Guest guest Posted September 10, 2008 Report Share Posted September 10, 2008 An excellent book to read is: How I Cured Cancer Naturally by Edie Mae. and Read "The Cure is in The cause" Dr. Ruza Bodganovich, N.D. rawnora 10-04-2006, 09:23 AM Jeannie, White blood cells are the body's bouncers. They escort troublemakers out. With your dad's permission, the medical profession has pumped his body full of poisons and subjected it to known cancer-causing procedures (i.e., radiation, etc.). His white contingent just couldn't keep up. The body doesn't have an infinite ability to eliminate poisons. It is the overwhelming of the body with poisons, the outstripping of its abilities to get rid of them as fast as they're coming in, that kills people, not cancer. There are actually very few people who truly die of cancer, and those are the ones whose cases are very far advanced before they discover how to remove the cause. The remaining 95-99% of cancer deaths are caused by the treatments. One study that was done a few years ago found that people who subject to cancer treatments live an average of 3.5 years, but people who choose to do nothing in response to their cancers live 12 years. If your dad believes his cancer had no cause, there isn't much you can do for him. The procedures he's just submitted to are cancer-causing in healthy people, so so-called secondary cancers or the 'return' of the cancer is a very real problem for people who are already sick. However, if he's willing to consider the idea that if he removes the cause of his problems, his problems will go away, there is a very good chance his cancer will not return. Removing the cause is very simple. It took decades of egregious abuse to create his cancer. To stop creating it, he just has to stop eating junky cooked foods and start eating fruits, tender greens, nuts and seeds. There are no magical foods that assist this or that bodily function. To reverse her cancer, Dr. Lorraine Day adopted a regimen that included lots of juicing (especially carrot juice), so she now advocates juicing. It wasn't the juicing that did the trick, however, it was the fact that she was no longer doing the things that cause cancer. She could have eaten only apples or oranges and gotten better results. Her cancer most likely would have gone away even if she'd eaten only Lara bars and Igor burgers. Cancer takes a lot of creating. Even in little kids who have cancer, repeated, flagrant violations of the laws of nature are to blame. It just doesn't take as long in some people. Cancer doesn't just happen, as the medical profession wants us to believe, it always has a cause. Anything that has to be caused can be stopped simply by removing the cause. If your dad is open to drinking wheat grass juice (ew:)), it should be no problem getting him to observe a few simple healthful practices that would *truly* help him, like eating only fruit in the morning and not combining cooked starches and cooked proteins. Every time he eats bacon and eggs in the morning, a ham sandwich for lunch or fish and rice for dinner, his body has to send out an inordinate number of bouncer cells to deal with the poisons that are produced by such practices. If he wants his body to have more white cells available to do their jobs, he needs to stop overworking them. Your dad will never be told these things by his doctors. Doctors do not consider causes, they only suppress effects. That's their job. I'd be happy to assist further if you or he are interested. I wish for your dad the speediest recovery possible. Warm wishes, Nora alex 10-04-2006, 09:55 AM Very well said RawNora!! There is no specific food that will increase health - it is almost more what we don't eat then what we do eat. Two 'facts' which seem to be true are these: 1) cancer can not grow in an alkaline environment 2) cancer can not grow in the presence of high concentrations of oxygen Therefore the question becomes: How can I create an alkaline environment in my body as well as increasing the concentration of oxygen?? Very simply: vegetables - the darker green the better - kale, spinach, collard greens, beet greens, turnip greens, romaine lettuce, swiss chard etc The fastest way to get the nutrients into ones body is by juicing! (I have not checked this, but I read the other day that if chlorophyll is injected into the bloodstream, it will be converted to blood and can in fact be used instead of blood in transfusions). Therefore: juice greens - in your dad's case, 1 glass probably three times a day. Please do your own research. Take the best care alex rawnora 10-04-2006, 09:53 PM Very well said RawNora!! ....How can I create an alkaline environment in my body as well as increasing the concentration of oxygen?? Very simply: vegetables - the darker green the better - kale, spinach, collard greens, beet greens, turnip greens, romaine lettuce, swiss chard etc The fastest way to get the nutrients into ones body is by juicing! (I have not checked this, but I read the other day that if chlorophyll is injected into the bloodstream, it will be converted to blood and can in fact be used instead of blood in transfusions). Therefore: juice greens - in your dad's case, 1 glass probably three times a day. alex , Thanks for the compliment. It's true that cancer needs an acidic, oxygen-deprived environment in which to thrive. However, in order to not create this kind of environment, a person need only stop eating acid-forming foods, and replace these with biologically appropriate foods of all kinds. A diet comprised mostly of fruit with the addition of green leafy vegetables (if desired) and nuts in small quantities would be optimal, and would create the ideal internal environment for healing. That greens contain some substances that are chemically similar to human blood does not automatically render them optimal foods. Following that logic, the best food for humans would be the blood or flesh of other humans. In considering which foods are best, the most important factor to take into account is digestibility. Many of the tough greens that you mention are difficult to digest due to their cellulose content. It is often claimed that juicing is the answer to that dilemma but the problem there is oxidation. Blended, juiced and otherwise processed foods decompose very rapidly. In addition, when we eat foods whole the presence of fiber slows down absorption to a normal level. When foods are devoid of fiber, the body is overloaded and is not able to properly utilize nutrients. In all of our lengthy history, humans have never had access to foods that were juiced or otherwise processed. Therefore, juiced foods couldn't possibly be superior to foods in their whole, natural state. It is not true that chlorophyll can be used as a replacement for blood when transfusions are needed. The body can only convert foods to blood if the foods are eaten, digested and assimilated in the natural, normal way. I'm not quite sure what would happen if a person was injected with chlorohphyll but I do know that the body would not be able to make use of it and would have to eliminate it like any other foreign substance. Best wishes, Nora Read these: another important factor is we do not 'breath' deep enough. Stay RAW excercise do deep breathing (we should do 6 breaths per minute) I just learned that 3 weeks ago in our Depression Class! WOW it must be deep and slow. What to eat to raise white blood count?? - Raw Food Talk **************Psssst...Have you heard the news? 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