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Each letter has a color, a meaning, feelings, a sound, a musical note, a

sensation, and a part of the body temple that was created by it.

Meditating is done on four levels of awareness. It is done with pure being

united with Divine Being and all creation and strong will- Delta brainwaves

with visualization, concentration on deep inner thought and concepts- Theta

brainwaves, flowing divine feelings- Alpha brainwaves, and memory, logic,

and five sense perception- Beta brainwaves.

These four brainwave patterns develop naturally from the moment of

conception on, and therefore, the deeper ones are energized through

reclaiming and identifying your present self with your younger selves of the


Delta becomes dominant in the period from conception through infancy. Theta

is dominant through childhood. Alpha is dominant in adolescence. Beta is

dominant from puberty on.

The idea is to visualize the color of the divine virtue from a deep Delta

state of pure being and unity with Divine Being and all creation. This is

the most important step, and corresponds to the eye and omnipotent will for

the highest good of all. It corresponds to the infant state.

“Ye must be as little children to enter the kingdom of heaven.â€

Next contemplate deeply on the meanings of the divine virtue, which occur

in Theta brainwaves of deep inner thought. This deep inner thought

corresponds to the state of being a little child.

Next feel the emotions of the divine virtue, which occurs in the Alpha

brainwaves of feelings and flowing. This emotional flowing was dominant

when you were an adolescent. Remember how you felt feelings so strongly in

this time of your life. As you flow with these divine feelings, when you

‘speak’ the letter, tone it to the musical note of the divine virtue AND

FEEL THE FEELINGS FLOWING WITH THE SOUND. This can be done inwardly in the

imagination, when meditating, to activate the virtue on the astral plane or

out loud for purposes of blessing the physical plane.

Finally, imagine the sensation of the divine virtue. The sensation is

determined by its element. This activates the Beta brainwave of the five

senses, memory and logic of the adult self.

When you first begin this procedure, go into your imagination and see your

infinite pure being that is one with Divine Being and all creation become

located in time and space as a tiny dot in your own solar plexus, which is

the region of the akashic element of consciousness-penetrating-all.

Visualize the color of the divine virtue shining from a tiny sun in the

region of its element and filling the entire region. Meditate on the

meanings of the divine virtue. Flow with the feelings of the divine virtue.

Then imagine the sensation of the divine virtue’s element.

Take this meditation and impregnate the organ that corresponds to the

virtue, or even the entire body or whatever inner guidance so directs at the


With the out breath see this radiance passing through the pores of the skin

over the virtue’s organ and filling something in the outer universe

according to inner guidance. With the in breath see this radiance coming

back into the body through these same pores. Keep the rhythm of the breath

natural at all times, and dissolve the light in the body when you are

finished so that the elements of the body do not become over stimulated or

out of balance.

Here is a description of the five elements with their meaning, sensation and

body regions.



The Akasha element is the pre-matter of all creation. It has the sensation

of consciousness-penetrating-all, and is everywhere. The region

corresponding to this element is located in the midriff region.


The Fire element is will and electricity. It has the sensation of warmth

and expansion, and is located in the head region. Electric power is

increased through aligning individual will with Divine Will for the highest

good of all concerned. Will activates Delta brainwaves of Pure Being.


The Air element is mind and thought. It has the sensation of ease and

relaxation and is located in the lung area.


The Water element is magnetism, feeling, emotion, psychic sensitivity,

flowing, fluidity and change. It has the sensation of coolness, which turns

to chill. It is located in the abdomen, seen as a hollow space. Magnetic

power is increased through aligning individual feelings with Divine

Feelings. Feeling activates Alpha brainwaves of emotion. Feeling and

magnetism attracts realities into physical expression. Divine Feelings

attract Paradise, and Heaven on Earth.


The Earth element is physical form. It has the sensation of weight and is

located in the leg region.


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