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Diagnosis and Treatment of type 2 Diabetes Chpt. 4

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Diagnosis and Management of Type 2 Diabetes, 10th Edition, Ch 13-Pt 4

Assessment of the Treatment Regimen, Part 4

Diagnosis_and_Management_of_Type_2_DiabetesSteve V. Edelman, MD

R. Henry, MD

Applying SMBG Results to Adjust Insulin Doses

Patients can be taught how to analyze and use SMBG data to effectively make

adjustments in their insulin doses so that they can maintain and improve

glycemic control....




LEARN how to use the A1c test to determine your patients' Quality of Life

Insulin algorithms can be used with SMBG to make appropriate day-to-day

changes in insulin dosing and to guide long-term treatment. The insulin

algorithm shown in Figure 13.3 is used for patients receiving intensive

insulin therapy. Self-adjustment guidelines for patients on a split-mixed

regimen are shown in Table 13.4; insulin unit changes are provided by the

physician on an individualized basis.






Advances in Glucose Monitoring

Over the past several years, home glucose monitoring devices have become

smaller, faster, and easier to operate with data analysis capabilities.

Computer generated data analysis can assist the care giver and the patient

in many different areas, including data collection from blood glucose

meters, certain insulin pumps, and other new devices. Computer software

programs can also create charts and graphs that reveal trends and patterns

in blood glucose values for easier evaluation by the patient and the

caregiver. There are many software programs that are not only user-friendly

for the patient, but are easy to read and analyze by the caregiver. Several

programs can generate one-page summaries of a person's diabetes monitoring

data intended for optimal presentation of information. Information typically

provided includes the standard day plot, before and after meals, pie graphs,

the preceding 14 days in a combination graph format (where diet, exercise,

and medication are shown with blood glucose levels) and a glucose line plot.

The goal ranges and usual insulin doses are usually printed on the bottom of

the page if applicable for that patient.

Advances in Devices for Bloodletting

The fingerstick devices used to get a drop of blood for testing from the

patient have improved with depth adjustable and sharp, thin lancets. There

are meters that have the capability of getting blood from areas other than

the fingertips, such as the forearm, for patient comfort and convenience.

Other companies have developed bloodletting devices that can be used on the

fingertips and other areas with special attachments to the finger sticker.

Laser technology has also been designed to facilitate the bloodletting for

these home devices.

Advances in Continuous Glucose Monitoring

SMBG is a fundamental part of diabetes management It is mandatory for tight

glucose control. Intermittent measurement of capillary blood glucose via

fingersticks has long been the method of choice for self-monitoring.

However, such measurements provide isolated glucose values which do not

reflect variations occurring throughout the day and night. In addition, this

approach is dependent on patient education, diligence, and consistency.

Hence systems monitoring blood glucose concentrations on a continuous basis

have been developed. These devices allow for frequent and automatic glucose

measurements, and thus can detect and track changes in glucose levels over

time. This has tremendous implications for achieving near normalization of

glucose control while avoiding the most serious complication of intensive

glucose management, hypoglycemia. Several such devices are currently


The DexCom Seven with Open Choice (DexCom), Guardian Real-Time (Medtronic

Diabetes), and the FreeStyle Navigator (Abbott Diabetes Care) are currently

available and are composed of three basic parts: a sensor, a transmitter,

and a receiver or monitor. The sensor, like a patch, is worn for up to 5

days and then replaced. It is placed just under the skin and is attached to

a plastic sensor mount with adhesive to adhere to the skin. The small,

unobtrusive transmitter snaps into the sensor mount and sends glucose

information wirelessly to the pager-sized receiver, which can be worn on the

belt or carried in a handbag. The sensor measures glucose every 1 to 5

minutes (frequency varies according to the device). The receiver displays

the readings over time and provides high and low glucose level alarms that

warn in advance when levels are trending toward hypoglycemic or

hyperglycemic levels as determined the physician.

These systems also store up to 60 days of data, which can be analyzed by the

patient or physician. Also available is the MiniMed Paradigm Real-Time

System (Medtronic Diabetes), which is comprised of a sensor, transmitter,

and insulin pump.

It is important to note that these systems measure interstitial glucose, a

distinct physiologic space when compared with blood glucose. However,

clinical trials with the various devices have shown there is an adequate

correlation between interstitial and capillary blood glucose measurements.

Nevertheless, the use of such systems adds information on PPG excursions,

nocturnal hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia not previously detected by

fingerstick monitoring, thereby facilitating the tailoring of treatment

regimens for the individual patient. In addition, these devices are capable

of communicating with implantable insulin pumps.

Totally noninvasive continuous glucose monitoring systems that utilize

infrared technology are also under development.

Next Week: Acute Complications

You can purchase this textalt at Amazon.com, just click on this link:

Diagnosis and Management of Type 2 Diabetes 10E

<http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1932610677?ie=UTF8 & tag=rx4betterhealt04 & li

nkCode=as2 & camp=1789 & creative=9325 & creativeASIN=1932610677>


American Diabetes Association. Standards of medical care in diabetes-2010.

Diabetes Care. 2010;33(suppl 1):S11-S61.

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