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FDDC: Capitol Update * Volume 10 * Issue 5

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From: Florida

Developmental Disabilities Council

Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2010 4:36 PM

To: denisekarp@...

Subject: Capitol Update * Volume 10 * Issue 5


from the


Developmental Disabilities Council

April 22, 2010 * Volume 10 * Issue 5

124 Marriott Drive, Suite 203, Tallahassee, FL 32301-2981

Phone: / ~ Fax: ~ TDD (850)

488-0956 / http://www.fddc.org/

Budget Conference Issues for Individuals with Developmental


First the good

news; Early Steps, Florida's Part C early intervention program is set to

be funded with just over 4 million dollars to keep it going for another

year! Also, exceptions have been made for the Tier One Developmental

Disabilities Home and Community Based Waiver (DD/HCBS) waiver cap. The

cap is set to be raised to $150,000 for individuals with intensive

behavioral and medical needs instead of $120,000.

Please thank Representative Grimsley, Senator Peadenand Senator Rich!

The House and Senate conference committee dealing with services provided

through the Agency for Persons with Disabilities has completed its work

on the general appropriations act. They were unable to resolve

several cut issues and these issues are now being " bumped " up

to a higher level.

Major Points:

·The House and Senate leadership decided not to include federal matching

funds that

Congress is

expected to enact before December 31, 2010. The loss of this


put the

Senate's cuts back on the table for consideration.

·At this point, the conferees have been unable to agree on how to resolve

most of

these cuts

and the decisions are being deferred to the two Appropriations Chairs;

Representative and Senator JD . These

leaders will

make their decisions by noon on Saturday April 24. Issues that are


resolved by

these individuals will then be " bumped " to the Senate President

and House Speaker.

·The current cuts being considered for people with developmental disabilities


include the


·Eliminate behavior

assistance services in standard & behaviorally focused

group homes

·Reduce provider rates

for most services between 2.5 and 5%.

·Reduce funding caps for

Tiers 2, 3, & 4 by 2.5%.

·Reduce ICF/DD rates by

up to 7%.

People must act

now if services to people with disabilities are going to avoid major

reductions. If all these cuts are taken together, there will be a

reduction of services, choice of services and an overall reduction of

quality care.

The Florida Developmental Disabilities Council will be working with

Appropriations Chairs; Representative and Senator JD . And the Senate Presidentand House Speaker.

We will be asking for no more cuts for services for individuals with

developmental disabilities.Services to people with developmental

disabilities have been reduced by more than $100 million over the last

few years.


7223- Medicaid Managed Care by Select Policy Council on

Strategic & Economic Planning, Grimsley


The key features of the Bill, Medicaid managed care include the


·All purchased Medicaid services will be under managed care. There will

be no


or " carve outs " .

·For people with developmental disabilities, this includes all Waiver

services, all private

Intermediate Care Facilities for the Developmentally Disabled

(ICF/DD) services and all

basic health care services.

·The only services not subject to managed care will be those provided at

state run


·The effective date for HMOs or PSNs to begin delivering services to

people with


disabilities is 2015.

·The state will be

divided into six areas with at least two HMOs and one PSN managing

services in

each area.

·The tier system

is continued except that a fifth level is added for services


by private


·The managed care

entity is expected to save 8% of the current cost of care with a


savings of 15%.

·The savings will

be used to pay for the administrative costs (overhead and profits) of

the HMO or


·No additional

funds can be expected to offset their costs and the waiting list will not

be initially


The Agency for Persons with Disabilities (APD) functions would be limited

to managing the two remaining state institutions, the forensic programs

and a small general revenue program. Case management would be provided by

the HMO or PSN and independent support coordination would be eliminated.

The Senate has a Medicaid Reform Expansion bill (SB 1484)that expands the Medicaid Reform Pilots into

19 counties that have two or more HMO's and that have the capacity for

more patients. The bills are being negotiated between the House and the

Senate. The Governor and the Senate President have publicly expressed

concerns with the House proposal.

Linked Bills

HB 7225 - Relating to Medicaid by Select Policy Council on Strategic

& Economic Planning

04/19/10 SENATE In Messages

The Florida Developmental Disabilities Council will be working with the Senate President Atwaterand the Speaker of the House Cretul.

Our message will be to develop a plan and specialty networks for

individuals with developmental disabilities for basic health care needs

and pilot the plan in the existing pilot counties.

Also we are advocating that the Agency for Persons with Disabilities and

the Individual Budget( IBudget) system be used to manage the care

provided by the Developmental Disabilities Home and Community Based


Please call your legislators and let your opinion be heard!

HB 1073 - Relating

to Education of Children with Disabilities by Llorente


This bill is now

combined with a revised version of HB 81(see below). The new bill version

requires minimum training for child care personnel to include the

identification and care of children with developmental disabilities. The

bill provides requirements for use, monitoring, and reduction of

unnecessary seclusion and restraint on students with disabilities. The

bill keeps all parental notification and data reporting requirements.

Many advocates are disappointed that all references about when to use

restraint and seclusion have been omitted. However there is a section on

fire safety provisions for seclusion rooms, and the prohibition of

restraints that block airways.The bill also requires regional autism

centers to provide certain support services for serving children with

developmental disabilities. And finally, the bill requires the Department

of Education to incorporate course curricula relating to developmental

disabilities into existing requirements for continuing education or

in-service training of instructional personnel. Effective Date: July 1,


04/21/10 HOUSE Placed on Special Order Calendar for 04/23/10


81 - Relating to Use, Prevention, and Reduction of Seclusion

and Restraint on Students with Disabilities in Public Schools

by Hukill Cosponsors: , Brandenburg, Burgin, , Fresen,

Glorioso, , Heller, Hudson, Jenne, Kiar, Llorente, McBurney,

Nehr, Pafford, Planas, Porth, Precourt, Sachs, Schenck, Schultz,

Schwartz, Skidmore, Soto, Stargel, Steinberg, Tobia, (T), Zapata


During the PreK-12 Policy Committee on March 25th, HB 81 passed! This

marked the first time a bill on guidelines for Restraint and Seclusion

had passed a committee. A House Proposed Committee Substitute (PCS)

combined this bill with HB 1073(see next bill below). The original bill

was laid on Table so from now on we will refer to the combined HB 1073.

The Council has taken a Council Position supporting the original


Effective Date:

July 1, 2010


08/20/09 HOUSE Filed

10/01/09 HOUSE Referred to PreK-12 Policy Committee; Health Care Services

Policy Committee; PreK-12 Appropriations Committee; Education Policy


03/25/10 HOUSE PCS combines this bill with H 1073; Original bill laid on

Table, refer to combined H 1073

Similar Bills

SB 2118 - Relating to Students with Disabilities/Seclusion/Restraint by


03/01/10 SENATE Referred to Education Pre-K - 12; Children, Families, and

Elder Affairs; Education Pre-K - 12 Appropriations

04/21/10 SENATE Reference to Education Pre-K - 12 Appropriations


Placed on Calendar, on second reading


1166 - Relating to Community Residential Homes by Altman

Co-Sponsors: Storms


This bill prohibits rules adopted by the Agency for Persons with

Disabilities from restricting the number of facilities designated as

community residential homes located within a planned residential

community. The bill also defines the term " planned residential

community " and provides that community residential homes located

within a planned residential community may be contiguous to one another

and exempt from the 1000 foot rule. The 1000 foot rule states that group

homes that have six beds or less may not be within 1000 feet of each

other. Council Position




01/21/10 SENATE Referred to Community Affairs; Children,

Families, and Elder Affairs

02/16/10 SENATE Favorable by Community Affairs; 10 Yeas, 0


03/26/10 SENATE Favorable by Children, Families, and Elder Affairs; 6

Yeas, 0 Nays

04/21/10 SENATE Read Second Time; Amendment Withdrawn (281414); Amendment

Adopted (753162); Ordered Engrossed

SENATE Engrossed Text (E1) Filed

Identical Bills

HB 0645 - Relating to Community Residential Homes by Stargel


01/28/10 HOUSE Referred to Military & Local Affairs Policy Committee;

Health Care Services Policy Committee; Economic Development &

Community Affairs Policy Council

03/25/10 HOUSE Favorable with CS by Military & Local Affairs Policy

Committee; 9 Yeas, 4 Nays

04/05/10 HOUSE Reference to Health Care Services Policy Committee

Removed; Reference to Health & Family Services Policy Council Added;

Remaining references: Health & Family Services Policy Council;

Economic Development & Community Affairs Policy Council

04/13/10 HOUSE Favorable with CS by Health & Family Services Policy

Council; 10 Yeas, 4 Nays

04/16/10 HOUSE Committee Substitute Text (C2) Filed

SB 1388-

Relating to Intellectual Disabilities by Haridopolos


This bill amends provisions in statute by substituting the term

" intellectual disability " for the term " mental

retardation. " The bill revises definitions relating to intermediate

care facilities for the developmentally disabled to delete unused terms.

The bill also provides that the name Arc of Florida is substituted for

the Association for Retarded Citizens. This bill provides a directive to

theDivision of Statutory Revision.

EFFECTIVE DATE: 07/01/2010.

Committees of Reference

Children, Families, and Elder Affairs, Criminal Justice, Judiciary,

Health and Human Services Appropriations


01/26/10 SENATE Filed

03/26/10 SENATE Favorable with CS by Children, Families, and Elder

Affairs; 6 Yeas, 0 Nays

04/13/10 SENATE Favorable with CS by Criminal Justice; 5 Yeas, 0 Nays

04/15/10 SENATE Removed from Judiciary meeting agenda, 04/19/10, 1:00 pm


Reference to Judiciary removed; remaining reference: Health and Human

Services Appropriations


Now in Health and Human Services Appropriations


2038 - Relating to Medicaid Buy-in Program/Persons with

Disabilities by Crist


The bill provided for Medicaid eligibility for certain persons with

disabilities under a Medicaid buy-in program, subject to specific federal

authorization. The proposed Work Incentive Medicaid Coverage program

would continue to offer Medicaid coverage to people with disabilities who

are working. Once they enrolled in the program they would have the

opportunity to earn more and save more than the allowable limits for

regular Medicaid and still retain their health care coverage through the

State's Medicaid Program. The bill requires the Department of children

and family services to adopt rules for determining eligibility. The bill

also directs the Department of health to perform all disability

determinations. Finally, the bill requires the Agency for Healthcare

Administration to seek amendments to specified Medicaid waivers for certain

persons with disabilities. The Council supports this legislation. Council Position



Committees of Reference

Health Regulation, Children, Families, and Elder Affairs, Health and

Human Services Appropriations; Policy and Steering Committee on Ways and



02/16/10 SENATE Filed

03/01/10 SENATE Referred to Health Regulation; Children, Families, and

Elder Affairs; Health and Human Services Appropriations; Policy &

Steering Committee on Ways and Means 03/26/10 SENATE Favorable with CS by

Health Regulation; 5 Yeas, 0 Nays

04/07/10 SENATE Favorable by Children, Families and Elder Affairs; 7

Yeas, 0 Nays

04/08/10 SENATE Now in Health and Human Services Appropriations

Similar Bills

HB 0837 - Relating to Medicaid Buy-in for Persons with Disabilities by


02/10/10 HOUSE Referred to Health Care Regulation Policy Committee;

Health Care Appropriations Committee; Health & Family Services Policy


2/10/10 HOUSE Now in Health Care Regulation Policy Committee

SB 0214-Relating

to Autism by



This bill requires a physician to refer a minor whose parent suspects

the minor has an autism spectrum disorder, cerebral palsy, or Downs

syndrome to an appropriate specialist for screening, evaluation, or

diagnosis. The bill requires health insurers and health maintenance

organizations to provide direct access to an appropriate specialist for a

diagnosis. The terms " direct access " and " appropriate

specialist " are defined in the bill. The bill mandates health

insurance policies and health maintenance organization contracts to

provide at least three visits per policy year for the screening,

evaluation, or diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder, cerebral palsy, or

Downs's syndrome.

EFFECTIVE DATE: 07/01/2010.


10/05/09 SENATE


12/09/09 SENATE Referred to Health Regulation; Banking and Insurance;

Policy & Steering Committee on Ways and Means

03/09/10 SENATE Favorable with CS by Health Regulation; 7 Yeas, 0 Nay

03/11/10 SENATE Committee Substitute Text (C1)


03/15/10 SENATE Reference to Governmental Oversight and Accountability

added; Remaining references: Banking and Insurance; Governmental

Oversight and Accountability; Policy & Steering Committee on Ways and


03/24/10 SENATE Favorable with CS by Banking and Insurance; 10 Yeas, 0


04/06/10 SENATE Favorable with CS by Governmental Oversight and

Accountability; 7 Yeas, 1 Nay

04/07/10 SENATE Committee Substitute Text (C3) Filed

04/09/10 SENATE Now in Policy & Steering Committee on Ways and



HB 0107-Relating

to Autism by Coley

09/11/09 HOUSE Filed

10/12/09 HOUSE Referred to Health Care Regulation Policy Committee;

Insurance, Business & Financial Affairs Policy Committee; Government

Operations Appropriations Committee; General Government Policy Council

03/22/10 HOUSE Favorable with CS by Health Care Regulation Policy

Committee; 10 Yeas, 1 Nay

03/30/10 HOUSE Committee Substitute Text (C1) Filed

04/05/10 HOUSE Reference to Insurance, Business & Financial

Affairs Policy Committee Removed; Remaining References: Government

Operations Appropriations Committee; General Government Policy Council

04/09/10 HOUSE Favorable by Government Operations Appropriations

Committee; 8 Yeas, 3 Nays

04/09/10 HOUSE Now in General Government Policy Council


0222-Relating to Childhood Vaccinations by



This bill requires a pediatrician or attending physician to discuss the

risks, benefits, and alternatives of each vaccination before a child is

vaccinated. The bill provides requirements for the administration of

certain vaccines required for school entry. Licensed health care

providers will be required to provide certain vaccine information

statements to parents, legal guardians, and legal representatives before

administering certain vaccines to children. EFFECTIVE DATE:



10/05/09 SENATE


12/09/09 SENATE Referred to Health Regulation; Children, Families, and

Elder Affairs; Policy & Steering Committee on Ways and



HB 0117 -Relating to Childhood Vaccinations by Ambler

09/15/09 HOUSE Filed

10/12/09 HOUSE Referred to Health Care Regulation Policy Committee;

PreK-12 Appropriations Committee; Civil Justice & Courts Policy

Committee; Health Care Appropriations Committee

02/16/10 HOUSE Temporarily postponed by Health Care Regulation Policy


03/01/10 HOUSE Withdrawn prior to introduction

SB 0490-Relating

to Dentistry by


This bill defines the term " public health supervision " and

redefines the term " health access settings " to include

school-based prevention programs. The bill would authorize dental

hygienists to perform certain additional dental hygiene services under

public health supervision. The bill provides that certain tasks are

remediable and delegable to dental hygienists in certain settings. The

bill includes a list of remediable and delegable tasks. EFFECTIVE DATE:



10/20/09 SENATE


12/09/09 SENATE Referred to Health Regulation; Education Pre-K - 12;

Health and Human Services Appropriations


HB 1469 -Relating to Dentistry and Dental Hygiene by

03/10/10 HOUSE Referred to Health Care Regulation Policy Committee;

Health Care Appropriations Committee; Health & Family Services Policy


03/10/10 HOUSE Now in Health Care Regulation Policy Committee

SB 1382-Relating

to Child Care Facilities by



This bill revises provisions relating to standards that child care

facilities must meet to obtain and maintain a Gold Seal Quality Care

provider designation. The bill requires the Department of Children and

Families to notify specified accrediting associations upon adoption of

additional or revised Gold Seal Quality Care program standards. This bill

also revises minimum age requirements and establishes minimum education

standards for child care personnel. Minimum staff credential requirements

are redefined. Effective Date: July 1,



02/03/10 SENATE Referred to Children, Families, and Elder Affairs; Health

and Human Services Appropriations

03/26/10 SENATE Favorable with CS by Children, Families, and Elder

Affairs; 6 Yeas, 0 Nays

03/26/10 SENATE Favorable with CS by Children, Families, and Elder

Affairs; 6 Yeas, 0 Nays

04/13/10 SENATE Favorable with CS by Health and Human Services

Appropriations; 6 Yeas, 0 Nays

04/15/10 SENATE Placed on Calendar, on second reading


HB 1203-Relating to Early Learning by

04/19/10 HOUSE Favorable with CS by Full Appropriations Council on

Education & Economic Development; 17 Yeas, 0 Nays

HB719-Relating to Child Care by Zapata

01/28/10 HOUSE Referred to Health Care Services Policy Committee; Health

Care Appropriations Committee; Health & Family Services Policy



1505-Relating to M. McKay Scholarships for Students with

Disabilities Program by


This bill revises student eligibility requirements for participation

in this scholarship program. It authorizes students who are eligible to

enter kindergarten to receive the M. McKay Scholarship. It provides

eligibility requirements for students identified with a developmental

delay and authorizes students who were enrolled and reported by a school

district for funding during any prior year to receive the scholarship.

The bill authorizes the Commissioner of Education to deny, suspend, or

revoke a private school's participation in the program for certain acts

or omissions by owner or operator. And finally the bill permits students

to receive instruction and services at a site other than the physical

location of the private school under specified conditions.

Effective Date:

July 1, 2010


03/01/10 HOUSE


03/10/10 HOUSE Referred to PreK-12 Policy Committee; PreK-12

Appropriations Committee; Education Policy


3/17/10 HOUSE Favorable with CS by PreK-12 Policy Committee; 12 Yeas, 0


03/26/10 HOUSE Favorable by PreK-12 Appropriations Committee; 8 Yeas, 0


04/07/10 HOUSE Favorable by Education Policy Council; 16 Yeas, 0 Nays

04/21/10 HOUSE Read Third Time; Passed (Vote: 115 Yeas / 0 Nays)

SENATE In Messages


SB 2746 -Relating to Education Programs for Children with

Disabilities by Gardiner

03/09/10 SENATE Referred to Education Pre-K - 12; Commerce; Education

Pre-K - 12 Appropriations

04/14/10 SENATE Favorable with CS by Education Pre-K - 12; 7 Yeas, 0 Nays

04/16/10 SENATE Reference to Commerce and Education Pre-K - 12 Appropriations

removed; Reference to Policy & Steering Committee on Ways and Means;

Remaining reference: Policy & Steering Committee on Ways and Means

04/20/10 SENATE Favorable with CS by Policy and Steering Committee on

Ways and Means; 21 Yeas, 0 Nays

SB 2192-Relating

to Prepaid Developmental Disabilities Savings Program Peaden,



This bill provides for administration and management of the savings

program by the Florida Prepaid College Board in conjunction with the

Stanley G. Tate Florida Prepaid College Program. The bill provides that

the prepaid contract fund and the investment fund shall consist of

certain moneys. The bill creates the Prepaid Services for Parents of

Children with Developmental Disabilities Study Group.

Effect of Proposed Changes: The Savings Program provides that the

legislature intends:

·The creation of such a program can offer accessibility to services

regardless of a


income, insurance or Medicaid eligibility.

·A program

consisting of a prepaid contract plan and an investment plan will allow



payment of or saving for the costs associated with developmentally


children as

they age out of the education system.

·The prepaid

contract plan is to be interchangeable with an advance payment plan of

the Stanley

G. Tate Florida Prepaid College Program.

·The investment

plan is to be a supplement or alternative to the prepaid contract plan,

which will

allow funds to be placed in trust to meet future needs.

·The program is to

be conducted to maximize program efficiency and effectiveness.

EFFECTIVE DATE: 07/01/2010.


02/18/10 SENATE


03/01/10 SENATE Referred to Children, Families, and Elder Affairs;

Governmental Oversight and Accountability; Finance and Tax; Higher

Education Appropriations; Policy & Steering Committee on Ways and


03/18/10 SENATE Favorable with CS by Children, Families, and Elder

Affairs; 8 Yeas, 0 Nays 04/14/10 SENATE Favorable by Governmental

Oversight and Accountability; 7 Yeas, 0 Nays

04/15/10 SENATE Now in Finance and Tax


HB 1111-Relating to Prepaid Developmental Disabilities Savings Program by


03/01/10 HOUSE Referred to Health Care Services Policy Committee;

State Universities & Private Colleges Policy Committee; Full

Appropriations Council on Education & Economic Development; Health

& Family Services Policy Council

HOUSE Now in Health Care Services Policy Committee


2200 - Relating to Allocation/Expenditure of State Lottery

Revenues by Altman


This bill requires net proceeds from a scratch-off lottery game to be

allocated to the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation in the Department

of Education to be distributed to programs offering services to

individuals with developmental disabilities. EFFECTIVE DATE: 07/01/2010.


02/18/10 SENATE Filed

03/01/10 SENATE Referred to Regulated Industries; Education Pre-K - 12;

Education Pre-K - 12 Appropriations; Policy & Steering Committee on

Ways and Means

Identical Bills

HB 0943 - Relating to Allocation and Expenditure of State Lottery

Revenues by Proctor

02/18/10 HOUSE Referred to PreK-12 Appropriations Committee; Governmental

Affairs Policy Committee; Full Appropriations Council on Education &

Economic Development

HB 5303-Relating to Agency for

Persons with Disabilities Health Care Appropriations Committee


This bill revises provisions relating to order of priority for

clients with developmental disabilities waiting for waiver services and

extends the date for implementation for certain categories of clients.

The bill specifies assessment instruments to be used for delivery of home

and community-based services and provides a limit on annual expenditures

for clients with certain service needs. The bill directs the agency to

eliminate behavior assistance services and reduces the geographic

differential for Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach, and Monroe Counties for

residential habilitation services. Finally, the bill establishes the

iBudget program for delivery of home and community-based services and

provides for hearings on Medicaid programs administered by the agency.

Effective Date: July 1, 2010

03/17/10 HOUSE Filed (Formerly Filed PCB HCA3)

03/18/10 HOUSE Referred to Full Appropriations Council on Education &

Economic Development

03/23/10 HOUSE Favorable by Full Appropriations Council on Education

& Economic Development; 12 Yeas, 6 Nays

04/01/10 HOUSE Read Third Time; Passed (Vote: 76 Yeas / 43 Nays);

Immediately Certified; Requests that the Senate pass the bill as passed

by the House or agree to conference

SENATE In Messages

04/05/10 SENATE Referred to Policy & Steering Committee on Ways and


04/06/10 SENATE Withdrawn from Policy & Steering Committee on

Ways and Means; Placed on Calendar; Read Second Time; Amendment Adopted

(649486); Read Third Time; Passed (Vote: 29 Yeas / 10 Nays); Immediately

Certified; Refused to concur, acceded to the request of the House for


HOUSE in returning messages


SB 1468 Relating

to Home and Community-based Services by Peaden, Jr.

01/27/10 SENATE Filed

02/03/10 SENATE Referred to Health and Human Services Appropriations;

Policy & Steering Committee on Ways and Means; Rules

03/19/10 SENATE Favorable with CS by Health and Human Services Appropriations;

4 Yeas, 2 Nays

03/22/10 SENATE Reference to Rules removed; Remaining references: Policy

& Steering Committee on Ways and Means

03/26/10 SENATE Favorable with CS by Policy & Steering Committee on

Ways and Means; 16 Yeas, 4 Nays

03/31/10 SENATE Read Second Time; Read Third Time; Passed (Vote: 26 Yeas

/ 10 Nays)

In Budget Conference

SB 4-

Relating to Education Accountability by Detert CoSponsors: Altman, Baker,

Fasano, Gaetz, Negron, Peaden, Jr., Richter, Storms, Thrasher,


The bill amends a provision relating to secondary school redesign, to

delete obsolete provisions and to conform to changes made by the act.

Revises requirements for middle grades promotion. The bill provides that

successful completion of a high school level Algebra I, Geometry, or

Biology I course is not contingent upon a student's performance on the

end-of-course assessment. The bill revises requirements for high school

graduation. Finally, the bill creates the Credit Acceleration Program,

etc. EFFECTIVE DATE: 07/01/2010.


03/01/10 SENATE Filed


Referred to Education Pre-K - 12; Policy & Steering Committee on Ways

and Means

03/10/10 SENATE Favorable with CS by Education Pre-K - 12; 6 Yeas, 2 Nays

03/16/10 SENATE Favorable with CS by Policy & Steering Committee on

Ways and Means; 16 Yeas, 7 Nays

03/17/10 SENATE Removed from Policy & Steering Committee on Ways and

Means 03/18/10 meeting agenda

03/24/10 SENATE Read Third Time; Amendments Adopted (839348, 824818,

622996, 445874); Amendments Withdrawn (298772, 404452, 841080, 957986);

Passed (Vote: 36 Yeas / 1 Nays)

04/07/10 HOUSE Substituted for HB 7053; Read Second Time; Amendments

Failed (062895, 445691, 494087); Amendment Withdrawn (751847)

04/08/10 HOUSE Read Third Time; Passed (Vote: 106 Yeas / 12 Nays)

04/20/10 Approved by Governor, Chapter No. 2010-22

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Florida Developmental

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