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how fo you get tested to see if it is your breast implants causing sickness??

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I had mentor saline filled breast implants about 6 years ago. I have

not had any problems until recently I have had pain in my upper back,

tingling in my hands, tiredness, and pretty much hurt all over I

guess. I have been to the doctor numerous times. I have had mris,

nerve conduction test, they have put me on sleeping pills, anti

depressants, but nothing is helping. What sort of tests can they do

that will show if it is the breast implants that are making me sick?

and I have heard it is very costly to have them removed, and and what

do they look like if you have them removed. I am very scared. If

anyone could help I would really appreciate it.

Thank you

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,Welcome to . . . You might feel overloaded for a bit, so just take your time to absorb all the information this site has to offer. The cost to remove breast implants varies considerably . . . regardless, this is not a place to try to save money. You'll find getting those implants removed the best investment you ever made!Where are you located? . . . I can recommend a good plastic surgeon in Little Rock, Arkansas. . . We also recommend surgeons in Cleveland, OH, Atlanta, GA, and Denver, CO. . . You'll find other doctors listed under recommended docs in the archives.Too many plastic surgeons don't take serious the proper removal of saline implants. . . Keep in mind, they are working for YOU! . . . You have every right to have your implants

removed the way you want, especially when it is a preferred medical practice. You may be able to find a local surgeon - but question them carefully. Ask them how they go about removing breast implants. . . If they describe the en bloc removal, and say they do a complete capsulectomy, you've probably got a winner. . . If they tell you you'll be deformed and depressed without implants, consider that witness to their own skills, and get out of there.You MIGHT find that insurance will pay for explant . . .depends on your policy, and the cooperation of your doctor. . . You are more likely to be covered if you have pain in the chest area, than if you report a variety of symptoms. Insurance companies would be way ahead to pay for explant, without replacement, than to pay the ever increasing health costs of a sick women.Did you have any children while you had implants?Hugs and prayers,Rogene

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thank you all for you help and answers. It makes me feel better to

know that there are others out there that are going through the same

thing. I have not had any childen since I have had the implants.

Thank goodness!! I have family in cleveland and I would be willing to

travel to find a very good doctor.

Thanks again


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I used Dr. Feng in the Cleveland area, and I really loved her. She

did a beautiful job on the surgery, the scars are in the crease and my

breasts look very close to what they looked like before. I live in NJ

and traveled to Ohio for the surgery, and I paid alot of money for the

surgery but it was an excellent investment because I knew I was using

a doctor who would perform the surgery properly. Plus she has alot of

experience removing implants and in my case, it shows.

I got sick within a few weeks of getting implants. I knew right away

it was the implants causing the problems because it was more than a

coincidence that I went from being healthy to sick within weeks. I

had them for six months but the entire time I had them, I just wanted

them out of my body. There are so many of us who have had the same

thing happen, it amazes me, and my husband gave me a hard time

regarding the explant because he mistakenly thought that a test could

tell him that the implants were making me sick.


--- In , " jamiemluff " <jamiemluff@...>



> thank you all for you help and answers. It makes me feel better to

> know that there are others out there that are going through the same

> thing. I have not had any childen since I have had the implants.

> Thank goodness!! I have family in cleveland and I would be willing


> travel to find a very good doctor.


> Thanks again

> >


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Hi ,

Your experience with getting sick mirrors what so many women have also

gone through when their implants have affected them negatively. It

sounds like your immune system has had enough.

There are no tests in existence that will prove it is the implants that

are making you ill. We would certainly love to have such a test....it

would make winning court cases a breeze, and it would have stopped

breast implants cold in their tracks when women started coming forward

about how ill they were becoming. But history has shown that money

trumps health safety. It was just too costly to implicate implants in

any illness.

Regardless, we have found that removing the implants helps greatly in

alleviating most of our symptoms. You pretty much have to take the

plunge, trusting your intuition about this, and knowing that keeping

the implants when you are experiencing symptoms of illness will NOT

HELP you, and in fact may hinder your healing. Doctors usually do not

tell you that.

Explant will usually cost as much or more than explant. It will be

important to have the implants out correctly, i.e., to have them

removed en bloc or with a total capsulectomy with drains, by a

qualified and experienced plastic surgeon.

With a proper explant you will look perfectly fine. There is no need to

be scared. Doctors who don't want to remove implants tell women that

they will look awful and be depressed, and they push photos in your

nose of implants removed without a lift, when a lift may be necessary.

They try to paint as dark a picture as they can about explant. But in

fact, there are doctors out there that we know who can make women look

better than before implant! We've had some women who are thrilled with

their post-explant breasts! (I would be included in that list.) So,

clearly, there is no reason to fear explant when you use a good plastic

surgeon who understands and respects the fact that you have a right to

be able to go back to being totally naturally (and be totally pleased

with being natural again.)

I wish you well....keep asking questions and we can help you through

this time. We've been down this road.


--- In , " jamiemluff " <jamiemluff@...>



> I had mentor saline filled breast implants about 6 years ago. I have

> not had any problems until recently I have had pain in my upper back,

> tingling in my hands, tiredness, and pretty much hurt all over I

> guess. I have been to the doctor numerous times. I have had mris,

> nerve conduction test, they have put me on sleeping pills, anti

> depressants, but nothing is helping. What sort of tests can they do

> that will show if it is the breast implants that are making me sick?

> and I have heard it is very costly to have them removed, and and what

> do they look like if you have them removed. I am very scared. If

> anyone could help I would really appreciate it.


> Thank you




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Cleveland is the place you should consider then!

Dr. Lu Feng is in Cleveland and she is arguably the best plastic

surgeon in the country for removal of breast implants correctly.



--- In , " jamiemluff " <jamiemluff@...>



> thank you all for you help and answers. It makes me feel better to

> know that there are others out there that are going through the


> thing. I have not had any childen since I have had the implants.

> Thank goodness!! I have family in cleveland and I would be willing


> travel to find a very good doctor.


> Thanks again

> >


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Dear :

I am sorry that I missed your note. Honey, you have the same symptoms that most all of the women have. I am sorry that you have had to suffer so much, it is heartbreaking when doctors prescribe drugs that will do more harm. Have you told your doctor that you have breast implants? There are no tests that show that the implants are causing your symptoms that I know of.

It is important that you have the implants removed soon. I know that it sounds frightening, but it will restore your health. The cost is another worry; however, it is the only way that you will get well.

This group of women are the best, and they will help you to get through this. Please ask questions, and we will try to help you to find the right doctor. I live in Canada, and I had silicone breast implants. They were ruptured, and I became so very sick, but this group has saved my life in so many ways.

Stay close, and we will give you love and support....Lea


how fo you get tested to see if it is your breast implants causing sickness??

I had mentor saline filled breast implants about 6 years ago. I have not had any problems until recently I have had pain in my upper back, tingling in my hands, tiredness, and pretty much hurt all over I guess. I have been to the doctor numerous times. I have had mris, nerve conduction test, they have put me on sleeping pills, anti depressants, but nothing is helping. What sort of tests can they do that will show if it is the breast implants that are making me sick? and I have heard it is very costly to have them removed, and and what do they look like if you have them removed. I am very scared. If anyone could help I would really appreciate it.Thank you

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