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> Anyway, my question is that what difference did any of you see once

your child was finished with the detox.

Depends on how you are detoxing. I chelated my kids with ALA. Once

they were finished, they had quite a few nice gains, altho several of

their issues also required anti-virals.

The main benefit of chelation for my kids, is that now they can eat

anything they want, even without enzymes.


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> --- Yes there is arsenic in treated wood but I've been told by

> several contractors who regularly cut it and use it that the danger

> of arsenic leaking from the wood to someplace else is very low.

> These guys work around the stuff all day and they seem to not


> any arsenic poisoning symptoms. Just my 2 cents.


Keep in mind that people are very different in how well their bodies

detox. Just because something hasn't caused problems yet in an adult

doesn't translate to that something being safe for all children.


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A number of years ago we bought a wooden play structure for our kids.

You could get it with either treated or untreated wood. The man at the lumber

yard told us he would never let his kids play on treated wood. We bought the

untreated instead. Why take the chance?


> > --- Yes there is arsenic in treated wood but I've been told by

> > several contractors who regularly cut it and use it that the danger

> > of arsenic leaking from the wood to someplace else is very low.

> > These guys work around the stuff all day and they seem to not

> notice

> > any arsenic poisoning symptoms. Just my 2 cents.


> http://www.ewg.org/reports/poisonwoodrivals/pr.html


> Keep in mind that people are very different in how well their bodies

> detox. Just because something hasn't caused problems yet in an adult

> doesn't translate to that something being safe for all children.


> Nell

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> Dana,


> Have the yeast issues resolved since you finsihed chelation? Or do

> they still crop up?

Gut yeast is entirely gone now. However, viral die off causes " brain

yeast " [see my previous message on that].


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  • 1 month later...

Enzymes can release water with each food bond they break. The body

might need a little time to get used to different water amounts being

processed as well as digesting more food. One of my sons had loose

stools a couple days and the other one had no adjustments at all. I

had no adjustments either, but my husband certainly did.

If you have bacteria, yeast, or other gunk in the system, you might

seem a bit more of this due to the accompanying die-off.


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> Hi I am looking to start a detox program for my two year old. He

has a high level of arsenic and uranium in his system. Can anyone

give me any ideas to start with?

Go here to learn sources of current exposures that you can remove from

his environment


>>Also I've been giving my son Zyme Prime and it seems to give him

very loose stools. Has any one else have experience with this?

If this is not the SCD version, consider switching to the SCD version

and see if that helps.


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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

Welcome to the list. Most of us use and recommend chelation using ALA alone or

with DMSA following Andy Cutler's protocol (providing the individual has NO

mercury amalgam dental fillings). What are you trying to chelate? Lead,

arsenic, etc are often issues in addition to mercury.


<p>I am new to this Detox stuff. <br>

But I am learning more and more. I am glad to find this site seems <br>

pretty up to date with very informational people. Seems AMA is not <br>

going to tell us to much on this subject but only a select few will <br>

work with us and our Autistic child. I am learning to fend for myself. <br>

Anyway, Has anyone used Glutathione PleoLyposome or Cellular Zeolite <br>

or Detox Clay Bath Kit on thier autistic child ? <br>

I would like to hear of any progressions. Does it work? Would it be <br>

worth it? Etc. <br>



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Thank you and I am happy to join.

Actually I have always thought my daughter has mercury. I have no

idea what heavy metals she has but my belief is mercury. She had the

Themisol in her MMR, my wife had a Rogran shot(RH- blood)which

contained mercury. So my belief is mercury.

> <p>I am new to this Detox stuff. <br>

> But I am learning more and more. I am glad to find this site seems


> pretty up to date with very informational people. Seems AMA is not


> going to tell us to much on this subject but only a select few

will <br>

> work with us and our Autistic child. I am learning to fend for

myself. <br>

> Anyway, Has anyone used Glutathione PleoLyposome or Cellular

Zeolite <br>

> or Detox Clay Bath Kit on thier autistic child ? <br>

> I would like to hear of any progressions. Does it work? Would it

be <br>

> worth it? Etc. <br>

> <br>



> _______________________________________________

> Join Excite! - http://www.excite.com

> The most personalized portal on the Web!


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Where do I get this L.A. (alpha Lipoic)? Is it Liquid ? Can I

administer this at home without having a Doctor watching over me. Do

I need to have a Doctor knowing that i am Administering L.A. to my


> > <p>I am new to this Detox stuff. <br>

> > But I am learning more and more. I am glad to find this site


> <br>

> > pretty up to date with very informational people. Seems AMA is


> <br>

> > going to tell us to much on this subject but only a select few

> will <br>

> > work with us and our Autistic child. I am learning to fend for

> myself. <br>

> > Anyway, Has anyone used Glutathione PleoLyposome or Cellular

> Zeolite <br>

> > or Detox Clay Bath Kit on thier autistic child ? <br>

> > I would like to hear of any progressions. Does it work? Would it

> be <br>

> > worth it? Etc. <br>

> > <br>

> >

> >

> > _______________________________________________

> > Join Excite! - http://www.excite.com

> > The most personalized portal on the Web!

> >


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Hi ,

ALA is available at most health food stores and various other stores but often

at way too high a dose. It comes in capsule and tablet form. It is available

in 25 mg (I think) from www.VRP.com which would be easier to divide for a small

child. Please read the FAQs of this list if you haven't already. Many on this

list are chelating without a doc ((myself included) for a variety of reasons.

It's important to use Andy Cutler's protocol (low, frequent dosing) to

reduce/avoid redistribution.


From: [mailto: QuartA4@...]

Where do I get this L.A. (alpha Lipoic)? Is it Liquid ? Can I

administer this at home without having a Doctor watching over me. Do

I need to have a Doctor knowing that i am Administering L.A. to my



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You can use the ALA yourself. Just dose it at 1/8mg per pound and

give it every three hours around the clock for a total of three

days, this includes at night.

Some people get yeasty when chelating, this is manageable.

And no doc needs to know...as far as modern medicine is

concerned...ala is an antioxidant. So they would not think much of

it if you did tell them. But usually, if you march in there and say

she has mercury poisoning from her vaccines...they will think you

are crazy. The MMR does not contain mercury, but all the other

vaccines do. The MMR is a live virus shot that causes troubles of

it's own. But the Rhogam and her baby vaccinations are enough to

cause Hg poisoning. Read up in the files for complete info on


> > > <p>I am new to this Detox stuff. <br>

> > > But I am learning more and more. I am glad to find this site

> seems

> > <br>

> > > pretty up to date with very informational people. Seems AMA is

> not

> > <br>

> > > going to tell us to much on this subject but only a select few

> > will <br>

> > > work with us and our Autistic child. I am learning to fend for

> > myself. <br>

> > > Anyway, Has anyone used Glutathione PleoLyposome or Cellular

> > Zeolite <br>

> > > or Detox Clay Bath Kit on thier autistic child ? <br>

> > > I would like to hear of any progressions. Does it work? Would


> > be <br>

> > > worth it? Etc. <br>

> > > <br>

> > >

> > >

> > > _______________________________________________

> > > Join Excite! - http://www.excite.com

> > > The most personalized portal on the Web!

> > >

> >


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Yes I went in there nicely in conversation telling him about mercury

stuff in vaccines back when my daughter was about 3yrs old. He

brought his little medical book out showing me there is no medical

proof. AMA is just coovering themselves. Last year I even mentioned

it nicely and he said there was a study done in Englands Medical

Journal or something that it does not cause autism. I was thinking

to myself..Yeah ,,ok !! sure ..right.

BUT anyway I will read up on chelating and ALA more. And I will be

watching for more responses. Is there great differances after taking

ALA. Could it bring on speech for my child? Etc. ?

> > > > <p>I am new to this Detox stuff. <br>

> > > > But I am learning more and more. I am glad to find this site

> > seems

> > > <br>

> > > > pretty up to date with very informational people. Seems AMA


> > not

> > > <br>

> > > > going to tell us to much on this subject but only a select


> > > will <br>

> > > > work with us and our Autistic child. I am learning to fend


> > > myself. <br>

> > > > Anyway, Has anyone used Glutathione PleoLyposome or Cellular

> > > Zeolite <br>

> > > > or Detox Clay Bath Kit on thier autistic child ? <br>

> > > > I would like to hear of any progressions. Does it work?


> it

> > > be <br>

> > > > worth it? Etc. <br>

> > > > <br>

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > _______________________________________________

> > > > Join Excite! - http://www.excite.com

> > > > The most personalized portal on the Web!

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Hi ,

Dana chelated her 4 children with ALA and has recorded it at www.danasview.net .

She has also done antivirals, various supplements, etc. She has info about what

helped with speech for her children. How old is your daughter now? Is she

using sign language or PECS or a communication device while continuing to work

toward speech?


From: [mailto: QuartA4@...]

Yes I went in there nicely in conversation telling him about mercury

stuff in vaccines back when my daughter was about 3yrs old. He

brought his little medical book out showing me there is no medical

proof. AMA is just coovering themselves. Last year I even mentioned

it nicely and he said there was a study done in Englands Medical

Journal or something that it does not cause autism. I was thinking

to myself..Yeah ,,ok !! sure ..right.

BUT anyway I will read up on chelating and ALA more. And I will be

watching for more responses. Is there great differances after taking

ALA. Could it bring on speech for my child? Etc. ?


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Yep, speech, both receptive and expressive and abstract thinking and better

gross/fine motor skills and all kinds of age appropriate behaviors are all

possible with chelation.

[ ] Re: detox

Yes I went in there nicely in conversation telling him about mercury

stuff in vaccines back when my daughter was about 3yrs old. He

brought his little medical book out showing me there is no medical

proof. AMA is just coovering themselves. Last year I even mentioned

it nicely and he said there was a study done in Englands Medical

Journal or something that it does not cause autism. I was thinking

to myself..Yeah ,,ok !! sure ..right.

BUT anyway I will read up on chelating and ALA more. And I will be

watching for more responses. Is there great differances after taking

ALA. Could it bring on speech for my child? Etc. ?

> > > > <p>I am new to this Detox stuff. <br>

> > > > But I am learning more and more. I am glad to find this site

> > seems

> > > <br>

> > > > pretty up to date with very informational people. Seems AMA


> > not

> > > <br>

> > > > going to tell us to much on this subject but only a select


> > > will <br>

> > > > work with us and our Autistic child. I am learning to fend


> > > myself. <br>

> > > > Anyway, Has anyone used Glutathione PleoLyposome or Cellular

> > > Zeolite <br>

> > > > or Detox Clay Bath Kit on thier autistic child ? <br>

> > > > I would like to hear of any progressions. Does it work?


> it

> > > be <br>

> > > > worth it? Etc. <br>

> > > > <br>

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > _______________________________________________

> > > > Join Excite! - http://www.excite.com

> > > > The most personalized portal on the Web!

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Guest guest

Hi ,

I will read Dana's recordings. Thanks. My Daughter uses PECS at

school and since the school never like her Communication Device( i

think the speech teacher was never up to date with this new wave of

using devices, I have issues with her)) I told them it broke and she

uses Device (Dynomyte) at home in which I program to her needs and

she uses basic and very little sign language. Oh, she is 11 years



> From: [mailto: QuartA4@...]



> Yes I went in there nicely in conversation telling him

about mercury

> stuff in vaccines back when my daughter was about 3yrs old. He

> brought his little medical book out showing me there is no medical

> proof. AMA is just coovering themselves. Last year I even


> it nicely and he said there was a study done in Englands Medical

> Journal or something that it does not cause autism. I was thinking

> to myself..Yeah ,,ok !! sure ..right.

> BUT anyway I will read up on chelating and ALA more. And I will be

> watching for more responses. Is there great differances after


> ALA. Could it bring on speech for my child? Etc. ?






> _______________________________________________

> Join Excite! - http://www.excite.com

> The most personalized portal on the Web!


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Guest guest

That is really great to hear. Now all this Chelation is done using

ALA and DMSA? And without having Doctors watching over my back?. I

will have to buy Andy Cutlers book and get going with this.

I have heard of Glutathione PleoLyposome, Detox Clay Bath Kit and

Cellular Zeolite( C.Z. = which sounds like the ALA that i heard most

of you are using. Has anyone tried these others. They are liquid

form other than the Detox clay bath kit.

please send any other info. This is opening new doors for me

> > > > > <p>I am new to this Detox stuff. <br>

> > > > > But I am learning more and more. I am glad to find this


> > > seems

> > > > <br>

> > > > > pretty up to date with very informational people. Seems


> is

> > > not

> > > > <br>

> > > > > going to tell us to much on this subject but only a


> few

> > > > will <br>

> > > > > work with us and our Autistic child. I am learning to


> for

> > > > myself. <br>

> > > > > Anyway, Has anyone used Glutathione PleoLyposome or


> > > > Zeolite <br>

> > > > > or Detox Clay Bath Kit on thier autistic child ? <br>

> > > > > I would like to hear of any progressions. Does it work?

> Would

> > it

> > > > be <br>

> > > > > worth it? Etc. <br>

> > > > > <br>

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > _______________________________________________

> > > > > Join Excite! - http://www.excite.com

> > > > > The most personalized portal on the Web!

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >







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, IMO and more importantly Andy Cutler's things like clay detox and NCD are

not helpful as chelators although some kids do get a lot of symptom relief with

NCD but all the research that has been done that has not been connected with the

NCD company says NCD is not a chelator. Read any studies associated with NCD and

you will find they were conducted on sewage water (anyone correct me if this is

inaccurate), but I still encourage you to read the studies as there is no

substitute for your own research. Don't take anyone's word, including mine, for

anything, find out yourself.

Dr. Neubrander did a five week study with NCD and found it did not chelate

metals. Dr. Boyd Haley, a leading ASD researcher also found NCD is not a

chelator. But, again, more than a few kids have found symptom improvement with

NCD as many as with things like cod liver oil.

It is more effective to raise glutathione by giving Vitamin C frequently during

the day than it is to use glutathione itself.

Do buy the book..it is invaluable...I have bought many books and both of Andy's

books are what are kept nearest for most frequent reference.

Best to start out with low, 1/4 mg per lb of dmsa for a couple of rounds and

then add in 1/4 mg per lb of Ala, given every 3 hours round the clock and every

4 at night. No dr needed and you can purchase the Ala anywhere, the dmsa can be

purchased as a nutritional supplement at


Read the files...all of them listed on the web page of this board before you do

anything and also Andy's book which will any many of your questions. You may

find it useful to have a dr on board who doesn't interfere with your chelation

but just provides testing and rx's anything as needed, but it's not

necessary...giving the chelators at low frequent doses is relatively safe a lot

safer than leaving the metals in there.

I wish you lots of luck and ask again if you have any more questions...they're


[ ] Re: detox

That is really great to hear. Now all this Chelation is done using

ALA and DMSA? And without having Doctors watching over my back?. I

will have to buy Andy Cutlers book and get going with this.

I have heard of Glutathione PleoLyposome, Detox Clay Bath Kit and

Cellular Zeolite( C.Z. = which sounds like the ALA that i heard most

of you are using. Has anyone tried these others. They are liquid

form other than the Detox clay bath kit.

please send any other info. This is opening new doors for me

> > > > > <p>I am new to this Detox stuff. <br>

> > > > > But I am learning more and more. I am glad to find this


> > > seems

> > > > <br>

> > > > > pretty up to date with very informational people. Seems


> is

> > > not

> > > > <br>

> > > > > going to tell us to much on this subject but only a


> few

> > > > will <br>

> > > > > work with us and our Autistic child. I am learning to


> for

> > > > myself. <br>

> > > > > Anyway, Has anyone used Glutathione PleoLyposome or


> > > > Zeolite <br>

> > > > > or Detox Clay Bath Kit on thier autistic child ? <br>

> > > > > I would like to hear of any progressions. Does it work?

> Would

> > it

> > > > be <br>

> > > > > worth it? Etc. <br>

> > > > > <br>

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > _______________________________________________

> > > > > Join Excite! - http://www.excite.com

> > > > > The most personalized portal on the Web!

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >







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Lots of us are using the liquid zoelites (NCD) along with Andy's protocol.

A typical schedule would be zeolites during the week, then ALA/DMSA Friday after

school thru Monday morning.

I also do Epsom salt baths +/- every other day. It too is supposed to have

'chelation' properties to it. It does seem to help calm & focus my DS.

I tend to do a " Try it out, and see what happens " approach. I started with

NCD and I liked the results, so it stays in rotation. If I like the sounds of

something, and the research seems to hold up, I try it. Not everything will

work for every child. If the results just aren't happening, we move on. Though

I will say it is often important to stick it out for a while and give what ever

your doing a chance, some things BANG, most things worthwhile are gradual.

One key to remember, that we all tend to agree on is start " Low and Slow " ,

and get some activated charcoal. This will help 'nip' any bad reactions you

might get.


PS Many Many of us are doing this w/o a docter, me included.

[ ] Re: detox

That is really great to hear. Now all this Chelation is done using

ALA and DMSA? And without having Doctors watching over my back?. I

will have to buy Andy Cutlers book and get going with this.

I have heard of Glutathione PleoLyposome, Detox Clay Bath Kit and

Cellular Zeolite( C.Z. = which sounds like the ALA that i heard most

of you are using. Has anyone tried these others. They are liquid

form other than the Detox clay bath kit.

please send any other info. This is opening new doors for me

> > > > > <p>I am new to this Detox stuff. <br>

> > > > > But I am learning more and more. I am glad to find this


> > > seems

> > > > <br>

> > > > > pretty up to date with very informational people. Seems


> is

> > > not

> > > > <br>

> > > > > going to tell us to much on this subject but only a


> few

> > > > will <br>

> > > > > work with us and our Autistic child. I am learning to


> for

> > > > myself. <br>

> > > > > Anyway, Has anyone used Glutathione PleoLyposome or


> > > > Zeolite <br>

> > > > > or Detox Clay Bath Kit on thier autistic child ? <br>

> > > > > I would like to hear of any progressions. Does it work?

> Would

> > it

> > > > be <br>

> > > > > worth it? Etc. <br>

> > > > > <br>

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > _______________________________________________

> > > > > Join Excite! - http://www.excite.com

> > > > > The most personalized portal on the Web!

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >







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Guest guest

Hi ,

That's great that she has a Dynamyte, PECS, and some signs. I've worked with

individuals who use Dynamyte and helped program it for them. I've also worked

with several people who use PECS and sign.


Hi , <br>


I will read Dana's recordings. Thanks. My Daughter uses PECS at <br>

school and since the school never like her Communication Device( i <br>

think the speech teacher was never up to date with this new wave of <br>

using devices, I have issues with her)) I told them it broke and she <br>

uses Device (Dynomyte) at home in which I program to her needs and <br>

she uses basic and very little sign language. Oh, she is 11 years <br>

old. <br>

Thanks <br>



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> please send any other info. This is opening new doors for me





Andy's book is Awesome, I still use it for a refernce guide for many


I like ALA but it gave my son gut issues.

I love the NCD Liquid Zeolites but will send you info privately on it

since this list appears put off on the distribution of the product

(MLM). Doesn't phase me it's a great product.

These parents are all wonderful. Pat yourself on the back. You're on

your way to helping your kid.

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> > > > > > <p>I am new to this Detox stuff. <br>

> > > > > > But I am learning more and more. I am glad to find this

> site

> > > > seems

> > > > > <br>

> > > > > > pretty up to date with very informational people. Seems


> > is

> > > > not

> > > > > <br>

> > > > > > going to tell us to much on this subject but only a

> select

> > few

> > > > > will <br>

> > > > > > work with us and our Autistic child. I am learning to

> fend

> > for

> > > > > myself. <br>

> > > > > > Anyway, Has anyone used Glutathione PleoLyposome or

> Cellular

> > > > > Zeolite <br>

> > > > > > or Detox Clay Bath Kit on thier autistic child ? <br>

> > > > > > I would like to hear of any progressions. Does it work?

> > Would

> > > it

> > > > > be <br>

> > > > > > worth it? Etc. <br>

> > > > > > <br>

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > _______________________________________________

> > > > > > Join Excite! - http://www.excite.com

> > > > > > The most personalized portal on the Web!

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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[ ] Re: detox



> That is really great to hear. Now all this Chelation is done using

> ALA and DMSA? And without having Doctors watching over my back?. I

> will have to buy Andy Cutlers book and get going with this.

> I have heard of Glutathione PleoLyposome, Detox Clay Bath Kit and

> Cellular Zeolite( C.Z. = which sounds like the ALA that i heard most

> of you are using. Has anyone tried these others. They are liquid

> form other than the Detox clay bath kit.


> please send any other info. This is opening new doors for me




> > > > > > <p>I am new to this Detox stuff. <br>

> > > > > > But I am learning more and more. I am glad to find this

> site

> > > > seems

> > > > > <br>

> > > > > > pretty up to date with very informational people. Seems


> > is

> > > > not

> > > > > <br>

> > > > > > going to tell us to much on this subject but only a

> select

> > few

> > > > > will <br>

> > > > > > work with us and our Autistic child. I am learning to

> fend

> > for

> > > > > myself. <br>

> > > > > > Anyway, Has anyone used Glutathione PleoLyposome or

> Cellular

> > > > > Zeolite <br>

> > > > > > or Detox Clay Bath Kit on thier autistic child ? <br>

> > > > > > I would like to hear of any progressions. Does it work?

> > Would

> > > it

> > > > > be <br>

> > > > > > worth it? Etc. <br>

> > > > > > <br>

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > _______________________________________________

> > > > > > Join Excite! - http://www.excite.com

> > > > > > The most personalized portal on the Web!

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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> Where do I get this L.A. (alpha Lipoic)?

I bought mine at my local health food store, and also Kirkman.

>>Is it Liquid ?

I use capsules.

>> Can I

> administer this at home without having a Doctor watching over me.



> I need to have a Doctor knowing that i am Administering L.A. to my

> daughter?



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