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Oh no! . . . Lip implants!

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When will this craziness end?

Published: August 21, 2008 6:00 a.m.

Pucker up: FDA approves saline-filled implants for lipsLos Angeles Times When will this craziness end?-------------------------------------------------------- http://www.journalgazette.net/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080821/FEAT/808210414Hey, breast augmentation. Meet the lip implant.A new procedure called FulFil Lip from California-based Evera

Medical, has just been approved for testing by the FDA. Much like a

breast implant, the FulFil Lip is a balloon that can be filled with

saline and then inserted into the lip. A micro-valve prevents any fluid

from leaking.Outside the U.S., the company already markets VeraFil, a saline implant that plumps skin around the eye.Right now, there are myriad ways to inflate your pucker – from

injecting collagen from a dead person to grafting fat from your

caboose. And Surgisis, an implant derived from the intestines of pigs,

is on the horizon, too.As for the new lip implant, you get to pick your size, though the company has not yet released a size chart.Since 2000, there has been a 27 percent increase in lip augmentation, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.Oh, and a study by the Beverly Hills Institute of Aesthetic &

Reconstructive Surgery said Angelina Jolie’s lips are the most


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Oh, Rogene, this makes me sick. What will they think of next to kill more people? The FDA is sick, just like Health Canada here.

We are happy that you are feeling better, but please do not do too much. When you are well again, you can do all of the things that you want to do. Do you like doing puzzles, because my sister loves this kind of therapy? I want to try this, but it is not something that I would like to do.

Stay close, love you...Lea


Oh no! . . . Lip implants!

When will this craziness end?Published: August 21, 2008 6:00 a.m.

Pucker up: FDA approves saline-filled implants for lips

Los Angeles Times

When will this craziness end?



Hey, breast augmentation. Meet the lip implant.

A new procedure called FulFil Lip from California-based Evera Medical, has just been approved for testing by the FDA. Much like a breast implant, the FulFil Lip is a balloon that can be filled with saline and then inserted into the lip. A micro-valve prevents any fluid from leaking.

Outside the U.S., the company already markets VeraFil, a saline implant that plumps skin around the eye.

Right now, there are myriad ways to inflate your pucker – from injecting collagen from a dead person to grafting fat from your caboose. And Surgisis, an implant derived from the intestines of pigs, is on the horizon, too.

As for the new lip implant, you get to pick your size, though the company has not yet released a size chart.

Since 2000, there has been a 27 percent increase in lip augmentation, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

Oh, and a study by the Beverly Hills Institute of Aesthetic & Reconstructive Surgery said Angelina Jolie’s lips are the most requested.

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> Oh, Rogene, this makes me sick. What will they think of next to kill

more people? The FDA is sick, just like Health Canada here.


> We are happy that you are feeling better, but please do not do too

much. When you are well again, you can do all of the things that you

want to do. Do you like doing puzzles, because my sister loves this

kind of therapy? I want to try this, but it is not something that I

would like to do.


> Stay close, love you...Lea

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`

> Oh no! . . . Lip implants!




> When will this craziness end?


> Published: August 21, 2008 6:00 a.m.

> Pucker up: FDA approves saline-filled implants for lips

> Los Angeles Times

> When will this craziness end?


> --------------------------------------------------------














> Hey, breast augmentation. Meet the lip implant.





> A new procedure called FulFil Lip from California-based Evera

Medical, has just been approved for testing by the FDA. Much like a

breast implant, the FulFil Lip is a balloon that can be filled with

saline and then inserted into the lip. A micro-valve prevents any

fluid from leaking.




Gee, I think I will run right out and get some of these NOT!!!

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