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FIRST, How Do Past Lives Effect Your Physical Body?

Your body is the sacred temple of your eternal spirit. Your body is

constantly working to redirect your energies as needed through pain or

joy to keep you on the path of love, growth, and awareness. There are

four ways that your body can bring past life issues into your present

life experience. These are: SOUL DRIVE, Predispositions, Cellular

Memory, and Transformation.

So What is SOUL DRIVE and How Does it Effect Your Physical Body?

SOUL DRIVE is how your body has kept you on your path through the

resolution of physical issues. The more you are in disharmony with

your soul's drive, the more you are likely to become ill physically.

How SOUL DRIVE works... Your body is the gateway between you, the lower

self (the one who is reading these words), and your Soul (also known as

your Higher Self). As such, your body is a constant reflection of the

combined expression of the desires of your lower and Higher Selves.

Lower selves always want to have healthy, perfectly functioning

bodies. Higher Selves have the often unhappy job of sending illness

and disease to the bodies of lower selves for the proper unfoldment of

their karma. When bodies are unhealthy or imperfect, lower selves must

make decisions and choices as they struggle to cope with their health

issues. The goal of this struggle is not suffering, pain, or punishment

but learning the ways of tolerance, compassion,

and forgiveness. For once you learn to love and accept yourself as you are, you learn to do the same for others.

Present Life EVIDENCE of Past Life SOUL DRIVE manifests in many ways...

Marks of Soul Drive can be as minor as birthmarks and as major as

birth defects. Birthmarks invariably come from past life wounds which

are "imprinted" as visible remembrances of the past trauma on the

present life body. Birth defects - especially those impairing an

individual's functioning for the rest of their life - are almost always

karmically driven. For as you have sown hurt and suffering for others

in past lives, so is this hurt and suffering visited on you in the only

way that you can understand it, by living with the same hurt and

suffering yourself, so you will not cause it again.

How Past Life SOUL DRIVE Causes Present Day PROBLEMS... Soul Drive

ensures that there are no accidents in the universe. Everything that

happens is for a reason. For those on the path of karma, the reason is

the repayment of karmic debts. At all times, your Soul knows what is

happening to you and why. For example, if you get into a car and later

become seriously injured, your lower self did not know it or you would

not have gotten inside. Yet your Higher Self knew all about it before

you started it up. Your Soul also knew why it had to happen, why it

could not be avoided, and why this event and all the other events

flowing from it are for your highest good. One of the first things to

be understood about karma is that what your lower self perceives as

good (not getting hurt) is not the same as the good perceived by your

Higher Self (repaying a karmic debt by being hurt).

Real Life Examples of SOUL DRIVE... are never that hard to find. Take

the case of the activist, Heller Keller, who became famous for her

lifelong crusade for the rights of people challenged by their

disabilities. Made deaf and blind by a serious illness, most people

assumed that it left her dumb. Keller's birth defects combined with

her real problem from past lives - arrogance and selfishness - made her

an uncontrollable handful for her parents. In past lives, Keller had

been a ruler in ancient Greece who loved to punish others by ordering

them to be made deaf and blind. As Helen she was now repaying that

karma by living a "deaf, dumb, and blind" life. Her challenge as

depicted in the play/movie "The Miracle Worker" was to learn manners

while finding alternative ways of communicating with the world and

working with others. Her inner toughness and determination - gifts

from past lives - enabled her to achieve all these life goals and

become an inspiration to generation!

s of "disabled" people that followed her. The one dilemma Keller

never resolved successfully was the "To Do/To Be" dilemma that followed

from her strong Soul Drive. If you too have been pushed hard by Soul,

the exercise below is for you!

FREE Exercise to Help You Resolve Issues With SOUL DRIVE:

Resolving "To Do"/"To Be" Dilemma: Reconnecting with Your Worthinesshttp://www.healpastlives.com/pastlf/exercise/extodobe.htm

To see how you are effected by SOUL DRIVE, learn more about our PAST LIFE PROFILE (below).

TOMORROW, you will learn about how your present PREDISPOSITONS come from past lives!

About How We Can Help You

Since 1996 at www.healpastlives.com,

we have helped many people to heal the pain of their past to empower

their future. It is a compassionate universe that we live in... love

yourself enough to get free of the pain of the past. It will be our

honor to serve and guide you toward a better tomorrow!

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