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Discomfort in Right Breat

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Hi everyone, it feels like forever since I have posted here. I

still try to get on here and read many of the post and I think of

all my " sisters " often. I have been doing pretty good. It has been

10 months since explant and although some of my dizziness had

returned as well as some digestion issues, I have improved alot.

However, I have developed a pain in my right breast. My right

breast is the side that hurt the most when (terrible pain) after

getting the implants. Then as sensations returned after implants to

my left breast, my right breast never got full sensations back. It

also seemed larger than my left breast. Even now after explant, I

never got sensation back and it still seems a little larger (never

was before implants). Anyways, the pain feels like it is on the

surface, not down in my breast. It is mostly tender on my nipple

and just started yesterday. I am just wondering if this is normal.

I see it as positive as I am getting sensation back yet it scares

met that it hurts. Nothing else seems to have changed as far as

size, color, ect..... Any ideas as to what may be going on. Maybe

it is just the sensation returning......that would be great :)

sending love to everyone!!!!!!!!



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Thanks for the info Dede. That makes me feel better that you too

feel it could very well be some of my nerves waking up. They are

very sensitive...and it does just seem to be my nipple. I do not

notice any heat or redness to my breast. I am trying to listen to

my gut instinct on this and for the most part it is not bothering me

and I feel it is just me getting sensation back. I am thankful for

that. I have not had sensation in that breast since I had the

implants put in. THe pain is not too bad to deal with. It hurts me

to hold my kids on that side and I an feel my bra and shirts rubbing

but that is about all. It does not bother me to move my arm or


Should I have a mammogram done? I have never had one ( I am 27). I

wonder if I should now....my aunt just had surgery for breast

cancer.....cancer is very much in both sides of my family!!!!!




> Beth ~


> Hello, awesome to hear from you ! ! I am sorry

> you are having the pains, so glad you are so much

> better tho, that is great !

> I had some sensations come back after a good

> amount of time as well. Mine became very sensitive

> as well as had shooting pains and some burning in them.

> Then they ( nipples ) became hypersensitive. Better than

> numb ! I dont remember how long til they settled down,

> but I would bet that you are having nerve sensations waking

> up. Keep a close eye on any changes you have any time

> with your breasts. Have your diagnostic testing done

> at regular intervals as well. Once you have breast implants

> it changes your tissues so much it is just safest to keep

> a close eye on things. I was told that after 1 year of

> no sensations, you would never get them back. Mine started

> coming back about 5 years later......so I know it is possible !

> Also be sure there is no redness or heat coming from them.

> Great hearing from you ! Stay close !

> Love Dede



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