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Re: Syclovir--Bindi's experience

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Bindi . . . .Concentrate on what you CAN eat, now what you can't eat . . . . If you do, you shouldn't lose weight unless you were overweight to begin with. . . Eat all you want . . . just pick from the right foods.I'd suggest starting ANY antifungal supplement slowly. Then increasing very gradually. How bad one feels is often an indication of how bad the problem is. I don't know anything about Syclovir and really can't comment on it's effects.I do know it takes persistence! Lots of it! I'm astounded that my current doctors don't have a clue about the fungal effects of antibiotics. Thank God I recognize the problems and am ready to deal with them. I suspect a lot of their patients end up going downhill following treatment - but their decline is

blamed on everything except the antibiotic therapy they've been on.Watching the line of patients entering one doctor's office (ear-nose-throat), I saw many people having problems walking, along with being obviously sick from other issues. . . . Makes me wonder?Rogene

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Wow, Bindi, sounds like a total nightmare for you with that

Syclovir. I wonder if it has anything to do with the silica? Is

there silice listed in the ingredients? Perhaps you are very

sensitive to that?

And what's up with the hormones? Are you off of them now?

Apparently hormones can cause a problem with candida, as per Dede's

postings, so I am curious about that.

I have never felt like I struggled alot with candida. I don't know

what to say about that, because I know alot of women do. It's such a

huge question, but my feeling is that I will do the caprylic acid,

fight it as a possibility, and go from there.

I hope you are feeling better now. Sounds like it was rough.



> Joanne,

> Thanks for posting your experience with Syclovir. After hearing how

much it helped and , I tried it myself.


> What a nightmare. It was downhill from day one-- extremely

nauseated, weak, exhausted, diarrhea, thick heavy brain fog with zero

visibility ; ). It hurt just to lift my arm. I was taking a teaspoon,

then went down to half a teaspoon. I kept in close contact with the

manufacturer, and was a great help as well. But after about a

week I gave it up and felt better the next day.


> I am not sure why Syclovir made me so sick. I just don't know about

the die-off idea. There is absolutely no research on using plankton

to kill candida. The only thing I could find is using plankton to

soak up toxins in chemical spills and oil slicks. Maybe that is why

the manufacturer thought it would work?


> Now I am taking Candex instead. It is an enzyme product that claims

to damage the cell walls of Candida without giving the organism a

message that it is dieing off, thus no die-off reaction, supposedly.

It is definitely much better on my system, though I still have

lingering effects from the Syclovir. I am also sticking to the

candida diet (my practitioner calls it the paleolithic diet-- she is

not a big candida theory believer), which I find very depressing.


> The reason I am doing this is because after I had such a great

three weeks on hormones, I started to crash. I have no idea whether I

have candida and am not a true believer in the candida theory, but I

figured it was a stone I hadn't turned over yet.


> There is lots of research on the paleolithic/hunter gatherer diet

(which is also the candida diet) and it seems to have a lot of

promise. I am losing too much weight on it though.


> Hope you feel better soon!


> Bindi


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Thanks for all your responses. I can't believe what an awful

experience you had Bindi. Sounds like an allergic reaction. I am going

to try to stick with it at the lower dose because of the good stuff

that was happening. My feet are not so swollen and prickly and I was

sleeping really good. I just have to be so careful.

I am eating some grains. I find that I herx real bad without them. I

eat Ezekial bread and it does not seem to affect me. Brown rice made

me so hungry in the middle of the night. I also make a pancake with

Millet flour. It may take a while before I am able to go off the

grains. I am sure I would lose weight too but I just don't sleep with

out some grains to absorb the toxins in my body.

Take care,



> Joanne,

> Thanks for posting your experience with Syclovir. After hearing how

much it helped and , I tried it myself.


> What a nightmare. It was downhill from day one-- extremely

nauseated, weak, exhausted, diarrhea, thick heavy brain fog with zero

visibility ; ). It hurt just to lift my arm. I was taking a teaspoon,

then went down to half a teaspoon. I kept in close contact with the

manufacturer, and was a great help as well. But after about a

week I gave it up and felt better the next day.


> I am not sure why Syclovir made me so sick. I just don't know about

the die-off idea. There is absolutely no research on using plankton to

kill candida. The only thing I could find is using plankton to soak up

toxins in chemical spills and oil slicks. Maybe that is why the

manufacturer thought it would work?


> Now I am taking Candex instead. It is an enzyme product that claims

to damage the cell walls of Candida without giving the organism a

message that it is dieing off, thus no die-off reaction, supposedly.

It is definitely much better on my system, though I still have

lingering effects from the Syclovir. I am also sticking to the candida

diet (my practitioner calls it the paleolithic diet-- she is not a big

candida theory believer), which I find very depressing.


> The reason I am doing this is because after I had such a great three

weeks on hormones, I started to crash. I have no idea whether I have

candida and am not a true believer in the candida theory, but I

figured it was a stone I hadn't turned over yet.


> There is lots of research on the paleolithic/hunter gatherer diet

(which is also the candida diet) and it seems to have a lot of

promise. I am losing too much weight on it though.


> Hope you feel better soon!


> Bindi


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I am still taking the hormones. I don't know what happened-- I had three absolutely amazing weeks on them-- excellent energy, clear head, no pain, just feeling better in every way. I was singing the praises of hormones to anyone who'd listen--, PH, and others. Then a week before my period, I crashed. PMS but worse than usual. After my period passed I still felt cruddy, though some effects are still noticeable, i.e. my skin looks better. So even if I feel like death, I can look good : )

Did you have instant results with hormones, or was it up and down at first?

was having such a great result with Syclovir, and also Dede's articles on the connection between progesterone and candida got me wondering if maybe the newly-added progesterone was feeding some latent candida. I've never been a fan of the candida theory, but I thought I'd give Syclovir a try. Big mistake, at least for me.

Syclovir does have silica-- it contains what it calls Rare Earth Nanosilica, or Plankton Silica Solution. Maybe I am allergic to the silica. If so, I just poisoned myself. It did feel like an allergic reaction, like my body was saying, Get this %$* & away from me! Just like it did when I got those silicone implants.

Now I am back in the weeds and confused. My arm is so weak it hurts to write this email. I am going to stick with the hormones, the candida diet and the Candex for a month and see what happens. I am also going to start up on the adrenal herbs again. I keep saying I will but then I don't get around to it but they did seem to help.

I think a lot of these symptoms have to be approached from a foundation perspective, meaning that you have to increase the body's general health so all these subsidiary conditions, including candida, etc, won't get a good grip on you.

I find it interesting that you haven't had a big fungus problem. I, too, took caprylic acid awhile back. I am not sure I have a candida problem, and I am not sure I don't. I don't trust all the websites that claim that every symptom is due to candida overgrowth without a shred of proof. I'm just feeling my way around like a blind person, trying to find something real to grasp on. I'm not giving up!



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Thanks for the support.

I like a lot of the foods on the candida/hunter gatherer diet, I really do. I love vegetables. I love chicken and fish. I hate junk food, never eat processed food. Still, this diet sux.

I miss yoghurt, cheese, chai with milk and sugar. I miss the occasional homebaked tart and cookies. I MISS GRAINS. I miss all the gorgeous summer fruit that is ripe right now. I've never been a big carb eater but I sure do miss them now that they are gone.

I don't know how long i will stay on this. I am sure I will cheat. But I'm going to give it a good go.

How are you feeling? Are you doing okay? Thinking of you and hope you aren't struggling too hard.



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I hope the Syclovir keeps working for you. It sounds like you are finding some improvement.

I have a hard time totally staying off grains as well. I have been eating a gluten- and yeast-free bread made with quinoa, millet and buckwheat. I don't think you can really call it bread. It is as dark and as heavy as sin. It seems like the stuff people in caves wearing scraps of fur would eat. Now excuse me while I go gnaw on that mastadon bone. Roargh!



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