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The Lightworker's Manifesto: A Primer for Coming Times, Part 7 (To Deb)

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Hello My dear, this is as usual wonderful, I am so grateful you make available to all of us, such great material, my dear may your heart be abundantly blessed, Much love and respect,Liane>> > The Lightworker's Manifesto: A Primer for Coming Times, Part 7> > We have given you 12 points of light for lightworkers, which you will> find listed once again at the end of this discussion. The sixth point of> light we describe today calls for you to undertake a journey of> self-awareness that will help you cleanse your lens of perception and> become a stronger light in the universe. It asks that you practice> honesty, clear seeing and discernment in all things.> > Practice Honesty, Clear Seeing, and Discernment> > It is important as you step into this path of helping others, that you> examine anything that stands in the way of your highest efforts. If> there are areas of unresolved energies in your life, it will get in the> way of your ability to assist others. All that you "see" through the> windows of your perception is filtered through your connection with> spirit. Unhealed emotional wounds, negative thoughts, lingering> resentments, areas of denial - all of these are like fly specks on your> windows of perception. You are asked at this point of light to examine> your windows and clear away the fly specks of old misunderstandings and> unresolved energies. Polish your perceiving lens until it is shiny and> clear. This will bring you to a place of clarity and clear-seeing that> helps you see your self and everything around you with complete honesty> and the higher discernment of spirit.> > The Journey of Self-awareness> > Coming into a place of clear-seeing requires you to undertake a journey> of self-examination and awareness. There are many paths you can follow> on this journey. We will offer some possibilities here to help you move> along the path of self-discovery. Whichever course you follow,> understand one way is no better than the other. If you set the intention> to clear away whatever stands in the way of your becoming the clearest,> brightest light possible, then any, all or a combination of the doorways> listed here will help you on this journey. As you see your self clearer,> you are able to see others more clearly without the overlays of> projections or the shading of unresolved emotions. Beyond this, you will> begin to "see through" everything that is not aligned with spirit. You> will see through anything you say or do that is derived from illusion.> You will see through what others say and do that is vested in illusion.> This is not a place of judgment, but a place of discernment.> > You are always free within the moment to "see through" or "look past"> the illusion and address your thoughts, words and actions to the clear> light of spirit. As you do so, that which is part of the illusion will> become less and less visible to you. In time, it will disappear from> your vision. By keeping your focus on what is real, you open a space for> others to also see through the illusory world. As long as you continue> to act "as if" illusion is more real than your spiritual knowing, you> will continue to be tethered to the illusion and enslaved by the> material world. By coming into a place of clarity, you will be able to> easily discern the difference between the two in the moment, and keep> your focus on the reality you choose.> > Some Doorways for Self-Discovery> > Journaling is a technique that helps bring awareness to the texture and> patterning of your mind. If you write freely and honestly, over time you> will come to see your self clearly. You will become aware of the tools> you use to create your reality. Journaling can also become a way of> communing with spiritual guidance. By coming into a place of trust and> receptivity, you can receive answers to every question you ask. This is> also an excellent place to open to your deepest dreams. By writing them> down and describing them in detail, you allow them to slowly unfold in> the pages of your journal. Perceiving and energizing the realities you> choose are important steps toward becoming a conscious creator of your> world.> > To begin journaling, write each day, allowing your thoughts and feelings> to flow onto the page. Write down whatever comes to you. Don't censor> or edit. This may take some practice, especially if you are in the> habit of censoring your expression. As you allow your self to express> freely onto the page, over time you will gain understanding of the> diverse texture of your own consciousness. Note any areas that hold an> emotional charge for you and objectively examine these areas in a place> of non-judgment.> > Channeling is a technique that sometimes springboards from numerous> sessions of journaling, free writing, or automatic writing. During these> sessions, you may begin to feel strongly connected to your spirit> guides. You can begin question and answer sessions in your journal, fast> writing the answers that come to you. Once you feel comfortable with> automatic writing, you may want to begin verbally channeling the> spiritual guidance you receive. One method is to set up a tape recorder,> set your intention to "open channel" the messages, then enter into a> light, meditative trance. From this space, you can allow the messages to> download into your consciousness as you begin to translate them> verbally.> > Writing your autobiography is another tool that is similar to> journaling, though somewhat more intensive. This is an exceptional tool> for freeing your self from places where your emotions and consciousness> are deeply embedded in past trauma. You can begin with a sketch listing> the main events of various timeframes, then fill in more detail over> time. As you write down what comes to you, you may notice areas of> unresolved emotion. These areas most often reside in past times where> events occurred and your awareness and intuition were not as fully> engaged as they are today. Often you will find as you bring the light> of a clearer, wiser perception to an old event, you are suddenly able to> see the higher purpose of that event and how it was helping you to> progress on your path. This releases any energy that is still being> held around the event and allows you to retrieve that part of your soul> being held there as an "energetic bookmark." These bookmarks serve the> purpose of signaling you back to a location on the map of your> consciousness that needs healing and release.> > Dreamwork is another method for learning about aspects of your self you> do not yet consciously know. A dream is in some respects like a letter> from your subconscious mind relaying details of your existence that your> conscious mind or "focus self" may not be aware of. Dreams are also a> vehicle for interdimensional travels in consciousness, lucid dreams and> many other explorations capable of transforming your awareness.> > To work with your dreams, write down every day what you remember when> you awaken. Interpreting the symbols from your dreams can offer> important insights into the state of your consciousness. Old,> unresolved energies and issues will cycle through your dreams just as> they cycle through your waking consciousness. As you bring the light of> awareness to these old energies, you are able to heal and release them.> > Observe and interpret your waking reality "as if" it were a dream. At> the end of the day, recall the main events of your experiences.> Interpret these symbols from your "waking dream" using your> understanding of dream symbols and their meaning. This is another way> you can gain awareness of old patterns and energies that are seeking> release.> > Observe your self as a detached observer. It is good to stand back and> observe your self on a regular basis. To get into the habit of doing> this and to gain insights into the habits, patterns and beliefs that may> operate under the surface of your conscious existence, observe your self> more intensively for a period of time. Pay close attention to what you> say and what you do. Your observations can bring awareness to any areas> where you need to bring healing and clarity.> > Seek the perspectives of those who are closest to you. Approach trusted> friends or family members and ask for their insights on any areas around> which you may have "blind spots." Receive their insights, keeping in> mind that everyone filters through their own beliefs -- fly specks and> all. Accept their observations with gratitude for whatever insights they> may offer and discard what is of no use.> > If you have difficulty finding someone who can offer trusted insights,> you may choose to find an intuitive who can assist you in connecting to> your higher self. It is especially helpful if you find someone capable> of offering their consciousness as a bridge to your higher self and your> counsel of spiritual advisors. The best intuitives teach you how to make> this connection your self rather than keeping you dependent on them.> > Next week we will discuss the seventh point of light, releasing> resistance and coming into a place of surrender.> > The Twelve Points of Light for Lightworkers:> > One) Practice Self-Responsibility in All Things> Two) Expand Your Beliefs to Take in More of Who You Are> Three) Transform the Energies you Encounter> Four) Practice Kindness and Compassion> Five) Trust in Your Highest Vision> Six) Practice Honesty, Clear Seeing & Discernment> Seven) Release Resistance and Come into a Place of Surrender> Eight) Allow Your Spiritual Purpose to Become Your Guiding Star> Nine) Set the Intention to Work from the Perspective of Your Higher Self> Ten) Honor and Work with Your Own Energy> Eleven) Learn to Travel in Consciousness> Twelve) Ask for and Open to Receive Spiritual Guidance> > > > For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org> <http://www.celestialvision.org/>>

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