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CoEnzyme Q10 and Cancer

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I think it changes how blood thinners may act, so be sure and check with your doctor about it.

I take 150 mg a day of it and have for 3 years now.


CoEnzyme Q10 and Cancer

CoEnzimye Q10

CoQ10 appears to help ignite the cellular power stationsthat are necessary to maintain healthy cells. In other words, CoQ10 works by enhancingenergy at the cellualer level. CoQ10 is a natural substance that is produced by yourbody. It's highly concentrated in heart muscle cells, which need all the energy theycan get to keep your heart pumping over one hundred thoudand times per day. CoQ10 is animmune system booster and antioxidant that helps you to avoid getting cancer, and may behelpful in treating it. It is available in any vitamin store.

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CoEnzyme Q10 - The Other Vitamin

The startling fact is that CoEnzyme Q10 is a vitamin essential to our very lives, yetvery few of us have ever heard about it until recently. Discovered in 1957 by Dr. FredCrane at the University of Wisconsin, CoEnzyme Q10 is a nutrient necessary to thefunctioning of every cell in our bodies. Our bodies could not survive without CoEnzymeQ10. If body levels start dropping, so does our general health. Scientists have estimatedthat once body levels of CoQ10 drop below the 25% deficiency levels, many health problemsbegin to flourish, including high blood pressure, heart attacks, angina, immune systemdepression, periodontal problems, lack of energy, weight gain, and even early death! A 75%drop in CoQ10 levels is fatal.


Coenzyme Q10â„¢ is found in every cell in the human body and is key to the processthat produces 95% of the energy consumed at the cellular level.

It participates in this important role by acting as part of another class ofsubstances, known as enzymes. These important compounds are proteins found in plants,animals, humans - ALL living things. Their role is to facilitate, to act as a catalysts,in countless chemical reactions that take place in the human body. In essence, they makereactions happen without themselves being consumed in the reaction. When calcium is turnedinto bone, and enzyme makes the reaction possible, but the enzyme itself does not end upbecoming part of the bone. When we digest our food, when we flex a muscle, when our heartbeats, in some way an enzyme is playing a key role.

Enzymes consist of two parts, a protein portion made up of one of a variety of aminoacids, and a cofactor portion that is either a mineral (like calcium, magnesium, or zinc)or a vitamin, the vitamin is called a coenzyme.

Coenzyme Q10 is a naturally occurring molecule that has a structure similar to vitaminK.

As part of an enzyme, it acts as a catalyst in the vital biochemical pathway that leadsto cellular energy production.

Specifically, every cell must have a special substance known as ATP (adenosinetriphosphate), which provides all the cell's energy. The energy obtained from the food weeat is used to make this fuel for the cells, and when a cell needs energy, it breaks thebonds that hold the ATP molecule together. When this chemical bond is broken, it releasesenergy equivalent to approx. 7,000 calories, more than twice the energy a person consumesin an entire day. However, the body, at any given time, only stores enough ATP to sustainvigorous activity for 5 - 8 minutes. Thus, ATP must be produced constantly, and for thisATP to be produced, there must be a ready supply of CoQ10.

This explains why, in particular, COQ10 is found in high concentrations in muscle cellsand especially in the muscles that form the heart - because the heart is constantly inmotion, it creates a great demand for energy, and at the same time, a need for the CoQ10to create it.

Preventative Value of CoEnzyme Q10 (CoQ10)

Numerous studies have shown that pre-treatment with CoQ10 helps heart patients comethrough open heart surgeries in better health and with shorter recovery times than thosewho have not been so treated. This is because CoQ10 possesses the ability to protect theheart during periods of aschemia, or oxygen deprivation. Miraculously, CoQ10 has helpedcardiomyopathy patients to live well beyond their usual life expectancies! Perhaps moreimportantly, supplementation with CoQ10 has a preventative effect--preventative againstlack of oxygen, poor Vitamin and mineral supplementation, and against certain heartmedications. Yes, heart medications. Strange as it may seem, certain heart medicationsthat are prescribed to reduce cholesterol levels actually block the production of CoQ10!

How Does CoQ10 Work?

CoEnzyme Q10 is also known as ubiquinone, a member of the quinone cyclic compounds suchas Vitamins E and K. CoQ10 can supply or remove oxygen from biologically active molecules.Every cell in your body contains many intercellular components called mitochondria, whichproduce 95% of the total energy of the body. CoQ10 is an integral part of the membranes ofthe mitochondria where it is involved in the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate),the basic energy molecules of the cell. Supplementing CoQ10 aids in the body's cellularrespiration and energy production; it's that simple.

Why Haven't I Heard Of CoQ10?

The answer to this question should probably be posted front and center on our homepage. The answer is there's no money to be made from unpatentable substances. No money, nopromotion.

The institute for BiomedicalResearch, University of Texas at Austin gave mice pretreatment of Coenzyme Q10 beforeAdriamycin. The control groups had only a 36 and 42 percent survival rate. The CoenzymeQ10 groups had an 80 and 86 percent survival rate.

A Dr. Carl Folkers is quoted asdiscussing a 49-year old lung cancer patient who at that time had been taking CoQ10supplements for five years and was able to avoid the heart problems associated withlong-term Adriamycin use. After careful manipulation, it was discovered that maximumefficiency in heart output came with 60 mg of CoQ10, so he was given 100 mg to be on thesafe side. At the time of the report the man was well and still in remission. Bliznakow, Emile, and Hunt, Gerald, "The MiracleNutrient Coenzyme Q10, pages 132-139, Banam Books, New York.

Thirty-two women with metastaticbreast cancer received 90 mg of CoQ10, along with Vitamin C, E, betacarotene, andessential fatty acids, daily. In six cases the tumor became smaller. During the 18 monthtreatment period, none of the patients died (the expected number of deaths was four), andnone showed signs of further distant metastases.

In another report, two women withmetastatic breast cancer received 390 mg per day of CoQ10. One of the patients was a44-year-old woman with numerous liver metastases. After treatment for 11 months withCoQ10, all of the liver metastases had disappeared and the patient was reported to be ingood health

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