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The Lightworker's Manifesto: A Primer for Coming Times, Part 11 By DL Zeta

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The Lightworker's Manifesto: A Primer for Coming Times, Part 11

We have given you 12 points of light for

lightworkers, which you will find listed once again at the end of this

discussion. The tenth point of light we describe today asks you to release

linear thinking, which keeps you enslaved to physical reality. By doing so, you

are able to listen to your body and your inner wisdom. It is through the

doorway of this new awareness that you learn to honor and work with your own


Learn to Honor and Work with Your Own Energy

One of the greatest challenges lightworkers face is

learning to work with their own energy.

In order to shape and transform energy effectively, you must be attuned to

the ebb and flow of your own life force energies. Once you are aware of your

own energies, it is important that you honor them. It is detrimental and even

destructive to go against your natural flow. Failure to honor your own flow is

a subtle form of self-sabotage that is often rooted in misunderstanding.

To help you learn to work with your own energy, we will

examine the workings of your energetic system. The energy you use comes from

one of two places: the flow of cosmic life force energy entering your energetic

system, or life force reserves held within your physical body. This works in much the same way as a radio

that runs on batteries but also has an AC adapter. In your home, you save battery power by

plugging your radio into an electrical outlet.

If, at some point, your home experiences a power outage, your radio will

continue to play, only now it is drawing on its batteries. Unless you switch on a light or attempt to

use another appliance, you might not notice the change. If you continue to run

your radio on battery power, sooner or later the batteries will be depleted.

This is what happens when you do energy work at times when you don't have a

strong connection with cosmic energy.

Channeling Cosmic Life Force Energy

You as lightworkers have learned to call upon the

vast resources of the universe to assist you in the work you do. However, you are not always aware of the

times when your connection to the flow of cosmic energy is hampered or "amped

down." There are any number of

explanations as to why this happens. There

are times when astrological influences may create a disturbance to this

flow. At other times, you may experience

negative emotions that amp down or stifle the flow of life force energy into

your physical system. At such times, if you

continue the work you are doing, you begin to drain the resources of your

storage "batteries" within your physical body. Depleting your self is never advisable and

completely unnecessary.

There are ways you can come into a finer point of

awareness in terms of the flow of energy into your physical system. You can learn to work with this flow so the

times when you are doing energy work are times when you are fully connected to

cosmic life force energy.

Self-denial, or failing to honor your own flow of

energy, often occurs when you are caught up in physical reality, working from a

more physical perspective. One signpost of a purely physical perspective is

linear thinking. Linear thinking is limited in scope, tending to view

circumstances as "either/or". In other words, either you stay in a job that

limits your growth or you starve. Linear thinking keeps you in a box where you

are a slave of the world. From this enslaved perspective, you do not believe

you can afford to stay attuned to your own energy. You don't believe you have other

options, so you continue to deplete your self.

To begin turning this around, learn to love your

self and care for your body. Gain awareness of old voices from your past that

say you are not worthy of love, even your own. When you love and honor your

self, you are in a much better position to take the next step of releasing

linear thinking.

Learn to Release Linear Thinking

Linear thinking says that things happen along a

given continuum. In reality, many things

happen at all points along the reality spectrum within all moments. You happen at all points along the energetic

spectrum within all moments. Your focus

self may only perceive one line of occurrence, or timeline, within any given

moment, but other possible realities exist nevertheless. Sometimes the answer

to a situation is to step into your multidimensional self and access a

possibility that exists outside the linear spectrum. Being able to do this

requires that you be willing to allow solutions to happen easily and


Sometimes working with your own energy means

releasing beliefs that everything worth doing is created after much struggle and

hardship. Many lightworkers still struggle with this lesson. The illusion of getting somewhere,

accomplishing something, is tied more to doing than being. Much energy is

wasted in the attempt to create only by "doing." You must first be what you

seek to create. Part of being is learning to work with your own energy.

The Art of Listening

As you release linear thinking, you are better able

to listen to your body and your inner voice of wisdom. As you pay attention to

the ebb and flow of your own energy, you become aware of those times when you are

depleting your energy. Depleting your

energy is not sustainable in the long term.

It is important to take care of your self. If you are not properly caring for your self,

you cannot truly care for others. One is

holographic to the other.

If you find you are depleting your energy, begin to

examine how you may be unknowingly allowing your spiritual connection to be "amped

down" at times. When you shine the light of your awareness on those times when

you are stifling the flow of life force into your physical system, you can

learn how to forge a stronger connection with your higher self and all-that-is.

Another aspect of this awareness is learning to listen

to the voice of your inner wisdom. If

you are moving in and out of your ability to receive large amounts of life force

energy, there are reasons for this. This

is an indication there are issues within your self coming up to be healed and

cleared. There are times when it is important for you to release old emotional

energies trapped in the past. We will offer some methods for this clearing and

release in our upcoming discussion, Learn to Travel in Consciousness.

Spiritual Freedom and Honoring Your Self

When you learn to free your self from linear,

physical-base ways of thinking, you are no longer a slave of the world. When you

are able to honor your own needs within the moment, you see through enslaving thought

forms. Only a being who is spiritually free can fully honor and work with their

own energy. In this way, you know when

it is time to heal, cleanse and renew your body, mind, emotions and spirit, and

are willing and able to undertake the journeys you need to undertake. As you learn to honor and work with your own

energy, you are able to teach others to honor and work with their own energy.

This creates the foundations for a more holistic and sustainable world.

Next week we will discuss the eleventh point of

light, learn to travel in consciousness.

The Twelve Points of Light for Lightworkers:

One) Practice Self-Responsibility in All Things

Two) Expand Your Beliefs to Take in More of Who You Are

Three) Transform the Energies you EncounterFour) Practice Kindness and Compassion

Five) Trust in Your Highest Vision

Six) Practice Honesty, Clear Seeing & Discernment

Seven) Release Resistance and Come into a Place of Surrender

Eight) Allow Your Spiritual Purpose to Become Your Guiding Star

Nine) Set the Intention to Work from the Perspective of Your Higher Self

Ten) Honor and Work with Your Own Energy

Eleven) Learn to Travel in Consciousness

Twelve) Ask for and Open to Receive Spiritual Guidance

For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org

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From: deborah@...Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2008 04:32:22 +0000Subject: [] The Lightworker's Manifesto: A Primer for Coming Times, Part 11 By DL Zeta

The Lightworker's Manifesto: A Primer for Coming Times, Part 11

We have given you 12 points of light for lightworkers, which you will find listed once again at the end of this discussion. The tenth point of light we describe today asks you to release linear thinking, which keeps you enslaved to physical reality. By doing so, you are able to listen to your body and your inner wisdom. It is through the doorway of this new awareness that you learn to honor and work with your own energy.

Learn to Honor and Work with Your Own Energy

One of the greatest challenges lightworkers face is learning to work with their own energy. In order to shape and transform energy effectively, you must be attuned to the ebb and flow of your own life force energies. Once you are aware of your own energies, it is important that you honor them. It is detrimental and even destructive to go against your natural flow. Failure to honor your own flow is a subtle form of self-sabotage that is often rooted in misunderstanding.

To help you learn to work with your own energy, we will examine the workings of your energetic system. The energy you use comes from one of two places: the flow of cosmic life force energy entering your energetic system, or life force reserves held within your physical body. This works in much the same way as a radio that runs on batteries but also has an AC adapter. In your home, you save battery power by plugging your radio into an electrical outlet. If, at some point, your home experiences a power outage, your radio will continue to play, only now it is drawing on its batteries. Unless you switch on a light or attempt to use another appliance, you might not notice the change. If you continue to run your radio on battery power, sooner or later the batteries will be depleted. This is what happens when you do energy work at times when you don't have a strong connection with cosmic energy.

Channeling Cosmic Life Force Energy

You as lightworkers have learned to call upon the vast resources of the universe to assist you in the work you do. However, you are not always aware of the times when your connection to the flow of cosmic energy is hampered or "amped down." There are any number of explanations as to why this happens. There are times when astrological influences may create a disturbance to this flow. At other times, you may experience negative emotions that amp down or stifle the flow of life force energy into your physical system. At such times, if you continue the work you are doing, you begin to drain the resources of your storage "batteries" within your physical body. Depleting your self is never advisable and completely unnecessary.

There are ways you can come into a finer point of awareness in terms of the flow of energy into your physical system. You can learn to work with this flow so the times when you are doing energy work are times when you are fully connected to cosmic life force energy.

Self-denial, or failing to honor your own flow of energy, often occurs when you are caught up in physical reality, working from a more physical perspective. One signpost of a purely physical perspective is linear thinking. Linear thinking is limited in scope, tending to view circumstances as "either/or". In other words, either you stay in a job that limits your growth or you starve. Linear thinking keeps you in a box where you are a slave of the world. From this enslaved perspective, you do not believe you can afford to stay attuned to your own energy. You don't believe you have other options, so you continue to deplete your self.

To begin turning this around, learn to love your self and care for your body. Gain awareness of old voices from your past that say you are not worthy of love, even your own. When you love and honor your self, you are in a much better position to take the next step of releasing linear thinking.

Learn to Release Linear Thinking

Linear thinking says that things happen along a given continuum. In reality, many things happen at all points along the reality spectrum within all moments. You happen at all points along the energetic spectrum within all moments. Your focus self may only perceive one line of occurrence, or timeline, within any given moment, but other possible realities exist nevertheless. Sometimes the answer to a situation is to step into your multidimensional self and access a possibility that exists outside the linear spectrum. Being able to do this requires that you be willing to allow solutions to happen easily and effortlessly.

Sometimes working with your own energy means releasing beliefs that everything worth doing is created after much struggle and hardship. Many lightworkers still struggle with this lesson. The illusion of getting somewhere, accomplishing something, is tied more to doing than being. Much energy is wasted in the attempt to create only by "doing." You must first be what you seek to create. Part of being is learning to work with your own energy.

The Art of Listening

As you release linear thinking, you are better able to listen to your body and your inner voice of wisdom. As you pay attention to the ebb and flow of your own energy, you become aware of those times when you are depleting your energy. Depleting your energy is not sustainable in the long term. It is important to take care of your self. If you are not properly caring for your self, you cannot truly care for others. One is holographic to the other.

If you find you are depleting your energy, begin to examine how you may be unknowingly allowing your spiritual connection to be "amped down" at times. When you shine the light of your awareness on those times when you are stifling the flow of life force into your physical system, you can learn how to forge a stronger connection with your higher self and all-that-is.

Another aspect of this awareness is learning to listen to the voice of your inner wisdom. If you are moving in and out of your ability to receive large amounts of life force energy, there are reasons for this. This is an indication there are issues within your self coming up to be healed and cleared. There are times when it is important for you to release old emotional energies trapped in the past. We will offer some methods for this clearing and release in our upcoming discussion, Learn to Travel in Consciousness.

Spiritual Freedom and Honoring Your Self

When you learn to free your self from linear, physical-base ways of thinking, you are no longer a slave of the world. When you are able to honor your own needs within the moment, you see through enslaving thought forms. Only a being who is spiritually free can fully honor and work with their own energy. In this way, you know when it is time to heal, cleanse and renew your body, mind, emotions and spirit, and are willing and able to undertake the journeys you need to undertake. As you learn to honor and work with your own energy, you are able to teach others to honor and work with their own energy. This creates the foundations for a more holistic and sustainable world.

Next week we will discuss the eleventh point of light, learn to travel in consciousness.

The Twelve Points of Light for Lightworkers:One) Practice Self-Responsibility in All ThingsTwo) Expand Your Beliefs to Take in More of Who You AreThree) Transform the Energies you EncounterFour) Practice Kindness and CompassionFive) Trust in Your Highest VisionSix) Practice Honesty, Clear Seeing & DiscernmentSeven) Release Resistance and Come into a Place of SurrenderEight) Allow Your Spiritual Purpose to Become Your Guiding StarNine) Set the Intention to Work from the Perspective of Your Higher SelfTen) Honor and Work with Your Own EnergyEleven) Learn to Travel in ConsciousnessTwelve) Ask for and Open to Receive Spiritual Guidance

For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org

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