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<<<,<I hope being off the Risperdal helps M. And I pray the new med helps

him. I am sad to hear that feels so out of control.>>>

well, we are starting today with the new med. Meantime, I am astounded as to

how many of M's " little " behaviours he is now admitting to be " uncontrolled

.. he is sanpping fingers, spiral-jumping in teh air, suddenly kicking high

in the air (all of which he used to day he is practicing judo...), belching.

... arghhhhhh

I sure hope this med will help him.



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that is the greatest book!!! I've read it 5 times. I gave a copy to Matts older

sibblings to help them understand after Matt was diagnosed. they love the

jammie days. I've loaned it to everyone I know.

( ) a

<<<<<<I'm sorry. :( This is why I have yet to tell Hunter he has Autism.>

i did not tell my osn. he told me....... he has told me that he is different

since age 2. one time, I left a book on AS on the table. I had no idea he

had taught himself to read English. Until he asked me " waht is Asperger ? Is

that what you think I ahve ? read teh book with me! " well, that one was a

professional book, so instead I read with him the book by Hall, and

every page or two he exclaimed : " but that is me! that is like me ! how can

he be so like me! " etc and when we finished the book he asked me if there

were docotrs that were experts on AS, and if so, he wantes to go to one !!

<<<<<< I do not want him to use it as an

excuse. And I KNOW he will. Nothing is his fault as it stands. Hohum.


my ds has teh opposite : he thinks EVERYTHING is his fault. even what stems

from AS is his fault in the sense that it is " his " ..... he doesn't usei t as

an excuse, but rather sees his whole life through the difficulties of AS, he

sees no hope in this way.

<<<<< It's so hard to know

where that line is at. >

thinner a line than a hair at times....


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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest


That is really great that he is taking such an active interest in your

case. Just getting more doctors to be aware of DD will be a plus.

It's doctors like this that make such a difference.

I hope you enjoyed the beautiful day.


On Mar 29, 2005, at 9:37 AM, nonny46 wrote:


> Thanks, a!  Dr. Travers is the head of dermatology at IU hospital,

> and the one who diagnosed me with DD.  When I saw him a few weeks ago,

> he asked me to come for Grand Rounds April 6, and while that in itself

> probably will not produce any " miracle cure " at least it will make

> other doctors in the hospital aware of the disease and of me.  He is

> asking someone from endocrinology and neurology to attend.  As I left,

> he put his arm over my shoudlers and said " I want to help you through

> this! "   I nearly cried--it's the first time someone has actually

> expressed an interest in trying!  I'll keep you posted.


> Now off to enjoy some 70-degree weather...


> Judi







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  • 6 months later...

Hi, Carol! Hope you and Esther and Ron are well.

a was affected but she and are OK. Her computer service is out,

but I hope she'll be back online soon.

Not an MD

I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester


s Hopkins Medicine


[ ] a


> a,


> Haven't seen you online for a few days.....how did you come through the

> Hurricane?

> Wasn't sure if Wilma hit around where you live. Pray all is well :).


> Carol/ aka Esther's Mom

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, so glad that she and are OK. :)

We are all hanging in there. Ron lost his job about a year ago due to

downsizing and it took him quite awhile to get another. He applied all

over our area and the only place who hired him was a factory in which he

has to work shift work. He is 58 so I think his age worked against him

although legally it's not suppose to. Anyway, he never worked shift

work before and he really doesn't like it but has no choice. Esther is

a trooper. She had a wrist fusion done on August 17th.....I believe she

said it's her 65th surgery. Her arthritis is active again and her

Rheummy first put her on metho but it affected her blood too much and

she was sick on it. She has been on Kineret now for about six months.

Can't say if it's working or not but when she had to discontinue all her

arthritis meds for surgery, her fingers really swelled......so, between

her cocktail of plaquenil, arava, and Kineret, I guess one could say

they are working. She still works as a teacher's aide three to four

days a week for the mentally challegened children. Her bosses are amazed

that she works even in pain. Some of her co-workers call off for a

slight headache or cold.

Sorry, we haven't kept up with the list although I glance over and read

some post often.. Have never unsubscribed hoping that some day we can

continue with the group.

Your children must be getting up there in age by now :). How time

flies. I can't believe that our twin grandsons will be 4 in November.

Wishing you all a pain-free day.

Gentle hugs,

Carol/ aka, Esther's Mom


> Hi, Carol! Hope you and Esther and Ron are well.


> a was affected but she and are OK. Her computer service is out,

> but I hope she'll be back online soon.




> Not an MD


> I'll tell you where to go!


> Mayo Clinic in Rochester

> http://www.mayoclinic.org/rochester


> s Hopkins Medicine

> http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org



> [ ] a



> >

> > a,

> >

> > Haven't seen you online for a few days.....how did you come through the

> > Hurricane?

> > Wasn't sure if Wilma hit around where you live. Pray all is well :).

> >

> > Carol/ aka Esther's Mom




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