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Mika and Friends

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Dr Dr Di Saia,

I intend to call or e-mail this doctor

We should all pull together ladies

My personal opinion and advice

If you make the letter to long he will lose interest..

Please remember not to just say

Take the implants out !!!

That is what my original surgeon did

and he left my capsules behind

Very Important...

Capsules retain mold and bacteria

The problem is these doctors disagree

Most Male Surgeons

I find are not sympathetic to our needs and yell at us

What do they know about our inner pain and breasts ???

They need instructions !!!

Proper Explant = capsule removal /en bloc with drains

Proper Explant = 6 - 8 hr surgery

Refer these plastic surgeons to Dr. Kolb

so they can be educated to our illness

Dr. Kolb

Millennium Healthcare 4370 town Square Atlanta, GA 30338 Phone: 770-390-0012 Fax: 770-457-4428 email: drkolb@...

Sounds good, I'm in.Here's one possible start to the letter... feel free toadd/subtract/change parts of it.MikaDr Dr Di Saia,In your youtube video entitled '...' you said that you have never meta woman who developed health complications following receiving_saline_ breast implants. We have chosen to grant you this opportunity.Meet us, we are a group of 1586 women of various ages, ethnicities,and educational backgrounds, who have been had serious healthcomplications following receiving saline breast implants, the type, wewere told, is harmless to our health. We have since formed an active support group where we share information about how to return tohealth following illness and betrayal by the medical profession.<List health details from some of our members> Most of us have been very healthy before receiving the implant, verysick after (sometimes immediately after), and most of us haverecovered our health after the removing of our implants. We have compiled a large body of knowledge such as <...> about thetoxic effects of saline implants on the body. We wonder why, if wewere able to find this information, you were not able to?You see, when women with long term health complications from salineimplants are repeatedly told that their problems are coincidental,imaginary, and unrelated to the implant, they do not seek thetreatment that they absolutely must receive in order to return tohealth, namely the removal of the implant. Any doctor that publiclydoubts the occurrence of those symptoms is robbing these women of theonly chance they have to be healthy again.We have had many medical professionals ignore our health complaintsand have been forced to find our road to recovery by ourselves. Manyof us, successfully. We would like nothing more than to save otherwomen from following in our footsteps.Unfortunately, the 1586 of us see this group constantly expanding, ourmembership growing every day thanks to professionals like you who havetaken the 'do no harm' credo with a grain of salt. Remember us everytime you fail to tell your pre-implant patients that some women willdevelop serious health conditions following receiving implants. ...to be continued...

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