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Goodmorning Rogene ~

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Oh Dede,I wish you could get some competent medical care! . . . It's as if they have written you off! I know you're suffering horribly. . . But you're a survivor! . . . Please keep trying to get proper care! . . . you've come too far to give up now!Love,Rogene

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Patty ~

Funny you say that, I have started a letter

and it is 22 pages so far.........yikes, I set it aside

It has been a year and a half since I even looked

it and many thousand dollars later.

I have brain fog so badly these days, cuz I feel

so bad lately. I just cant seem to wrap a whole

thought around anything.

I just keep thinking, if I can just have these implants

out at the same time as a new heart device. I can get better enough to handle some of my challenges.

I pretty much dont do anything at all, ever besides research, try my best to help support others, and not much else. I never have any progress on anything.

I have stacks of crap all around and an inch of dust on everyting I own, and clutter everywhere. I just hate it, as I was always OCD, and cleaned clean things......my house was spotless, totally.......and now, total disarray.

I will just chalk that up to me overcoming my OCD, so when I am well, I can enjoy without obcessing on things that dont really matter.......LOLOLOL.....

I will eventually have a letter/book written to send to

everyone, medical board, congressman, and the media

and speak outloud, but right now, I just dont have the energy or mindset....I dont even have the energy to see if there is a patient advocate.......at this moment, I trust no-one.........dont want anyone near me.

Ya know, I think it is wrong to charge someone 300 bucks just because they have a heart diagnoses especially when all they do is say, I want you to go see this doctor, and come back in 6 months.......This is just wrong ! He couldnt have been in the room more that

about 10 min max, and that is probably 5 minutes too long.....

In " Sicko " which I would love to see, but havent yet, but from the interview I saw about it on Oprah, they blame it all on Insurance coverage.......that is not the only place it lies. It is in the prices charged by these doctors that think they are worth so much, and for what ? ? I am sorry, these doctors run patients thru like an assembly line at Mcs, and there is no expertise, thought or science attached to their decisions at all. They dont listen, they judge based on looks, money they think you have, and on something they may see in your medical records, like implants........

They see me, I am fat, look like cushings with huge belly, buffalo hump huge fat pads on either side of my neck, football sized boobs, I am on disability, dont work, and I dont look sick, but have implants......

Boy, am I judged ! None of these doctors know that I was 110 til 3 years ago, worked 26 years in the medical field, have had many breast surgeries removing all my breast tissue that was riddled with silicone granulomas and cysts and things due to a rupture, and have had lupus and periphral neuropathy, almost dailey migranes, for the last almost 18 years, and have cardiomyopathy and denerative disc disease and a progressive case of osteoporosis from all the steroids I was on for all those years.

They take one look at me, see what looks like a healthy, but lazy fat neurotic hypochondriac living off the public.

I had one doctor I offered my records twice to, refuse to look at them, then almost kill me due to his incompetence, put me in ICU on dopamine, that is a big NO NO for my heart condition, then another doctor scan thru my records I handed him while he tossed them at me as fast as he could while he explained to me there was nothing in them, even though there was info on my cancer in there, and all he talked about was that silicone was inert and safe and that his mother and sisters and cousins all had implants and they were safe, and all these women and attorneys wanted were free money. Then he gave me a drug that almost killed me ......Spiriva....he had me do one in his office, and for the next 24 hours, I thought I was gonna have a heart attack. I dont even have a hard time breathing, and you do not give someone with SVT's, and cardiomyopathy that drug. I will never ever do a treatment in a doctor office without first going home and doing my own research on it first.

Ya know, it is like I go to all the jerks, and none of

them have had any interest in me, my medical mysteries, or anything at all.

This is why I am so leary on this lung thing with the nodules. Do I have to spend a couple more thousand dollars ( well 20 percent of that ) to find out that perhaps they havent grown, or maybe that they are huge now, and waiting 6 mos was the wrong thing to do ? ? The oncologist I saw acted like, why are you here, these are too small to do anything.

I dont know......what do I do ? ? ?

OK, sorry about the rampage.....


Dede**************It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel deal here. (http://information.travel.aol.com/deals?ncid=aoltrv00050000000047)

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Ya know, I have spoken with the hospital

people, patient advocates, while in the

hospital, and mostly what they wanted

from me was access to my bank accounts

and for me to promise money I dont have

or am not willing to pay.........This happened

at 2 hospitals, and I just got a nasty taste

in my mouth. I dont want them taking my

home from me. I still owe so much money

on it anyway, it needs a new roof, and the

money I have in my bank is to fix my teeth

and a roof, and for my mortgage. Otherwise

I am on very very slim pickens, disability

doesnt stretch very far......not even to electricity

or food...........and certainly not anything extra

muchless if you are ill.....

I will get past this rut my mind set is in a bad

spot right now, I will get it out.......just gotta

work thru it again....


Dede**************It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel deal here. (http://information.travel.aol.com/deals?ncid=aoltrv00050000000047)

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Have you written your congressman, medical board, or anyone else that

might be able to help with your predicament? I think there is

something hugely missing if we can't complain to someone about these

huge medical bills that accomplish nothing. It's a huge rip off! and

makes those doctors wealthy while the poor sufferer starves. It's


You've got a good case of being raped and having your coffers

pillaged by the medical community. I think somebody needs to know

about it--someone who can fight for you. I wonder how many other

people have gone into a medical bankruptcy due to inept care from

doctors who don't have the time, knowledge or compassion to dig


How about a patient advocate? Do you have any of those in your area

that you could get help from?

I think we all wish we could find a competent doctor that enjoys the

REAL practice of medicine and in being able to help us find out what

went haywire in us, rather than just someone just conducting a

business and herding people through like cows but never listening to

us or helping us get better.

Many of today's doctors are poor quality doctors. I have found very

few of them to be amazingly competent or impressive in dealing with

our mystery illnesses. I have no idea how to go about affecting a

change in this, and if national health care goes forward, it won't

fix anything, even make the situation worse... If we think doctors

don't care enough now, just wait till they have to take care of

everyone else too and get paid by the government. Shoddy care?

Loooong waits? Yikes. That's ahead! Can anyone see this getting

better??? I sure can't.

We need to start making some noise, again! (I don't see what

's movie " Sicko " accomplished....anyone else?) But if change is

coming to the health care system, I want to help make sure it is good


Dede, I will pray that God above will bring someone into your life

that is helpful to you. Someone who can make a difference.

I'm grateful for you on this support group!



> Hi Rogene ~


> The good thing, I havent given up on

> me, only the doctors. I am sure it is temporary.

> I will try again. I have just put out so much money

> and all these incopetent doctors and hospitals that almost killed

me due to

> errors or not looking at my medical records I offered them, are the

ones that

> have sent me to collections and have attorneys

> after me. I just dont have the energy to fight them, nor do I want

to waste

> my precious time and energy

> on it.

> I am not sure what I will do. I wish I would run

> across someone that knows someone that loves

> medicine and the mysteries it has, as I certainly

> have many things to solve. I do think it is no mystery

> to us, tho.........these implants have much to do with it

> as does the previous silicone spill......

> I feel I am in such a catch 22. The last 2 docs I went to

charged in

> the thousands for nothing......well, not the oncologist, but he

didnt do

> anything. His bill was in the 300 range, I think. Anyway, the

gastro man and the

> thyroid doc both charged outrageous fees for nothing. The endo was

just under

> 1500, and the gastro just under 3000. yep, 3 grand !

> So......I feel raped, and still bent over.......lololol....

> I will get it figured out.

> Love you Lady ! Tomorrow is a new day for you, I hope it goes

well, and you

> dont have any side effects !

> Let me know how it goes, if you feel up to it. You are in

> my thoughts and prayers, and Dad told me to tell you he is praying

for you

> too.

> Love

> Dede



> **************

> It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your

> travel deal here.


> (http://information.travel.aol.com/deals?ncid=aoltrv00050000000047)


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Good recommendations Patty . . . Hospitals have patient advocates, I'd suggest contacting some of them to see if they have any ideas about where to go from here. Dede has been treated horribly!The distribution rights to Sicko were bought by people with ties to the medical industry . . . they virtually shut it down. As I see it brought the situation to the forefront. It's up to us to demand change. As people who have gone untreated become insured, it's going to put a huge burden on the system. It's hard to imagine how it can be managed effectively. Maybe then they'll start addressing wellness! . . i.e., diet and healthy life styles. Hugs,Rogene

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Patty, you are giving our Dede some good advice, and it might work for me too. We just cannot find a doctor to remove the garbage from my breasts. I will not travel out of the country to have surgery that must be done here. All of my specialist are here at the UofA.

Thank you again...love you so..............Lea


Re: Goodmorning Rogene ~

Dede,Have you written your congressman, medical board, or anyone else that might be able to help with your predicament? I think there is something hugely missing if we can't complain to someone about these huge medical bills that accomplish nothing. It's a huge rip off! and makes those doctors wealthy while the poor sufferer starves. It's wrong.You've got a good case of being raped and having your coffers pillaged by the medical community. I think somebody needs to know about it--someone who can fight for you. I wonder how many other people have gone into a medical bankruptcy due to inept care from doctors who don't have the time, knowledge or compassion to dig deeper?How about a patient advocate? Do you have any of those in your area that you could get help from?I think we all wish we could find a competent doctor that enjoys the REAL practice of medicine and in being able to help us find out what went haywire in us, rather than just someone just conducting a business and herding people through like cows but never listening to us or helping us get better.Many of today's doctors are poor quality doctors. I have found very few of them to be amazingly competent or impressive in dealing with our mystery illnesses. I have no idea how to go about affecting a change in this, and if national health care goes forward, it won't fix anything, even make the situation worse... If we think doctors don't care enough now, just wait till they have to take care of everyone else too and get paid by the government. Shoddy care? Loooong waits? Yikes. That's ahead! Can anyone see this getting better??? I sure can't.We need to start making some noise, again! (I don't see what 's movie "Sicko" accomplished....anyone else?) But if change is coming to the health care system, I want to help make sure it is good change.Dede, I will pray that God above will bring someone into your life that is helpful to you. Someone who can make a difference.I'm grateful for you on this support group!Patty>> Hi Rogene ~ > > The good thing, I havent given up on > me, only the doctors. I am sure it is temporary.> I will try again. I have just put out so much money> and all these incopetent doctors and hospitals that almost killed me due to > errors or not looking at my medical records I offered them, are the ones that > have sent me to collections and have attorneys> after me. I just dont have the energy to fight them, nor do I want to waste > my precious time and energy> on it.> I am not sure what I will do. I wish I would run> across someone that knows someone that loves> medicine and the mysteries it has, as I certainly> have many things to solve. I do think it is no mystery> to us, tho.........these implants have much to do with it> as does the previous silicone spill......> I feel I am in such a catch 22. The last 2 docs I went to charged in > the thousands for nothing......well, not the oncologist, but he didnt do > anything. His bill was in the 300 range, I think. Anyway, the gastro man and the > thyroid doc both charged outrageous fees for nothing. The endo was just under > 1500, and the gastro just under 3000. yep, 3 grand ! > So......I feel raped, and still bent over.......lololol....> I will get it figured out. > Love you Lady ! Tomorrow is a new day for you, I hope it goes well, and you > dont have any side effects ! > Let me know how it goes, if you feel up to it. You are in> my thoughts and prayers, and Dad told me to tell you he is praying for you > too.> Love> Dede> > > **************> It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your > travel deal here.> > (http://information.travel.aol.com/deals?ncid=aoltrv00050000000047)>

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