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channeling - lesson 1 - channeling your own mission

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channeling - lesson 1 - channeling your own mission

Channeling - Lesson #1 - Channeling your own mission Or What the heck AM I doing here? By Farley www.4truthseekers.org Recently, I have had to be involved with a number of people who

are not working, either because of early retirement or being on

disability, etc. It was very noticeable how being out of the mainstream

flow of life effected their ability to maintain any sense of ‘normalcy’. If true spirituality is being in the flow or central current of a

fast-moving stream, then most people are hanging out on the periphery

of that flow, getting caught up in the pools and eddies and backwash of

that stream. For these people who choose to be away from any form of

contact with that flow it is like being out of the water all together.

It takes an amazingly strong person to be away from the flow and still

maintain their own personal balance, and very few of us can do that. Very few people do not gain in their awareness or spiritual growth

from being around other people. And very few people I have worked with

over the years are simply here for their own spiritual growth. Most

healing and learning takes place in interaction with other people. In The Only Planet of Choice, the Council of Nine (yes, the good

ones) say that only as few as 2 to 3 percent of souls coming to this

planet ever complete their missions. And my Guidance says it is often

less than that. Perhaps this is because for most of us, the ‘Lightworkers’ or more

spiritually advanced Beings, our missions involve coming back to planet

Earth to assist other people, not what a lot of ‘spiritual’ paths

preach about working on our own awareness only. For the New Age

religions it’s all about personal spiritual growth and not about

assisting others and the spiritual awareness gained and the spiritual

medals earned from doing this. Thus most of us are looking in the wrong direction while the

missions we chose in coming here lie directly below our feet. In fact

almost everyone I’ve ever worked on in the healing room or thru the Net

have in some way already been doing their missions or at least, with

the times to come, honing their skills for when they are needed later

on in this lifetime. The biggest problem is that we don’t see the skills we have

acquired over so many numerous lifetimes that can be used to service

the grander spiritual needs of Creation. We all think we have to be

martyrs or public figures, when in truth the great spiritual workers

are usually behind the scenes of what’s taking place. Skills such as

organizing, facilitating, bringing others together, even cleaning can

be and often is a spiritual skill never really appreciated as such. No one ever sent an army of soldiers out to fight a war without any kind of support personnel. Neither does Spirit. When thinking about your own mission [channeling your own mission is a series of

articles in the messages section of the group]first remember, just

Being here and Being awake is one of the greatest gifts we can give

because Spirit works through people, especially those who are awake. Second is that anything you do to assist others in their time here

on the planet or in acquiring some real-time awareness is part of Being

a Master. Third, look at the various skills you take for granted that make

you so good at anything you like to do and do well. How could they best

be used to serve Spirit’s mission in helping as many to be free as will

wake up in this time? I have always made the offer to help anyone understand their

mission if they will e-mail me with that request

[peter6265@...]. Understand, however, that not everyone is

ready to hear their missions. If I had known where my mission would

take me I doubt that at that time I would have had the strength to go

through with it. Missions are very rarely ‘go here, do this’. Spirit/Guidance

usually wants to see you walking the path before it shows you much

more. As one door along the path opens, more of the mission is shown.

The further you walk, the bigger and clearer the picture gets. Keep that in mind and do not seek to see the end when you have not

begun taking the steps and building the foundation so very necessary to

doing your full mission here in this lifetime. Next, think for awhile about the fact that everything you are and

everything you have ever done in every past lifetime is all to lead you

to this point in Eternity when all that you are and all that you know

and everything you can do is needed to help overcome the darkness

spreading like a cancer across Creation. And as They say in The Only

Planet of Choice, “What’s it going to be like going through Eternity

knowing that the lifetime that really counted you didn’t step up to be

counted?†And lastly, learn to channel your own mission, for no matter what

anyone tells you about it, no one can answer all the questions you have

except that Guidance with whom you worked out your current mission in

the first place. Also it is They who will help keep you on track as you

walk that path, as Sue Ann’s Guidance says in this brief channeling: Dear One, We love you, we are you. We know it’s hard for you to trust

yourself/US. It’s easier for you to trust the untrustable, others. We

know what makes you happy. Yes, you’ve been betrayed and have betrayed

yourself. Trust again as you did when you were a baby, trust US again

your true guardians. Be happy with US. We know you, We are you. Look at

the alternative - fear and uncertainty and all the things you despise

the most. Just do it, trust and be happy. Your people have been bound

up tight with interest, legal issues, laws, etc. until there is no

freedom from the fear of poverty and the loss of freedom. That has been

the plan and it has worked beautifully. All of you are scared to death

to even breathe. Trust US; We’ll walk you through this tangled mess of

laws and punishments. Freedom and happiness are what you and everyone

should have easy access to. Stay in your heart, ask US often, and

listen through your heart. Trust what you feel there. Ask yes and no

questions. Envision being happy in the future as well. Love, Your US Channeling Exercise: channel your own Guidance with this simple, easy to use exercise: Channeling and Your Own Mission -- The following simple technique is how I have taught so many to

successfully channel their own Higher Self or Guidance, correctly, the

first time and every time that fear does not get in the way: I am writing to tell you about a way to channel. It is called the “Dear One techniqueâ€. First, I would suggest going to a quiet area where you can sit

comfortably in a relaxed state, somewhere where you won’t be bothered. Then, either on paper or set up on the computer in a Microsoft

Word program or something, write - “Dear One,†Whomever your guidance

comes from is referring to you as the “Dear Oneâ€. From there, begin

writing whatever message comes through you however you receive it. Do

not stop and judge the message, and do not try to edit or spell

correctly or anything. This is the other half of the mind (the

analytical side) trying to be

in control. All that can be done when you are finished. Keep writing

whatever you are getting and do not stop until your Guidance signs off. You may need to start out with something like, “The most important

thing for you to know right now is. . .†to get you started. Your mind

may try to get in the way or you may get flustered. Do not think about

things. Do not question. Do not wonder if you are doing it right. The

best motto for this is ‘Just do it’. If something happens to stop you,

just start over again by writing “Dear One,†and then continue. When

you are finished, you may channel a closing such as “With Great Loveâ€

and then channel the name of the

Being or Beings you are channeling. If you do this once or twice daily,

it should become more comfortable to do within a very short time. Always COMMAND that only those who are for your highest good and

those who serve the Highest be allowed to channel through you. Some may

channel their Higher Self, that part of them connected to every other

Soul and to the Creator Itself. Some have more specific missions to

channel messages for or from the planet, for specific groups of beings

on the planet, or for the Lightworkers as a whole.

To strengthen your own innate talents of doing this, ask your Guidance

for an answer whenever you have a decision to make anytime or all of

the time throughout the day. Should I wear blue or green today? Should

I go this way or that way to work? Should I go to Mcs or ’s

for lunch? Should I have the chicken or the hamburger? If you can even get just a yes or no answer to such questions,

with time, you will be able to deal with any situation that confronts

you by simply asking Guidance. Constant practice builds the ability to

hear, see, and to trust. Guidance will rarely ever ask you to do something which is not a

part of your spiritual makeup. You always have the right and should

eventually learn to challenge whatever you are getting by

asking/commanding THREE times “In the name of the Highest, is what I am

getting correct? Yes, there are other entities out there that like to play games,

but you are not trance channeling and as long as your intent is pure,

nothing should ever be able to bother you. I am always here personally to help individually with this task

until you get comfortable with it. Most people I work with get upwards

of 90% correct the first times they do this. I would be happy to let

you know the results of your initial efforts should you so wish. Some

of you out there have specific messages for this group and some others

around you relating to the talents/skills/mission you have brought into

this lifetime. I can also help you with this should you see fit to ask

for this kind of assistance. Above all, Enjoy! Laugh and Be Well, 2007-10-15

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