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Candida and Progestrone........WOW, lots of articles on this .....

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http://ezinearticles.com/?Your-Hormones-Effect-Your-Yeast-Infection & id=575099

PROGESTERONE AND ESTROGENSeveral medical texts including theMerk manual warn that hormone therapy can cause vaginal yeastinfections in women. Most noted would be estrogen therapy. In myresearch I have found that any imbalance between estrogen and itspartner hormone progesterone may cause candida. Some time ago webelieved that too much estrogen would cause candida. They we found somewomen who would get candida from progesterone. After studying hundredsof cases I have concluded that it is an imbalance between the two thatcause the candida overgrowth. It does not matter which is in excess,although it is more common to find estrogen excess in candida. Recentlyit has been found that the body pulls hormones out of the blood andstores them in the intestinal tract. It does this in effort to adjustthe amount of hormone in the blood that can go into the cells andtarget sites throughout the body. Imbalances between estrogen andprogesterone have been found to have a negative effect on the friendlyprotective bacteria. This in turn causes the candida to overgrow. As inthe case of cortisol, both estrogen and progesterone if in excess orout of balance with each other, will have a direct effect on causingcandida to grow as well as destroying friendly protective bacteria.


Is Candida an Endocrine Disorder?


Progesterone Ever wonder why so many women have to use progesterone cream? It is because fungus devours it and changes it into prednisone. In fact, I have heard that drug companies farm fungus colonies, feeding them progesterone to make the drug prednisone which they then sell to consumers as a remedy for everything.

Prednisone is just one of the many powerful mycotoxins of the fungus that can kill bacteria.

This explains why most women are estrogen dominant. Not that they have a lot of estrogen but they lack progesterone due to fungus.

These imbalances can cause the face to break out, breast to lose firmness, hair problems and the most significant…. Depression even migraines. Aside from these problems a woman’s skin can become so sensitive she can’t stand to be touched. The skin can become so painful intimacy becomes impossible.

anyone heard of this???????

A great product - Syclovir receives our 4 star rating for price and effectiveness.


A Safe Alternative for Candida, Parasites, Worms & without Harmful Side-effects

Parasites are prevalent in epidemic proportions in every land of the earth. They are the base

of many disease processes in the human body. Most of us never know we are harboring these

tiny carnivorous creatures which eat our flesh and leaves our bodies full of their own waste.

Differenttypes of parasites are attracted to different organs of our body. Andunknown to many is that animals and birds carry their own type ofparasites which can get into humans and wreck their health.


Everybreathing life form on earth should have a small colony of fungus/yeastin their gut. It is a part of life and is necessary plus it cannot beavoided. We live in a fungal soup and even breathe fungus in with eachbreath. But, Candida Overgrowth can be a real danger to life itself.Many authorities describe the bloating, hypoglycemia, cold hands & feet, anemia, brain fog, ears ringing, sinusitis, diarrhea orconstipation, etc., that overgrowth of yeast/fungus can cause.

Syclovir damages the yeast/fungus mechanically and does not poison or take part in any body chemistry.

Everyone who has “ever†taken antibiotics, birth control pills, etc. has a big chance of FUNGUS OVERGROWTH.

Candida in abundance produces many symptoms that are treated as diseases.

“What is Syclovir made fromâ€

Thereare perhaps thousands of varieties of plankton. Syclovir is made froman unusual food-grade Plankton. The silica of this plankton is uniquelytreated and processed to help us have healthy support for our immunesystem.

It is not a poison or toxin. The microscopic silica inthe product is part of the plankton. The Plankton is processed for aspecific purpose and in a unique way. Then it is combined with a littlesugar from sugar cane and some kosher distilled vinegar for Candida’slast meal and the blend of Syclovir is completed. NOTE: Muscle testingmay be thrown off in some people by the presence of the sugar & vinegar.

Syclovir Picks Up Nicotine, Toxins & Chemicals

Perhapsable to absorb up to 1000 times its own weight in toxins, Syclovir isexcellent at helping to clean up the blood and cells. Candida and itcousins produce toxic, liquid, mycotoxins throughout our bodies. Drugsare also considered toxins since it is foreign so it will also pick upmedication drugs unless taken at opposite ends of the day. SinceSyclovir absorbs some moisture it is important to take it withsufficient water to keep the bowels moving properly. Since fungus killsour friendly bacteria, many choose to take 5 or 6 capsules ofprobiotics every day or our DIGEST RC which causes the liver to releasemore bile. This solves digestion and bowel problems.

Best timeto use it is away from other products. However, anytime is fine.Bloating or producing gas may be a sign you may have eaten afungus-feeding food,. 1 teaspoon in about 4 ounces of water before orafter eating may stop this in about 10 minutes. (Once you ever getover-run with fungus, 99.99% of the time it may return). Syclovir is away to go natural without fear of dissolving your liver or kidneys withchemicals.

Directions (adults)

1/Start with 1 teaspoon morning or evening. If you do not feel anyfatigue you may choose to increase to 2 teaspoons the next day. Keepmoving the amount up until you feel some fatigue. This tells you youhave reached the amount of fungus you can kill off and get rid ofthrough the bowels. Fatigue occurs when you cannot get rid of a lot ofdead fungus SO back off for a few days and then go up again.

Try to get up to 2 heaping tablespoons per day while avoiding all fungus-feeding foods for a time.

2/First 30 days: Some foods that feed fungus are bread, white rice, whitepotatoes, pasta, corn, popcorn, carrot & apple juice, peanutproducts, bags of opened nuts, cheese, mushrooms, bananas, grapes,raisons, all dairy including whey protein, alcoholic drinks or anygrain or bean products. These are feeder foods.

Of course it helps to void all of the common sugar treats including chocolate.

Youmay wish to kill off as much fungus as possible in the first 30 dayswithout having kill-off side-effects which could be a headache or morethan usual fatigue. This may indicate you are killing more than you areeliminating. Just increase your water intake and drop back on theSyclovir.

3/ Always take Syclovir by itself since it may pick upany other items. After getting Candida under control, you may need tocontinue 1 heaping tablespoon per day to protect yourself in thefuture.

(Children may use teaspoons instead of tablespoons in the directions)

CAUTION: Not to be consumed by women who are pregnant or seeking to get pregnant.

Asafe alternative for Candida, parasites, worms & without harmfulside-effects! Syclovir Picks Up Nicotine, Toxins & Chemicals.

Foods that feed Candida: (All Sweets, candies, chocolate, etc.)

Also, all high glycemic foods like alcoholic beverages, white rice, breads with gluten or yeast, white potatoes, pasta, corn (including popcorn)carrot juice, apples, bananas, grapes, vinegar. Also, all dairy especially cheese, including Whey protein, then peanuts & cashews because they are fungal themselves. Remember also, (except for lentils) all grains feed fungus. All (legume-type) beans feed fungus.

1. The feeder foods includeSUGAR

2. All foods that turn into HIGH GLYCEMIC SUGAR QUICKLY

3. And includes any foods that CONTAIN MOLD OR FUNGUS


FRUCTOSE is sugar. This is sugar

WHITE POTATOES turn into high sugar. This turns into sugar

CHEESE is mold and PEANUTS are full of mold. This has nothing to do with sugar but is full of fungus hence, it feeds fungus.

Different types of parasites are attracted to different organs ofour body. And unknown to many is that animals and birds carry their owntype of parasites which can get into humans and wreck their health.Candida.

We breathe Candida in from the air so it is alwayspresent in us. But, Candida Overgrowth can be a real danger to lifeitself. Many authorities describe the bloating, hypoglycemia, coldhands & feet, anemia, brain fog, ears ringing, sinusitis, diarrheaor constipation, etc., that overgrowth of yeast/fungus can cause.

Thisproduct damages the yeast/fungus mechanically and does not poison ortake part in any body chemistry. Everyone who has “ever†takenantibiotics has a big chance of FUNGUS OVERGROWTH. Candida in abundanceproduces many symptoms that are treated as diseases.

What isSyclovir made from? There are over 10,000 varieties of plankton.Syclovir is made from an unusual food-grade Plankton. The silica ofthis plankton is uniquely treated and processed to help us have healthysupport for our immune system. It is not a poison or toxin. Themicroscopic silica in the product is part of the plankton. The Planktonis processed for a specific purpose and in a unique way. Then it iscombined with a little sugar from sugar cane and some kosher distilledvinegar for Candida’s last meal and the blend of Syclovir is completed.Syclovir Picks Up Nicotine, Toxins & Chemicals - Perhaps able toabsorb up to 1000 times its own weight in toxins, Syclovir is excellentat helping to clean up the blood and cells.

Candida and itcousins produce toxic, liquid, mycotoxins throughout our bodies. Drugsare also considered toxins since it is foreign so it will also pick upmedication drugs. Since Syclovir absorbs some moisture it is importantto take it with sufficient water to keep the bowels moving properly.Since fungus kills our friendly bacteria, many choose to take 5 or 6capsules of probiotics every

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