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Future Medicine

Median Sequence Spinal Damage Application Plumb Line Median Sequence Histology

What is The King Institute Method®?

The traditional Western medical approach to disease has mastered the sciences of biochemistry and surgery to astonishing degrees. Nevertheless, the efforts of modern medicine to develop effective treatments have failed, regarding chronic illness. The advent of managed care has done little to curtail the tremendous growth in medical costs. At this point, it's reasonable to investigate what other cultures have done to deliver effective health care while keeping costs in check.

For many years the USA held the number one position in the world for healthcare provided and the health of the population. The USA has continued to decline over the past few decades and to a current position of number thirty-three in the world. This is unacceptable for the leading country in the world in so many aspects. We must look up from the disastrous track we are on and look for effective ways to help the people.

Western medicine has based its philosophy on biological science. Eastern medicine, on the other hand, is based on physics, which has encountered resistance because the concepts are foreign to Western training. Yet, Eastern therapies can positively affect certain ailments in ways which Western medical science cannot explain.

The human body has many interrelated systems that operate to maintain health and sustain life, such as the digestive, circulatory, respiratory and immune systems. The King Institute Method®, or simply TKM®, focuses on another system that most are unfamiliar with - the electrical system (or bioelectromagnetic system). The theory is that electrical energy circulates through our bodies in certain patterns, like a current. When the electrical "current" in a person's body is flowing properly throughout its established circuits, the body is healthy. But, if problems in a circuit restrict the current from flowing freely or cause it to deviate from its established pathway, various types of illnesses and imbalances in the body result. The disrupted conductivity directly affects the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system, which in turn can affect most physical, mental and emotional functions.

TKM® is the use of basic physiological physics to help restore the correct circulation or conductivity of the electrical system in the body. A TKM® professional, whether working on him/her self or someone else, places both hands lightly on two different and precise locations on the body (over clothing). The positive polarity of the right palm and fingers and the negative polarity of the left palm and fingers stimulate the body's energy to move (in the same manner electricity is stimulated to move), traveling along established pathways from the location of one hand to the other. Then it circulates onward through the pathways that return the electrical current to the other hand's location. This flow of bioelectromagnetic circulation promotes better blood and lymphatic circulation, increased CNS (central nervous system) conductivity and enzyme activity, all of which are important to rejuvenate the body's systems.

A TKM® "Sequence" refers to a series of positions for the placement of a student's or professional's hands on him or herself or on a patient. One holds a position for several minutes. Normally, a complete session takes about an hour. The touch of the person's hands on the recipient's (person receiving help) body is light, and there is no pressure or rubbing. The body responds to the treatment easily without irritation to its systems (unlike certain other Eastern modalities such as acupuncture). This gentle, natural way of stimulating the vital bioelectromagnetic system circulate properly (coherence) produces no negative repercussions. In addition, the treatments are very effective in relieving tension, stress and pain.

Natural medicine pays attention to the mind and emotions as well as the physical body. Restoring order to the body, mind and emotions has been shown to be highly effective in resolving many states of disease. The TKM® professional does not limit his or her focus to the isolated symptoms but rather attempts to help resolve the health needs of the whole person. For example, if a person is angry, there will be an immediate effect on the body, such as an increase in blood pressure and heart rate. Powerful emotions can have marked physical and mental effects as well as the spiritual ramifications. One failed system negatively affects the whole body.

TKM®'s (w)holistic approach stands in contrast to traditional Western medicine, which too often sees the human being as a collection of separate systems, each system needing its own specialist or drug. Many people will take an aspirin in order to help a headache or an antacid to relieve indigestion. This approach merely suppresses the symptoms. And while a person might find temporary relief, the headache or indigestion will tend to recur if the cause is not addressed. TKM®, on the other hand, works to eliminate the cause of the problem, thus getting rid of them completely.

No AMA or FDA approved double blind/placebo studies have been conducted to date. However, empirical observation has found that TKM® can help with virtually any state of disease that can disturb the optimal homeostasis of the body or mind. TKM® procedures have enabled many people to regain physical functions, repair and improve mental functions, and build stronger emotional health. TKM® has consistently shown to help a great variety of physical impairments ranging from the inconvenient (such as insomnia, broken bones and dizziness) to the life-threatening (such as leukemia, cancer and heart attack). TKM® also helps mental disabilities such as dyslexia, ADD, compulsive disorders, addictions, Down syndrome, autism and many other challenges. In addition, TKM® can substantially improve or eliminate emotional difficulties such as anger, depression and fear issues.

Anatomical and biological studies have revealed impressive evidence in support of TKM®. Nevertheless, the most compelling evidence continues to be the personal restoration of thousands of people who have used the method to overcome many different afflictions and restore their health.

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For a summarized list of symptoms in which TKM® has shown to be highly effective click here!

Professional Endorsements

Battle, M.D. - Family Practice

Chatfield - Washington lobbyist for Integrative Medicine

Burton Goldberg - Owner of "Alternative Medicine Digest" and Future Medicine Publishing, Inc.

Hawes, D.O. - Osteopathic Medicine

Hickey, M.D. - Nuclear Medicine

Constantine A. Kotsanis, M.D. - Otolaryngology

Logan, Ph.D. - Clinical Psychology

L. McCormick, M.DIV. - Founder of Dallas Society for Bioenergetic Analysis, and creator of developmental energetic processing programs for personal and corporate relationships

Clemens - Director of News for USA Radio Network (2,000 stations internationally) and host of "Point of View"

Suzanne Robey, R.N.

Steve , D.D.S.

Swanson, R.N.

le Young, M.D., D.D.S.

Lee Cowden, M.D. - Cardiologist

Lee -Young - Actress ]King Institute, Inc. | Future Medicine this is the whole link

Median Sequence

(Sequence for Self-Help)

The Median Sequence is a general but effective, preventative medicine procedure to help everyone!

Preparation: We suggest a quiet setting to sit, preferably lie, in a relaxed and comfortable position. Most choose a quiet bedroom or couch with television and other interference turned off. You may prop pillows under your arms to hold arms comfortably. The goal is to be completely relaxed.

Length of time: Hold each step (location) a minimum of four to five minutes or up to twenty minutes if needed.

Application: Use the pads of the fingers (where your finger print is located) of at least your index, middle, and ring fingers to apply contact with any location. Always hold two locations at a time when applying a sequence. NOTE: Pressure or rubbing is not necessary to achieve results. In fact, it may inhibit the process. Contact is all that is needed to stimulate bioelectrical circulation.

For best results: Remove all metal and metallic items from your body and clothing (watch, jewelry, rings, coins, etc.). Remove beepers and cell phones several feet away from you in order to prevent interference with your circulation. Note that under wire brassieres and metallic-reinforced braces also interfere. Wearing 100% natural fiber clothing is best (this is very beneficial all the time, not just during the sequence). We strongly advise against synthetics and natural blends (i.e. 50% cotton and 50% wool blended fabric).

When to apply: Twice a day for best results. The first thing in the morning before rising from bed and the last of the day when lying in bed. But this sequence is not limited to any specific time of the day. The entire sequence usually takes 25 to 40 minutes for proper results. The results are worth it, especially when accumulated over time. Patience and consistency are well rewarded.

NOTE: The right hand's fingers remain on top of the head (center) until the 8th step.

Sequence Steps (illustration below instructions)

Step 1 Place right hand's fingers on top of the head (center) and place left hand's fingers to center of forehead (above middle of brow).

Step 2 Place left hand's fingers on tip of the nose (Reminder: The right fingers remain on the head until step 8).

Step 3 Place left hand's fingers on center of the collar bone (interclavicle's notch).

Step 4 Place left hand's fingers on center of the chest (on sternum at center of gladiolus).

Step 5 Place left hand's fingers on bottom of the sternum (tip of sternum, ensiform or xiphoid appendix).

Step 6 Place left hand's fingers on umbilicus (navel).

Step 7 Place left hand's fingers on top center of the Pubic Bone (above, but against the center of pubic bone).

Step 8 Place right hand's fingers on coccyx (tip of tail bone) Reminder: The left hand remains on the pubic bone).

Copyright ©1995 Glenn King, King Institute, Inc.


The Median Sequences helps re-establish bioelectrical energy conductivity in all organs. It help to relax and calm the mind, relieve stress, relax the body, rejuvenate and balance the body's bio electrical conductivity. It helps relieve headaches, digestion, pain, spinal issues, hip issues, eye issues and sinus problems. It helps detoxify the body, ease emotional and mental stress, fatigue, constipation, insomnia and many other maladies.

This sequence also opens, strengthens and balances the main circulation, allowing additional The KI Method® applications to be more effective in helping other health issues.

Try the Median Sequence for seven to fourteen days consistently before judging the benefits. Many often feel results after just one application. Take advantage of this free sequence and see how it can work for you!

Special Application for Spinal Damage

(Not available in any of The KI Method® books!)

We call this process the ABO (above, below and on) Sequence.

Preparation: We suggest a quiet setting to sit, preferably lie, in a relaxed and comfortable position. Most choose a quiet bedroom or couch with television and other interference turned off. You may prop pillows under your arms to hold arms comfortably. The goal is to be completely relaxed.

Length of time: Hold each step (location) a minimum of four to five minutes or up to twenty minutes if needed.

Application: Use the pads of the fingers (where your finger print is located) of at least your index, middle, and ring fingers to apply contact with each location vertically. The entire right hand is used for one position only during this process. Always hold two locations at a time when applying a sequence. NOTE: Pressure or rubbing is not necessary to achieve results. In fact, it may inhibit the process. Contact is all that is needed to stimulate bioelectrical circulation.

For best results: Remove all metal and metallic items from your body and clothing (watch, jewelry, rings, coins, etc.). Remove beepers and cell phones several feet away from you in order to prevent interference with your circulation. Note that under wire brassieres and metallic-reinforced braces also interfere. Wearing 100% natural fiber clothing is best (this is very beneficial all the time, not just during the sequence). We strongly advise against synthetics and natural blends (i.e. 50% cotton and 50% wool blended fabric).

When to apply: For chronic and severe condition, we suggest first thing in the morning before rising from bed and the last of the day when lying in bed. But this sequence is not limited to any specific time of the day. It is best if re-applied every 8 hours. The entire sequence usually takes 30 to 40 minutes for proper results.

Sequence Procedure

If applied to another person, sit on the subject's left side while he or she lies flat on his or her back.

Sequence Procedure

Step 1 Place the right hand under the base of the skull (gently cradling occipital area). Fingers will rest on the right side (right Energy Sphere #4) and base of your hand will rest on the left side (left Energy Sphere #4). And place left hand's finger pads one vertebra above the injured area (above). For example, if the lumbar vertebra #2 is injured (as in the diagram) the right hand should cradle the base of the skull and the left hand's fingers should touch the lumbar vertebra #1. Hold for at least four to five minutes and no more than 20 minutes.

Step 2 Place left hand's finger pads just below the injured area (below). In the same example from Step 1, you would now place your left hand's fingers on the lumbar vertebra #3.

Step 3 Place left hand's finger pads on the injured area (on). In the same example from Steps 1 and 2, you would now place your left hand's fingers directly on the injured vertebra, lumbar vertebra #2.

Step 4 REPEAT Steps 1 through 3 three times. The right hand remains on the base of the skull at all times during this sequence.


The special application for spinal damage helps repair the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system in the area, spinal nerve damage in the area (i.e. bruised, pinched, scraped, crushed, partially missing or completely severed), disc problems at that location (i.e. bulging disc, herniated, totally ruptured), vertebra problems (i.e. misaligned, calcified, fractured, broken, deteriorating, etc.), and muscles projects related to the area.

This is one of the most effective special procedures for damage causing para- or quadriplegic conditions.

If the damage is severe, it will take consistent TKM therapy for long periods until results are obtained. This procedure is taught in the Introductory: Level 1 and 2 classes. Visit our (link to: Education) page for more information on our classes.

The Median Plumb Line

(Sequence for Self-Help)

Preparation: We suggest a quiet setting to sit, preferably lie, in a relaxed and comfortable position. Most choose a quiet bedroom or couch with television and other interference turned off. You may prop pillows under your arms to hold arms comfortably. The goal is to be completely relaxed.

Length of time: Hold each step (location) a minimum of four to five minutes or up to twenty minutes if needed.

Application: Use the pads of the fingers (where your finger print is located) of at least your index, middle, and ring fingers to apply contact with any location. Always hold two locations at a time when applying a sequence. NOTE: Pressure or rubbing is not necessary to achieve results. In fact, it may inhibit the process. Contact is all that is needed to stimulate bioelectrical circulation.

For best results: Remove all metal and metallic items from your body and clothing (watch, jewelry, rings, coins, etc.). Remove beepers and cell phones several feet away from you in order to prevent interference with your circulation. Note that under wire brassieres and metallic-reinforced braces also interfere. Wearing 100% natural fiber clothing is best (this is very beneficial all the time, not just during the sequence). We strongly advise against synthetics and natural blends (i.e. 50% cotton and 50% wool blended fabric).

When to apply: Twice a day for best results. The first thing in the morning before rising from bed and the last of the day when lying in bed. But this sequence is not limited to any specific time of the day. The entire sequence usually takes 25 to 40 minutes for proper results. The results are worth it, especially when accumulated over time. Patience and consistency are well rewarded.

Sequence Procedure

If applied to another person, sit on the subject's left side while he or she lies flat on his or her back.

Sequence Procedure

Step 1 Place right hand's fingers to top center of head. Place left hand's fingers to center of the forehead vertically (above middle of brow).

Step 2 Place left hand's fingers just below where they were placed vertically. Repeat after four to five minutes again and again until left hand's fingers is on the perineum.

NOTE: Step 2 actually has many steps to accomplish this procedure. Notice, the right hand remains on head until Step 3.The fingers are placed vertically on the body. When you move to each next step, place your index finger on you're little finger's previous location. The purpose is to not miss touching any section along the solid line from the forehead to the perineum (between the anus and the reproductive organ) on the midline of the body. Once you have reached and held the perineum for the proper period of time, your left hand will remain on the perineum while the right hand moves its position.

Step 3 Place right hand's fingers to the tip of the coccyx while left fingers remain on the perineum.

NOTE: For best effects and for chronic conditions, apply the following: once you

complete step 3, reverse the entire process. For example, left hand remains on perineum and right hand returns to top of head, and then the left hand's fingers reverse each position back to the forehead. That completes this very effective process! In addition, the Spleen sequence and the #23,25 sequence can be included for a more thorough effect.


This procedure helps the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system, all organs and their respective bioelectrical relations.

It helps calm the mind, relieve stress, relax the body and rejuvenate the body's bioelectrical energy conductivity. It assists the body in correcting acute and chronic health disorders involving the immune system, which include but are not limited to thyroid, thymus, digestion, all spinal projects, cancer, impotency, HIV positive, chronic headaches, all viruses, all slow viruses, Herpes, chronic fatigue, Epstein-Bar and many others.

This is not for everyone but it is very important for those with any serious immune system deficiency issues or similar projects.


Histology of the Energy Sphere

A Summary

There are consistently more than twice as many dermal papillae within the area of each Energy Sphere point in humans. The Fisher's Exact test and the one tailed t-test support these findings to be significant in relation to acupuncture points. It is logical to assume that the increased concentration of dermal papillae containing capillary loops with sympathetic wrappings and the contained nerve endings within the loci (center) of the Energy Sphere can account for the anatomical differences which are possibly responsible for increased conductivity found in the overlying epidermis (see Figure 2).

One biological discovery which presents scientific confirmation of the bio-electrical activity and reactions of the Energy Sphere is the release of methionine enkephalin, leucine enkephalin and â-endorphin by the peri-aqueductal gray matter responding to direct Energy Sphere and acupuncture point stimulation. This was found to be significant in clarifying the manner scientifically, in which pain can be reduced or eliminated from bio-electromagnetic energy stimulation.

There is increased electrical activity at the Energy Sphere loci (centers). The evidence of measurable, increased electrical conductivity (lowered electrical resistance) has been scientifically and medically well-established and published since 1959 (see Figure 1).

The Energy Sphere's ability to constrain or emit electrical activity has received many efforts to equate anatomical biochemical entities (existence) to the measurable bio-electrical activities within these known Energy Sphere loci.Commentary

The scientific theories in the last 40 years developed by Western medicine has been understood by physicians in the East for centuries. The world's medical scientists and physicians are now beginning to confer with one another in search of how to help the millions of sufferers for which there has been no known answer in the West. Incorporating physics in the scientific medical community is the vital missing link in health recovery and preventative medicine for which we have searched.

Figure 1. Here is a brief outline of theories for electrical activity at energy loci.

Year Researcher Theories

1959 Ishikawa Reflex changes in subcutaneous blood vessels lead to an increase in vascular permeability.

1971 Ionescu-Tirgoviste Pressure sensitive points are due to an accumulation of "vegetative nerves."

1972 Woolley-Hart Point activity is due to local micro-circulation which is under sympathetic control.

1974 Hameroff, S. R. Energy-conducting junction of paths made of microtubules.

1975 Voll, R. Points are condensations of field forces formed by body energy generated by local mitochondrial energy cycles.

1977 Nakatani and Yamashita Enlargement and osteal opening of sweat and sebaceous glands locally due to excitation of sympathetic nerves.

1977 Melzack, R. Similar characteristics between "trigger points" and acupuncture points.

1977 Gunn, C. C.

Type I: Motor point

Type II: Sagittal plane focal meeting of superficial nerves

Type III: Superficial nerves and/or plexuses

Type IV: Muscle/tendon junctions

1984 Dung, H. C. Points are found associated with the terminal ends of superficial cutaneous nerves.

Figure 2. Replica of a 100x specimen (the actual slide is below).

The electrical potential of Energy Sphere locations has demonstrated to be significantly higher than that of non-Energy Sphere location in human and animals. It has also been substantiated that the same energy loci bilateral have shown to be different, therefore revealing that there is also a difference between each Energy Sphere locations on the right and left of the body. The average range measures 9.65 FA to 11.16 FA electrical potential.

Energy Sphere stimulation therapy has been applied for pain and many disorders of the body. Studies have shown that internal organs such as the heart, blood vessels, CNS, stomach, brain, uterus, bladder and others systems react to Energy Sphere stimulation therapy. The wellness of the internal organs can be measured by the electrical conductivity of certain Energy Sphere loci on the skin that correlate to each organ and other various functions of the body. These correlations have been utilized in Eastern medicine for thousands of years.

Scientific measurements of the electrical activity found in the epidermis at energy loci began with the galvanic skin reflex as a measurement of emotion. Since 1953, Voll worked with the galvanic skin reflex in the measuring of the electrical potentials of the body for the purpose of diagnosing diseases. Voll felt that the energy loci represent condensations of field forces formed by body energy that is generated from the organic systems via the Krebs Cycle and oxidative phosphorylation of the respiratory chain carried out in the mitochondria.

Voll tested the energy loci over 100,000 times and has, by clinical and surgical confirmation, mapped out the exact correlative skin points and the representative anatomical site for each of the body's internal organs. The electrical conductance is related to biochemical processes occurring within the respective organs.

In 1977, Melzack demonstrated that the energy loci correspond to trigger points of muscles. A relationship was also reported of the electrical conductance at energy loci to local sympathetic tone resulting in the enlarging and opening of sweat and sebaceous glands. It has also been concluded that the mechanism of Energy Sphere therapy involves stimulating specific locations on the skin that evoke specific nervous system responses, especially autonomic nerve activity, which through biochemical means readjusts the function of the related internal organ.

Although there are many unanswered questions and more research to conduct, there is a substantial amount of evidence collected which provides credence to the relations and benefits of utilizing the energy loci in a non-invasive way which is crucial in addressing the rising amount of answered and unanswered human health issues around the world.

The honors for this study and the documented report belong to Dr. E. Croley, Ph. D. Most of these studies have been focused on acupuncture loci, which have shown to apply for Energy Sphere loci with little contradiction. The differences are found mostly in the form of application and a more comprehensive effect with Energy Sphere loci.References

E. Croley, Ph.D., Texas Women's University, School of Physical Therapy, 8194 Walnut Hill Lane, Dallas, Texas 75231-4365

Carlson, MS, PT, 1100 West Pipeline, Suite 101, Hurst, Texas 76053

Nakatani, Y., Skin electrical resistance. J. Autonomic Nerv.,1956; 6:52, in Ionescu-Tirgoviste, C., Bajenaru, O: Electric diagnosis in acupuncture. Amer. J. Acup., 1984 12:229-238

Voll, R.: Verification of acupuncture by means of electroacupuncture according to Voll. Amer. J. Acup., 1978; 6(1): 5-15

Wooley-Hart, A.: A simple technique for measuring skin conductivity. Med. Bio. Eng., 1972; 10: 561-563

Ishikawa, Sekigawatachio: J. Kanazawa Juren Med. Soc., 1959; 63(2): 182, in Zhu, Z-X.: 1981

Joanco Medical Electronics. Ltds., 145 East 13th Street, Suite 704, North Vancouver, B.C., Canada

Luna, L.G. (Ed): Manual of Histologic Staining Methods of the Armed Force Institute of Pathology, New York, McGraw-Hill, 1968

, Cyril W. and Simon Best: Physicists; Health and Hazard in the Electrical Environment; Electromagnetic Man., UK, J. M. Dent and Sons Ltd., 91 Clapham High St., London SW47TA, Great Britain. 1989

King, Glenn , Ph. D.: TKM®, The KI Method®. Pub. King Institute, Inc., Carrollton, TX, 1995

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