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Liver detoxification

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Hi Cliff,

has Bill tried liver detoxification?

Cleansing Foods are garlic,onions,kale,broccoli,.brussel sprouts,beets(both

roots and leaves),black radish red peppers,cabbage asparagus,egg yolks and

others. These are not usual staples of our diet.



> Hi,


> I just recieved word today from my friend Bill who has pancreatic cancer.


> He had a setback recently when something plugged a Bile duct and he had to

> have a stint put in.


> For awhile he couldn't eat much and the count went up. Now it is coming

> down again and he told me he feels fine. The cancer that had gotten into

> the liver appears to be gone.


> One thing it is proving for certain is that the Flax oil does not cause


> chemo to be effective if it is otherwise.


> Bill has now made it a month more than the doctor at first thought


> and it looks good for the future. Time will tell.


> Cliff




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  • 1 year later...
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.. I don't have the article with protocol in Email Format. itcomes from Bruce West,MD in his newsletter Health Alert. I can summarize Using the following Products from Standard Process LaboratoriesFor 3 weeks take at full dose followed by 1 week off.The sicker you feel during detox ification, the more three week sessions youwill need to get well.Livaplex- 2 tablets taken 3 times daily(2x3/day)Spanish Black Radish (2x3/day)Cholocol 11(roman nymeral 2) (3x3/day)Phytolin (2x2/day)If dealing with serious liver disease, also include:Zymex Capsules (3x3/day) andBetacol (1x3/dayIf you plan to also detoxfy the kudney at the same time, which is a goodidea, add Albaplex (3x3/day) to the protocolIf you want me to mail you Reply with Subject Heading "Request Liver Detox".If you want the entire article give me your Postal Mailing address and askfor Health Alert June, 1999 article on Liver Detox. good luck, Arnold

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  • 6 years later...
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> Would someone with medicinal expertise please educate me and others

> here on exactly what we should be taking in order to detoxify

> our livers and keep them as healthy as possible? What detox

> supplements out there would you recommend? What dose and how often

> should I be taking a detox supplement? Could you also please give a

> short list of trusted and reliable brands of detox supplements.

While I'm not a doctor I recently asked a doctor friend about

detox/cleansing fasts, diets and supplements and she said that the

liver and the kidneys ARE the body's detoxifiers and as long as they

are functioning properly, you should be ok. Perhaps you're thinking of

chelation where you take a medicine to remove a toxin from your body.

I've never done it before. But if you have mercury poisoning, for

example, this method would work. This friend also told me that fasts

are not a good idea as they cause your metabolism to slow down and

hence slow down the process of elimination. If you want to increase

your metabolism, drink water, exercise and perspire. Perhaps that's

why so many cultures have saunas. You can also increase blood

circulation with massage and exfoliation on a regular basis. Try a

thai massage. It really gets your circulation going.


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mmahboubian1 wrote:

>> Would someone with medicinal expertise please educate me and others

>> here on exactly what we should be taking in order to detoxify

>> our livers and keep them as healthy as possible? What detox

>> supplements out there would you recommend? What dose and how often

>> should I be taking a detox supplement? Could you also please give a

>> short list of trusted and reliable brands of detox supplements

If you want to be nice to your liver, cut out the coffee. Or at least

drink it aslate in the day as possible. The liver regenerates in the

morning (according to chinese medical theory), so you don't want to

stress it with coffee then. Instead, drink some warm lemon juice which

the liver likes.


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Medicinal expertise in order to detoxify:

I'm not an expert and really just beginning this journey with

detoxification, but check out lemon juice fasting for some really good ideas

- just google it and you will get a wealth of information. Supplements for

liver are usually Milk Thistle, but personally if you really want to detox,

you need to change your diet for a period of time - either with a fast or a

raw food diet.


Ann C. Wooledge, Rn, CCAP

Wingsets Aromatherapy (www.wingsets.com)

....and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him.

II Cor. 2:14

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Maggie said: This friend also told me that fasts

are not a good idea as they cause your metabolism to slow down and

hence slow down the process of elimination.

Hi Maggie - I totally agree with all that you said, except the above

statement. Allopathic medicine (read M.D.'s) aren't really up on nutrition

or anything that goes with it, unfortunately. I can tell you that in

today's present world everyone needs to fast and detoxify, but they won't be

good at it unless they truly believe that. The Lemonade fast is one I

particularly like because you are getting enough calories not to slow your

metabolism down and you are drinking enough water to flush out the toxins.

The environmental burden on our bodies these days is tremendous and a

overwhelming if you begin to understand it. I am 59 years old, low thyroid,

no estrogen (hysterectomy many years ago), short and had foot surgery last

May that has interfered with my usual amount of activity - meaning there's

absolutely NO WAY for me to lose weight without a strenuous exercise

routine. I went on the Lemonade fast for spiritual reasons recently for

three days (wasn't nearly as difficult as I had anticipated), but ended up

feeling much better physically and mentally, lost 7 pounds (unheard of with

my age, size and hormone issues) and three weeks later have not gained it

back. My appetite for sweets, fats and even meats was affected by just

three days on this diet. I ate a piece of cheesecake the other date of

& Nobel - my favorite thing to do and it made me nauseous.


Ann C. Wooledge, Rn, CCAP

Wingsets Aromatherapy (www.wingsets.com)

....and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him.

II Cor. 2:14

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> We natural perfumers expose our bodies to many natural aroma

> chemicals and non-aroma chemicals as well as alcohols while


> (not to mention all the toxins in our food, water, air, etc.) I

> understand that it is a very good idea for many of us to use a


> detoxification supplement. I imagine there are many who are


> this now who, like me, have knowledge of herbs used for perfumery


> perhaps culinary purposes, but possess absolutely no knowledge of

> their medicinal uses.


> Would someone with medicinal expertise please educate me and others

> here on exactly what we should be taking in order to detoxify

> our livers and keep them as healthy as possible? What detox

> supplements out there would you recommend? What dose and how often

> should I be taking a detox supplement? Could you also please give


> short list of trusted and reliable brands of detox supplements.


> Last, but not least, please help me understand the process on how a

> detox supplement will " clean " my liver. How do these herbs


> work on the liver? Finally, is there any danger associated with

> detox supplements? Side-effects? Allergies?


> Thank you.


> Mark

Hi ,

I refer to my Medical aromatherapy bible in French by 2 medical

authorities in France specialising and promoting medical

aromatherapy, Dr A.Zhiri and Dr D. Baudoux. I have been following

their advice for liver and kidney detox which has made wonders not

only for the liver but for my skin, energy, mind clarity and general


Those 2 French aromatherapy doctors recommend to simply take 2 drops

of Lemon essential oil in a coffee spoon of honey or on a sugar cube

UNDER THE TONGUE every morning and evening for several weeks -

usually in the spring. It is important you get the therapeutic

Citrus Limonum with chemotype, origin etc... usually only found in

pharmacies or to be sure about the quality of your lemon EO. Since

you are taking it orally, you cannot have an adulterated oil. In

their book, they explain that lemon regulates and promotes the

production of bile in the liver and has a depurative effect on the

digestive functions while reinforcing the immune system. Although you

could also drink a glass of fresh squeezed lemon every day, the

essential oil is more appropriate for therapeutic purposes.


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Hi Isabelle - I'm so glad you brought this up about the lemon essential oil.

As a nurse in the United States, I can't recommend taking EO's orally - it's

considered " prescribing " and we can't do that. I can say I do take them

orally and they work very well in a lot of instances. However, I also

wouldn't do so without first reading Tisserand's and Tony Balacs

book, " Essential Oil Safety " . I met Dr. Peneol (French doctor

Aromatherapist - fairly famous) who uses essential oils orally extensively.

I want to find a doctor to work with so I can use all this knowledge about

the benefits of EO's without having to tip toe through all the politics and

laws here in the USA. I would add that lemon should be organic due to all

the pesticides, pressed is better than distilled, and it's really good as

just a drop on your toothbrush on top of whatever toothpaste you use. There

is a group here in the USA who talks about taking them orally, but unless

you're a medical professional with prescription privileges, you can get into

trouble doing so.


Ann C Wooledge, RN, CCAP

Wingsets Aromatherapy


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> Hi Isabelle - I'm so glad you brought this up about the lemon

essential oil.

> As a nurse in the United States, I can't recommend taking EO's

orally - it's

> considered " prescribing " and we can't do that. I can say I do take


> orally and they work very well in a lot of instances. However, I


> wouldn't do so without first reading Tisserand's and Tony


> book, " Essential Oil Safety " . I met Dr. Peneol (French doctor

> Aromatherapist - fairly famous) who uses essential oils orally


> I want to find a doctor to work with so I can use all this

knowledge about

> the benefits of EO's without having to tip toe through all the

politics and

> laws here in the USA. I would add that lemon should be organic due

to all

> the pesticides, pressed is better than distilled, and it's really

good as

> just a drop on your toothbrush on top of whatever toothpaste you

use. There

> is a group here in the USA who talks about taking them orally, but


> you're a medical professional with prescription privileges, you can

get into

> trouble doing so.




> Ann



Hello Ann,

I am currently studying aromatherapy and I am of course well aware

that we cannot prescribe essential oils for oral use unless we are

medically qualified. This is why I referred to the book by Dr A.

Zhiri which is available to the public in France...

However, just like you, I have been using them orally for many years

and have found their therapeutic effects incredible when used

cautiously and following qualified practitioners advice. In my

thread, I did mention to get the therapeutic (and yes organic is

better) lemon oil that we find widely available in pharmacies in

France since the quality of the oil is paramount. As a matter of

fact, pharmacists in France not only sell therapeutic essential oils

but they also have plenty of guides freely available on how to use

the EO orally. However, this remains a personal choice from the

people themselves, many of them already using phytotherapy and

listening to their pharmacist's advice. Doctors are starting to

understand the benefits of oral use of essential oils and more and

more do give prescriptions (my French dentist did so last year) but

finding such doctor basically means that they are open minded about

alternative medicine which is unfortunately not the case for most GPs.


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Thanks Isabelle for your comments - " As a matter of

fact, pharmacists in France not only sell therapeutic essential oils

but they also have plenty of guides freely available on how to use

the EO orally. "

It is frustrating to me as a nurse and certified Aromatherapist that I can't

openly proclaim the oral benefits. I wish we had doctors such as those in

France, not to mention pharmacists, that could and would sell these oils.

The past president of the AIA is an MD and he uses the oils in his practice,

but he, of course, is an M.D. I'd love to get my hands on some of those

free guides!

Thanks again and best of luck with your studies. By the way - are you in

France now?


Ann C. Wooledge, Rn, CCAP

Wingsets Aromatherapy (www.wingsets.com)

....and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him.

II Cor. 2:14

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. As a matter of

> fact, pharmacists in France not only sell therapeutic essential


> but they also have plenty of guides freely available on how to use

> the EO orally.

> Isabelle

>Hi Isabelle, This is to let you know that I got your reply on the

test, but I can't get through yet. I have so much I want to say,

Hope to hear from you soon and the other way around! Kathy

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> Thanks again and best of luck with your studies. By the way - are you in

> France now?

> Ann C. Wooledge, Rn, CCAP


Hello Ann,

I wanted to reply earlier but definitely very busy with this

aromatherapy diploma!! To answer your question, I live in the UK but

base all my aromatherapy research in France.

I am going to France at the end of June and I'll see whether those

guides exist in English. If they do, I'll take some copies to pass

around those interested. They even give some basic natural perfumes

recipes inside...

In the meantime, I found some info about the book by Dr Penoel in

English that mentioned:




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  • 2 months later...
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Liver Detoxification

Fatty Liver Disease And Liver Detoxification

If you talk to radiologists and gastroenterologists who are looking at people's livers today, they will tell you that the condition called "Fatty Liver" affects more than 50% of people over the age of 50. Common causes are poor diet, excessive alcohol intake, adverse reactions to pharmaceutical drugs and toxic chemicals, and viral hepatitis. Gallbladder surgery is the most common ly performed operation in North America.

First, let me just say that if you have liver problems because of alcohol abuse, that it IS possible - I didn't say EASY - to change your behaviour. We all know abusing alcohol is bad for us. Why do we not do it then? Procastination? Lazyness? Mental barriers? I was first introduced to methods of breaking through procrastination by the popular motivational speaker Tony Robbins. Tony Robbins has helped me make marked improvements in not only my health but other aspects of my life as well. I highly recommend his life-changing programs.

PRAYER is helpful with ANY addiction.

But many things other than alcohol can cause liver and gallbladder problems. Every year, more than half a million people in the United States and more than 50,000 people in Canada undergo surgery to remove their gallbladders because of gallstones.

90% of people have gallstones to some degree 80% of people do not know that they have gallstones Approximately 80% of all gallstones show no symptoms and may remain "silent" for years. More than 60 % of Americans will, in their lifetime, develop some of these health conditions: Colitis, Crohn's disease, Irritable bowel syndrome, Allergies, Arthritis, Cancer...

Symptoms of liver disease include nausea, malaise, vomiting, fatigue, loss of appetite, itching, a yellow coloring of the skin or the eyes, pain in the right upper part of the belly and dark urine. The best way to determine whether your liver has been compromised in with some simple blood tests.

One of the best tools you can use to prevent gallstones is a simple liver cleansing procedure which you can perform in the comfort of your home and which is very inexpensive: the Liver Flush.

Detoxifying the liver

Various nutrients are required in order for the liver detoxification to be carried out successfully. An adequate supply of key antioxidants is essential to prevent further liver damage. Milk thistle, vitamin C, selenium, beta carotene, vitamin E, and N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) are all powerful antioxidants which are helpful in liver detoxification.

The amino acid SAM-E plays an important role in liver health, in addition to helping with depression. Cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts and cabbage in the diet have been shown to enhance liver detoxification. I use those regularly when vegetable juicing.

The B vitamins, including riboflavin and niacin, also aid in liver detoxification.

Coffee Enema Helpful In Liver Detoxification

The use of coffee in enemas for liver detoxification purposes is well known. It makes some people chuckle. I prefer to think as a very powerful health practice for a healthy liver. The coffee enema is extensively used in the Gerson cancer therapy and is a practice which has been recommended by holistic and alternative medicine professionals for many years. The coffee enema is used to detoxify the liver, NOT THE COLON. It is a low-volume enema that remains only in the sigmoid colon. There is a duct between the sigmoid colon and the liver called the "entero-hepatic circulation system". When the stool reaches this point, it contains many toxins, which are sent to the liver for detoxification.

Coffee Enema For Liver Detoxification

Without getting too technical here, the caffeine that is absorbed into the entero-hepatic system causes the liver ducts, including the bile ducts, to empty into the sigmoid colon. Releasing the toxins in the liver ducts, makes room for toxins from the body to enter the liver for detoxification.

The alkaloids in the caffeine stimulate the production of an enzyme called "glutathione-S-transferase", which is an enzyme that facilitates the liver detoxification pathways. The coffee enema is safe even for people who are sensitive to caffeine because the coffee remains in the sigmoid colon, where it will not be absorbed, provided the proper amount is used and the enema bag is not placed too high.

Additional Methods Of Achieving Liver Detoxification

Milk thistle, SAM-E, the coffee enema and the"Liver Flush" are all discussed in detail on their respective pages. Good luck on your journey to a healthier liver!

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