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Thanks , I was just surfing one list and found this!! Not even looking for

support groups of this kind!! Must have been fate Huh>>


ICQ 53887676 AOL and SCGal1953

----- Original Message -----

From: Valued Compaq Customer


Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2000 7:32 PM

Subject: [ ] Welcome

From: " Valued Compaq Customer " <ruf-caimi@...>

Hi ,

Welcome to the group. I have only been here a short time and this is a

wonderful site. All of these people are caring and just want so hard to

help. You are lucky you found them. I am so grateful for the day I found

this site. They all make it better.




URL to change your membership options and read archived messages:


RA-support website: http://www.rasupport.webprovider.com/

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Guest guest

Thanks You have already made me feel at home!!


ICQ 53887676 AOL and SCGal1953

----- Original Message -----

From: 12372101@...


Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2000 7:53 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] Welcome

From: 12372101@...


This group has been great for me and i know it will be great for you.

Everyone is really caring and understanding. Welcome



URL to change your membership options and read archived messages:


RA-support website: http://www.rasupport.webprovider.com/

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Thanks Ellen nice to meet you Hon!!


ICQ 53887676 AOL and SCGal1953

----- Original Message -----

From: ellen darbyshire


Sent: Friday, March 10, 2000 9:22 PM

Subject: [ ] Welcome

From: " ellen darbyshire " <elly10@...>

Hi ,,,

would like to welcome you too the group, every one is friendly and so

helpful. enjoy :) Ellen



URL to change your membership options and read archived messages:


RA-support website: http://www.rasupport.webprovider.com/

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest


Cheer! You're here. I am glad you made it. I know you will enjoy it here.

This is the greatest group of people on the net. You will feel at home in no

time and I know you will gain a lot out of it. Like you said, talking people

in the same condition and understand what you are going through will make you

feel not so alone.



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Hi, Pat and Everybody --

I'm 30 and currently live in southeastern Michigan (moving to Minnesota in a

couple of months). I was diagnosed with SLE (lupus) in late 1994 or early

1995 (I can't remember the exact date) after having symptoms for several

years. I work part-time as a property manager for a small apartment

complex, but after my move, I'm going to have to work full-time, and I worry

about whether I will be able to handle that.

Anything else I should say about myself? :)

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Hi ......welcome to the group :)

----- Original Message -----

From: Foughty <tsunami85@...>

< onelist>

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2000 10:31 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] Welcome

> From: " Foughty " <tsunami85@...>


> Hi, Pat and Everybody --


> I'm 30 and currently live in southeastern Michigan (moving to Minnesota in


> couple of months). I was diagnosed with SLE (lupus) in late 1994 or early

> 1995 (I can't remember the exact date) after having symptoms for several

> years. I work part-time as a property manager for a small apartment

> complex, but after my move, I'm going to have to work full-time, and I


> about whether I will be able to handle that.


> Anything else I should say about myself? :)




> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


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> Apply NOW!

> 1/2122/4/_/478567/_/954301060/

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


> URL to change your membership options:


> RA-support website: http://www.rasupport.webprovider.com/

> Our chat room: www.delphi.com/RheumatoidArth1/start



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Thanks, everybody, for the warm welcome. I'll probably be fairly quiet

until I get used to the " list culture, " but I'm a very open person . . . if

there's anything you want to know, just ask. Sometimes it does take me a

few days to respond -- the worst feature of my particular case of lupus is

the constant fatigue, and I'm not always as prompt as I'd like to be.


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, I think all of us can relate to the fatigue factor! Whether it's

Lupus, RA, high/low blood pressure, etc. We have such a range of problems,

here, in addition to our arthritis, that I think fatigue has just become a

fact of life. What I'm trying to say is that everybody understands when you

are not able to respond as quickly as you'd like. We'll enjoy any time you

can give to the list, and hope *you* get a lot out of your time spent here.

Welcome to the list! :)


----- Original Message -----

From: " Foughty " <tsunami85@...>

< onelist>

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2000 10:51 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] Welcome

> From: " Foughty " <tsunami85@...>


> Thanks, everybody, for the warm welcome. I'll probably be fairly quiet

> until I get used to the " list culture, " but I'm a very open person . . .


> there's anything you want to know, just ask. Sometimes it does take me a

> few days to respond -- the worst feature of my particular case of lupus is

> the constant fatigue, and I'm not always as prompt as I'd like to be.


> :)


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With every one of these autoimmune diseases, it seems fatigue it a common

complaint, so we understand how you feel.

We all understand, and hope that you can post when you're feeling up to it.

Welcome, I hope you enjoy it here as much as I do.


----- Original Message -----

From: " Foughty " <tsunami85@...>

< onelist>

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2000 11:51 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] Welcome

> From: " Foughty " <tsunami85@...>


> Thanks, everybody, for the warm welcome. I'll probably be fairly quiet

> until I get used to the " list culture, " but I'm a very open person . . .


> there's anything you want to know, just ask. Sometimes it does take me a

> few days to respond -- the worst feature of my particular case of lupus is

> the constant fatigue, and I'm not always as prompt as I'd like to be.


> :)


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


> Get a NextCard Visa, in 30 seconds! Get rates as low as

> 0.0% Intro or 9.9% Fixed APR and no hidden fees.

> Apply NOW!

> 1/2121/4/_/478567/_/954305858/

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


> URL to change your membership options:


> RA-support website: http://www.rasupport.webprovider.com/

> Our chat room: www.delphi.com/RheumatoidArth1/start


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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

Welcome RubyJax,

This is a great support group. Tell us a little about yourself. Are you by

chance from ville? Just asked because of your name. Again welcome.


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  • 8 months later...

Thank you for the warm welcome.

One of the most interesting things that has happened to me (the one I'm most

fixated with, anyway) is that I have noticed that the more healthy, nutritious

foods that I eat, the more I do not like the junk food. I ate an oreo cookie

the other day and I thought it was disgusting. (although, I must confess, that

baklava will always be a little slice of heaven)

I also never realized how uncomfortable people get when you don't eat with them.

When my friends get together we often go out to eat and a few have gotten a

little upset when I opted not to order and just have tea. Or order something

small, like hummus.

Although, I think I am rubbing off on my roommate, because he keeps asking me

about the nutritional content of food.

Thanks again,

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>Hello all,

>I just wanted you all to know how much I have enjoyed reading your comments

>and suggestions regarding CR. I have just begun (about a month ago) and

>have noticed some interesting things happening to my body, mind, and soul.

>Some good and some bad. It is an insiteful experience, to say the least.

>I'm glad that I found this support group.

Welcome and good luck! Let us know about the interesting things

happening to you.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Hi iam fairly new to the cmt my name is Carolyn i have

type 2 and my son has the same and he is fourteen his

name is .

Carolyn--- Alisha Peckham Reef,and only

<fivertherabbit@...> wrote:




hi maxime alisha here,<BR>


well i am 17 yrs and i have x-linked CMT. i live in

the next province to u, <BR>

i am in london, ontario. i would love to talk to u

through the list or just <BR>

one on one, i have many penpals that i write and i

just love it. i was <BR>

diagnosed by EMG, NCV and DNA testing and my family

history. but when ur <BR>

neuro knows ur grandparents by first name there was no

need for the other <BR>

testing but she had to make sure. i have chronic pain,

fatigue and <BR>

depression. i have 2 sisters that u younger than me

and they don't have CMT. <BR>

i have a rabbit and her name is hazel.<BR>


well i gotta go, i have millions of messages to check

up on, i went of a 3 <BR>

days visit to my best friends and i never looked at a

computer the whole <BR>





Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at <a

href= " http://www.hotmail.com. " >http://www.hotmail.com.</a><BR>




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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Thank you Gretchen.

> Welcome !


> I've had CMT just about my whole life. Last year I slipped a disc (am

> 48) and was diagnosed with spinal stenosis and two or three other back

> problems the docs say is 'age related' lol I had a course of 3 epidural

> steroid injections that did nothing, but - here's what I have done for

> my back and all of this has helped considerably. Physical Therapy, most

> of it in the water and included traction, back and leg exercises on the

> floor at home, now doing some Yoga, also for pain I took Ultram, and for

> muscle relaxants, Robaxin. Also got alot of sleep. Sleep is very

> restorative for me and helps me shake off stress.


> I have an excellent relationship with my Dr. who encourages me to add a

> new back strengthening exercise every two weeks. All of these exercises

> I learned in PT. First we did them in the pool, as my back started to

> get stronger, did them on land.


> ~ Gretchen




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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest


Welcome; you are a bright young woman to prepare for

the worst but don't expect it! Many worry of things

that never happen or progress that far. But, if you

prepare your mind for the worst and be ready to deal

with it then you won't be disappointed or caught

unaware. Educate yourself to the worst case senerio

and the best! If you can prepare gradually to be

independant and adapt then we can cope far better.

Most of us just have to find other ways to

accomplish the same task and replace the things we no

longer have ability to do with things we can! Most

CMT'rs are very Tenacious!

Most sound advice I have for you at your age,

take care of your body, rest when you need it, and

LISTEN to your body when it crys out at you! Fatigue,

cramps, aches and pains are warnings that something

isn't right! Don't push beyond and over tax your

system. When you do, give yourself a " CRASH day " and

recuperate! Don't stress, and reduce things that do

stress you.

I didn't, had things telling me all along

something wasn't right but I ignored or read it to

mean I needed to " TRY HARDER " for there wasn't

anything I could really put my finger on (visabley I

looked normal). Even my hubbys tarted tellign me I

needed to slwo down but I jsut pushed harder, to prove

I coudl! Called " DENIAL " and it gets you in deeper

than you need to be! In not knowing and paying

attention to the warnings of my body, I feel I have

done more harm to my body that could have been

avoided. (wouldn't have the same severity at age 44


I have learned to PACE

(Practice/Activity/Conserving/Energy), rest between

activity and never push beyond tired. . . which

quickly becomes fatigue. I've learned not to use

myself up on things that aren't important to me or my

family. Save my precious energy for things that matter

the most! Keep mildly active but don't over stress

your body with traditional exercise programs. Remember

your body uses 3 to 4 times the same energy as a

" normal " person for the same activity. Swimming,

gentle walking,if you are still able, riding the horse

is good if your body is already conditioned to it, but

if you quit and try to go back don't expect the same

ability to be there.

Just because you " USED TO BE ABLE TO " doesn't

mean you can or will a year from now! Enjoy it whiel

you CAN and make the msot of it! Don't live in the

past, move forward and look for new opportunity and

experiences! CMT is like " old age " . . . " it is said

it isn't for SISSY " S " LOL! We have to be adaptable,

for it is like the ocean's ever changing tides; we

must learn to ride the waves, move with the flow, or

get sucked into the " undertow " !

~~~~~~~~Hugs your friend, Libby



AND MY GOD. " - Helen Keller

" A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to

you when you have forgotten the words. "


Living w/CMT http://www.geocities.com/charcot_marie_tooth

CMT Education and Awareness:

E-mail group:


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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

Welcome . I'm C from Louisiana. I can really relate to what you

said about people thinking you were lazy when you're really just too tired to

do anything. My family FINALLY understands that! Glad to have you with us.

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Welcome, , from another newcomer to the group...

I, too, can really relate to the problems of fatigue and having

poeople think you're lazy (or depressed) when you're just plain

exhausted. I always suspected there was some physical cause behind

the fatigue, but no one ever believed me, including the doctors.

(And none of the doctors ever believed me when I said my arches were

rising, either. Until my current one, who connected the dots...)


> Welcome . I'm C from Louisiana. I can really relate to

what you

> said about people thinking you were lazy when you're really just

too tired to

> do anything. My family FINALLY understands that! Glad to have you

with us.




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  • 1 year later...

Hello ,

Welcome to the group. I to am pretty new. (Actually, I did this about a

year ago, but unless you keep at it, you loose it :-( ).

Good to have newcomers.



" Painter "


excite.com> cc:

Subject: [ ]

08/29/2002 09:34


Please respond to

Hi All,

I am new to this group and wish to try the CR life style. I am type 1

diabetic, age 58, and cannot get along without taking insulin. I hope that

I can reduce my insulin amount significantly and improve my overall health

and longevity. A support group would certainly help me do that.


Changed your e-mail? Keep your contacts! Use this free e-mail change of

address service from Return Path. Register now!

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Hi Suz and Francesca,

At our student flats 8 of us, myself included, share 4 medium to

small sized fridges, 1 medium freezer plus 1small freezer wich are

always stuffed. So I pretty much made up my mind about buying a

fridge/freeze-combination, because I really need more space. The only

thing I'm afraid of is that after I bought one, I'll find out that I

had better spend more money for more capacity because of a lack of


But reading your reactions I think I'll go for the 157 liter

cooling / 94 liter freezing combi wich I saw, wich has a supreme

quality/price ratio for the amount of space ;)

I think this will be well spent and I won't make any rushed

decisions. It's been already one year since I decided to switch to

CRON, and not a single day did I made up my mind, although I did

postpone full switch.

I read " CR made easy " a few weeks ago, and at that time I could

conclude that I already made these 5 steps, although I could improve,

and still can, on step 4: I eat too much fruit in comparison to

veggies, partially due to fridge capacity shortage :)

So I think that indeed it's best to move on by analyzing my diet

using software so I can be assured of ON. During this period I think

I'll try the megameals, because they sound so practical, especially

when you want something quick on a weekdays when you have little time

and I certainly will dig into the Member's Recipes in the Files. When

doing ON I guess I'll switch to the CRON-diet whenever the time is

ready (gradually) ;)

And unfortunately non of my room-mates is interested in CRON. A view

of them are more interested in beer ;) and most of them think they'll

miss too much enjoyable features of life, wich of course doesn't have

to be the case. I mentioned the possible benefits but, noone seems to

be interested really. I also gave some the addres of the CR-Society.

What can I say, some of em even smoke;)



> Hi and welcome to the group. I agree with Francesca that

buying a freezer could probably wait. To be honest with you, most of

us don't follow the frozen-megameal idea. Although it's a good idea,

and a great way to get started, I think most of us prefer the freshly

made salads, fresh fruits, steamed fresh vegies, fish, etc...foods

that are little closer to " God's hands, " to coin a phrase, than the

frozen entree route. Of course it will all become a matter of what

works best for you, in your situation. The nice thing about CRON is

that there aren't any set formulas, no right and wrong ways to do

things--so you can experiment with what works for you and ease

yourself into the program gradually. I think something that helped

me a lot in the beginning was the computer software to help me get

maximum nutritional benefits from my calories. Now I hardly ever use

the software because " what to do " is so well ingrained that I really

can " just do it. "


> Ten roomates? Are any of them interested in starting CRON with

you? That'd be helpful!


> Suz

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  • 5 years later...

Hello All,

I would also like to welcome another new member to this list.

Welcome, Peacewalker! We have known each other from another list, and

I am so glad to see her here. Since I've been here myself since June,

all I've felt is such unconditional love and compassion from this

great soul family. Peace, I think you'll like it here :)

With love,

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