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Simply, the present Moment - Balancing

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Simply, the present moment

Today's graphic is created from photos shared by Sky Coe at: www.heartofmaui.com

The island of Maui is the second-largest of the Hawaiian Islands at 727.2 square miles (1883.5 km²) and is the 17th largest island in the United States. Maui is part of the State of Hawaii and is the largest island in Maui County. Three other islands, Lanai, Kahoolawe, and Molokai belong to Maui County. Together, the four islands are known as Maui Nui. As of 2000, Maui has a resident population of 117,644, which is ranked third within the state behind the islands of Oahu and Hawaii. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maui

Back in early December I created from photos of Skye Coe's gemstone (crystal) sets seven different graphics with some of the gemstones used as a Mandala depicting various aspects of life. This is one of those graphics. It popped into my mind as I answered a post on an egroup about this piece of music playing in the background. "Kumbaya". (so thank you Tir for the memory) Back in December I'd named the above graphic, Balancing a most apt term for where many of us are right now in our lives.

The past few months my life has been, life many or yours, a topsy turvy swirl of change and renewal. It can be no coincidence I think that we are moving into the Chinese calendar year of The Rat. At the time of creating this graphic I also had a Bush Rat visit me, right inside my house. I don't know who had the biggest fright, me or Bush Rat, as I stumbled across her in the dark as she sat in my hallway in the middle of the night. She'd eaten her way through a mesh screen in the kitchen to allow herself entry. She came by to bring me acknowledgment of the pilgrimage within my current journey. The yin and the yang of the message as I left Australia to travel to Britain. The balance of allowing the old to integrate with the new.

Cunning rat of silent creeping,Friend of Ganesha, lord of might,Guide me through mazes by your foresight,For all good things are mine by right.

People with a Rat totem have a pronounced drive for success. Ask yourself if you are pushing too hard or to the contrary, if you are not pushing hard enough.

Rat also give their totem people a great ability to adapt to almost any environment. Rat shows you how to gain foresight in any coming situation to avoid problems. Rat people are cunning and shrewd, and can defend themselves aggressively when necessary.They can also be restless and nervous and need to be careful of these traits.

The Hindu God of Overcoming Obstacles Ganeshuses a Rat as his steed. For the Hindus, the Rat represents prudence and foresight.Which is the reason that you see rats leaving a ship before it sinksor scurrying out of a building before it collapses. They know....

To the ancient Egyptians, Rats symbolized wisdom.Rat is the first sign of the Chinese Zodiac, symbolizing fertility and wealth.A white Rat is the companion of the Japanese god of happiness anda symbol of Daikoku, the god of prosperity.


Rats would probably not be so successful if it weren't for humans. Our living habits have provided them with homes and food and we have eliminated many of their predators. Because of this rats hold important teachings about waste, over consumption and survival for those who have this totem.

Rats can eat a quarter to a third of their body weight a day. They gnaw on things to keep their teeth, which are always growing, short and sharp. Pack Rats are famous for collecting things. They have been known to strip a sealed cabin in the woods of everything that they could carry. One species is called the Trade Rat because it leaves a stone in the place of what it takes.

Black Rats carried the fleas that led to the Black Plague. In Norway some years ago, hungry Rats infested a bird sanctuary and ate, among other things the birds. They even managed to grab seagulls and hold them down while killing them.

Those with this totem are survivors. Their tendency is to hoard what they have because they fear that they don't have enough. This fear prompts them to acquire large quantities of things and fight aggressively to maintain what they have acquired. Rat medicine people are not selfish but they can appear that way to those who do not know them well. Holding onto everything and being the pack rat is their way of feeling secure in an insecure world.

Fortunately rats adapt well to environmental changes and can survive on just about anything. They hold the teachings of resourcefulness. Their fear of not being provided for can be healed by participating in supportive group activities, meditation and prayer.

The other side of Rat is that it reflects back to us our own human capacity for greed, taking so much that others needs are denied. They will sometimes overeat and throw up rather than let food go by. They will dispossess other small animals of their homes if they can, wanting no competition for food. They truly personify humankind's imperialistic drives, which are making life on the planet more and more tenuous. If Rat has come to you, look at ways you may be participating in wasteful consumption or fear based emotions and begin to change your habits appropriately.


Each step we take is a journey towards fulfilment in both the spiritual and physical world in which we exist. To learn and understand the synchronicity of each step we need to understand our own self. What creates and makes us who we are today.

Kumbaya literally means "Come By here". Who and what needs to come, and the answer is of course, our own self. We learn to balance all aspects of our lives within the knowing of who've we become right this minute. Our ideals, our belief systems all have created the person we are in this moment. Each experience both good and not so good allows us to take the next step along the path of both spiritual and physical life. I can't come by here as you, nor you as me. We each have a unique and individual path to follow. Most certainly we can hold the hearts and hands of those who travel with us, for oftentimes the path is a lonely one. People come and go from our lives, leaving gaps and spaces for others to come enter and fill. I use the word 'lonely' advisedly, not in the emotional sense of feeling loss or need but as something we need to do alone. The lonely time is when we can go inward, assess our need and learn how to grow within all aspects of self.

Here in Australia this weekend is a holiday time when we celebrate Australia Day. We honour all those who have gone before us and created this nation. We honour the indigenous people who resided here for thousands of years creating a culture not understood by those who come as invaders to settle and westernise the land. Today we strive to walk hand in hand honouring and absorbing, as much as is possible of all cultures to create an Australian of the future who can walk with more strength into their future. Australia Day honours all those who came unwillingingly to settle and survive in an environment so much harsher than that from which they came. (Having just spent a few weeks in Britain I do have a better understanding of just how different is the environment.) This day also honours those who came as immigrants to try their hand at a new way of life. I don't know that I would have had the courage to leave everything and everybody familiar behind to start again as did those ancestors of us all. This day honours those who are here now doing their best to create a future worthy of the children yet to be born.

This day is a time to reflect just why did we 'Come By here"

from Gaele Arnott from here in Brisbane, Australia on Sunday the 27th January, 2008

it is in love from my heart and soul to your heart and soul


Todays graphic was created by Gaele in PSP IX

should you wish to be subscribe to the moment list please email me at: gaele.arnott@...



the midi playing is : Kumbaya

some history of the song as well as the lyrics may be found at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kumbaya

The Peace Candle

I ask that you join me each day at the dinner hour (evening meal) in lighting a candle together, so that we as One People may join voices together for Peace On Earth.

Peace will come when we are all free to love with compassion each other, as One family, without the constrictions of past beliefs.

Together we can create a reality free of fear, greed and manipulation, where all people in all lands may have the freedom to move freely in joyful harmony.

the candle graphic was created by Trac from Canada

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Evolution is a leap in consciousness

The Circle of Life is charged with coincidences of the moment. To follow your heart in recognizing the power of chance, invites the energy of the subconscious mind to create a new reality."Simply the Present Moment" © Gaele Arnott* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

There is no commercial interest by me in any midis shared. The music is used to enhance the healing within the message and graphic shared with you. If you enjoyed this music, you are encouraged to purchase the CD

you might also have to add my screen name to your address book and buddy list to keep it from going into the spam folder Fix Spam/Mail ControlsMail and Spam Controls

Wo Oh Ni Ai

I Love You

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