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  • 1 month later...
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Well in some ways I agree. I do tend to prefer the real thing. But

I was raised on margarine and it never occured to me that it wasn't

the real thing. I did check and at least Parkay does contain both

soybean oil and some other soy something.

I could never be vegan or even vegetarian. I love meat, milk, cheese

and yogurt way too much. I don't eat meat daily, in fact right now I

eat it about once a week. If I go any longer, I start to have major

cravings. I really would like to eat a balanced diet but that isn't

happening yet. I really live off of potatoes, pasta, and rice. I

know that isn't good for me but it's really hard to have veggies all

the time in the dorm and my stomach doesn't handle fiber all that

well. I've been trying to slowly add fiber. It's sad because I

really LOVE tomatoes and can't eat them whole anymore, just in sauce

form. I also love broccoli but have to be so careful with eating

it. :(

I'm actually killing time right now before my osteo appt. It's at

7am!!! That is a horrible time for me because I'm on a schedule

where I go to bed about 4am and get up between 12-1pm, except one

Wed. when I need to get up at 11am for philosophy club meetings. So

here I am still up and getting ready to shower in a little while.

Today I'm just going to go to bed after the appointment. I will

write back later today about how it went. I found this doctor on the

top doc list at about.com. She's really hard to get into but it

turns out that my mom knows the guy that runs the office....his mom

lives in the senior appartments that my mom runs and she had talked

to him before about osteopathic medicine. She thought that it

sounded cool and it turned out that he runs the office of the one

name I gave her to call for me. I was really happy because I didn't

want to wait until the summer to get in.

I am not so sure that it matters to me that Armour is natural...at

least to the pig. :) Well their systems are similar to ours (we had

to disect fetal pigs in human anatomy...yucka). I think that what it

is that appeals to me is the testimony that I have heard about it and

the fact that it contains a lot more than just the T4. It makes

sense to me that we should be getting T3 also. I had thought about

cytomel but I don't really want two pills a day if I don't have to.

Oh I know that the last year wasn't wasted. It just stinks that I

might have been able to have been losing weight this whole time if my

doctor had been trained a little differently. I mean I am 340 lbs.

With the exercise I have been doing, I should easily have been below

300 right now. Now I'm going to be lucky to get under 300 by my

wedding in 11 months.

I think that I am responsible for my health also. But I also don't

think that it's my job to teach my doctor about my disease. He gets

paid over $60 for a 10-15 min visit. The least he could do is be up

to date on common diseases. Or not look at me like I'm crazy for

denying that I am depressed, the more I denyed it, the more certain

he seemed.

No I don't journal or meditate. I have written things down if

something in particular was bothering me but my daily life is way too

boring. :) Although I think that writing in various support groups

online is very good for a person. I think that I know the inner me

very well. I don't understand how a person couldn't know

themselves. My problem is thinking to much about myself. LOL My mom

thinks that I'm a bit of a hypochrondiac but I don't really listen to

that. I've learned to try to fix something right away instead of

waiting to see if it goes away.

> Philosophy major eh? So what does your philosophical side have to

> say about your hypothyroid illness? are there answers there? Very

> interesting :-)

Actually I'm an existentialist and believe in radical free will. So

technically, that means that just because my thyroid is messed up

doesn't mean that I can't lose weight or that I have to be tired all

the time. It is a fact of my physical being but it is something that

can be overcome or worked around. I'm also a socialist, which would

have been meaning on healthcare in the United States. If we had

universal healthcare and caps on the amount of money that people or

companies could make, I doubt that TSH testing and synthryoid would

rule the hypothyroid market so completely. They might also work a

little harder to understand and cure this disease so you don't have

so many millions of people taking drugs for the rest of their lives.


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  • 1 year later...
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Welcome Janine and I am sorry you were not made to feel welcome or

officially welcomed to the group. I appreciate your open heart and

honesty in your post. I am sorry you are in pain and have to be a

part of such a group but I am glad you are here. When attempts to

explain about mental illness to the group to generate some

understanding failed, I addressed the the group owner and

Groups regarding the issues with Kenny and others that had gotten

quite out of hand.

The result was my email account tampered with and deactivated for

security reasons. This is a public forum that anyone can view and

people can be held accountable for their words. I think our words

should be chosen carefully. I belong to other forums where members

are not allowed to post Doctor's names in order to protect the

Physician's privacy and prevent the DEA from knowing which Doctor's

prescribe schedule II and schedule III narcotics without hasseling

their patients. However, in this group everything is laid out

openly, right down to personal attacks. One can only use the excuse

that they are in pain or not feeling well so many times for their

misconduct and poor choice of words before they really have to take

a look at their own inner self. Anytime you have a group of

laypersons who are in pain, scared about their own future,

emotionally strained and stressed, situations and issues can be

volatile. None of which excuses us from being human beings, first

and foremost, and having common decency.

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Hiya , well gosh i cerainly know how to get the attention dont i?listen if

my english humour sounds sarcastic, its just that humour, gosh i did open a can

of worms and i will say again , im sorry, i , was joking,you didnt need to make

me feel welcome, i felt like i belonged straight away..its just i was really

worried for Kenny and you may be used to that but iv never found a support group

until this one and iv had this problem for 17 years, im 32.so you lot are used

to this and im a newy.lol.please tell me all about yourselfs so i can get to

know you better if you feel able to or would like too.thanks again and ill try

to be quiet from now on...im joking..hahahaha.xxxxbyeeee

neur0kn0t_01 <neur0kn0t_01@...> wrote:

Welcome Janine and I am sorry you were not made to feel welcome or

officially welcomed to the group. I appreciate your open heart and

honesty in your post. I am sorry you are in pain and have to be a

part of such a group but I am glad you are here. When attempts to

explain about mental illness to the group to generate some

understanding failed, I addressed the the group owner and

Groups regarding the issues with Kenny and others that had gotten

quite out of hand.

The result was my email account tampered with and deactivated for

security reasons. This is a public forum that anyone can view and

people can be held accountable for their words. I think our words

should be chosen carefully. I belong to other forums where members

are not allowed to post Doctor's names in order to protect the

Physician's privacy and prevent the DEA from knowing which Doctor's

prescribe schedule II and schedule III narcotics without hasseling

their patients. However, in this group everything is laid out

openly, right down to personal attacks. One can only use the excuse

that they are in pain or not feeling well so many times for their

misconduct and poor choice of words before they really have to take

a look at their own inner self. Anytime you have a group of

laypersons who are in pain, scared about their own future,

emotionally strained and stressed, situations and issues can be

volatile. None of which excuses us from being human beings, first

and foremost, and having common decency.

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  • 4 years later...
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On another note, her boyfriend's mother has fibromyalgia.

Does her boyfriends mother have breast implants ????

My saline implants left me partially crippled

with extreme joint pain and I cannot bend

I now have an infected seroma in my breast.

This may be why I'm still so very ill

I'm sorry that your daughter did not listen

I hope she has a lot of money stashed away.

If she becomes ill the medical field will say

Lymes, MS or some other disease.

Breast feeding definitely can harm babies.

Babies cannot tell you their are sick.

Janine as the saying goes....

You can lead a horse to water but

you can't make him drink it.

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Rogene, Thanks for the information. I printed the email and gave it to . She's not sure if his Mom will be willing to make the drastic diet change. The choice is hers. Have you ever tried Natural Calm by Gillham? I use that daily and find that it helps in general. Glad to hear that your symptoms are so much better! Janinesaxony01 <saxony01@...> wrote: Janine, There are some excellent books on FM . . . I'd suggest finding a highly rated book and reading it well. Basically, FM goes hand in glove with a sleep disorder. . . Getting sufficient deep sleep is essential, even if sleep meds are required. I take Temazapam . . . very cheap at Walmart. . . . Then one MUST get a moderate amount of exercise. Not moving is only going to make things worse. . . Deep tissue massage therapy is very painful initially, but works wonders

if done on a regular basis. Much better than pain meds or muscle relaxers . . . A good diet is very important. . . no sugar, no processed food, no microwaved stuff, no junk . . no sodas either. . . . In case a fungal infection is involved, I'd take Caprylic Acid (available OTC). Gradually increase to 3600 mg a day for sixteen days, then start probiotics. . . Supplement with a good quality Calcium/Magnesium product. . I've found softgel caps work best. . . Gradually increase to the point of diahrea, then reduce until it reoccurs. Hold at the point where stools are soft. Magnesium deficiency can play a huge role in FM . . Check www.magnesiumresearchlab.com . . . Dr. Mansmann has passed away, so questions can't be answered. . . There is info there to take to medical professionals though. This is just a start . . . . things that also help are FAR infrared saunas, epsom salt baths, clay baths, ionic foot baths, yoga (excellent), rebounders, anger and stress management, avoiding toxic people, etc. . . It's not easy, but it works. I've reached the point where I no longer have any symptoms - unless I deviate very far from my program. My "program" consists of most of the above! Regardless, the reward - getting ones life back - is worth it. Hugs, Rogene

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With diet changes, it's usually easier to start with one thing at a time . . . It's terribly stressful to try to make all the changes at once . . . If one uses the diet recommendations as a goal, rather than a life style change, then incorporate the changes as one feel comfortable, they'll be able to see how much difference those changes can make and will be motivated to try more. . . .

Personally, I couldn't have made all those changes at once either . . . The thing that can make the most difference - and the worse the problem is, the harder it is to change - is to quit eating sugar all together . . . No artificial sweeteners either. There are a few natural ones I'd suggest after being sugar free for a while.

Fungal organisms feed on sugar . . . when one tries to stop, they start screaming "FEED ME, FEED ME" as the sugar cravings try to take over. . . The cravings start subsiding after about three weeks.

One reason it's important to read up on FM is so one can understand what they are dealing with. The better one understands, the more closely they can stay with their program.



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