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post saline explant

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Hello PMDivito ~

Welcome to the group ! I am so sorry you got

ill from your implants and that they got so calcified

inside of you. The emotions can be such a rollar coaster

when you go thru all this, but I say this from experience,

it will get better, especially as you heal and find that you

feel better than you have in years ! !

Be sure and drink plenty of pure water to help flush out

all of the toxins and the anesthesia meds, and things.

Let your body heal for awhile and realize that it no longer

has that toxic burden, then you can start to detox from

all those chemicals you have been overloaded with.

Eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, and healthy foods.

Stay away from fast foods, canned foods, processed meats

and things that have alot of chemicals in them. Get lots

and lots of rest, as this is when your body is doing its

repair work and healing. It is very important.

Did they send them to the lab to check for bacteria

and molds and all ? ?

Please stay close, and ask all the questions you think

of, and we will answer them best we can.

Again, welcome to the group ! There are lots of lovely

ladies, full of support, love, prayers, and information.

WE are here for you ! !

Hugs & Prayers ~

Dede**************It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel deal here. (http://information.travel.aol.com/deals?ncid=aoltrv00050000000047)

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