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Masters of Light

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Masters of Light-author unknown Christ, Adonis, Babaji, Buddha, The Elohim, Enoch, Ganesh, Isis, Kali, Krishna, Kwan Yin, Lakshmi, Maitreya, , Magdalene,Melchizedek, Pan, Radha, Sai Baba, Shiva, ThothThe Ascended MastersAfra, Ashtar, Djwhal Khul, El Morya, Hilarion, Kuthumi, Lady Nada,Lanto, Maha Chohan, St. Germain, Sanat Kumara, Serapis Bey, Vywamus,White Buffalo - Calf Woman, Wontanna The ArchangelsAriel, Chamuel, , Haniel, Jophiel, Metatron, , Raphael,Raziel, Sandalphon, Uriel, Zadkiel Masters of Light Explained:Adonis - Greek God of Vegetation. Posses incredible beauty, strength,vigor, and is often associated with love and attraction.Babaji - Yogi Avatar. He appeared in India over the last 5000 years.Babaji helps to move the slow but progressive evolutionary progress ofman over the centuries.Buddha - Buddhist God Incarnate. He is an incarnation of the Christenergy. The Buddha is not and has never been represented assuperhuman. Buddha is supreme enlightenment and this enlightenmentoccurs only when he witnessed and transcended the darkness ofuniversal negativity. He bestows wisdom to all who have preparedthemselves to receive it.Christ - God Incarnate. The aspect of God that has the overallresponsibility for the spiritual advancement and well-being of theEarth. He has incarnated many times on the Earth - as Jesus, Buddha,Krishna, and many other great teachers.The Elohim - The Plural Splendor of the Creator God. All That Is.This plural title appears over 25,000 times in the Bible.Enoch - Elder: One Who Initiates into Light. Enoch helps to awakenand enlighten people on their spiritual path.Ganesh - Remover of Obstacles: Ganesh is a popular and beloved Deityin India. He clears the way for us in both our spiritual and secularlives by helping break down the barriers which hold us back.Isis - Egyptian Mother Goddess. As Divine Physician, Isis taught herpriestesses techniques of healing, including the preparation ofmedicines for contraception, fertility, and relief from pain. Sheconnects us with our own innate healing powers.Kali - Hindu Goddess of Transformation. The triple Goddess ofcreation, destruction, and rebirth, Kali encompasses three aspects ofspirituality. She understands the mystery that death and birth areparts of the same cycle, that new life begins with the destruction ofold forms.Krishna - Hindu God Incarnate. He is an incarnation of the Christ. Hetaught about the meaning of life, the subtle workings of creation, andthe understanding of a self- realized soul. He spoke of the scienceof yoga in all its forms -- the path of work, knowledge, mysticismand devotion.Kwan Yin - Buddhist Goddess of Compassion. She is the quintessentialbodhisttava, the Buddhist practitioner committed to helping othersthrough compassion, love, hope, transformation, and service.Lakshmi - Hindu Goddess of Abundance. Lakshmi, which means sign offortune, is the Goddess of success or prosperity, and is worshippedfor beauty, wealth, surplus, and peace.Maitreya - The Expected Future Buddha. Another aspect of the Christ,he will show the path to enlightenment which will lead to aself-consistent and infinitely sustainable state of peace and happiness. - Christian Divine Mother. Mother of Jesus. She bestows theenergies of intuitive wisdom upon those females who aspire to leadership. Magdalene - Wife of Jesus, and "the Disciple of the Disciples".She was a powerful force in the early Christian movement. It is littleknown that she is the wife of Jesus and spread his teachings after Hisdeath. She is the author of the Gospel of and other spiritualwritings. Because of her power and popularity the early church fathersslandered her and did all that they could to cover up her truerelationship with Jesus. She has no relationship at all to thenameless adulteress mentioned in the Bible.Melchizedek - In Charge of the Spiritual and Planetary Priesthood ofMelchizedek. The heavenly Order of Melchizedek is preparing forSpiritual Transformation of the Earth and the Second Coming of Christ.Pan - Greek God of Wild Nature, Woods and Pastures. He is a skilledmusician, and offers assistance in any musical or environmental work.Radha - Eternal Lover - She is the beloved who searched for anddevoted herself to her Lord Krishna, and He is the avatar thatcompleted and empowered her shakti. They are pure loving devotion(agappi) and they are the great, holy _expression of erotic love.Sai Baba - Living Avatar in India. He performs miracles beforethousands daily. He is a Divine Being here to help mankind preparefor Ascension, the transformation of the Earth, and the Second Coming.Shiva - Hindu God of Spiritual Transformation. Shiva representssupreme consciousness as well as the male principle. He performs thefive cosmic functions of creation, maintenance, dissolution,concealment, and grace-bestowal.Thoth (Hermes) - Scribe of the Gods. Thoth was one of the mostpowerful Gods worshiped throughout Egypt. He was known as Tehuti, orThoth, "master of divine words and sacred writing."ARCHANGELSAriel - Archangel of Courage. He counsels us to face our fears andteaches that our bravery will set us free from limitations. Cladyourself in the armor of faith in yourself and live your life to thefullest. He is the Patron Angel of Animals.Chamuel - Archangel of Divine Love. He offers to counsel us to focuson the spark of divine love within the stillness of our hearts and torevere life within all beings. Love conquers all. Love is what Godis. He is the Patron Angel of Love and governs heavenly singing. - Archangel of Communication. He helps with the alchemy ofpsychism, intuition, and receptivity. He is the bringer of news andheralds the revealing of answers. Maker of changes. He is the PatronAngel of Communications Workers.Haniel - Archangel of Harmony. He can help bring friends, lovers,peace, love, beauty, grace, and all good things into our lives. Healso serves as an aid and inspiration in artistic matters.Jophiel - Archangel of Illumination. He teaches the outerconsciousness of the Power of Light within oneself. He stirs thefeelings through "Radiation of Illumination" into aspiration forspiritual things. He brings to mankind the gift of Beauty. He is thePatron Angel of Artists.Metatron - Overseer of the Archangels. He is one of the highest powerof abundance. Metatron can teach us how to work towards thedevelopment of a spiritual life and helps us to find suitable teachersand communities to work with. - Archangel of Protection. He governs careers, courage,achievements, ambitions, motivation, and life tasks. Call upon for motivation and empowerment in your work. He is the Patron Angelof Law Enforcement and bringer of the gift of patience.Raphael - Archangel of Healing. He is the angel of healing, light,science, and knowledge. He is the Patron Angel of Travelers. Callupon Raphael for healing of yourself and others on every level: mind,body, and spirit.Raziel - Archangel of Originality and Ideas. He is knowledgeable inseveral mystical arts and can help us discover the truth many occulttruths in the universe. He can give us an understanding of the energycurrents in the universe and how to utilize them to various ends.Sandalphon - Archangel of Prayer. If we need advice regardingcommunication with entities from elemental or planetary spheres,Sandalphon can help. We call upon him for advice if we are confusedabout the direction our spiritual path is taking us. He is the PatronAngel of Music.Uriel - Archangel of Salvation. Uriel's flame of Love, the Fire ofGod, the Light of God, purifies emotional and mental understanding,transmuting the lower vibrations into frequencies that can assimilateSpiritual Understanding. Patron Angel of all those who seek Salvation.Zadkiel - Archangel of Freedom. He inspires those who createfreedom and justice through love and understanding. Patron of All whoForgive.ASCENDED MASTERSAscended Masters are Beings of Light who lived on Earth, faced thesame challenges we face today and ascended back to their Divine State.They serve as Teachers for mankind from the Higher Dimensions. Theyguide, inspire, and help heal mankind. They are Teachers in the truestsense of the word. They can help us grow in many areas of our livesand achieve the real purpose of life: to awaken, merge back with ourHigher Self, and come to God Realization. It is important to realizethat all Beings of Light are real, tangible Beings. Their bodies arenot physical but they can make them as tangible as our physical bodiesare when that is needed. All Beings of Light live by the Power ofLight, Love, and Divine Energy.Afra - First Ascended Master from Africa. He offers to help usreconnect and maintain our deep connection to Spirit, and follow itsinnate rhythm throughout every area of our lives. He wishes to help usexpress our Higher Self energies which are always available to us.Ashtar - Assists to Achieve Higher Dimensional understanding. He hashad many lives on Earth, including the Apostle, St. Jerome, andCopernicus. He offers us his help in the fields of music and science.Djwhal Khul - Tibetan Ascended Master. It is his delight to giveassistance to those of us who are interested in natural healingtreatments and the usage of herbs. His well-balanced energies alsoassist those involved in volunteer and welfare work.El Morya - Assists to Achieve Self-Awareness. He helps us discover andlearn to express our deep inner thoughts and feelings. He alsooffers his assistance to those interested in astrology and numerology.Hilarion - Assists to Transform Lower Energies. Knowing that theSpiritual Self remains pure and innocent, he helps through cleansingand healing the physical, mental and emotional selves. He is willingto help bring Light into one's darkness.Kuthumi - Assists to Express Unconditional Love. He has a strongassociation with Jesus and His teachings. He is an initiate of Wisdomand Love. He encourages a strong connection to the Christ energy. Hisincarnations include the Baptist & Di Vinci.Lady Nada - Assists to Realize Clarity of the Mind, Heart, and Soul.She offers to remove the veils which cover the Truths many fail tosee. She brings reassurance to those of us who feel that we have beentaught misleading information.Lanto - Offers Assistance in Gaining Wisdom through Education. Hehelps to awaken the youth of Earth and pervades various educationalsystems. He offers his assistance to all students, teachers, andseekers everywhere.Maha Chohan - Offers Assistance to the Spiritually Awakened andIllumined Ones. His influence stimulates those among us who aspire todynamic positions of leadership. He has a special interest in helpingthose working with the mineral kingdom.St. Germain - Oversees and Assists the Growth of Consciousness. Heoffers assistance to those of us who are enmeshed in rigid traditionalconcepts, and helps us to attain a simplified dedication to all thatwe hold truly important in our lives.Sanat Kumara - Offers Assistance with Manifestation. He reminds usthat thoughts are real and have form. Such thoughts have effect uponourselves, our lives, and all of life. He helps us to eliminatenegative thoughts by working with the highest energies of the DivineSource.Serapis Bey - Encourages and Stimulates Creative Ideas. He offers helpto those of us who are involved in architectural, artistic, musicaland theatrical work. He encourages those who find some difficulty orconflict with their masculine/feminine gender to be true to themselves.Vywamus - Assists in the Ascension Process. He is very much concernedwith the Ascension of planet Earth. Ascension is achieved byincreasing the amount of Light and the amount of Love that yourcellular structure can hold. This Light and this Love is flowing fromthe Source.White Buffalo Calf Woman - Native American Ascended Master. She helpswith the "Great Shift" - the transformation of the Earth into theGolden Age.Wontanna - Native American Ascended Master. He is very much connectedto Nature, and is concerned with honoring and healing our MotherEarth. He offers his assistance to those of us who are particularlydrawn to working with the elements and the animal kingdom.

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