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Healthy Update - January 29, 2008

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======================================================================HEALTHY UPDATE- Your Online Health Resource A HealthWorld Online PublicationVol. XVIII, Issue 2 -- January 29, 2008======================================================================Healthy Update provides the latest news, expert articles and resources onhealthy living, wellness and complementary & alternative medicine. A weeklyservice of HealthWorld Online (www.healthy.net).(View HTML version & archives: http://www.healthyupdate.com)======================================================================SPONSOR - DREXEL UNIVERSITY ONLINE======================================================================100% ONLINE CERTIFICATION IN COMPLEMENTARY AND INTEGRATIVE THERAPIESIncrease the value of your practice by offering your patients healingComplementary and Integrative Therapies. Earn your Certificate inComplementary and Integrative Therapies ONLNE from prestigious DrexelUniversity – ranked among "America's BEST Colleges" by U.S. News & WorldReport. This flexible and in-depth program allows you to take classes andearn credits without interrupting your busy schedule. You'll learn thecultural and theoretical basis for applying complementary and integrativetherapies while focusing on the skills and techniques of specifictherapies. A well-rounded curriculum that exposes you to a wide variety ofhealing approaches including phytotherapy, holistic living, aromatherapy,alternative therapies and women’s health. Financial aid available. Hurry –applications for the next term are due February 12, 2008. MORE: http://www.drexel.com/healthworld======================================================================HEALTH NEWS BRIEFS======================================================================U.S. HOSPITALS PLAGUED BY TEN TIMES MORE MRSA SUPERBUG INFECTIONS THANPREVIOUSLY THOUGHTNearly five percent of patients in U.S. hospitals may have acquired aparticular antibiotic resistant staph infection. The majority of theinfections originated within the medical facility; 67 percent arose inpatients being treated for general medical conditions (such as diabetes orpulmonary or cardiovascular problems) and not in intensive care patients.http://healthy.net/scr/news.asp?Id=9611______________________________________________________________________LEADERSHIP & BUSINESS STRATEGIES FOR INTEGRATIVE HEALTH CAREIntegrative medicine and complimentary therapies are becoming a popularalternative to conventional medicine among consumers. With this shift inthinking, the health care community must adapt by offering a range of CAMservices. The 6th Annual Integrative Medicine for Health CareOrganizations Conference, May 15 - 17, 2008, addresses the vital issues indeveloping and sustaining a successful integrative medicine program. Health care leaders from a variety of settings will share their stories andoffer practical strategies and techniques that you can apply in yourorganization or community. This conference has been developed to providethe attendees with top-notch educational sessions that include in-depthcase studies, hands-on workshops as well as site visits to successfulintegrative medicine centers.http://healthy.net/scr/News.asp?id=9632______________________________________________________________________JOSEPHINE BRIGGS, M.D., NAMED DIRECTOR OF NIH'S NATIONAL CENTER FORCOMPLEMENTARY AND ALTERNATIVE MEDICINEAn accomplished researcher and physician, Dr. Briggs brings a focus ontranslational research to the study of complementary and alternativemedicine (CAM) to help build a fuller understanding of the usefulness andsafety of CAM practices that nearly two-thirds of the American public uses.She has been a leader in trans-NIH activities and her in-depthunderstanding of NIH and translational research will bring newopportunities to the study of CAM.http://healthy.net/scr/News.asp?id=9622______________________________________________________________________MORE HEALTH NEWS.... To keep up-to-date with news in theworld of health and medicine, visit "Healthy News"http://HealthyNews.netand our Healthy News archive:http://healthynews.net/index.asp?archive=yesRSS Feed: We now offer an RSS feed. A convenient way to get Healthy News stories to your desktop.======================================================================EDITOR'S PICK - WELLNESS INVENTORY CERTIFICATION TRAINING======================================================================2008 CERTIFICATION TELE-CLASSES START IN FEBRUARYThe Fall Wellness Inventory Certification Trainings begin on the week ofFebruary 11 and run for 13 weeks. Classes will be conducted as a live phoneteleclass.The goal of the certification training is to create competence indelivering the Wellness Inventory (www.WellPeople.com), a holisticassessment and life-balance program, to individual, group, andorganizational clients. The training also focuses on the participants ownpersonal development. Developed for wellness coaches, health practitioners,spa professionals, and wellness professionals, the training is approved bythe International Coach Federation for 20 CCEUs. Daytime and eveningclasses. Payment plans available. Testimonials from graduates:http:/WellPeople.com/Certification_Testimonials.aspFor more information contact Jim Strohecker at 310-823-9553(jim@...) or http://WellPeople.com/Certification.asp======================================================================WELLNESS AND HEALTHY LIVING======================================================================CONTINUING OUR 12-STAGE JOURNEY TO WELLNESSThis week our journey focuses on the power of PLAYING & WORKING, the 8th of12 keys to wellness drawn from the Wellness Inventory whole personassessment program. Most of our daily life falls under one of these twocategories. For us adults, the majority of time is usually spent focused onwork with far too little time allowed for play. What passes for play formost adults is more likely to be escape activities-- distraction from theresponsibilities of work. Many people turn to the entertainment industryinstead of engaging in the joyful, creative, spontaneous play that is vitalto our wellbeing.http://wellnessinventory.net/overviews/section8.htm______________________________________________________________________SIMPLY WELLAlthough there is a mass of conflicting data surrounding the components ofsound nutrition practices, in "Learn Ten Basics about Food" W. ,M.D., M.P.H., provides you with certain recommendations that are almostuniversally accepted. He challenges you to pick one to implement into yourdaily diet over the next few weeks.http://healthy.net/scr/column.asp?id=491______________________________________________________________________HEALTHY COMPUTINGDo you find yourself reaching out to use your mouse, which is shunted tothe side of your wide keyboard? Are you developing mouse shoulder or mousearm because of the increased muscle tension from arm abduction as you reachfor your mouse? In "Create Mousing Space" Peper, Ph.D. practical tipsfor adjusting your work style.http://healthy.net/scr/column.asp?id=898======================================================================AUDIO: MEDITATION FOR OPTIMUM HEALTH======================================================================AN INTRODUCTION TO MEDITATION WITH JON KABAT-ZINN, PH.D. & DR. ANDREW WEILThe same ability that helps ordinary men and women achieve extraordinarysuccess is also the secret to optimizing your lifespan, letting go ofstress, and even enhancing your body's self-healing powers. In Meditationfor Optimum Health, you will join bestselling authors Dr. Weil andDr. Jon Kabat-Zinn for a practical introduction that makes it simple toenjoy the life-changing benefits of meditation – even if you’ve never triedit before. How does meditation work? Can anybody do it? What do I need toget started? Is it religious? Does it have the power to heal? Inalternating sessions, Dr. Weil and Dr. Kabat-Zinn give you straight answersto the most common questions about meditation, and dispel the myths andmisconceptions surrounding this time-honored practice. By learning tocultivate the power of your attention through daily practice, you canharness the full potential of your mind, and use it to enrich everydimension of your life.https://www.healthyshopping.com/stores/cart.asp?itemnumber=W531DListen to Audio Sample: http://tinyurl.com/yto7ch======================================================================LIQUID STEVIA FLAVORS - ADVERTISEMENT======================================================================SWEETLEAF LIQUID STEVIA FLAVORS - NEW SPECIALS!SweetLeaf Liquid Stevia Flavors are all natural, zero calories, no carbs,and infinitely flavorful. At only a penny per drop, you can easily dress upthe taste of water, coffee, tea, yogurt, cocktails, whip cream, smoothies,ice cubes, and nearly anything else. The uses are endless! Try our originalflavors - Apricot Nectar, Chocolate Raspberry, Lemon Drop, English Toffee,Vanilla Creme, and Valencia Orange - and our great new flavors - MilkChocolate, Peppermint, Root Beer, Grape, Cinnamon, and Dark Chocolate!Great for holiday gatherings!Buy 6 Flavors and Get 1 Free (any combination)http://healthyshopping.com/stores/cart.asp?itemnumber=SL_Special_3Buy 12 and Get 2 Free plus 1 Box SteviaPlus Packetshttp://healthyshopping.com/sweetleaf/cart.asp?itemnumber=SL_Special_4To order individual flavors: http://healthyshopping.com/sweetleaf======================================================================NATURAL ALTERNATIVES======================================================================THE INTEGRATOR BLOGHealthWorld is launching a new feature of Healthy Update, a regular featurefrom "The Integrator Blog" - News, Reports, Opinions and Networking forthe Business, Education, Policy and Practice of Integrative Medicine, CAMand Integrative Health Care, from Publisher/Editor Weeks. For those ofyou who want to keep abreast of the current and future trends inIntegrative Medicine and CAM (Complementary & Alternative Medicine), thisis an essential resource. Weeks, who as been serving this communityfor 25 years, is doing a great service for the field and deserves oursupport. The first column is "The Integrator Top 10 as Integrative Medicineand Natural Health Care Enter 2008".http://healthy.net/scr/column.asp?id=899______________________________________________________________________NUTRITIONAL MEDICINE & LONGEVITYUntil recently Boron was just a powdery cleaner, something to get out thedirt. In "Boron: An Ortho-Mineral" A. Kunin, M.D. reports how boronhas yet to be recognized as an essential mineral; however it does havemeasurable effects on human biochemistry, physiology and performance. Hebelieves that boron is a versatile candidate to lead a revolution innutraceutical medicine.http://healthy.net/scr/column.asp?id=542______________________________________________________________________HEALTHY ALTERNATIVES (http://www.altmed.net)A large number of Western acupuncturists are using a variety of acupuncturetechniques to treat obesity, smoking and hard drug addiction. In "The Useof Acupuncture in Addiction and Obesity" T. Lewith, M.A.,M.R.C.G.P., M.R.C.P. reports that there is some excellent physiological andclinical evidence to support the use of acupuncture in these areas. Thewithdrawal symptoms experienced by people giving up smoking, or drugs, canbe alleviated by raising the levels of endorphins in the nervous system.Some people believe that the desire to eat is also mediated by theendorphin level in the brain.http://healthy.net/scr/article.asp?id=2032______________________________________________________________________WOMEN'S HEALTH DETECTIVEIf you're like most women and take 1,500 mg of calcium and half as muchmagnesium, you've got it all backwards. You're getting too much calcium andnot enough magnesium. In "How Calcium and Magnesium Can Slow Down Aging"Nan Fuchs, Ph.D. shares important facts. Magnesium is needed tocarry calcium into your bones. The same ratio of calcium to magnesium youtake to keep your bones strong and flexible will also keep you young atheart. When you're under stress, increase your magnesium and keep calciumlevels reasonable, not high.http://healthy.net/scr/column.asp?id=630______________________________________________________________________HEALTHY WOMAN UPDATE (http://4womenshealth.com)A syndrome is a group of signs and symptoms that indicate a disorder. Fourout of ten menstruating women suffer from premenstrual syndrome. In"Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)" the staff of the American Institute forPreventive Medicine offers options for treatment and questions to ask todetermine the seriousness of your situation.http://healthy.net/scr/article.asp?id=1759______________________________________________________________________FIND AN ALTERNATIVE HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONAL(http://healthreferral.com)Looking for a practitioner specializing in a mind/body approach? Search theMind Body Health section includes the Academy for Guided Imagery, AmericanSociety for the Technique, and Focusing Institute memberdatabases in HealthWorld's Find a Practitioner Network. The networkcontains searchable directories with over 17,000 professionals from 20leading professional associations in complementary/alternative andintegrative medicine.http://www.healthy.net/scr/MainLinks.asp?id=135======================================================================RECOMMENDED READING (http://healthyshopping.com/books)======================================================================THE HEALING POWER OF PRAYERCo-written by a pastor and a physician, the first part of "The HealingPower of Prayer: The Surprising Connection Between Prayer and Your Health"lays out evidence from dozens of medical studies about the mind-bodyconnection, including facts and statistics about the need for spiritualawareness in maintaining and regaining health. Chester Tolson, Ph.D. andHarold Koenig, M.D. offer startling evidence of how stress disables theimmune system, and how individuals with a strong religious orientation arestatistically more likely than other patients to recover from alife-threatening illness. The balance of the book is a guide to prayer inthe Christian life: "what it is, how to pray, what happens when we pray,and how to pray more effectively."https://www.healthyshopping.com/books/Cart.asp?ItemNumber=0801012554======================================================================HEALTHY KITCHEN (http://healthy.net/Nutrit/kitchen)======================================================================NUTRITION TIPSFruits are considered nature's perfect foods. They are natural and healthy,well stocked in nutrients, relatively low calorie and low sodium, and havevery high water content; plus offer natural sugars when we want somethingsweet. In "Fruits" Elson M. Haas, M.D. details the specific nutritionalvalues in a variety of categories of fruits, including citrus, melons,berries, tropical, and dried fruits.http://healthy.net/scr/article.asp?id=1741______________________________________________________________________FABULOUS FUNCTIONAL FOODS"Celeriac Fries" is a minor revelation to those who cannot eat French friesbut also cannot do without them. Compared to French fries, this uniquerecipe from Danish chef Umahro Cadogan offers a substitute with amuch lower glycemic index, plus contains less fat, and no transfatty acids.http://healthy.net/scr/column.asp?id=116======================================================================PHYSICIAN FORMULAS - ADVERTISEMENT====================================================================== MIND POWER RX - OPTIMAL MIND SUPPORT Developed by Ray Sahelian, M.D., bestselling author of Mind Boosters:Natural Supplements that Enhance Your Mind, Memory, and Mood, Mind Power Rxhelps improve mental alertness and wakefulness along with boosting mentalstamina. Many people notice being more focused and able to concentratebetter. The dozen or more herbs and nutrients found in Mind Power Rxsupport neurotransmitter function, improve blood flow to the brain, supportenzymatic and metabolic function in nerve cells, and act as neuronalantioxidants. If you have tried single brain nutrients or combinations that left youunsatisfied, overstimulated, or on edge and restless, it is time you doyourself a favor and try Mind Power Rx, a highly popular and respected,doctor-formulated formula with 18 different herbs and nutrients balanceddelicately to provide smooth and healthy mind support. http://healthy.net/asp/ads.asp?ad=1028======================================================================MIND-BODY-SPIRIT (http://mind-body.com)======================================================================MIND/BODY HEALTHYour brain often cannot distinguish whether you are imagining something oractually experiencing it. In "Rx Imagery: How to Use Your Imagination toImprove Your Health" S. Sobel, M.D. reminds us that we can learn touse the power of our imagination to produce calming, energizing, or healingresponses in our body.http://healthy.net/scr/column.asp?id=196______________________________________________________________________WHOLISTIC SPIRITUAL HEALINGHow does the body take on the mind's problems? In "The Body (Part 3)" J. Benor, M.D. offers answers, focusing on psychological andbioenergetic connections with the body. If you repeat a word or phrase toyourself, or if it is said to you by an authority figure, it may becomeimprinted in your unconscious mind. http://healthy.net/scr/column.asp?id=824======================================================================DIRECT LABORATORY SERVICES - ADVERTISEMENT======================================================================CONSUMER DIRECT LAB TESTING WITH NO DOCTOR VISIT REQUIRED! Blood tests can have many benefits beyond prevention and early detection,which are most important. But you can also take steps to enhance yourquality of life. Direct Laboratory Services provides consumer direct labtesting with no doctor visit required! CLIA-Certified. Save 75% onComprehensive Wellness Profile (now only $89) and big discounts on over 100lab tests. Confidential results.https://orders.directlabs.com/dl-locator/order_tests.aspx?re=44======================================================================PROFESSIONAL'S CORNER======================================================================2008 CERTIFICATION TELE-CLASSES START IN FEBRUARYThe Fall Wellness Inventory Certification Trainings begin on the week ofFebruary 11 and run for 13 weeks. Classes will be conducted as a live phoneteleclass.The goal of the certification training is to create competence indelivering the Wellness Inventory (www.WellPeople.com), a holisticassessment and life-balance program, to individual, group, andorganizational clients. The training also focuses on the participants ownpersonal development. Developed for wellness coaches, health practitioners,spa professionals, and wellness professionals, the training is approved bythe International Coach Federation for 20 CCEUs. Daytime and eveningclasses. Payment plans available. Testimonials from graduates:http:/WellPeople.com/Certification_Testimonials.aspFor more information contact Jim Strohecker at 310-823-9553(jim@...) or http://WellPeople.com/Certification.asp_____________________________________________________________________WHAT DOCTORS DON'T TELL YOUWhat Doctors Don't Tell You is a monthly journal that gives you theknowledge you need to lead a healthy life. It is s the complete review ofhealth problems and safer, proven ways of treating them - what works andwhat doesn't work in conventional and complementary/alternative medicine(CAM). WDDTY's in-depth research and insights have earned it the highestpraise from all over the world. Several national newspapers have describedit as "the best health journal in the world".And now it's available for immediate download for just $29.95 a year, asavings of over 75% on the print subscription. Take out an annualsubscription, and you'll receive the next 12 issues straight to your PC asa downloadable PDF file. Serving your health needs since 1989. https://www.healthy.net/News/WDDTY/WDDTYNewsLetter.asp_____________________________________________________________________MORE PROFESSIONAL RESOURCESBotanical Medicine Sourcebooks and Textbookshttp://HealthyShopping.com/ABCCompounding Pharmacy Directoryhttp://www.healthy.net/professionals/compound.aspDiagnostic Laboratory Directoryhttp://www.healthy.net/professionals/diagno.aspNutritional Medicine Sourcebooks and Textbookshttp://HealthyShopping.com/thirdlineThe Natural Standard: The Authority on Integrative Medicinehttp://www.NaturalStandard.com======================================================================GLOBAL HEALTH CALENDAR (http://healthcalendar.com)======================================================================-- FEATURED EVENTS --Consumer Health WorldLas Vegas, NV USAMay 5-7, 2008Organization: Consumer Health World - 804-266-7422 x7408______________________________________________________________________6th Annual Integrative Medicine for Health Care Organizations ConferencePhoenix, AZ USAMay 15-17, 2008Organization: Health Forum - 312-893-6897 ______________________________________________________________________-- UPCOMING HEALTH & WELLNESS EVENTS --Southwest Conference on Botanical MedicineTempe, AZ USAApril 5-6, 2008Organization: Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine - 800-252-0688______________________________________________________________________5th Annual Nutrition & Health Conference: State of the Science and Clinical ApplicationPhoenix, AZ USAApril 13-16, 2008Organization: University of Arizona, College of Medicine and Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons - 520-626-7832______________________________________________________________________ 18th Annual ISSSEEM ConferenceBoulder, CO USAJune 19-26, 2008 Contact: The International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine - 303-425-4625______________________________________________________________________For more leading health events visit http://www.healthcalendar.com======================================================================HEALTHY SHOPPING - PRODUCTS & SERVICES FOR HEALTHY LIVING======================================================================HEALTHY SHOPPING NETWORK http://HealthyShopping.comAmerican Botanical Council (Botanical Medicine Tests)http://HealthyShopping.com/ABCAquasana (Home Water Filtration Systems)http://www.healthyshopping.com/AquasanaBookstore (Health and Wellness)http://HealthyShopping.com/booksChildLife (Nutrition for Kids)http://HealthyShopping.com/childlifeHere, There and Beyond (Essential Oils)http://HealthyShopping.com/heretherebeyondInner Peace Music ( Halpern)http://HealthyShopping.com/innerpeaceMigraSpray (Natural Migraine Relief)http://HealthyShopping.com/MigraSprayNatur-Leaf (Anti-Aging Products)http://HealthyShopping.com/NaturLeafNutraceutics (Anti-Aging, Women's Health)http://HealthyShopping.com/nutraceuticsOla Loa (Drink Your Vitamins)http://HealthyShopping.com/OlaLoaPainDefense (Joint and Muscles Formula)http://HealthyShopping.com/paindefenseSounds True (Audios - Wisdom for the Inner Life)http://HealthyShopping.com/SoundsTrueSweetLeaf (Stevia-Natural Sweetener)http://HealthyShopping.com/sweetleafTeeccino (All Natural Caffeine-Free Coffee Alternative)http://HealthyShopping.com/teeccinoThird Line Press (Nutritional Medicine CD)http://HealthyShopping.com/thirdline======================================================================KEY HEALTHWORLD ONLINE SITES======================================================================Alternative Medicine Center http://www.altmed.net______________________________________________________________________Health Conditions Center http://www.diseases.net______________________________________________________________________Find a Professional http://healthreferral.com______________________________________________________________________Wellness Center http://bodymindspirit.com______________________________________________________________________Medline Search http://www4.infotrieve.com/newmedline/search.asp______________________________________________________________________Global Health Calendar http://healthcalendar.com______________________________________________________________________HealthWorld Online Advisory Board http://healthy.net/welcome/Advisory______________________________________________________________________EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Strohecker, Co-founder, President,HealthWorld Online - jim@...SENIOR EDITOR: Suzan Walter, Director, HealthWorld Online's Global HealthCalendar, Speakers Network, Professional Referral Network, AssociationNetwork - swalter@...ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Shaw, Communications Director, HealthWorld Online - nancy@...SPONSORSHIP: If you are interested in sponsoring an issue ofHealthy Update, contact sponsor@....SUGGESTIONS AND COMMENTS: We welcome your suggestions and comments to helpus provide the highest quality and most useful service. Email suggestionsto info@....TELL A FRIEND about Healthy Update! Tell them to subscribe at:http://healthy.net/newsletter/subscribe.asp______________________________________________________________________HealthWorld Online, Inc. 4049 Lyceum Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90066______________________________________________________________________"You already have the precious mixture that will make you well. Use it." - Rumi

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