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Re: 10 days post op - drain question

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Qiessence ~

It sounds like the one breast had more trauma than

the other. Did the doctor did pathology on the

implants and surrounding tissue and capsules ? ?

You need to call and get the report.

The fluid sounds like plasma, but here is a page

I found about drain tubes:


The Comprehensive Breast Health Center - Post Surgery Patient Care

Here is part of what it says, for the full discussion, click on the link, or copy and paste the web page into your browser.........

If the drainage suddenly stops, it may mean that the tubing is clogged or leaking. You may try “milking†the drain tube. To do this, grasp the tubing tightly between your thumb and index finger near your skin. With the other hand, compress the tubing and slide your fingers down the tube toward the bulb. This will help dislodge any material that may be blocking the tube and resolve the leakage. Do this at least two times per day until the drain is removed. Milking the tubing is easier using a small alcohol pad. If there is still no drainage, please call your surgeon’s office. Gradually the color of the drainage may change from cherry-red to a red-yellow to a straw color.

What to watch out for:

Be sure to call your surgeon if any of the following occur:

1. Temperature greater than 101.5°F.

2. Signs of infection (redness, swelling)

3. Foul-smelling drainage from the wound

4. Worsening of pain

5. Nausea and vomiting

6. Chest pain, shortness-of-breath, rapid heart beat

7. Leg-calf tenderness or pain

8. Bruising easily

9. Blood in stool or urine

10. Black, tarry stool

11. Unusual weight gain or loss

12. Sudden trouble seeing clearly

13. Loss of speech or trouble talking

14. Sudden weakness or numbness of face, arm, or leg on one side of the body

15. Sudden, severe headache with no known cause

16. Other:________________________________

For peace of mind, I would call the surgeon's office and discuss

this with them. Another concern is the headache/migrane you

have had for so long...do you have any of the other symptoms listed above ? ?

There is usually a period of time at surgery that you feel like a million

bucks, I think it is cuz of the meds used in anesthesia.

I know that darvon gave me migranes, and I had to stop that med and

get a different one.

Please keep us posted and let us know how you are and what your

doc says. You are in my thoughts and prayers ~



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Qiessence ~

Bless your heart. Is there a neighbor that can

help you? or perhaps, do you go to a church?

are there church folks that can help ? ?

How about calling s Ministries in your

area....I am sorry you are feeling so badly

and have little or no help.

You are in my prayers.......

Where do you live ? ?


Dede**************Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com. (http://www.stylelist.com/trends?ncid=aolsty00050000000014)

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I can't tell you much about the drains...except that some women have

them longer than others. Your doctor should be able to monitor this

and tell you when they are ready to come out.

As for the feeling worse, that can be expected and happens quite

consistently after explant. There is a honeymoon period that lasts

about 6 weeks, and typically after this period, you begin to experience

the same old symptoms and even some new ones. That happened to me, and

I felt quite ill for about 18 months after explant. I detoxed that

whole time, but boy did I ever feel sick.

The biggest mistake women can make is to expect to feel like they can

take on the world after explant and everything will be hunky-dorey.

Doesn't happen that way, unfortunately. It's not like pulling a bad

tooth, because it's much more involved than a localized infection. It

is a systemic dysfunction that can take a couple of years to recover


Take care of yourself, and just relax as much as you can about your

healing. If you see something that looks like abnormal, make sure to

get it checked out....with drains there IS risk of infection, so you

need to make sure all is clear and nothing is going on. But other than

that, your healing experience will more than likely be just starting,

and it will be a journey.



> My left drain was taken out last Thursday, but my right was still

> producing over 30cc's a day. As of today, the total output for the

> right drain since surgery on the 5th is 346.5 cc's, with no signs of

> slowing down.


> The fluid is an orangy color - it was still bloody the day the left

> was pulled, but changed color that night.


> Is something wrong? Shouldn't it be slowing down by now? Am starting

> to get a bit nervous about it and about the amount of headaches and

> migraines I have had in the last week. I felt so great in the first 3

> days after surgery - I was happy and ready to take on the world, and

> now I feel worse than I did before surgery.


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Qiessence . . . Just be glad you have drains! . . . You would be one of the women who would be in a world of hurt if you didn't have drains! . . . One of our women stayed near her doctor for several weeks! . . . If you have any concern about the appearance of the fluid, please contact your surgeon. . . If you used a surgeon who's some distance from you, you might be able to email a photo to him/her. He/she would be the best person to advise you.Hugs and prayers,Rogene

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Thank you for all of that information. He did send everything to

pathology and they are expecting the results any day now. I don't

have any of the other symptoms - I do have severe dry skin even though

I drink a ton of filtered water, and I feel off balance, but attribute

that to the migraines/headaches. Not eating well - I live alone and

don't have many people to rely on. I decided if I feel okay when I

wake up tomorrow, I will clean myself up and attempt to drive 4 blocks

to the grocery store in order to get some decent food.

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I have a brother who goes MIA for days at a time - I try not to bother

him because I feel guilty - he has a family and things going on. I

don't go to church and would not trust any of my neighbors (live in an

apartment in Iowa). I pride myself on my independence, but I guess it

isn't working for me so well right now.


> Qiessence ~

> Bless your heart. Is there a neighbor that can

> help you? or perhaps, do you go to a church?

> are there church folks that can help ? ?

> How about calling s Ministries in your

> area....I am sorry you are feeling so badly

> and have little or no help.

> You are in my prayers.......

> Where do you live ? ?

> Hugs

> Dede



> **************

> Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion

> blog, plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.


> (http://www.stylelist.com/trends?ncid=aolsty00050000000014)


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qiessence,If you don't feel up to cooking anything, at least get some Ensure . . . It contains enough vitamins/minerals/nutrients that you could live off it. . . It's liquid . . . found at grocery and drug stores.Hugs and prayers,Rogene

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They never returned my calls.


At 02:39 PM 9/16/2008, you wrote:

>Qiessence . . .


>Please call some of the churches in your area . . . 's

>ministers are found in a number of denominations. . . . They want to help.


>Hugs and prayers,





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Thank you. Against my doctors orders (I am not released to drive yet)

I did, after taking 2 hours to wash my hair and clean myself up, drive

to the grocery store for food. I am vegan, so there are a lot of

foods I don't consume due to animal products.

It was a rough drive....thought I would pass out at one point. And

even though I was told not to lift anything over 10 pounds, the bag I

had felt like 100 pounds - and did not feel very good to carry. I did

finally eat, but have been glued to the couch all day.

On a side note, I drained 60cc's of fluid yesterday and 42cc's today.

I am thinking I may be stuck with this for a while. We will see what

Thursday brings......


> qiessence,


> If you don't feel up to cooking anything, at least get some Ensure .

.. . It contains enough vitamins/minerals/nutrients that you could live

off it. . . It's liquid . . . found at grocery and drug stores.


> Hugs and prayers,


> Rogene


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Lynda . . . They may not be active in your area. Did you find a listing for them? . . . or did you contact a church? . . It's all done by volunteers. I suspect each group is as good as the person in charge.It never hurts to try though.Love,Rogene

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I did contact a church in my area that was listed as part of this organization.

No response, and I tried several times.


At 09:36 PM 9/16/2008, you wrote:

>Lynda . . . They may not be active in your area. Did you find a

>listing for them? . . . or did you contact a church? . . It's all

>done by volunteers. I suspect each group is as good as the person in charge.


>It never hurts to try though.







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Qiessence ~

Girl, I am glad you are at home and safe.

Please rest, alot ! I am glad to hear

that the fluid reduced 12 cc hopefully

it will continue to reduce day to day.

You are in my thoughts and prayers ~

Dede**************Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com. (http://www.stylelist.com/trends?ncid=aolsty00050000000014)

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Qiessence ~

Were your implants under the muscle ?

If so, it takes longer to heal that because

the muscle had to be cut.

I was told not to lift my arms for 3 weeks

after my surgery, but that was from a massive

silicone rupture and they were under the muscle,

also had some lymph nodes removed because they

were large and hard, and full of silicone.....

I am glad to hear you had even less drainage today !

That is great news ! ! Are you wearing a sports bra ?

something to hold you firm but not tight ?

If not, you need to be, you will heal better.

Hugs ~ Dede**************Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com. (http://www.stylelist.com/trends?ncid=aolsty00050000000014)

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I am glad too!! I drained 12cc's this am, which has steadily been

15-20cc's every morning. I hope this is a sign that it is finally

slowing down even if it is a little bit. Although I am very happy I

had these removed, I never thought recovery would be worse than when I

had them put in. I wonder how long it will take for the muscle and

floppy breast tissue to shrink - especially the muscle. It really

does hurt to try lifting my arms....


> Qiessence ~

> Girl, I am glad you are at home and safe.

> Please rest, alot ! I am glad to hear

> that the fluid reduced 12 cc hopefully

> it will continue to reduce day to day.

> You are in my thoughts and prayers ~

> Dede



> **************

> Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion

> blog, plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.


> (http://www.stylelist.com/trends?ncid=aolsty00050000000014)


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Quessence ~

Well, since they were under the muscle, I

am sure it will take more time to heal

because of the cut muscles.

I am glad to hear you have your breasts

in a garmet. I was off work 6 weeks.

but the PS that did the explant did a horrible

job, left tons of silicone in me, and also

left the scar capsules in, so I just continued

to get very ill. I was infected, got

phlebitis in my left arm, it was a horrible

experience. Glad it is past. I had many surgeries

to remove all the siliconomas that formed, then

I had salines put in, they were a gift....what a gift

they were....NOT .......it was a stupid mindless

moment when I agreed to getting them. Now

the lesson learned 9 years later, my breasts are

blown up like footballs........hurt very badly,

and i have been dealing with a seriously ill

body. I tell ya, I certainly have gotten

a collage degree on this one.....Hopefully when

I get a new heart device I can have these out too.

I see my cardiologist in Oct.

I cant wait to see what your report says.

How kewl, forensics, I would love to work in

forensics. I am a blood and guts kinda gal. I

know that sounds gruesome, but It is quite

the subject, never a dull moment, and so

much to learn and discover. I hope you feel

better , Hugs ~ Dede

**************Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com. (http://www.stylelist.com/trends?ncid=aolsty00050000000014)

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I had a mastectomy, so they placed the implants under the muscle to

hold them in place. They have been in for 8 years...had been that is.

I do have an ugly sports bra type thing on...it isn't really a sports

bra - is all the same size and has a large vertical velcro closing.

The breast tissue is still floppy - I assume the muscle is as well

judging by the pain I feel anytime I try to move, do dishes, etc. I

am now understanding why I will be off work much longer than I was

when I had those toxic bags of crap put into me.

I cannot imagine the hell you went/are going through with a silicone

rupture. I was offered those, but decided on saline because they were

'safe'. My heart goes out to you....

I hopefully will have photos and a path report to share tomorrow -

have an appointment at 10:30am Thursday with the surgeon. From what I

was told, the photos were 'uneventful', but I asked him to photograph

them to share with you. I id ask him to photograph them in body as

well - once upon a time I worked in forensics (until my intelligence

was over taken by toxins) and wanted the chain of evidence to by as

good as possible.


> Qiessence ~

> Were your implants under the muscle ?

> If so, it takes longer to heal that because

> the muscle had to be cut.

> I was told not to lift my arms for 3 weeks

> after my surgery, but that was from a massive

> silicone rupture and they were under the muscle,

> also had some lymph nodes removed because they

> were large and hard, and full of silicone.....

> I am glad to hear you had even less drainage today !

> That is great news ! ! Are you wearing a sports bra ?

> something to hold you firm but not tight ?

> If not, you need to be, you will heal better.

> Hugs ~ Dede



> **************

> Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new

> fashion blog, plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at



> (http://www.stylelist.com/trends?ncid=aolsty00050000000014)


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Many times the implants appear to be clear and without obvious

problems when they are removed from a woman's body, thereby causing

the doctor to be strengthened in his position that the implants don't

cause illness.

However, it's much more complex. I will be interested to hear if they

found anything upon pathologica examination, but I won't be surprised

if they don't. My implants upon removal were clear and pathology

didn't find anything, but I was clearly ill, with an elevated

rheumatoid factor indicating some type of autoimmune response.

YOu may never find something specific to point to, such as bacteria,

fungus, or whatever...but if you do, we certainly want to hear about


You're just beginning your healing journey, which I am sure will be

very intense as you deal with your loss of breasts. We will be here

to help you through it. It's not easy, but the best thing you can do

is to fill your mind with good, healing thoughts, with positive hope

for your future. It's not the worst thing that could happen to you!

And you can now begin healing.

I have one concern and that is a lack of animal protein that I think

you mentioned. I can respect your dietary choices, but there is some

indication that foregoing animal protein can delay the healing

process. If you need references, I can provide them.


> >

> > Qiessence ~

> > Were your implants under the muscle ?

> > If so, it takes longer to heal that because

> > the muscle had to be cut.

> > I was told not to lift my arms for 3 weeks

> > after my surgery, but that was from a massive

> > silicone rupture and they were under the muscle,

> > also had some lymph nodes removed because they

> > were large and hard, and full of silicone.....

> > I am glad to hear you had even less drainage today !

> > That is great news ! ! Are you wearing a sports bra ?

> > something to hold you firm but not tight ?

> > If not, you need to be, you will heal better.

> > Hugs ~ Dede

> >

> >

> > **************

> > Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new

> > fashion blog, plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at

> StyleList.com.

> >

> > (http://www.stylelist.com/trends?ncid=aolsty00050000000014)

> >


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I am very pleased with my doctor - he seems to have done everything

right. My family doctor, who has been a blessing to me since this

whole thing started, has also been a huge blessing. Both are willing

to do what it takes to try to help me.

I actually wasn't going to do implants after the mastectomy until I

was hit from all sides...no one would accept that, so I caved and

believed that I would never feel whole without them. If I could only

have that one moment back....

I know what you mean about the college degree - I don't have one on

this, but have had to study nutrition (which I promptly forget because

of the massive brain fog) due to all of the unexplained symptoms I

have had over the years. I talked to my family doc before surgery and

told her how excited I was - that I knew this would solve all of my

problems....she stopped me and said in a motherly tone that it may

not. I understood what she was doing - obviously fibromyalgia may not

ever go away, but she knew how close to the edge I have been and she

did not want to see me get my hopes up and watch me go further over

the edge. It is nice to have someone care so much.

I just cannot even begin to imagine how you have made it through....I

have many days where I feel I cannot go on, so knowing you have such

strength, really helps me to know I can make it through.

I was in forensics for 16 years - I loved it but when I couldn't

remember easy things that I did on a daily basis, I knew it was time

to leave. It killed me on many levels because not only was it my

'passion' so-to-speak, but also my livelihood. I am still struggling

to live on less than half of what I was making and no longer have the

extra cash to travel, or live.


> Quessence ~

> Well, since they were under the muscle, I

> am sure it will take more time to heal

> because of the cut muscles.

> I am glad to hear you have your breasts

> in a garmet. I was off work 6 weeks.

> but the PS that did the explant did a horrible

> job, left tons of silicone in me, and also

> left the scar capsules in, so I just continued

> to get very ill. I was infected, got

> phlebitis in my left arm, it was a horrible

> experience. Glad it is past. I had many surgeries

> to remove all the siliconomas that formed, then

> I had salines put in, they were a gift....what a gift

> they were....NOT .......it was a stupid mindless

> moment when I agreed to getting them. Now

> the lesson learned 9 years later, my breasts are

> blown up like footballs........hurt very badly,

> and i have been dealing with a seriously ill

> body. I tell ya, I certainly have gotten

> a collage degree on this one.....Hopefully when

> I get a new heart device I can have these out too.

> I see my cardiologist in Oct.

> I cant wait to see what your report says.

> How kewl, forensics, I would love to work in

> forensics. I am a blood and guts kinda gal. I

> know that sounds gruesome, but It is quite

> the subject, never a dull moment, and so

> much to learn and discover. I hope you feel

> better , Hugs ~ Dede




> **************

> Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog,

> plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.


> (http://www.stylelist.com/trends?ncid=aolsty00050000000014)


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I know what you are saying. I did send my MRI to a good friend of

mine who is a radiologist - she said she had no doubt that the biggest

part of my pain was because my left implant was severely deformed due

to folds caused by scar tissue, causing damage to my muscles and

tissues...she said in her many years in her field, she had never seen

one as deformed as mine. Not one of the radiologists who initially

read the MRI or report informed me of that.

One strange thing I am dealing with is crying at the drop of a hat for

no apparent reason. Been doing that a lot and am not really sure why.

I know the loss of my breasts for a second time is rough, but the

tears do not feels related. Before the surgery, I lost the passion to

do things, live, and do my photography. I am so afraid I will never

get that passion back and that I will be destined to live a life

without meaning.

As far as the diet, I appreciate what you are saying, however, because

of my beliefs, I cannot eat animal proteins. I have a naturopath I

see for nutrition and she makes sure I get the proper proteins and


> > >

> > > Qiessence ~

> > > Were your implants under the muscle ?

> > > If so, it takes longer to heal that because

> > > the muscle had to be cut.

> > > I was told not to lift my arms for 3 weeks

> > > after my surgery, but that was from a massive

> > > silicone rupture and they were under the muscle,

> > > also had some lymph nodes removed because they

> > > were large and hard, and full of silicone.....

> > > I am glad to hear you had even less drainage today !

> > > That is great news ! ! Are you wearing a sports bra ?

> > > something to hold you firm but not tight ?

> > > If not, you need to be, you will heal better.

> > > Hugs ~ Dede

> > >

> > >

> > > **************

> > > Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new

> > > fashion blog, plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at

> > StyleList.com.

> > >

> > > (http://www.stylelist.com/trends?ncid=aolsty00050000000014)

> > >

> >


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Qiessence . . . You're still very early in the healing process to know what you're going to look like by this time next year . . . I remember one woman who saw Dr. Melmed years ago . . . She didn't get a lift and was, initially, horrified by how she looked. Dr. Melmed told her that, if she wasn't happy after six months to a year, he would do a lift. . . She was happy and didn't need a lift.I'm glad to hear your drainage is diminishing. . . . The fact that you have had so much likely speaks for why you are recovering more slowly than usual. Most women report explant is much easier than implant. I'm thinking of it as your body "sputtering" . . . Thankfully you have really good, supportive physicians!Hugs,Rogene

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That crying at the drop of the hat MAY be a hormonal upheaval. I

know that I've been through it, as has Kathy (mikat) and probably

other women as well. I don't experience that anymore, but I didn't

relate it to my emotions at the time either...

I think your passion for life will return as you heal. Gosh....I've

been there! I felt no drive to accomplish anything when I was so

sick, no creativity, no energy, no life of passion. I'm very happy

to say that it has come back! (Most definitely!) So, keep hanging

onto the fact that you are going to be doing the very best thing for

yourself by taking this journey of healing, free from any foreign


It takes time, but you can get there.


> > > >

> > > > Qiessence ~

> > > > Were your implants under the muscle ?

> > > > If so, it takes longer to heal that because

> > > > the muscle had to be cut.

> > > > I was told not to lift my arms for 3 weeks

> > > > after my surgery, but that was from a massive

> > > > silicone rupture and they were under the muscle,

> > > > also had some lymph nodes removed because they

> > > > were large and hard, and full of silicone.....

> > > > I am glad to hear you had even less drainage today !

> > > > That is great news ! ! Are you wearing a sports bra ?

> > > > something to hold you firm but not tight ?

> > > > If not, you need to be, you will heal better.

> > > > Hugs ~ Dede

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > **************

> > > > Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new

> > > > fashion blog, plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at

> > > StyleList.com.

> > > >

> > > > (http://www.stylelist.com/trends?ncid=aolsty00050000000014)

> > > >

> > >

> >


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