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Sandy ~

Thank you for taking your heart meds.

Please take them for awhile to get things

in control. It doesnt happen over night.

Even on meds mine jumps around constantly

too, but at least on the meds it is not as

drastic except when it goes into crisis, which

for me happens several times a day. That is

why I have the device.

The kidneys can cause the heart deal as well

as the heart deal cause the kidney deal. Crap in

your chest can cause your heart to act up as well.

One thing I notice is when I feel bad, my heart

acts up more. Most of today my blood pressure

was 80/60 but my pulse varied from 69 ( as my pacer wont let it go lower ) up to 107, that is what it was when I woke up.....BP was 88/67, and pulse was 107

weird, huh? My right and left arms vary alot too....please keep taking it and writing it down.

Try to do it when you have a hot spell....

Anyway, what meds did you take today? the name of it..??

What is the time there compared to here ? ?

do you know?

and yes, your heart can cause many of those symptoms.....all of the below ones !

Feels like I'm not getting all my air intake

Feels like my circulation is being cut off

I feel like I am hypervenalating

Feels like my circulation is being cut off

Shortness in breath

Extreme fatigue

Weight gain


Should I ask to see a heart specialist again ???

Yes, it has been awhile, you need a check up....of your heart...

Hugs ~


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I use to take my heart meds on a daily basis

But it did not help my symptoms at all

Took my heart meds today

But it's a waste to take them

Something is not right with me

Just have not figured it out as of yet

Can implants damage out hearts????

I wonder what the implants may of done to my heart ???

Left Arm


DIA - 90

Pulse - 73

Right Arm

Sys - 137

DIA - 81

Pulse -77

After Implantation

When my saline implants were in my chest

I was having severe panic attacks which

always landed me in the hospital

The one panic attack I was having

The doctor on call had the techs hook

me up to a heart moniter and than

they had me take a stress test

When I passed the stress test

The doctor kept me in overnight

to be seen by a heart specialist

Next morning, the heart specialist told me

I have a delayed electron in my heart

Could my heart be causing all these symptoms

I never had high blood pressure before implants

When I take heart meds I still feel the same

nothing changes. My blood pressure changes

every five minutes

My Symptoms since getting saline implants

Slight numbness in lower back and buttocks

Feels like I'm not getting all my air intake

Feels like my circulation is being cut off

I feel like I am hypervenalating

Complete Muscle Loss

I barely can function

Shortness in breath

Extreme fatigue

Cannot bend

Weight gain


Ladies I am seeing my physician today at 4:00 pm

I am going to request these tests

1. Renal Function profile

2. 24 hour creatinine clearance showing my GFR.

3. Protein to creatinine ratio

4. 24 hour urine and blood Aldosterone/renin

5. 24 hour catacholamines / metanepherines test

6. ACTH test, or also called cortsyn stim test.

I do not know if this is my heart or my kidneys

Should I ask to see a heart specialist again ???

because I do not know if it's from this nodule

in my left breast or not.


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