy levels that allow him

to windsurf in 30 mph winds for 3-4 hours at a time.


Levels & id=4670

Love, Krista

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