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Cadmium is a heavy metal that is in gutta-percha, used in root canals > Look at # 13

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Interesting . ..Rogene

Protocol for Dental Screening... Cadmium is a heavy metal that is in gutta-percha, used in root canals. ...

Breast implants. Best to use a

remedy from the same material. ...


- 19k - similar pages Protocol

for Dental Screening with Computerized Electrodermal Systems Dr. D. L. Cook •

10971 Clinic Road • Suring ,

Wisconsin 54174 USA


(920) 842-2083 • Fax: (920) 842-4203 This protocol assumes the operator has a

basic knowledge of electrodermal screening.

Tooth location is numbered for upper right, to upper left, from lower left to

lower right. They number from one to thirty -two. Please refer to the "THE TEETH AND THE BODY ENERGETIC

INTER-RELATIONS", chart for the exact position of the teeth and

through those tissue systems that each tooth is related. A detailed knowledge

of the chart is important in understanding the mouth and its relation to the

bodies health. The protocol is used to evaluate the mouth and its energetic

relations to organs and tissue of the body. You will also be made aware of the

false negatives and why they present the appearance of a compromised tooth from

outside interference fields. The protocol will help to differentiate between

dental materials and diseased teeth that cause abnormal signals.


Let us begin with an

evaluation of a patient coming to the office for Electro-Dermal screening. Bring up the points screen or make

an individual screen for dental checking. The points used will vary from two to

three points for each meridian on one hand. These points are as follows: Ly 1,

CMP Ly and Ly2, Lu 11, CMP Lu, Lu 10.5, LI 1, CMP LI 2, ND 1a,


ND 3, Cir 9, CMP Cir, Al 1, Al 3, CMP OD, TW 1, CMP TW, TW 3, H 9, CMP SI 1,



purpose of these measurements is to establish a base value for the meridians.

Consistently you see high readings with indicator drops of varying degrees will

indicate there is a key to the high readings and ID’s. One must balance

these readings to between 48 and 55, in most cases, you will be able to balance

to 50 without an indicator drop. Balancing the points is where you have to

become a good detective and find the reason or reasons for the imbalances in

the readings. The following signals are placed in the order of greatest

influence on the body.

Mercury silver fillings (amalgams),

Non-precious crowns and bridges ( made from Nickel,

Chrome, Beryllium or Nickel, Chrome, Gallium, Molybdenum). They are

found in the dental nosodes. Aluminum is found in composites along with iron

oxide and fluoride. Some composites contain Barium, however barium is more

likely to found in a cavity liner that is made up of hypocal (slake lime or

calcium hydroxide). Gold (zahngold or Dental gold) is made of many alloys and

is never pure gold. Cadmium is a

heavy metal that is in gutta-percha, used in root canals. Partials and implants

have an effect on the reading along with the plastic of dentures that in many

cases contain cadmium for the pink color.


aware of amalgam tattoos that is a

result of galvanic current transferring metallic ions into the tissue. These

tattoos can also have an effect on the patient’s imbalance.


Oral Potential Meter will measure millivolts, microamps and microwatts

time seconds in some cases. The removal of the amalgam tattoo is left up to the

discretion of the health practitioner and patient. Note case history after an

amalgam tattoo from a 40 year old female was removed at the end of protocol.


next step is to know the effect that can cause an imbalance to ND 1a other than

teeth, tonsils, and scars. This step is necessary to pick compatible dental

materials for the patient.

The List is as follows:

1. Cosmetics usually petroleum base. (Remedy)

is petroleum 3 or 6x


Jewelry most contain Nickel base, gold plated (Remove)

3. Ear rings including plastic posts.



Hair pins. (Remove)


Permanents-some contain

formaldehyde. (Remedy) Formaldehyde 3 or 6x

6. Metal in the glasses-frames crossing bridge of nose and

in the bows. (Remove) Graphite and some all plastic frames seem to work better.

Have patient bring in several frames to be measured with CEDS.

7. Labels in clothing (Remedy) is Ethylene

Blue 3 or 6x


Synthetic Clothing. (Remedy) is

polyacrylate. 3 or 6x


Finger nail polish. (Remedy) iron

oxide and or petroleum


Electric watches and metal watch band, back of watch is

stainless (nickel) (Remove)


Surgical clips or staples.


Eyelet’s in shoes (people

sensitive to tin) (Remove)


Breast implants. Best to use a

remedy from the same material.

14. Artificial joints. Some are nickel or

plastic (Remedy) from same material

15. Wigs (nylon is sometimes in the cape for

the wig) (Remove) or use Acrylate 3 or 6x


TMJ implants. (Remedy)

autoacrylate 3 or 6x


Contact lens and cleaner (Remove),

check cleaner


Medication that is not compatible


Supplements check ethylene glycol

used in preparing supplements.


Reinforcing pins in teeth (Whale

Dent) (Remedy) nickel


Root canal fillings. Cadmium


Chromic suture material. (Remove)


Bimetal currents from restorations

in the teeth. Check with Oral Potential Meter.


Electric blankets and heaters in

water beds.


Water beds. Polyvinalchlorides


Credit cards. (Remove)


Car openers, pagers. (Remove) I am sure you will find

other influences from environmental conditions in your area which will have to

be blocked to obtain a balanced reading. When the balance of ND 1a is obtained

you can check other meridians and points that gave a high reading an indicator

drop for a balance. If you have a balance on other points you know the oral

cavity and the above factors are the cause of high readings and ID’s. The

points that may not balance are CMP for the heart and SI (small intestine) and



this in the case you will have to check out the odontons, and balance Ly2 with

jaw nosodes, then cross check the heart and small intestine to locate the

problem. The balance of the heart and small intestine will tell you the

odontons are the cause of the imbalance. The next two steps will be helpful in

locating the odonton that is causing an imbalance and the type of dental

materials that appear to be most compatible. ND 1a is used to check dental

restorative materials after it has been balanced with the above mentioned

information. The patient can hold the restorative material or place it on the

CEDS plate.


have found only two materials that are consistently compatible, BelleGlass

neutral (no shade) and Holistore a composite for bonding and small fillings.

Patients that are ill are interested in health not cosmetics. Ly2 is balanced

with one of the dental nosodes. Kiefer

ostitis, gangrenous pulp, chronic pulpitis, chronic bacterial ostitis,

zahnsackchen, and exudative ostitis

are the most likely remedies to balance Ly2. Generally four or more of the same

remedy are needed to balance Ly2. The greater the number of the same remedy to

balance Ly2 the greater the indication of a problem with the odonton. This can

be a tooth or where a tooth was, a root canal or some form of pathology. Once

Ly2 is balanced Stim-1 is used to stimulate the jaw area or tooth above or

below the tooth you want to test. A high reading on Ly2 will indicate that the

problem is in the area. The best test of the teeth is with out any fillings in the

tooth. Filling that contain metal or metal oxides can cause a false negative

that can be balanced with the offending homeopathic restorative material by

adding it to the HOLD tray or the plate.


method is used to evaluate the possibility of different filling materials under

a crown. A balance with placing the restorative material in the Hold will

indicate the tooth is healthy and amalgam, for example, may be under the crown

or inlay. The final check of the tooth will be done after the tooth has been

cleared of restorative or temporary fillings. The location of NICO

(neuralgia-induced cavitaional osteonecrosis) is done in a similar manner by

balancing Ly2 with one of the above mentioned nosodes.


same stimulating process is used over the area edentulous area and Ly2 is

measured. An balanced reading indicates healthy bone, a high reading and an

indicator drop will mean a possible focal of disturbance. If you are going to

check several teeth an bony areas, for example, the wisdom teeth or where the

wisdom teeth were, you keep adding after each check the nosodes that ill

balance Ly2 until you have gone through the mouth. It is possible to have as

high as 50 or more odonton remedies in the hold. The only way you know for sure

is to biopsy the bone for analysis by an oral pathologist or use Affinity

Labeling Technologies.


value of the electrodermal testing is

to check the sight before and after surgery. This allows the surgeon to be

conservative, doing only the removal of bone that is necessary.

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Thanks for the info Rogene. This is interesting because I have high

cadmium and had no idea where it came from. Right before I became

ill I had a root canal. I wonder if the cadmium mixed w/ all my

mercury and other metal catalysts from the implants, causing my

health to spiral. There's a ton of info out there on the synergistic

effects of various metals in the body causing electrical imblances

and toxicity.

I've been thinking of you lots and wishing you well. Love, PH


> Interesting . ..Rogene




> Protocol for Dental Screening...

> Cadmiumis a heavy metal that is in gutta-percha, used in root

canals. ...

> Breast implants. Best to use a

> remedy from the same material. ...

> http://www.dentistryhealth.com/protocol.html - 19k - similar pages

> Protocol

> for Dental Screening with Computerized Electrodermal Systems


> Dr. D. L. Cook • 10971 Clinic Road

> • Suring , Wisconsin 54174 USA

> Tel:

> (920) 842-2083 • Fax: (920) 842-4203

> This protocol assumes the operator has a

> basic knowledge ofelectrodermal screening. Tooth location is

numbered for upper right, to upper left, from lower left to

> lower right. They number from one to thirty -two.

> Please refer to the " THE TEETH AND THE BODY ENERGETIC

> INTER-RELATIONS " , chart for the exact position of the teeth and

> through those tissue systems that each tooth is related. A detailed


> of the chart is important in understanding the mouth and its

relation to the

> bodies health. The protocol is used to evaluate the mouth and its


> relations to organs and tissue of the body. You will also be made

aware of the

> false negatives and why they present the appearance of a

compromised tooth from

> outside interference fields. The protocol will help to

differentiate between

> dental materials and diseased teeth that cause abnormal signals.


> Procedure:

> Let us begin with an

> evaluation of a patient coming to the office for Electro-Dermal

screening. Bring up the points screen or make

> an individual screen for dental checking. The points used will vary

from two to

> three points for each meridian on one hand. These points are as

follows: Ly 1,

> CMP Ly and Ly2, Lu 11, CMP Lu, Lu 10.5, LI 1, CMP LI 2, ND 1a, CMP

ND ,

> ND 3, Cir 9, CMP Cir, Al 1, Al 3, CMP OD, TW 1, CMP TW, TW 3, H 9,


> CMP SI, SI 2.

> The

> purpose of these measurements is to establish a base value for the


> Consistently you see high readings with indicator drops of varying

degrees will

> indicate there is a key to the high readings and ID's. One must


> these readings to between 48 and 55, in most cases, you will be

able to balance

> to 50 without an indicator drop. Balancing the points is where you

have to

> become a good detective and find the reason or reasons for the

imbalances in

> the readings. The following signals are placed in the order of


> influence on the body.


> Mercury silver fillings (amalgams),

> Non-precious crowns and bridges ( made from Nickel,

> Chrome, Beryllium or Nickel, Chrome, Gallium, Molybdenum). They are

> found in the dental nosodes. Aluminum is found in composites along

with iron

> oxide and fluoride. Some composites contain Barium, however barium

is more

> likely to found in a cavity liner that is made up of hypocal (slake

lime or

> calcium hydroxide). Gold (zahngold or Dental gold) is made of many

alloys and

> is never pure gold. Cadmium is a

> heavy metal that is in gutta-percha, used in root canals. Partials

and implants

> have an effect on the reading along with the plastic of dentures

that in many

> cases contain cadmium for the pink color.

> Be

> aware of amalgam tattoos that is a

> result of galvanic current transferring metallic ions into the

tissue. These

> tattoos can also have an effect on the patient's imbalance.


> The Oral Potential Meter will measure millivolts, microamps and

microwatts time seconds in some cases. The removal of the amalgam

tattoo is left up to the

> discretion of the health practitioner and patient. Note case

history after an

> amalgam tattoo from a 40 year old female was removed at the end of



> The

> next step is to know the effect that can cause an imbalance to ND

1a other than

> teeth, tonsils, and scars. This step is necessary to pick

compatible dental

> materials for the patient.


> The List is as follows:

> 1. Cosmetics usually petroleum base. (Remedy)

> is petroleum 3 or 6x

> 2. Jewelry most contain Nickel base, gold plated (Remove)

> 3. Ear rings including plastic posts.

> (Remove)

> 4. Hair pins. (Remove)

> 5. Permanents-some contain

> formaldehyde. (Remedy) Formaldehyde 3 or 6x

> 6. Metal in the glasses-frames crossing bridge of nose and

> in the bows. (Remove) Graphite and some all plastic frames seem to

work better.

> Have patient bring in several frames to be measured with CEDS.

> 7.Labels in clothing (Remedy) is Ethylene

> Blue 3 or 6x

> 8. Synthetic Clothing. (Remedy) is

> polyacrylate. 3 or 6x

> 9. Finger nail polish. (Remedy) iron

> oxide and or petroleum

> 10. Electric watches and metal watch band, back of watch is

> stainless (nickel) (Remove)

> 11. Surgical clips or staples.

> 12. Eyelet's in shoes (people

> sensitive to tin) (Remove)

> 13. Breast implants. Best to use a

> remedy from the same material.

> 14.Artificial joints. Some are nickel or

> plastic (Remedy) from same material

> 15. Wigs (nylon is sometimes in the cape for

> the wig) (Remove) or use Acrylate 3 or 6x

> 16. TMJ implants. (Remedy)

> autoacrylate 3 or 6x

> 17. Contact lens and cleaner (Remove),

> check cleaner

> 18. Medication that is not compatible

> 19. Supplements check ethylene glycol

> used in preparing supplements.

> 20. Reinforcing pins in teeth (Whale

> Dent) (Remedy) nickel

> 21. Root canal fillings. Cadmium

> 22. Chromic suture material. (Remove)

> 23. Bimetal currents from restorations

> in the teeth. Check with Oral Potential Meter.

> 24. Electric blankets and heaters in

> water beds.

> 25.

> Water beds. Polyvinalchlorides

> 26. Credit cards. (Remove)

> 27. Car openers, pagers. (Remove)

> I am sure you will find

> other influences from environmental conditions in your area which

will have to

> be blocked to obtain a balanced reading. When the balance of ND 1a

is obtained

> you can check other meridians and points that gave a high reading

an indicator

> drop for a balance. If you have a balance on other points you know

the oral

> cavity and the above factors are the cause of high readings and

ID's. The

> points that may not balance are CMP for the heart and SI (small

intestine) and

> Ly2.


> When

> this in the case you will have to check out the odontons, and

balance Ly2 with

> jaw nosodes, then cross check the heart and small intestine to

locate the

> problem. The balance of the heart and small intestine will tell you


> odontons are the cause of the imbalance. The next two steps will be

helpful in

> locating the odonton that is causing an imbalance and the type of


> materials that appear to be most compatible. ND 1a is used to check


> restorative materials after it has been balanced with the above


> information. The patient can hold the restorative material or place

it on the

> CEDS plate.


> I

> have found only two materials that are consistently compatible,


> neutral (no shade) and Holistore a composite for bonding and small


> Patients that are ill are interested in health not cosmetics. Ly2

is balanced

> with one of the dental nosodes. Kiefer

> ostitis, gangrenous pulp, chronic pulpitis, chronic bacterial


> zahnsackchen, and exudative ostitis are the most likely remedies to

balance Ly2. Generally four or more of the same

> remedy are needed to balance Ly2. The greater the number of the

same remedy to

> balance Ly2 the greater the indication of a problem with the

odonton. This can

> be a tooth or where a tooth was, a root canal or some form of

pathology. Once

> Ly2 is balanced Stim-1 is used to stimulate the jaw area or tooth

above or

> below the tooth you want to test. A high reading on Ly2 will

indicate that the

> problem is in the area. The best test of the teeth is with out any

fillings in the

> tooth. Filling that contain metal or metal oxides can cause a false


> that can be balanced with the offending homeopathic restorative

material by

> adding it to the HOLD tray or the plate.


> This

> method is used to evaluate the possibility of different filling

materials under

> a crown. A balance with placing the restorative material in the

Hold will

> indicate the tooth is healthy and amalgam, for example, may be

under the crown

> or inlay. The final check of the tooth will be done after the tooth

has been

> cleared of restorative or temporary fillings. The location of NICO

> (neuralgia-induced cavitaional osteonecrosis) is done in a similar

manner by

> balancing Ly2 with one of the above mentioned nosodes.


> The

> same stimulating process is used over the area edentulous area and

Ly2 is

> measured. An balanced reading indicates healthy bone, a high

reading and an

> indicator drop will mean a possible focal of disturbance. If you

are going to

> check several teeth an bony areas, for example, the wisdom teeth or

where the

> wisdom teeth were, you keep adding after each check the nosodes

that ill

> balance Ly2 until you have gone through the mouth. It is possible

to have as

> high as 50 or more odonton remedies in the hold. The only way you

know for sure

> is to biopsy the bone for analysis by an oral pathologist or use


> Labeling Technologies.

> The

> value of theelectrodermal testing is

> to check the sight before and after surgery. This allows the

surgeon to be

> conservative, doing only the removal of bone that is necessary.



> Click here to read Case Studies


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