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Sandy, as far as pain is concerned, for

me, it wasnt too bad. But you see I have

had at least 20 surgeries now.

It will only be on one side, so that will

be a nice change for you.

You know, pain is an individual thing, and

it has to do with ones personal tolerance,

and nerve endings, and all that.

I would say you will probably have some

pain, but it should be tolerable. Most of

it will all be on that one side. You may

have some that radiates out, but you may

not. It may be pretty numb a good part

of the day, maybe into the next day from

the lidocaine he will use .

It is best to stay ahead of the pain with the

meds he will give you for the first few days.

That way you wont have stress of pain to

slow down your healing process. Also be

sure you have some stool softner or something

so that you wont get clogged up. Anesthesia

and pain meds are notorius for constipating

people. Remember to drink lots of pure water

to help rinse out toxins from the meds.

When you find out what time you have to be

there, let me know...


Dede**************It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel deal here. (http://information.travel.aol.com/deals?ncid=aoltrv00050000000047)

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Your boobie -

Yep this is my boobie

and here we go again !!!

I won't know when surgery is

until 3:00 -3:30 pm today

My son will not use a computer

He's just not into it, wish he was

They told me not to use stairs

That's where my computer is !!


Is this surgery going to be extremly painful ???

Tell me the truth,


Will you please have your son email me and let me know how you are ? ? Unless you canyourself. I will be on pins and needlestil I hear from you.I know that is alot to ask, but I am asking anyway.....you know me..... What time do you have to be there ? ? Hugs ~ Dede

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Is thisa phony sales pitch ???


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