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OC on Safety versus Aesthetics of implants.......


Sunshine N Austin Says: (Your comment is awaiting moderation. )June 25th, 2008 at 8:39 pm

Q. Do breast implants cause disease?

For many people they do cause foreign body reaction and that can cause many reactions, one of which is discussed here:http://radiology.rsnajnls.org/cgi/content/abstract/149/1/69 ,it states:The authors report 3 cases of erosive arthritis resulting from a foreign-body reaction to a silicone implant in the wrist. No patient had a history of inflammatory arthritis. Radiographic changes included well-defined lytic lesions with thin, sclerotic margins, normal mineralization, and loss of volume of the implant. Pathologically, a destructive foreign-body reaction was seen, with intra- and extracellular silicone debris.

The chemicals that are used in processing the silicone for the implants are all known neuro-toxins :1)Methyl Ethyl Ketone2)Cyclobexanone3)Isopropyl Alcohol4)Denatured Alcohol5)Acetone6)Urethane7)Poly vinyl Chloride8)Lacquer Thinner9)Ethyl Acetate10)Epoxy Resin11)Epoxy Hardener12)Amine13)Printing Ink14)Toluene15)Freon16)Silica17)Flux18)Solder]19)Chlorplatinic Acid20)Metal Cleaning Acid21)Formaldehyde22)Talcum Powder23)Color Pigmentation (Printers Ink)24)Oakite25)Cyanoacyrylates26)Ethylene Oxide27)Carob Black28)Xylene29)Hexone30)Benzene31)Hexanone 232)Thixon-OSN-233)Rubber34)Acid Stearic35)Zinc Oxide36)Naptha37)Phenol38)Methylene Chloride39)Platinum SaltThis causes Multiple Chemical Sensitivity problems for many people,

CLINICAL AND DIAGNOSTIC LABORATORY IMMUNOLOGY:Phenotype of Lymphocytes Associated with the InflammatoryReaction to Silicone Gel Breast ImplantsThe tissue response to silicone gel breast implants typically includes an inflammatory infiltrate that consistsof macrophages, foreign body-type giant cells, and a variable number of lymphocytes and plasma cells. Thephenotype of the lymphocytic component was investigated with three-color flow cytometry. Lymphocytes wereobtained by collecting fluid from the space between the implant and the fibrous capsule or by washing cellsfrom the fibrous capsule at the time of implant removal with total capsulectomy. Eighty-nine percent of theimplant-associated lymphocytes were T cells. Twenty-five percent of the CD31 T cells coexpressed HLA-DRcompared with only 7.9% of matched peripheral blood lymphocytes. Sixty-eight percent of the implantassociatedT cells coexpressed CD4 and CD29, while only 3% of the T cells coexpressed CD4 and CD45RO. Theexpression of HLA-DR and the predominance of CD291 CD41 T cells indicate that there is immune activationwith the potential for stimulating antigen-specific antibody production. The role of silicone gel breast implantsin immune activation and its clinical significance require further investigation.In order to find out why there are several hundred thousand people ill from implants, they need to study those that had such horrible reactions to them, and the offspring that are affected.

Q. How long will breast implants last?From all the people I have spoken with over the years, I have seen them last from a couple days to around 10 years, but generally the ones that have had them 10 years are having some problems,Alot of it has to do with genetics, how quick your body attacks the foreign body and breakes it down, integrity of the implant, etc…

Q. What if I have the implants removed?A good surgeon knows how to remove implants properly, enbloc with drain tubes, or at least a full capsulectomy, to insure there is no toxic waste and implant debris left in the body. When this is done properly, you heal well, and the breasts look good.If you choose to replace them with a new set, remember in the FDA literature, the statistics of problems goes up. I am not sure why.

http://www.fda.gov/cdrh/pdf2/P020056c.pdf , inamedhttp://www.fda.gov/cdrh/pdf3/p030053c.pdf , mentorThis is copied out of the above document reguarding health insurancein your future:• Insurance coverage – Patients should be advised that health insurance premiums may increase, insurance coverage may be dropped, and/or future coverage may be denied based on the presence of breast implants. Treatment of complications may not be covered as well. Patients should check with their insurance company regarding coverage issues before undergoing surgery.

What ever you decide, do your homework, read everything you can get your hands on from all of the sites. Check your family medical history and if there is history of health issues, remember, that makes you more suseptible.Have a safe, well informed, and healthy life journey ~Sunshine N AustinGas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for fuel-efficient used cars.

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