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The Lightworker's Manifesto: A Primer for Coming Times, Part 7 By DL Zeta

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The Lightworker's Manifesto: A Primer for

Coming Times, Part 7

We have given you 12 points of light for

lightworkers, which you will find listed once again at the end of this

discussion. The sixth point of light we describe today calls for you to

undertake a journey of self-awareness that will help you cleanse your lens of

perception and become a stronger light in the universe. It asks that you

practice honesty, clear seeing and discernment in all things.

Practice Honesty, Clear Seeing, and Discernment

It is important as you step into this path of

helping others, that you examine anything that stands in the way of your

highest efforts. If there are areas of

unresolved energies in your life, it will get in the way of your ability to

assist others. All that you "see"

through the windows of your perception is filtered through your connection with

spirit. Unhealed emotional wounds,

negative thoughts, lingering resentments, areas of denial - all of these are like

fly specks on your windows of perception.

You are asked at this point of light to examine your windows and clear

away the fly specks of old misunderstandings and unresolved energies. Polish your perceiving lens until it is shiny

and clear. This will bring you to a place

of clarity and clear-seeing that helps you see your self and everything around

you with complete honesty and the higher discernment of spirit.

The Journey of Self-awareness

Coming into a place of clear-seeing requires you to

undertake a journey of self-examination and awareness. There are many paths you can follow on this

journey. We will offer some possibilities

here to help you move along the path of self-discovery. Whichever course you

follow, understand one way is no better than the other. If you set the

intention to clear away whatever stands in the way of your becoming the

clearest, brightest light possible, then any, all or a combination of the

doorways listed here will help you on this journey. As you see your self

clearer, you are able to see others more clearly without the overlays of

projections or the shading of unresolved emotions. Beyond this, you will begin

to "see through" everything that is not aligned with spirit. You will see

through anything you say or do that is derived from illusion. You will see

through what others say and do that is vested in illusion. This is not a place

of judgment, but a place of discernment.

You are always free within the moment to "see

through" or "look past" the illusion and address your thoughts, words and

actions to the clear light of spirit. As you do so, that which is part of the

illusion will become less and less visible to you. In time, it will disappear

from your vision. By keeping your focus on what is real, you open a space for

others to also see through the illusory world. As long as you continue to act

"as if" illusion is more real than your spiritual knowing, you will continue to

be tethered to the illusion and enslaved by the material world. By coming into

a place of clarity, you will be able to easily discern the difference between

the two in the moment, and keep your focus on the reality you choose.

Some Doorways for Self-Discovery

Journaling is a technique that helps bring

awareness to the texture and patterning of your mind. If you write freely and

honestly, over time you will come to see your self clearly. You will become

aware of the tools you use to create your reality. Journaling can also become a

way of communing with spiritual guidance. By coming into a place of trust and

receptivity, you can receive answers to every question you ask. This is also an

excellent place to open to your deepest dreams. By writing them down and

describing them in detail, you allow them to slowly unfold in the pages of your

journal. Perceiving and energizing the realities you choose are important steps

toward becoming a conscious creator of your world.

To begin journaling, write each day, allowing your

thoughts and feelings to flow onto the page.

Write down whatever comes to you.

Don't censor or edit. This may

take some practice, especially if you are in the habit of censoring your

expression. As you allow your self to

express freely onto the page, over time you will gain understanding of the

diverse texture of your own consciousness.

Note any areas that hold an emotional charge for you and objectively

examine these areas in a place of non-judgment.

Channeling is a technique that sometimes

springboards from numerous sessions of journaling, free writing, or automatic

writing. During these sessions, you may begin to feel strongly connected to

your spirit guides. You can begin question and answer sessions in your journal,

fast writing the answers that come to you. Once you feel comfortable with

automatic writing, you may want to begin verbally channeling the spiritual

guidance you receive. One method is to set up a tape recorder, set your

intention to "open channel" the messages, then enter into a light,

meditative trance. From this space, you can allow the messages to download into

your consciousness as you begin to translate them verbally.

Writing your autobiography is another tool that is

similar to journaling, though somewhat more intensive. This is an exceptional tool for freeing your

self from places where your emotions and consciousness are deeply embedded in

past trauma. You can begin with a sketch listing the main events of various

timeframes, then fill in more detail over time.

As you write down what comes to you, you may notice areas of unresolved

emotion. These areas most often reside

in past times where events occurred and your awareness and intuition were not

as fully engaged as they are today.

Often you will find as you bring the light of a clearer, wiser

perception to an old event, you are suddenly able to see the higher purpose of

that event and how it was helping you to progress on your path. This releases any energy that is still being

held around the event and allows you to retrieve that part of your soul being

held there as an "energetic bookmark." These bookmarks serve the

purpose of signaling you back to a location on the map of your consciousness

that needs healing and release.

Dreamwork is another method for learning about

aspects of your self you do not yet consciously know. A dream is in some

respects like a letter from your subconscious mind relaying details of your

existence that your conscious mind or "focus self" may not be aware of. Dreams

are also a vehicle for interdimensional travels in consciousness, lucid dreams

and many other explorations capable of transforming your awareness.

To work with your dreams, write down every day what

you remember when you awaken.

Interpreting the symbols from your dreams can offer important insights

into the state of your consciousness.

Old, unresolved energies and issues will cycle through your dreams just

as they cycle through your waking consciousness. As you bring the light of awareness to these

old energies, you are able to heal and release them.

Observe and interpret your waking reality "as if"

it were a dream. At the end of the day, recall the main events of your

experiences. Interpret these symbols from your "waking dream" using

your understanding of dream symbols and their meaning. This is another way you

can gain awareness of old patterns and energies that are seeking release.

Observe your self as a detached observer. It is good

to stand back and observe your self on a regular basis. To get into the habit

of doing this and to gain insights into the habits, patterns and beliefs that

may operate under the surface of your conscious existence, observe your self

more intensively for a period of time. Pay close attention to what you say and

what you do. Your observations can bring

awareness to any areas where you need to bring healing and clarity.

Seek the perspectives of those who are closest to

you. Approach trusted friends or family members and ask for their insights on

any areas around which you may have "blind spots." Receive their insights, keeping in mind that

everyone filters through their own beliefs -- fly specks and all. Accept their

observations with gratitude for whatever insights they may offer and discard

what is of no use.

If you have difficulty finding someone who can

offer trusted insights, you may choose to find an intuitive who can assist you

in connecting to your higher self. It is especially helpful if you find someone

capable of offering their consciousness as a bridge to your higher self and

your counsel of spiritual advisors. The best intuitives teach you how to make

this connection your self rather than keeping you dependent on them.

Next week we will discuss the seventh point

of light, releasing resistance and coming into a place of surrender.

The Twelve Points of Light for Lightworkers:

One) Practice Self-Responsibility in All Things

Two) Expand Your Beliefs to Take in More of Who You Are

Three) Transform the Energies you EncounterFour) Practice Kindness and Compassion

Five) Trust in Your Highest Vision

Six) Practice Honesty, Clear Seeing & Discernment

Seven) Release Resistance and Come into a Place of Surrender

Eight) Allow Your Spiritual Purpose to Become Your Guiding Star

Nine) Set the Intention to Work from the Perspective of Your Higher Self

Ten) Honor and Work with Your Own Energy

Eleven) Learn to Travel in Consciousness

Twelve) Ask for and Open to Receive Spiritual Guidance

For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org

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