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Candida and Progestrone....WOW, lots of articles ...

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Ya know, I think sometimes our bodies

just need some time to rest without anything

extra, just rest.....so that it can digest what

it has just been through, and adjust and return

to its personal state of being. Then if it needs

some outside help add something.

I am glad you posted this about , I think that

so many people are in too much a hurry to get better, thinking drugs or supplements will do the job, when actually, it takes time and rest, and just being, and

lots of it ! ......so that the body can process, and return to its normal state, or as close to that as possible.

The body is like an ultimate computer, and it knows how to do many things on its own without drugs, but with time......we just need to incorporate more patients.

I am so glad is doing better, and has you

helping her. What a wonderful mom you are !


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