Guest guest Posted June 19, 2008 Report Share Posted June 19, 2008 , Download the Free Silva Online Training Today The Unlimited You : A FREE Course on the Basics of Silva UltraMind The Unlimited You is one of the most clear-cut, powerful, and scientifically-backed self-improvement programs on the web. You’ll feel different by Lesson 2, when you go through Silva’s powerful guided meditation audio. Best of all, the Silva community is giving this away for FREE. Try it today for FREE. What You will Learn from this 9 Lesson Course: How to Reach deep levels of Meditation within more 30 seconds with the Silva Centering Exercise (lesson 2) The Power of the Alpha Level of Mind and how You can function at that level (lesson 2) How to Think like Edison & Pull Creative Ideas out of Thin Air (lesson 3) How to Re-wire your mind to Kick Bad Habits such as smoking, drinking, and over-eating… for good (lesson 4) Can Your Mind be Used to Attract the man or woman of your dreams into your life? (lesson 4) Harness the power of Creative Visualization and Affirmations to shape the life you always dreamed of (lesson 4) How to Use Your Mind to Accelerate Healing—it’s easier than you think! (lesson 5) How to Use your Intuition to guide you to make important decisions (lesson 7) How to Find Greater Fulfillment With Your Career and Achieve More (lesson 8) Get Your Life organized through the Power of Goal Setting (lesson 8) The Secret to Using Your Mind to Acquire Wealth—what others courses DO NOT tell You (Lesson 9) How to Align Your Goals with Your Higher Purpose in Life (lesson 9) The Unlimited You will show you how to harness the creative abilities of your mind to move you towards your goals, desires and dreams. The program is based on the 50 years of research of Silva. Mr. Silva developed the famous Mind Training program that bears his name. His books have sold over 10 million copies since 1977. You’ve heard about how we only use only 10% of our Minds—Are you Ready to see what happens when you DOUBLE this usage? What You’re Getting as Part of this Free Program… The Program Includes: A Nine Lesson Training Program on Harnessing the Power of Your Mind. One 30 min Audio designed to Guide you to a Deep Level of Meditation. You can download this in MP3 or Internet Audio. Access to our Online Support Community where you can get questions answered and share experiences with over 2,000 active members. Ed Bernd Jr & Silva You will receive nine lessons over the next three weeks. A new lesson will be sent to you every three days. Each lesson will contain an explanation of a new technique. The techniques will get more advanced with each new lesson. By breaking this course into several fragments and spreading them out over a few weeks we allow you to better retain and understand the material presented. The highlight of the program is our 30-minute Centering Exercise. You’ll listen to this while sitting in a relaxed posture. As you sit in a relaxed position, listening to your audio, you’ll be guided into entering deep levels of meditation. 95% of people who listen report feeling a incredible sense of relaxation and peace. The Secret is the “Alpha Level†Silva found that people could be trained to function at a level of brain frequency called “Alphaâ€. This is a level of deep relaxation that most people experience while meditating or in light sleep. Silva’s scientific contribution was to discover a way to train people to stay consciously awake while moving into the Alpha Level. But then things got even more interesting… At this level he found that people were able to unleash abilities way beyond what was expected. Some reported a sudden boost of creativity. The author Bach, reported that the inspiration for his book “ Livingstone Seagull†came after attending one of Silva’s classes. Others reported being able to accelerate healing levels. The famous cancer therapy pioneer, Dr O Carl Simonton said that Silva “is the most powerful single tool I have to offer patientsâ€. Still others reported amazing flashes of intuition and greater feelings of connectedness with family and friends. Today, for the first time, we’re now offering this introduction to Silva for free. Index of Lessons The first lesson will be sent to you immediately. The next eight lessons will be emailed to you every few days according to the schedule below. no. Lesson Day 1 Discover Your Real Potential 1 2 How to Reach Deep Levels of Meditation (Audio Provided) 2 3 How to Improve Learning and Creativity 5 4 Using Affirmations & Creative Visualization to Shape Your World 7 5 Using Your Mind to Heal the Body 9 6 How Silva made His Discoveries 11 7 Developing Your ESP and Clairvoyance 13 8 Manifesting Your Boldest Dreams 15 9 Goal Setting and Life Planning 17 Here are the Detailed Contents Below is a detailed lesson-by-lesson list of what you can expect to learn. Lesson 1 – Discover Your Real Potential What You Will Learn: Living a life beyond the ordinary. How Olympian Athletes use visualization to dramatically improve their performance. How Mr. cured himself of a lymph node cancer using the power of belief. How a writer becomes world famous through the power of affirmations. Is luck within our control? Lesson 2 – How to Reach Deep Levels of Meditation What You Will Learn: Explanation of Brain Waves and the Alpha Level Guided audio to take you to the Alpha Level of mind (27 minutes). The Ultimate Relaxation Experience. Lesson 3 – How to Improve Learning and Creativity What You Will Learn: How inventors like Edison gained ideas and inspiration. Results of a fascinating study on ESP in the business world. How to boost your creativity by functioning at the Alpha level. Lesson 4 – Using Affirmations & Creative Visualization to Shape Your World What You Will Learn: How to use affirmations to create a whole new outlook on life. How to banish bad habits for good. Accelerate towards your goals with creative visualization. Lesson 5 – Using Your Mind to Heal Your Body What You Will Learn: The latest stunning scientific evidence for mind body healing. The placebo effect and how it affects you. How Dr O Carl Simonton teaches people to cure cancer using visualization. How you can accelerate your rate of healing using Silva techniques. How your mind can be used to heal other people at a distance. Lesson 6 – How Silva made his discoveries. What You Will Learn: How Silva developed the Silva Mind Training Programs. The remarkable coincidence that lead to Silva making his biggest discovery Lesson 7 – Developing Your ESP and Clairvoyance What You Will Learn: How people are trained to demonstrate ESP at Silva seminars. The scientific evidence for ESP. How you can develop your intuition. Lesson 8 – Goal Setting and Life Planning What You Will Learn: The amazing true story of how a newspaper delivery boy became a billionaire. How to create a life plan. How to set the right goals. Lesson 9 – Your Life Purpose What You Will Learn: How to lead a Purpose Driven Life The Philosophy of Manifesting. Start living your Dreams. Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for fuel-efficient used cars. 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