Guest guest Posted July 22, 2008 Report Share Posted July 22, 2008 In a message dated 7/22/2008 6:51:05 PM Central Daylight Time, writes: Dede, My skin started sinking in after my implants were pulled out through my armpits. I am not doing much better than when I had proper capsule removal Sandy, I am so sorry you are having such problems, unfortunately it takes tons of time, remember it was 4 years for Patty after proper more patients, and detox... and then even more patients and detox......I am sorry it takes so long....we all love you...... I am sure this is all related to this nasty nodule My skin on my legs has sunkin gaps like an old woman Honey, the muscles in your legs are atrophy'd because of inactivity and the fact you cannot exercise. To top it off, you have reduced kidney function and fluid from your heart and kidneys is causing edema, Mine are like that too, and you just cant help it right now, you have been sick for a very long time. When you get well enough to walk and exercise, you will be able to build up your leg muscles again. The circulation in my legs feels like it's being cut off All the edema from the kidneys and all is the reason for that. Are you restricting salt and sodium in your diet? You need to cut it back to 2000 mg a day for awhile, and restrict your fluids as well to about 2000 cc a day. No canned goods, no bacon, or processed meats, no ramin. Start looking at all your foods and see what the sodium content is. Do not add salt to your meals til you get that edema off you. Then if you do later on, be sure it is himalayan sea salt. If you have a water softener on your water, then it is salty, you need to drink purified water. You will find tons of improvement when you count all your salt and sodium intake and restrict it . Eating out, there is tons of sodium in those foods. I small schlotzkys original has over 1700 mg of sodium in it ! ! Go to and you can see what is in all the foods at the fast food places . I have a book on it, my daughter got it for me from work. I hope this is not why my skin is sinking in Lets get you better, then we will work on your skin. I think you have so much inflammation you dont really know what is you and what is inflammation. My body is not accepting this mold,fungi garbage at all. My appointment with the breast surgeon is not until July 28'th and all this weight is from inflamation due to this nodule which is giving me breathing and heart problems I have chemical breath because this crap is our my chest. Call the doc office every day to see if there has been a cancellation to get in sooner. I would call Dr Kolb too and see what she thinks and if you should go in on an emergency basis. If you are feeling this bad and your heart is acting up more than usual, something is up.....take your temperature and see if you have one. Dont be surprised if you dont tho, as many times I dont run one when I should, but I believe that is because our system isnt working right and has no fight left. I am pouring in sweat in an air conditioned room at 70 degrees Which tells me there has been an infection brewing for sometime now When my body is sick, it does that too, your body is giving you signs please push for help if you are feeling you need it....dont harm yourself further by waiting when your body is telling you not to. I do not feel much difference in my health after capsule removel This is hard on my heart and hope I can make it another week I honestly don't know how Traci survived all this Please also get tested for LYME........just do it... I am so sorry you feel so bad. Please give your son my email address so he can contact me if you go in for surgery or anything at all. Dede I do not know how you are managing all your pain because I'm getting weaker and weaker having all this garbage in me. Sweetie, it is a challenge for sure ! ! I am walking around like an 80 yr old woman Me too and sometimes I look like I am walking with a corn cob up my bum.....just cuz I hurt I'm having one of those days !! Bless your precious heart ! ! Flabby Saggy Sandy~ Beautiful, soft, volumptous , intelligent, loving, funny wonderful Sandy ~ WE all love you ~ Hugs Prayers, and lots of hope ~ Dede **************Get fantasy football with free live scoring. Sign up for FanHouse Fantasy Football today. ( Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 22, 2008 Report Share Posted July 22, 2008 Wow, Sandy, I sure wish my scanner worked so I could scan in my mri's that showed the small seroma, then the op report and path report showing what all was really in there. Would Dr Kolb call this doctor and consult with him and see if he will get you in on an emergency basis ? ? My heart goes out to you my dear ! If at any time at all you feel like you need to be seen sooner, just go to the hospital emergency....tell them about all the pain and how sickly you feel with the hot sweats and all. Your body is talking, so someone needs to listen ! ! XOXO Dede**************Get fantasy football with free live scoring. Sign up for FanHouse Fantasy Football today. ( Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 4, 2008 Report Share Posted August 4, 2008 Geezus , Kids, when will they learn? hum......perhaps later in life.......hee hee if you gently tug on his ear, does it hurt him? if so, it is probably swimmers ear. He would need perhaps antibiotic ear drops and meds by mouth. ( I worked in pediatrics for over 6 years ) he is wanting ear candelling done, I do my Dads it is easy, you just have to pay close attention. it cleans out the ears. I have read that you can put 2 drops of mineral in each ear and it will keep the wax moving. With his history of ear problems, you are doing the right thing. I agree with you 110 percent. Later he will thank you, he is 14 and knows it all right now..........NOT.....lololol Bless you both ! Dede**************Looking for a car that's sporty, fun and fits in your budget? Read reviews on AOL Autos. ( ) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 4, 2008 Report Share Posted August 4, 2008 Yay ! ! How exciting is this..........????? this is wonderful news ! ! ! ! Please keep us very posted on all this ! ! ! I am really happy for you ! ! ! If this guy ends up being good, then I wish he would clone himself ! ! LOLOLOL......I hope he is able to help you ! Love Dede**************Looking for a car that's sporty, fun and fits in your budget? Read reviews on AOL Autos. ( ) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 4, 2008 Report Share Posted August 4, 2008 i am so excited to hear what this md says, keep us posted! thanks carey In a message dated 8/4/2008 5:26:34 P.M. Central Daylight Time, pawith1@... writes: >> I JUST CALLED DR RON KENNEDY(<----WROTE THE SILICONE REPORT) AND SPOKE WITH HIM!!IM GOING TO EMAIL HIM AND GET AN APPT AND GO GET SOME TESTS DONE.>> > What is known about silicone breast implants is that fibrous capsule > contracture occurs in about 70% of cases two to four years after implantation. > The rate of complications - which include breast pain, contracture, rupture, > infection, implant migration requiring surgery - approaches 50% at 10 years. In a > Mayo Clinic study, there was a 30% failure rate at 7.8 years. Rheumatologists > have described a veritable array of symptoms in more than 1,000 patients with > silicone breast implants.> > Autoantibodies to collagen and extracellular matrix proteins and > abnormalities of cell-mediated immunity have been found in women with silicone implants > and not in controls.There does not appear to be a serologic marker consistently > associated with rheumatic disease in these patients. These findings suggest > that silicone implants may cause immune dysfunction and rheumatic disease insome > patients, but it is very difficult to prove.> > Signs & Symptoms> > The syndrome includes the symptoms of arthralgia, myalgia, sicca complex, > paresthesia, balance disturbance, night sweats, rashes, memory difficulty and > fatigue.> > Complications> In more than 80% of over 1,000 females with breast implants who werereferred > to neurologists at Baylor College of Medicine, mild to severe short-term > memory loss was discovered. Many of the individuals experienced a 70% recovery when > the implants and any loose silicone surrounding them was removed.SPECT > testing of 15 of the women found diminished blood flow to the temporal lobe. When > the SPECT testing was done after the silicone was removed there was increased > blood flow to the temporal lobes.> > A full 70% of these thousand women had Sjogren's syndrome; 58% had Raynaud's > phenomenon and 60% had dermatitis.> > Plastic surgeon and president of the American Society of Plastic and > Reconstructive Surgery said the patients in this study are not representative of all > silicone breast implant patients and that this was a highly biased and selected > group of women being fewer than a thousand out of the million U.S. women who > have had breast implants.You are left to draw your own conclusions.> >> > Signs, symptoms & indicators of Silicone Breast Implant Problems: > Symptoms - General > Constant fatigue> Poor bodily coordination > > Symptoms - Mind - General > Short-term memory failure > > Symptoms - Nervous > Numb/tingling/burning extremities > > Symptoms - Skeletal > Joint pain/swelling/stiffness > > Symptoms - Skin - Conditions > Frequent/occasional/regular rashes > > Conditions that suggest Silicone Breast Implant Problems: > Autoimmune > Sjogren's Syndrome > > Circulation > Raynaud's Phenomenon > > Mental > Poor Memory > > Musculo-Skeletal > Muscle Pains (Myalgia) > > Skin-Hair-Nails > Night Sweats > Risk factors for Silicone Breast Implant Problems: > Symptoms - Female> Removed/recent/long-term silicone breast implants > While most women will not have systemic problems from their silicone > breast implants, the rate of local problems is much higher, and increases with the > passage of time. > > Counter-indicators:> No silicone breast implants (confirmed) > > > KEY > Weak or unproven link > trong or generally accepted link > Very strongly or absolutely counter-indicative > > GLOSSARY> > Arthralgia> Severe throbbing or stabbing pain along a nerve in one or more joints.> > Collagen> Theprimary protein within white fibers of connective tissue and theorganic > substance found in tendons, ligaments, cartilage, skin, teethand bone.> > Contracture (Contractures)> Anabnormal, often permanent shortening, as of muscle or scar tissue, > thatresults in distortion or deformity, especially of a joint of the body.> > Dermatitis> A general term used to refer to eruptions or rashes on the skin.> > Immune System (Immune Response, Immunity)> Acomplex that protects the body from disease organisms and other > foreignbodies. The system includes the humoral immune response and thecell-mediated > response. The immune system also protects the body frominvasion by making local > barriers and inflammation. The process mayinvolve acquired immunity (the ability > to learn and remember a specificinfectious agent), or innate immunity (the > genetically programmedsystem of responses that attack, digest, remove, and > initiateinflammation and tissue healing).> > Myalgia> Diffuse muscle pain.> > Paresthesia> A skin sensation, such as burning, prickling, itching, or tingling, with no > apparent physical cause.> > Protein (Proteins)> Compoundscomposed of hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen present in the body and > infoods that form complex combinations of amino acids. Protein isessential for > life and is used for growth and repair. Foods that supplythe body with protein > include animal products, grains, legumes, andvegetables. Proteins from animal > sources contain the essential aminoacids. Proteins are changed to amino acids > in the body.> > Raynaud's Phenomenon (Raynaud's,Raynauds Disease, Raynaud's Disease, Raynauds > Phenomenon, RaynaudsSyndrome, Raynaud's Syndrome)> Raynaud'sdisease or syndrome is a disorder of blood circulation, mainly in > thefingers and toes. It is of unknown cause and characterized by changesof the > skin that are aggravated by exposure to cold: first, becomingwhite with > numbness and pain as a result of inadequate oxygenation ofthe blood, then red/purple > with a burning sensation. The suddenconstriction of blood vessels causes > decreased blood flow to theextremities and can, in extreme cases, lead to gangrene. > Also called"white finger", "wax finger" or "dead finger".> > Short-Term Memory (Short Term Memory)> Also known as immediate memory or working memory,this is a phase of memory in > which a limited amount of information maybe held for several seconds to > minutes. In general, up to 7 'chunks' ofinformation are stored for about 20 > seconds.> > Syndrome> Amedical condition characterized by a collection of related symptoms(what the > patient feels) and signs (what a doctor can observe ormeasure).> > Last updated: May 11, 2008> > > > > **************> Looking for a car that's sporty, fun and fits in your budget? > Read reviews on AOL Autos.> > ( )> Looking for a car that's sporty, fun and fits in your budget? Read reviews on AOL Autos. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 4, 2008 Report Share Posted August 4, 2008 when id mentioned other dr's think woman were crazy he seemed to support that statement. as in he agreed thats what they think. But from his report I guess he feels differently. I will keep you all posted. Hes only about an hour drive from me. I dont think i am *sick* per say. But Ive got some symptoms that seem to be inline with what you women go thru. and to have a breast infection out of blue like i did?? what triggered that??? I not breast feeding, why would i get that??? So ready to work with a dr who is not just going to write a prescription and send me home because he really doesnt know whats wrong. oh, and dont even get me started on the medical professions lack of knowledge on nutrition!!!! > > > > I JUST CALLED DR RON KENNEDY(<------<WBR>-WROTE THE SILICONE REPO > SPOKE WITH HIM!! > IM GOING TO EMAIL HIM AND GET AN APPT AND GO GET SOME TESTS DONE. > > > _http://www.diagnosehttp://www.dihttp://www.d_ > ( > > > > What is known about silicone breast implants is that fibrous > capsule > > contracture occurs in about 70% of cases two to four years after > implantation. > > The rate of complications - which include breast pain, > contracture, rupture, > > infection, implant migration requiring surgery - approaches 50% at > 10 years. In a > > Mayo Clinic study, there was a 30% failure rate at 7.8 years. > Rheumatologists > > have described a veritable array of symptoms in more than 1,000 > patients with > > silicone breast implants. > > > > Autoantibodies to collagen and extracellular matrix proteins and > > abnormalities of cell-mediated immunity have been found in women > with silicone implants > > and not in controls.There does not appear to be a serologic marker > consistently > > associated with rheumatic disease in these patients. These > findings suggest > > that silicone implants may cause immune dysfunction and rheumatic > disease insome > > patients, but it is very difficult to prove. > > > > Signs & Symptoms > > > > The syndrome includes the symptoms of arthralgia, myalgia, sicca > complex, > > paresthesia, balance disturbance, night sweats, rashes, memory > difficulty and > > fatigue. > > > > Complications > > In more than 80% of over 1,000 females with breast implants who > werereferred > > to neurologists at Baylor College of Medicine, mild to severe > short-term > > memory loss was discovered. Many of the individuals experienced a > 70% recovery when > > the implants and any loose silicone surrounding them was > removed.SPECT > > testing of 15 of the women found diminished blood flow to the > temporal lobe. When > > the SPECT testing was done after the silicone was removed there > was increased > > blood flow to the temporal lobes. > > > > A full 70% of these thousand women had Sjogren's syndrome; 58% had > Raynaud's > > phenomenon and 60% had dermatitis. > > > > Plastic surgeon and president of the American Society of Plastic > and > > Reconstructive Surgery said the patients in this study are not > representative of all > > silicone breast implant patients and that this was a highly biased > and selected > > group of women being fewer than a thousand out of the million U.S. > women who > > have had breast implants.You are left to draw your own conclusions. > > > > _http://www.diagnosehttp://www.dihttp://www.d_ > ( > > > > Signs, symptoms & indicators of Silicone Breast Implant > Problems: > > Symptoms - General > > Constant fatigue > > Poor bodily coordination > > > > Symptoms - Mind - General > > Short-term memory failure > > > > Symptoms - Nervous > > Numb/tingling/ Numb/tingling/ > > > > Symptoms - Skeletal > > Joint pain/swelling/ Joint pai > > > > Symptoms - Skin - Conditions > > Frequent/occasional Frequent/occasi > > > > Conditions that suggest Silicone Breast Implant > Problems: > > Autoimmune > > Sjogren's Syndrome > > > > Circulation > > Raynaud's Phenomenon > > > > Mental > > Poor Memory > > > > Musculo-Skeletal > > Muscle Pains (Myalgia) > > > > Skin-Hair-Nails > > Night Sweats > > Risk factors for Silicone Breast Implant Problems: > > Symptoms - Female > > Removed/recent/ Removed/recent/<WBR>long-term > > While most women will not have systemic problems from their > silicone > > breast implants, the rate of local problems is much higher, and > increases with the > > passage of time. > > > > Counter-indicators: > > No silicone breast implants (confirmed) > > > > > > KEY > > Weak or unproven link > > trong or generally accepted link > > Very strongly or absolutely counter-indicative > > > > GLOSSARY > > > > Arthralgia > > Severe throbbing or stabbing pain along a nerve in one or more > joints. > > > > Collagen > > Theprimary protein within white fibers of connective tissue and > theorganic > > substance found in tendons, ligaments, cartilage, skin, teethand > bone. > > > > Contracture (Contractures) > > Anabnormal, often permanent shortening, as of muscle or scar > tissue, > > thatresults in distortion or deformity, especially of a joint of > the body. > > > > Dermatitis > > A general term used to refer to eruptions or rashes on the skin. > > > > Immune System (Immune Response, Immunity) > > Acomplex that protects the body from disease organisms and other > > foreignbodies. The system includes the humoral immune response and > thecell-mediated > > response. The immune system also protects the body frominvasion by > making local > > barriers and inflammation. The process mayinvolve acquired > immunity (the ability > > to learn and remember a specificinfectious agent), or innate > immunity (the > > genetically programmedsystem of responses that attack, digest, > remove, and > > initiateinflammatio initiateinflammatio<W > > > > Myalgia > > Diffuse muscle pain. > > > > Paresthesia > > A skin sensation, such as burning, prickling, itching, or > tingling, with no > > apparent physical cause. > > > > Protein (Proteins) > > Compoundscomposed of hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen present in the > body and > > infoods that form complex combinations of amino acids. Protein > isessential for > > life and is used for growth and repair. Foods that supplythe body > with protein > > include animal products, grains, legumes, andvegetables. Proteins > from animal > > sources contain the essential aminoacids. Proteins are changed to > amino acids > > in the body. > > > > Raynaud's Phenomenon (Raynaud's,Raynauds Disease, Raynaud's > Disease, Raynauds > > Phenomenon, RaynaudsSyndrome, Raynaud's Syndrome) > > Raynaud'sdisease or syndrome is a disorder of blood circulation, > mainly in > > thefingers and toes. It is of unknown cause and characterized by > changesof the > > skin that are aggravated by exposure to cold: first, becomingwhite > with > > numbness and pain as a result of inadequate oxygenation ofthe > blood, then red/purple > > with a burning sensation. The suddenconstriction of blood vessels > causes > > decreased blood flow to theextremities and can, in extreme cases, > lead to gangrene. > > Also called " white finger " , " wax finger " or " dead finger " . > > > > Short-Term Memory (Short Term Memory) > > Also known as immediate memory or working memory,this is a phase > of memory in > > which a limited amount of information maybe held for several > seconds to > > minutes. In general, up to 7 'chunks' ofinformation are stored for > about 20 > > seconds. > > > > Syndrome > > Amedical condition characterized by a collection of related > symptoms(what the > > patient feels) and signs (what a doctor can observe ormeasure). > > > > Last updated: May 11, 2008 > > > > > > > > > > ************ * > > Looking for a car that's sporty, fun and fits in your budget? > > Read reviews on AOL Autos. > > > > (_http://autos.http://autos.http://autos.http://autos._ > ( > ncid=aolaut00050000ncid=aolaut0 > > > > > > > > > > **************Looking for a car that's sporty, fun and fits in your budget? > Read reviews on AOL Autos. > ( ncid=aolaut00050000000017 ) > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 4, 2008 Report Share Posted August 4, 2008 Sandy,You might tell your son that my ear cancer was due to chronic infection that wasn't taken seriously by my doctors. Eventually damaged cells can become cancerous. Your son needs to appreciate the fact he must take care of his hearing.God Bless,Rogene Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 4, 2008 Report Share Posted August 4, 2008 Dede e-mail again the tests again I will print it out When I sit down I'm swollen in my lower back, theighs, buttocks and belly So if I'm retaining fluid This could be kidney related? I am not conviced this is candida related Sandy~ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 5, 2008 Report Share Posted August 5, 2008 Sandy I would have renal function tests and a 24 hour creatinine clearance showing your GFR. Protein to creatinine ratio, Aldosterone/renin, and a ACTH test, or also called cortsyn stim test. This will check your kidney function and your adrenal function, the adrenals sit on top of the kidneys. I dont know alot about all this, I just know that these are tests I have had done and still waiting to have one of them, the cortsyn stim test. Hugs Dede **************Looking for a car that's sporty, fun and fits in your budget? Read reviews on AOL Autos. ( ) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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