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Re: post saline explant

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Hi pmdivito,

Welcome to the group and congrats on your recent explant. You have just

taken one of the most important steps toward regaining your health. I

realize the difference in size may be quite a shock. I too went from a

C to an A. I admit it was a little tough at first but over time I began

" fluffing " like so many of the women here told me I would. Over time

(about 6 months) my breasts grew larger to the point that during certain

times of the month I am a small B. With a padded bra I really didn't

look much different than I did when I had implants in but over the last

6 months I've stopped wearing the pads and prefer the smaller, more

natural me.

The ironic thing about this whole journey is that (at least for me) I've

now come to the conclusion that breasts aren't the end-all/be-all of

feminitity and sexuality. In fact, I look back and think how silly the

whole thing is...not to mention dangerous! Like you, I had a

self-esteem issue with small breasts but the blessing in all this is

that I have learned the truly important/valuable aspects of myself on a

deeper level than I would have if I was still wrapped up in my implants.

Although my body is not as aesthetically pleasing to the " average "

person's eye, I like my body...more so than when I was implanted...I'm

more forgiving and less scrutinizing...honestly it feels freeing.

Recently I met up with two of the others on the forum and we all agree

that implants just look ridiculous...it's as if " What were we thinking

all those years ago????!!!! "

It takes time, both emotionally and physcially, but changes for the

better will come about. Hang in there and remember we're all here to

support you. If you have any questions about detox, diet or regaining

health, ask away. Take care. ~ PH


> I had my saline implants removed friday after having them in for 13

> years. I went from a " C " back down to a " A " cup. This is very

> devastating to me because I have always had a self esteem issue due to

> my small breast. After reading on the forum and looking back at all

> the sickness I have been experiencing over the past few years I know I

> did the best thing for my health. I had a huge calcium capsule

> surrounding the back of my right implant. After they were taken out I

> was to get new ones behind the muscle but my Dr. stated that this was

> not safe at this point because of all the calcium build up that had

> invaded my implant. I am terrified to get more implants in but my

> breast are now inverted and seem smaller than before. This is

> emotionally cripling to me. Anyone help with any advice for me.


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Hi there,

I want to first say congratulations on getting your implants removed.

That was certainly the best thing you could do for your health. It

will take time for your body to readjust to a healing state, but

without doubt, I am sure your body is sighing in relief. Implants are

very stressful to our bodies when we show signs of illness.

Next, I want to let you know that I understand your concerns about self

esteem. It is a huge area of concern for us who have been explanted,

and it takes some work to move past this. But I believe that you are at

a point where you can grow in huge ways if you are willing. I went

through the same issues, but I learned to change the way I viewed

myself...not as female with breasts, but as a female with value. I

had to remove some of the lies I believed, and trade them for truth


Are you a single woman, or married? In a relationship? It will just

help me understand where you are coming from better. But what I want to

say applies no matter what you are.

I helped myself by faith....I also mourned the loss of my implants, as

I had wanted them for years, but only had them 9 months when I got

sick. But I had no choice if I wanted to get better...I had to change

my thinking because implants were clearly forbidden for me. I had to

realize that fundamentally, there was a disconnect between what I had

been conditioned to believe about my value as a woman (and that I

needed pretty breasts to be attractive), and what the truth was. This

is a truth that applies to every human being everywhere.

Our society places value on things that really don't have value. When

all is said and done, and we go to our graves, our value will not be in

our boobs. It will be in the legacy of love we have left behind. It

will be in the people we have touched, the ways we have touched them,

in the love that was shared, in our selflessness and generosity, in our

kindness and willingness to be vulnerable, in our forgiveness and in

being forgiven, to be all that we were meant to be in the image of the

One who created us. I am a believer in divine mercy and salvation

through Jesus Christ. It was in Him that I found perfect love.

It's nice to look attractive, and I don't disagree with those who say

that beautiful people seem to get more breaks. There is nothing wrong

with trying to look your best....as long as you realize the truth that

our value does not lie in our outward appearance, but in our hearts.

Implants are unnecessary when it all comes down to it. They actually

get in the way of living authentically. Many women feel extremely

liberated once they are free of implants. The beauty of this experience

is discovering that you can really learn to love who you are, as God

created you to be. It's an incredible experience, and one I needed

desperately....and I am truly, truly happy without implants.

I am worth so much more than a pair of boobs. You are too!

Please take some time to dwell on the fact that you are beautiful as

you are. You just have to realize what true beauty is.



> I had my saline implants removed friday after having them in for 13

> years. I went from a " C " back down to a " A " cup. This is very

> devastating to me because I have always had a self esteem issue due


> my small breast. After reading on the forum and looking back at all

> the sickness I have been experiencing over the past few years I know


> did the best thing for my health. I had a huge calcium capsule

> surrounding the back of my right implant. After they were taken out I

> was to get new ones behind the muscle but my Dr. stated that this was

> not safe at this point because of all the calcium build up that had

> invaded my implant. I am terrified to get more implants in but my

> breast are now inverted and seem smaller than before. This is

> emotionally cripling to me. Anyone help with any advice for me.


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My Dear Friend:

Welcome to this wonderful group. I am so sorry that this has happened to you. I had silicone breast implants, and they were grossly ruptured. These devices have taken away so much of my life. I have only one breast,; however, my husband always tells me that he did not marry me for my breasts. When I lost my breast, it really changed my personal life so much. We all know that breast implants have destroyed so many lives. I have learned to live with this disfigurement, but there is nothing that I can do about it. There is one thing that I do, and that is to buy beautiful camisoles and pretty nighties.

Honey, if you need further support, please email me privately.

Sending love and support......Lea


post saline explant

I had my saline implants removed friday after having them in for 13 years. I went from a "C" back down to a "A" cup. This is very devastating to me because I have always had a self esteem issue due to my small breast. After reading on the forum and looking back at all the sickness I have been experiencing over the past few years I know I did the best thing for my health. I had a huge calcium capsule surrounding the back of my right implant. After they were taken out I was to get new ones behind the muscle but my Dr. stated that this was not safe at this point because of all the calcium build up that had invaded my implant. I am terrified to get more implants in but my breast are now inverted and seem smaller than before. This is emotionally cripling to me. Anyone help with any advice for me.

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Welcome!You're experiencing a very common feeling among women who have just been explanted. . . Not to worry. Over the coming months, your breasts should start "fluffing" . . . Nice and soft - and natural.My only advice right now would be to wear a snug, but comfortable sports bra 24/7 . . . until healing is well underway. That way the scar tissue will provide support and shape you up nicely. If you're still saggy after a year, you might benefit from a mastopexy (lift).Hopefully, by the time you've healed completely, you'll love your new figure! . . . As well as be enjoying your new found health. Stick around for tips on diet and detoxing . . . . It's not easy, but it's worth every bit of the effort it takes.Hugs,Rogene

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