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The Lightworker's Manifesto: A Primer for Coming Times, Part 8 By DL Zeta

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Lightworker's Manifesto: A Primer for Coming Times, Part 8


have given you 12 points of light for lightworkers, which you will find listed

once again at the end of this discussion. The seventh point of light we

describe today asks you to step free of the scarcity/survival mechanism called

resistance. By releasing resistance and coming into a place of surrender

to your highest potential, you acknowledge your own magnificence and allow the

blessings of the universe to transform your world.


Resistance and Come into a Place of Surrender


of the mechanisms you learned early on was to dig in your heels and

"resist" what didn't feel right to you. Children often feel

disempowered in the big wide world. They feel helpless in the face of

sweeping mandates from parents and other authority figures. When a child

is told to do something that feels contrary to their inner knowing, they often

respond by "resisting."


are born into your world with a clear sense of their purpose. Still filled with

the joy of the higher realms, these beings soon encounter mandates concerning

their existence. It is natural for a spirit-filled being to resist forced

indoctrination into a world of perceived limitations and restrictions. Yet

this, at least for the time being, is part of incarnating onto the Earth.


is easy to see how resistance becomes a device for coping that may serve a

valuable purpose in some instances. For example, if a stranger were

trying to coerce a child into getting into his car, the child wisely resists.

There are other instances, however, where resistance gets in the way of growth

and that is what we're concerned with here.


found the coping device of resistance to work well on several occasions, the

child self adopts it as a regular coping mechanism, a rabbit readily drawn from

the imaginary hat when dealing with a sometimes confusing and scary world.

As a child matures, there are diminishing returns to the habitual use of coping

mechanisms. In other words, the mechanism becomes so rigid and fixed that

the individual begins to use it to avoid uncomfortable situations. When

resistance operates on autopilot, there is little room for fluidity and

exploration. Learning is limited. There develops a "getting through

it" mentality that is based more in survival than growth.

Paradoxically, survival is undermined by lack of growth more than anything

else. When a being ceases to grow and learn, the oversoul begins to amp down

the flow of life force energy into the physical being. Disease and death follow

as that installment of the earthly experiment is abandoned.


Metaphysics of Resistance


growth is slowed or hampered by the habitual use of coping mechanisms, a child

doesn't fully mature into an adult. True maturity comes with allowing oneself

to pass through rites of passage that require a being to examine and test

themselves in many different ways. There are millions of "adult

children" on the Earth today who have not yet allowed themselves the

opportunity to fully experience who they are. These adult children are largely

dependent upon the viewpoints of others for their self-worth. For this reason,

they tend to exist in scarcity consciousness, victim mentality and codependent

situations. They are at the mercy of those around them, virtual slaves of the

world. Ironically, due to fear, lack of experience and other factors, the adult

child still trapped in old coping mechanisms will continue to resist the one

thing that has the ability to set them free – their spiritual connection.


any given time, a being is able to awaken and align with their spirit. This is

the point of conscious surrender. This is where the being begins moving through

life's passages and learning to navigate the world by the light of their

spirit. They close their eyes to the world and learn to listen within. As they

learn to trust the voice of their inner guidance, they open to receive the

assistance, resources and wealth of the universe. This is when a being truly

comes into their own power and is emancipated from the material world – when

they stop resisting the greatness of their being.


offer here some steps to releasing resistance:


Acknowledge your self as sole creator of all your experiences


Accept that as creator, you are able to energize the timelines and realities

you prefer


Change your beliefs to accept you are a vast being holographic to all-that-is


Accept that as a vast, infinite being, you are able to access the unlimited

abundance, wealth and knowledge of the universe


Release all blame, resentment, negativity and all other fear-based emotions.

All of these at the root cling to a core belief that you are a slave of the



Release perceived limitations and accept you are capable of living whatever

visions your imagination brings you


Open your self and allow health, abundance and happiness to flow in


State the intention to use the gifts of your being to bring about the highest

and best for all


Embrace life's challenges with open arms; welcome all growth opportunities


Make it a priority to get to know your self; it is only by knowing your self

that you discover your life purpose


Make fulfilling your life purpose your top priority


Energize daily the bigger picture of your existence and your connection to others


week we will discuss the eighth point of light, allowing your spiritual purpose

to become your guiding star.

The Twelve Points of Light for Lightworkers:

One) Practice Self-Responsibility in All Things

Two) Expand Your Beliefs to Take in More of Who You Are

Three) Transform the Energies you Encounter

Four) Practice Kindness and Compassion

Five) Trust in Your Highest Vision

Six) Practice Honesty, Clear Seeing & Discernment

Seven) Release Resistance and Come into a Place of Surrender

Eight) Allow Your Spiritual Purpose to Become Your Guiding Star

Nine) Set the Intention to Work from the Perspective of Your Higher Self

Ten) Honor and Work with Your Own Energy

Eleven) Learn to Travel in Consciousness

Twelve) Ask for and Open to Receive Spiritual Guidance


more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org

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