Guest guest Posted July 22, 2008 Report Share Posted July 22, 2008 Cheryl ~ Thank you for updating your story. I am glad you did. It not only helps you vent, but you WILL help many people. It is amazing the domino effect that speaking out has. I hope you stay close, as it sounds like you need a support system for you ! I hope the surgeon you are going to see will remove the garbage in your chest so that you can detox and get well ! You are long overdue, and so worth it ! ! God Bless YOU ! ! Please keep us updated, and know we are here for you ! ! Hugs, Health and Hope to you ! Dede**************Get fantasy football with free live scoring. Sign up for FanHouse Fantasy Football today. ( Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 22, 2008 Report Share Posted July 22, 2008 Most of you know my history, but for any newbies..I think what I've been through may help some of you. Let me 1st say; I was the poster girl for not wanting to remove my implants! I had them replaced '05 for capsules that developed after attempting to breastfeed & that was after seeing Dr. Kolb, who told me to remove them b/c of my health issues. I thought things were bad then but, nothing compares to how sick I am now. Right after the surgery, I developed MRSA, my hair completely fell out, I lost 60 lbs. (in 4 mo.), I developed sleep apnea, confusion, dizziness, nausea/vomiting, immune dysfunction, just to name a few of the health issues. When the rt. ruptured 8/07 & the left sac folded over on itself(leaving a lrg. protruding area), I thought I would've had surgery within days; it's a year later & I can't find anyone to take them out (Basically, no one wants to deal w/another surgeon's mess). I have to preface that with: unsupportive husband,that works out of state every other week, 2 small children & no support system where I live. I do have an appt. in Aug. to see a plastic surgeon about a mole excision(the 7th one I've had removed b/c of suspected melanoma), anyway, I plan on getting on his surgery schedule at that time; that is if he'll even operate, b/c others think I'm too ill to withstand it. The emotional (Not to belittle the physical)toll has been overwhelming. No one (except the surgeons listed on this site) are going to tell you your implants are making you sick; your tests will all look normal, but you may feel like you're dying. I don't know if this will help anyone, but I sure hope it does. I've lost years of my life over these things & my children have missed out on having a healthy mom, their entire lives & my marriage has suffered, which I don't know if it will recover from. Next time I post, I hope to be telling you all they're out & I'm detoxing & most of all IMPROVING! Hope this helps someone else!! Hugs & Health to you all, Cheryl Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 25, 2008 Report Share Posted July 25, 2008 Patty ~ What you said is so very true ! ! Trying implants is totally disastrous ! ! Within 2 months of getting the salines, I had to stop working, at a job I was at for almost 14 years. I was told that since I was already so sick from the silicone rupture, improper removal ( leaving the capsules inside of me full of silicone ) after 3 long weeks of it all roaming my body before even doing the inadequate surgery, and then the 5-6 subsequent surgeries to remove all the cystic silicone masses, that they didnt think that salines would make me any sicker than I already could I be any more stupid ? ? Look at me now......... I dont know if I ever told this part, but back then I was very ill, but not with the organ shut down as I have now, anyway, I was on plaquinil, neurontin, 900 mg a day, and xanax 5-10 mg under the tongue as needed for anxiety for... working while I was so sick, and vicodan 1 or 2 , 7.5 mg every 3-4 hours, and then they gave me the Duragesic ( fentanyl ) pain patches to use, I only bought one set, but after reading about it I was too scared to use it. Then they tried me on all kinds of other things. It was totally pathetic, they had me a walking druggie.......sure, silicone is safe...... First deceiving me that silicone lasts a lifetime then not removing the ruptured ones for 3 weeks then not removing the capsules or much of the silicone then refusing my blood for the silicone study then drugging me to keep me quiet....... I stopped working, lost my insurance, stopped all drugs, continued to get sicker and sicker......til my vital organs shut down......and here I am ! Still pluggin..... God Bless Us All.......what a journey we have been on and what a blessing we all have each other..... Love Dede**************Get fantasy football with free live scoring. Sign up for FanHouse Fantasy Football today. ( Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 25, 2008 Report Share Posted July 25, 2008 Patty This brain fog, I see I didnt finish my thought or my sentence.... Trying Implants after a failed experience is totally disastrous ! ! ! it was for me, anyway ! I hope you are having a great day ! Dede**************Get fantasy football with free live scoring. Sign up for FanHouse Fantasy Football today. ( Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 25, 2008 Report Share Posted July 25, 2008 Cheryl, That is quite the story. I want to tell you not to give up. I had silicone for 20 years and they ruptured causing pain to run down my arm for 3 weeks before I could find a surgeon. My surgeon ruptured them inside of me to take them out. I can't believe it but I did not get any diagnosed diseases. While I had them in I was very sick and had repeated sinus infections and multiple rounds of antibiotics. I eventually got endometriosis and had a hyterectomy. I did not heal from that surgery and was diagnosed with massive adhesions. I had multiple surgeries to remove the adhesions and was put on Methadone, Ativan, Neurontin, Prozac and Trazadone. I remained on those meds for 7 years, nearly dying. I lost my home, my family, my husband, and my job as a nurse. That rupture was the best thing that ever happened to me. I started to read about health and took charge of my own healing. A year after I had my implants removed I checked into a drug detox center and went off ALL drugs. I hardly slept for 3 years after that and am just now starting to get some sleep. The hardest part was doing it alone. I worked full time in sales (yes, I changed careers from nursing) for the past 3 years and even on my worst day, I thanked God for that job as it took my mind of the physical misery. My store owner recently retired and I am only able to get part time work right now. I have no health insurance and live alone in an old mobile home but I am so happy. I see how God has taken me through all this and I have learned to trust Him. I look at least 5 years younger than my 52 years and feel so optimistic. My kids are back in my life and I am even able to swing dance again. I have only yet to beat the candida (just now getting serious about it). I thank God for this website and my other recovery groups. We simply cannot go through these things alone. Hope this helps. Joanne -- In , " Cheryl " <sunbum256@...> wrote: > > Most of you know my history, but for any newbies..I think what I've > been through may help some of you. > Let me 1st say; I was the poster girl for not wanting to remove my > implants! I had them replaced '05 for capsules that developed after > attempting to breastfeed & that was after seeing Dr. Kolb, who told > me to remove them b/c of my health issues. I thought things were bad > then but, nothing compares to how sick I am now. Right after the > surgery, I developed MRSA, my hair completely fell out, I lost 60 lbs. > (in 4 mo.), I developed sleep apnea, confusion, dizziness, > nausea/vomiting, immune dysfunction, just to name a few of the health > issues. When the rt. ruptured 8/07 & the left sac folded over on > itself(leaving a lrg. protruding area), I thought I would've had > surgery within days; it's a year later & I can't find anyone to take > them out (Basically, no one wants to deal w/another surgeon's mess). > I have to preface that with: unsupportive husband,that works out of > state every other week, 2 small children & no support system where I > live. I do have an appt. in Aug. to see a plastic surgeon about a > mole excision(the 7th one I've had removed b/c of suspected > melanoma), anyway, I plan on getting on his surgery schedule at that > time; that is if he'll even operate, b/c others think I'm too ill to > withstand it. The emotional (Not to belittle the physical)toll has > been overwhelming. No one (except the surgeons listed on this site) > are going to tell you your implants are making you sick; your tests > will all look normal, but you may feel like you're dying. > I don't know if this will help anyone, but I sure hope it does. I've > lost years of my life over these things & my children have missed out > on having a healthy mom, their entire lives & my marriage has > suffered, which I don't know if it will recover from. > Next time I post, I hope to be telling you all they're out & I'm > detoxing & most of all IMPROVING! Hope this helps someone else!! > Hugs & Health to you all, > Cheryl > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 25, 2008 Report Share Posted July 25, 2008 Joanne!! I am sitting in awe of you right now! What an incredible, positive attitude you have, after all you have been through. And you have been through hell, girlfriend, that much is clear. It makes me want to cry when I hear about women losing it all to these stupid things, and yours was no exception. I am so sorry. Your wisdom shows through your words, dear one. God is surely with you and your optimism is so healing, even to me to hear you speak it. It's a joy to hear that your kids are back in your life! And that you are able to get out and swing dance! " Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us... " (that is THE SECRET, in my opinion, Eph 3:20), may you always be full of joy and may your healing from candida be quick and complete. If I was there with you, I'd be hugging you right now, Patty > > > > Most of you know my history, but for any newbies..I think what I've > > been through may help some of you. > > Let me 1st say; I was the poster girl for not wanting to remove my > > implants! I had them replaced '05 for capsules that developed after > > attempting to breastfeed & that was after seeing Dr. Kolb, who told > > me to remove them b/c of my health issues. I thought things were bad > > then but, nothing compares to how sick I am now. Right after the > > surgery, I developed MRSA, my hair completely fell out, I lost 60 lbs. > > (in 4 mo.), I developed sleep apnea, confusion, dizziness, > > nausea/vomiting, immune dysfunction, just to name a few of the health > > issues. When the rt. ruptured 8/07 & the left sac folded over on > > itself(leaving a lrg. protruding area), I thought I would've had > > surgery within days; it's a year later & I can't find anyone to take > > them out (Basically, no one wants to deal w/another surgeon's mess). > > I have to preface that with: unsupportive husband,that works out of > > state every other week, 2 small children & no support system where I > > live. I do have an appt. in Aug. to see a plastic surgeon about a > > mole excision(the 7th one I've had removed b/c of suspected > > melanoma), anyway, I plan on getting on his surgery schedule at that > > time; that is if he'll even operate, b/c others think I'm too ill to > > withstand it. The emotional (Not to belittle the physical)toll has > > been overwhelming. No one (except the surgeons listed on this site) > > are going to tell you your implants are making you sick; your tests > > will all look normal, but you may feel like you're dying. > > I don't know if this will help anyone, but I sure hope it does. I've > > lost years of my life over these things & my children have missed out > > on having a healthy mom, their entire lives & my marriage has > > suffered, which I don't know if it will recover from. > > Next time I post, I hope to be telling you all they're out & I'm > > detoxing & most of all IMPROVING! Hope this helps someone else!! > > Hugs & Health to you all, > > Cheryl > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 25, 2008 Report Share Posted July 25, 2008 Joanne, Thank you for sharing your story. It sounds like I'm on many of the meds you listed, but nothing/no one is helping me. I don't want to go another day so sick & can't believe it's a year later & I still haven't been able to have this surgery. It's more complicated than just doing it; a lot of issues at home. I'm realizing now, all these drugs they have me on are making me worse, I'm a toxic mess. I, too, had multiple adhesion removals...then shipped off to the pain clinic. I was a nurse also, but I'm on disability now & this feels like a slow death. I just wanted to thank you for your encouragement (we have a lot in common)...I have to somehow hang in there, get these out & then get off all the meds. I'm trying really hard to believe God will bring me through this...I'm just not in a good place right now. Thank you & I'm so glad you're doing so much better, I pray I can get to that place Hugs, Cheryl Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 25, 2008 Report Share Posted July 25, 2008 Cheryl, I remember when you were on our group in 2005.... I was so sad when I heard you were going to replace the implants. I was glad you were seeing Dr. Kolb, as she is so honest about the illness and the need for proper explant. I'm sorry you are still going through such horrible misery because of the implants, but your story is an important one to share. Women do need to see what can happen when they give the implants one more can be disastrous. Please do whatever it takes to get these things out soon! We're here for you! Patty > > Most of you know my history, but for any newbies..I think what I've > been through may help some of you. > Let me 1st say; I was the poster girl for not wanting to remove my > implants! I had them replaced '05 for capsules that developed after > attempting to breastfeed & that was after seeing Dr. Kolb, who told > me to remove them b/c of my health issues. I thought things were bad > then but, nothing compares to how sick I am now. Right after the > surgery, I developed MRSA, my hair completely fell out, I lost 60 lbs. > (in 4 mo.), I developed sleep apnea, confusion, dizziness, > nausea/vomiting, immune dysfunction, just to name a few of the health > issues. When the rt. ruptured 8/07 & the left sac folded over on > itself(leaving a lrg. protruding area), I thought I would've had > surgery within days; it's a year later & I can't find anyone to take > them out (Basically, no one wants to deal w/another surgeon's mess). > I have to preface that with: unsupportive husband,that works out of > state every other week, 2 small children & no support system where I > live. I do have an appt. in Aug. to see a plastic surgeon about a > mole excision(the 7th one I've had removed b/c of suspected > melanoma), anyway, I plan on getting on his surgery schedule at that > time; that is if he'll even operate, b/c others think I'm too ill to > withstand it. The emotional (Not to belittle the physical)toll has > been overwhelming. No one (except the surgeons listed on this site) > are going to tell you your implants are making you sick; your tests > will all look normal, but you may feel like you're dying. > I don't know if this will help anyone, but I sure hope it does. I've > lost years of my life over these things & my children have missed out > on having a healthy mom, their entire lives & my marriage has > suffered, which I don't know if it will recover from. > Next time I post, I hope to be telling you all they're out & I'm > detoxing & most of all IMPROVING! Hope this helps someone else!! > Hugs & Health to you all, > Cheryl > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 25, 2008 Report Share Posted July 25, 2008 Cheryl, You'll get there...never give up. Hang on to that hope that your answer is there for you. You will come through this. Hugs, Patty > > Joanne, Thank you for sharing your story. It sounds like I'm on many > of the meds you listed, but nothing/no one is helping me. I don't want > to go another day so sick & can't believe it's a year later & I still > haven't been able to have this surgery. It's more complicated than > just doing it; a lot of issues at home. I'm realizing now, all these > drugs they have me on are making me worse, I'm a toxic mess. I, too, > had multiple adhesion removals...then shipped off to the pain clinic. > I was a nurse also, but I'm on disability now & this feels like a slow > death. I just wanted to thank you for your encouragement (we have a > lot in common)...I have to somehow hang in there, get these out & then > get off all the meds. I'm trying really hard to believe God will bring > me through this...I'm just not in a good place right now. Thank you & > I'm so glad you're doing so much better, I pray I can get to that place > Hugs, Cheryl > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 25, 2008 Report Share Posted July 25, 2008 Patty, Yup, that was me, pretty pathetic. I did see Dr. Kolb & wanted her to do my surgery, but my home life wouldn't permit/allow it. I'm very emotional right now, so I'll keep it short. Thank all of you for being so supportive for so long, just wish I had some of that at home. Hugs, Cheryl Cheryl, I remember when you were on our group in 2005.... I was so sad when I heard you were going to replace the implants. I was glad you were seeing Dr. Kolb, as she is so honest about the illness and the need for proper explant. I'm sorry you are still going through such horrible misery because of the implants, but your story is an important one to share. Women do need to see what can happen when they give the implants one more can be disastrous. Please do whatever it takes to get these things out soon! We're here for you! Patty Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 25, 2008 Report Share Posted July 25, 2008 Cheryl, One of the most healing and empowering things you can do when you feel defeated and unsupported is to reach out to others to help them as you seek help yourself. You are doing that. Your story is vital to other women! So don't stay silent! We've seen women in all kinds of difficult circumstances--utterly hopeless--who have come through beautifully. Joanne is one such woman. Thank God she has spoken up today! I am so utterly thankful for all of you beautiful women who continue to share your stories, your sorrows, your struggles, and your joys with us. God bless you Cheryl. Things may look bleak at the moment, but do not give up. There is a way for you to pull through this. Put your warrior helmet back on and take up that shield of faith. Don't let the enemy drag you down into those depths. You stand firm and fight. I've seen women get explanted that I wasn't sure how they'd pull it off, but they do! They sure do. You will too. I will pray for healing for your home life, and that you and your husband find a way to work this out so that you can all be happy and healthy again. I went through that struggle (my husband did not support my explant at first), but everything is better than it has ever been before. I had faith that God would work it all out and He did. Trust Him. Hugs, Patty > > Patty, Yup, that was me, pretty pathetic. I did see Dr. Kolb & > wanted her to do my surgery, but my home life wouldn't permit/allow > it. I'm very emotional right now, so I'll keep it short. Thank all > of you for being so supportive for so long, just wish I had some of > that at home. > Hugs, Cheryl > > > > Cheryl, > I remember when you were on our group in 2005.... > I was so sad when I heard you were going to replace the implants. I > was glad you were seeing Dr. Kolb, as she is so honest about the > illness and the need for proper explant. > I'm sorry you are still going through such horrible misery because of > the implants, but your story is an important one to share. Women do > need to see what can happen when they give the implants one more > can be disastrous. > Please do whatever it takes to get these things out soon! > We're here for you! > Patty > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 25, 2008 Report Share Posted July 25, 2008 Cheryl, Boy, do we have a lot in common! Something told me to share my story this morning. Must be God! I actually went to Germany for the adhesion removal (twice) and found out later that the adhesion barrier that they used was so toxic that 9 people died in the US when the FDA finally approved it. I think God wanted me to be alive for a reason! You are right when you say that the drugs are making you worse. Coming off them was the hardest thing I have ever done. I still go to various support groups like AA (even though I was not a drinker), pills anonymous and Celebrate recovery. They are all based on the 12 steps and I have found incredible healing from these groups. I was very co-dependant on the drugs as I had a horrible marriage and 4 sons. I thought God could never heal me but He has. I changed careers to get out of western medicine and found a job that I liked. I sell flooring. It is so fun. I get to use my artist abilities and work with fun and happy people instead of sick ones. The economy is so bad right now that I am toying with the idea of going into nursing again. I hope to get into the recovery end of it and help people off drugs. Love that show " Intervention " . So, be encouraged. God does have a plan. Love, Joanne > > Joanne, Thank you for sharing your story. It sounds like I'm on many > of the meds you listed, but nothing/no one is helping me. I don't want > to go another day so sick & can't believe it's a year later & I still > haven't been able to have this surgery. It's more complicated than > just doing it; a lot of issues at home. I'm realizing now, all these > drugs they have me on are making me worse, I'm a toxic mess. I, too, > had multiple adhesion removals...then shipped off to the pain clinic. > I was a nurse also, but I'm on disability now & this feels like a slow > death. I just wanted to thank you for your encouragement (we have a > lot in common)...I have to somehow hang in there, get these out & then > get off all the meds. I'm trying really hard to believe God will bring > me through this...I'm just not in a good place right now. Thank you & > I'm so glad you're doing so much better, I pray I can get to that place > Hugs, Cheryl > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 25, 2008 Report Share Posted July 25, 2008 Thank you Patty, glad you are always here for us. God Bless Joanne > > > > > > Most of you know my history, but for any newbies..I think what > I've > > > been through may help some of you. > > > Let me 1st say; I was the poster girl for not wanting to remove > my > > > implants! I had them replaced '05 for capsules that developed > after > > > attempting to breastfeed & that was after seeing Dr. Kolb, who > told > > > me to remove them b/c of my health issues. I thought things were > bad > > > then but, nothing compares to how sick I am now. Right after the > > > surgery, I developed MRSA, my hair completely fell out, I lost 60 > lbs. > > > (in 4 mo.), I developed sleep apnea, confusion, dizziness, > > > nausea/vomiting, immune dysfunction, just to name a few of the > health > > > issues. When the rt. ruptured 8/07 & the left sac folded over on > > > itself(leaving a lrg. protruding area), I thought I would've had > > > surgery within days; it's a year later & I can't find anyone to > take > > > them out (Basically, no one wants to deal w/another surgeon's > mess). > > > I have to preface that with: unsupportive husband,that works out > of > > > state every other week, 2 small children & no support system > where I > > > live. I do have an appt. in Aug. to see a plastic surgeon about > a > > > mole excision(the 7th one I've had removed b/c of suspected > > > melanoma), anyway, I plan on getting on his surgery schedule at > that > > > time; that is if he'll even operate, b/c others think I'm too ill > to > > > withstand it. The emotional (Not to belittle the physical)toll > has > > > been overwhelming. No one (except the surgeons listed on this > site) > > > are going to tell you your implants are making you sick; your > tests > > > will all look normal, but you may feel like you're dying. > > > I don't know if this will help anyone, but I sure hope it does. > I've > > > lost years of my life over these things & my children have missed > out > > > on having a healthy mom, their entire lives & my marriage has > > > suffered, which I don't know if it will recover from. > > > Next time I post, I hope to be telling you all they're out & I'm > > > detoxing & most of all IMPROVING! Hope this helps someone else!! > > > Hugs & Health to you all, > > > Cheryl > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 25, 2008 Report Share Posted July 25, 2008 Joanne, That was God! How cool....thank you for honoring Him in a way that we all could share in. I'll be excited to see how God's plan unfolds in your life. A job in nursing, helping with those trying to get off drugs and recover sounds just like something he'd do! He makes ministry out of our misery. Hugs, Patty > > > > Joanne, Thank you for sharing your story. It sounds like I'm on many > > of the meds you listed, but nothing/no one is helping me. I don't want > > to go another day so sick & can't believe it's a year later & I still > > haven't been able to have this surgery. It's more complicated than > > just doing it; a lot of issues at home. I'm realizing now, all these > > drugs they have me on are making me worse, I'm a toxic mess. I, too, > > had multiple adhesion removals...then shipped off to the pain clinic. > > I was a nurse also, but I'm on disability now & this feels like a slow > > death. I just wanted to thank you for your encouragement (we have a > > lot in common)...I have to somehow hang in there, get these out & then > > get off all the meds. I'm trying really hard to believe God will bring > > me through this...I'm just not in a good place right now. Thank you & > > I'm so glad you're doing so much better, I pray I can get to that place > > Hugs, Cheryl > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 26, 2008 Report Share Posted July 26, 2008 Hi Joanne ~ Yes, I stopped ALL the drugs the day I stopped work, ( 1999). I feel very lucky ! I am totally disabled physically, but spiritually and mentally I am full throttle, although my brain is rather foggy at times, lol.... Here is part of my physical journey: Breast Implant Survivors Day if the blue link doesnt take you there, copy and paste the one below it into your browser I need to write the part about my Silicone rupture and 6 surgeries to remove the masses that formed journey I took in the 90's, and update this last years ventures. I just havent done it yet.. The only meds I take are 2 for the heart, aspirin 81 mg, and some supplements,co-Q-10, senior vitamin, magnesiun, and calcium/mag/D combo, and temporay taking nexium, but will stop that soon. I dont take pain meds. Afraid it will not be good for my heart. I use meditation for pain. With my heart so broken, it is very radical, BP, ranges from 70/50-160/110, and the pulse, was from 30-220, I have bradycardia as well as tachycardia. I have a pacemaker with a defib in it, for cardiomyopathy, and used to have dialated cardiomyopathy, but the heart is no longer 40 % larger like it was. Chronic kidney disease, and lupus, as well as nodules in both lungs, and a whole list of other things. I would love to be able to work again, but I dont think at this point it is in my cards. This group and all the research I do helps to fill that void. My ultimate goal is to get well, be able to work, start my own business, and go visit all the doctors that sent me home to die ! ! Hope you have a lovely day ! Love Dede**************Get fantasy football with free live scoring. Sign up for FanHouse Fantasy Football today. ( Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 26, 2008 Report Share Posted July 26, 2008 Dede, Wow, what a story! I hope that you managed to get off all those meds. I don't know what those doctors are thinking. I think we are some of the lucky ones, though, that manage to find the truth. I have 2 good friends with silicone implants and they just don't believe me. You said that you have organ shut down? How are you surviving? Are you working again? Glad you are here. Joanne > > > Patty ~ > > What you said is so very true ! ! Trying > implants is totally disastrous ! ! Within 2 months > of getting the salines, I had to stop working, at > a job I was at for almost 14 years. I was told > that since I was already so sick from the silicone > rupture, improper removal ( leaving the capsules > inside of me full of silicone ) after 3 long weeks > of it all roaming my body before even doing the > inadequate surgery, and then the 5-6 subsequent surgeries to remove all the > cystic silicone masses, > that they didnt think that salines would make me > any sicker than I already could I be > any more stupid ? ? Look at me now......... > I dont know if I ever told this part, but back then > I was very ill, but not with the organ shut down as I > have now, anyway, I was on plaquinil, neurontin, 900 mg a day, and xanax 5-10 > mg under the tongue as needed for anxiety for... working while I was so > sick, and vicodan 1 or 2 , 7.5 mg every 3-4 hours, and then they gave me the > Duragesic ( fentanyl ) pain patches > to use, I only bought one set, but after reading about it I was too scared to > use it. Then they tried me on all kinds of other things. It was totally > pathetic, they > had me a walking druggie.......sure, silicone is safe...... > First deceiving me that silicone lasts a lifetime > then not removing the ruptured ones for 3 weeks > then not removing the capsules or much of the silicone > then refusing my blood for the silicone study > then drugging me to keep me quiet....... > I stopped working, lost my insurance, stopped all drugs, > continued to get sicker and sicker......til my vital organs shut > down......and here I am ! > Still pluggin..... > God Bless Us All.......what a journey we have been > on and what a blessing we all have each other..... > Love > Dede > > > ************** > Get fantasy football with free live scoring. Sign up for > FanHouse Fantasy Football today. > > ( > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 26, 2008 Report Share Posted July 26, 2008 Hello Joanne ~ How is your afternoon ? No, no reply from yet, I have also sent him other letters, with a collection of info about silicone and lymphoma, cancer, pulmonary embolism, all the chemicals in them as well as lots of photos of black and moldy implants, and necrosis, and tons of other research, as well as I sent it to Mark Melkerson with the FDA.......havent heard back from any of them....but, I will keep sending them periodically and eventually, maybe someone will even read I am not able to exercise much, but I do when I can. I have a little trampoline, and an exercise ball and some 3lb hand weights, and I use them all once in awhile. Up til 3 years ago when everything shut down, I was a work out aholic, and I also hiked every chance I got. Except when I was in a really bad lupus flare that got me way down. Even if I felt bad tho, I would push myself as hard as possible. I was 51 when it all shut down, and just wasnt gonna let the lupus or my age get the best of me........ha, it showed me ! ! Ya, the candida can do so many things......its amazing and all the docs i used to work for used to poo poo candida overgrowth, and now that I have been studying it, I found out why.......cure the problem then there is no fee for service ! ! I truly believe that an imbalance in the natural flora (organisms) is huge. We are gonna get there, step by step, one foot in front of the other always..... Have a great evening ! Love Dede **************Get fantasy football with free live scoring. Sign up for FanHouse Fantasy Football today. ( Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 26, 2008 Report Share Posted July 26, 2008 Hi Dede, I read your story and I wonder if you ever got a response from ? I loved his movie " Sicko " . It was the story of my life. Yes, You will have to write about all your surgeries. Are you able to exercise? Do you live alone? I just can't imagine. I feel so lucky! Not only did I have the implants in for 20 years but I got so sick and bought the whole lie of western medicine for 7 years. I used to take 100 mgs. of Methadone a day (enough to kill a horse!) And I don't have a single abnormal lab test. Go figure. Just the candida that I know of. But that one is a biggie. Take care and thanks for your wonderful spirit! Love, Joanne > > Hi Joanne ~ > > Yes, I stopped ALL the drugs the day > I stopped work, ( 1999). > I feel very lucky ! I am totally disabled > physically, but spiritually and mentally I am > full throttle, although my brain is rather foggy > at times, lol.... > Here is part of my physical journey: > Breast Implant Survivors Day > > if the blue link doesnt take you there, copy and paste > the one below it into your browser > I need to write the part about my Silicone rupture and 6 surgeries to remove > the masses that formed journey > I took in the 90's, and update this last years ventures. > I just havent done it yet.. > The only meds I take are 2 for the heart, aspirin 81 mg, and some > supplements,co-Q-10, senior vitamin, magnesiun, and calcium/mag/D combo, and temporay > taking nexium, but will stop that soon. I dont take pain meds. Afraid it will > not be good for my heart. > I use meditation for pain. With my heart so broken, it is very radical, BP, > ranges from 70/50-160/110, and the pulse, was from 30-220, I have bradycardia > as well as tachycardia. I have a pacemaker with a defib in it, for > cardiomyopathy, and used to have dialated cardiomyopathy, but the heart is no longer 40 > % larger like it was. Chronic kidney disease, and lupus, as well as nodules > in both lungs, and a whole list of other things. > I would love to be able to work again, but I dont > think at this point it is in my cards. This group and all the research I do > helps to fill that void. > My ultimate goal is to get well, be able to work, start my own business, and > go visit all the doctors that sent me home to die ! ! > Hope you have a lovely day ! > Love > Dede > > > ************** > Get fantasy football with free live scoring. Sign up for > FanHouse Fantasy Football today. > > ( > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 26, 2008 Report Share Posted July 26, 2008 Hi Dede, We are about the same age. I'll be 53 this fall. I am so glad that you can keep such a positive attitude after all you have been through. Its so easy to have a positive attitude when we feel good and today is one of those days for me. I seem to have a steady flow of energy and I'm off the couch!!!!!!!! Even walked 3 miles. Must be the candida diet. It's working! Have a great evening and keep bugging Micheal. Wouldn't it be great if they made a whole movie about this and other plastic surgery nightmares? PS Have you had any improvement in your condition since doing all the holistic stuff? > > Hello Joanne ~ > > How is your afternoon ? No, no reply from > yet, I have also sent him other > letters, with a collection of info about silicone > and lymphoma, cancer, pulmonary embolism, > all the chemicals in them as well as lots of > photos of black and moldy implants, and necrosis, > and tons of other research, as well as I sent it > to Mark Melkerson with the FDA.......havent > heard back from any of them....but, I will keep > sending them periodically and eventually, maybe > someone will even read > I am not able to exercise much, but I do when I > can. I have a little trampoline, and an exercise ball > and some 3lb hand weights, and I use them all once > in awhile. Up til 3 years ago when everything shut down, I was a work out > aholic, and I also hiked every chance I got. Except when I was in a really bad > lupus flare that got me way down. Even if I felt bad tho, I would push myself > as hard as possible. I was 51 when it all shut down, and just wasnt gonna > let the lupus or my age get the best of me........ha, it showed me ! ! > Ya, the candida can do so many things......its amazing and all the docs i > used to work for used to poo poo candida overgrowth, and now that I have been > studying it, I found out why.......cure the problem then there is no fee for > service ! ! I truly believe that an imbalance in the natural flora (organisms) > is huge. > We are gonna get there, step by step, one foot in front of the other > always..... > Have a great evening ! > Love > Dede > > > > ************** > Get fantasy football with free live scoring. Sign up for > FanHouse Fantasy Football today. > > ( > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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