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Re: 10 days post op - animal protein or not?

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I just read recent articles in Mercola about

tofu really being not so good as it is really

processed somewhat like they pasturize.

Is that true ? ?

Dede**************Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com. (http://www.stylelist.com/trends?ncid=aolsty00050000000014)

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Hi Patty,

If those articles are easy to access, would you mind posting them. I

struggle w/ this topic because Hal Huggins says animal protein is a

must in excreting heavy metals and a couple mercury toxic people say

the same thing.

On the MS board, however, there are a few people w/ MS who went raw

and recovered quickly. I'm torn. I am thinking of going to

Hallelujah Acres in Florida to try their diet out for a week. The

owner had MS and was ready for a wheelchair. He went on the diet and

within less than a year, completely recovered. He had high mercury.

The other person was never tested for mercury so I don't know.

I go back and forth. I can't tell if I feel better w/ or w/o animal

protein either.

Thanks too for your response regarding the spacey brain fog. What

you had to say about wanting to be w/ Jesus was the way I had been

feeling all morning! Thanks for the encouragement. Love, PH

> > >

> > > Qiessence ~

> > > Were your implants under the muscle ?

> > > If so, it takes longer to heal that because

> > > the muscle had to be cut.

> > > I was told not to lift my arms for 3 weeks

> > > after my surgery, but that was from a massive

> > > silicone rupture and they were under the muscle,

> > > also had some lymph nodes removed because they

> > > were large and hard, and full of silicone.....

> > > I am glad to hear you had even less drainage today !

> > > That is great news ! ! Are you wearing a sports bra ?

> > > something to hold you firm but not tight ?

> > > If not, you need to be, you will heal better.

> > > Hugs ~ Dede

> > >

> > >

> > > **************

> > > Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new

> > > fashion blog, plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at

> > StyleList.com.

> > >

> > > (http://www.stylelist.com/trends?ncid=aolsty00050000000014)

> > >

> >


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A very good friend of mine had MS - was in a wheel chair much of the

time and was introduced to the raw food vegetarian diet and just like

the person you wrote about, has nearly recovered! It is amazing what

this diet has done for her in such a short time. My naturopath, in

conjunction with a raw foods specialist, is now putting together a raw

diet plan for me. I do feel much better since switching from an

animal protein diet, but have to say it is difficult to notice a

difference immediately....I had to do a detox and give it several

months before I really noticed the benefits.


> Hi Patty,

> If those articles are easy to access, would you mind posting them. I

> struggle w/ this topic because Hal Huggins says animal protein is a

> must in excreting heavy metals and a couple mercury toxic people say

> the same thing.

> On the MS board, however, there are a few people w/ MS who went raw

> and recovered quickly. I'm torn. I am thinking of going to

> Hallelujah Acres in Florida to try their diet out for a week. The

> owner had MS and was ready for a wheelchair. He went on the diet and

> within less than a year, completely recovered. He had high mercury.

> The other person was never tested for mercury so I don't know.

> I go back and forth. I can't tell if I feel better w/ or w/o animal

> protein either.

> Thanks too for your response regarding the spacey brain fog. What

> you had to say about wanting to be w/ Jesus was the way I had been

> feeling all morning! Thanks for the encouragement. Love, PH

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Hi PH,

I was into the Hallelujah Acres stuff for awhile myself in the early

days of my healing. I bought the Barley Green stuff (which really

sent my brain fog reeling), and the recipe book by his wife, who was

cured of Rheumatoid Arthritis on a raw diet. I think a raw diet is a

wonderful idea, and I bought other recipe books for eating raw, but

sheesh, it is just hard to do! I caved in....I just am too used to

eating cooked foods. Some people get so into it that they even give

away their microwaves and stovetops and ovens! I just couldn't.

REv. Malkmus has also stated that the Hallelujah diet has some issues

with B-12, or lack thereof, and I think they have made changes to

address that. Of course, B-12 is found in meats, and that is what is

one of the necessary vitamins for health.

Hal Huggins was my source for the info, so I will have to do some

looking around again. I don't think I have them readily available. I

did, however, hear something recently about this subject on the

radio, so I'll see if I can find it.

I'm honored to be here to encourage you and all the other women here,

and I hope I do help. I remember what it was like so well, and I was

so thankful for all the women that were there to help me too.

God bless!


> > > >

> > > > Qiessence ~

> > > > Were your implants under the muscle ?

> > > > If so, it takes longer to heal that because

> > > > the muscle had to be cut.

> > > > I was told not to lift my arms for 3 weeks

> > > > after my surgery, but that was from a massive

> > > > silicone rupture and they were under the muscle,

> > > > also had some lymph nodes removed because they

> > > > were large and hard, and full of silicone.....

> > > > I am glad to hear you had even less drainage today !

> > > > That is great news ! ! Are you wearing a sports bra ?

> > > > something to hold you firm but not tight ?

> > > > If not, you need to be, you will heal better.

> > > > Hugs ~ Dede

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > **************

> > > > Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new

> > > > fashion blog, plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at

> > > StyleList.com.

> > > >

> > > > (http://www.stylelist.com/trends?ncid=aolsty00050000000014)

> > > >

> > >

> >


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I've seen other MS sufferers with websites that talk about healing

with the correct diet; one woman also overcame her illness with

weightlifting! It seems that dairy casein as well as gluten and

sugar can be major dietary culprits, which on a raw diet are absent.


> >

> > Hi Patty,

> > If those articles are easy to access, would you mind posting

them. I

> > struggle w/ this topic because Hal Huggins says animal protein is


> > must in excreting heavy metals and a couple mercury toxic people


> > the same thing.

> > On the MS board, however, there are a few people w/ MS who went


> > and recovered quickly. I'm torn. I am thinking of going to

> > Hallelujah Acres in Florida to try their diet out for a week.


> > owner had MS and was ready for a wheelchair. He went on the diet


> > within less than a year, completely recovered. He had high


> > The other person was never tested for mercury so I don't know.

> > I go back and forth. I can't tell if I feel better w/ or w/o


> > protein either.

> > Thanks too for your response regarding the spacey brain fog.


> > you had to say about wanting to be w/ Jesus was the way I had


> > feeling all morning! Thanks for the encouragement. Love, PH


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That was strange....my post was without words! Will try it again! I

agree with the wheat and gluten being a culprit - I went through all

sorts of testing last year - of course insurance wouldn't cover a dime

of it - to find out why I was so sick. I did not test positive for

Celiac disease, however, I decided to write it out of my diet anyway.

I no longer had the horrible intestinal issues! I stupidly ate toast

following surgery (the drugs apparently made me forget I should not

eat it). Dairy has been out of my diet for years due to intolerance.

I think my naturopath wants me to do a 30/70 cooked/raw food diet. I

do love my tofu, but will need to lower the intake of it. As great as

I felt eliminating wheat/gluten, I was still sick. It was the

naturopath who suggested the implants could be to blame. On a side

note, my idea of cooked is pretty close to raw - I steam or stir-fry

very lightly.

> > >

> > > Hi Patty,

> > > If those articles are easy to access, would you mind posting

> them. I

> > > struggle w/ this topic because Hal Huggins says animal protein is

> a

> > > must in excreting heavy metals and a couple mercury toxic people

> say

> > > the same thing.

> > > On the MS board, however, there are a few people w/ MS who went

> raw

> > > and recovered quickly. I'm torn. I am thinking of going to

> > > Hallelujah Acres in Florida to try their diet out for a week.

> The

> > > owner had MS and was ready for a wheelchair. He went on the diet

> and

> > > within less than a year, completely recovered. He had high

> mercury.

> > > The other person was never tested for mercury so I don't know.

> > > I go back and forth. I can't tell if I feel better w/ or w/o

> animal

> > > protein either.

> > > Thanks too for your response regarding the spacey brain fog.

> What

> > > you had to say about wanting to be w/ Jesus was the way I had

> been

> > > feeling all morning! Thanks for the encouragement. Love, PH

> >


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Tofu has become really popular over the years and there definitely are

too many brands that are not good for consumption because of

chemicals, cheap additives, and being pasteurized. I only buy my tofu

at a local organic 'whole' food type of store, but they only have one

locally made tofu that is not pasteurized. There are recipes on the

net on how to make your own, but I am not that enthusiastic.


> I just read recent articles in Mercola about

> tofu really being not so good as it is really

> processed somewhat like they pasturize.

> Is that true ? ?

> Dede



> **************

> Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion

> blog, plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.


> (http://www.stylelist.com/trends?ncid=aolsty00050000000014)


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Care to post them? I trust Mercola.

I found this:

Dangers of soy

Image: istockphoto.com/Steve Lovegrove

(Oct 9, 2007) The poster bean for the vegetarian movement is under

scrutiny these days. It turns those virtuous tofu hotdogs and skinny

soya latte are not exactly blessed with an aura of health. Related


The healthy baby bottle

Eating like a localvore

Not just a pretty face

Cucumbers love radishes but don't like potatoes

Baby on the Hip means green

Organic vs. GM

There are two crucial distinctions to be made about soy when

considering using it as a food source First, is it organic soy or

genetically modified soy?

In North America between 75 percent to 89 percent of the soy beans

grown are genetically modified (GM) soy. The whole debate over GMO

foods is becoming controversial as more scientists report their

findings of toxicity and cancer-promoting properties in GM food

products on the market.

In autumn of 2005, the United Nations' Food and Agriculture

Organisation held an international symposium featuring scientists

whose research had raised concerns about the health dangers of

genetically modified foods. There is enough concern that many

European countries are looking at a ban and even Africa has started

refusing GMO products.

Hard to avoid

You may think you are actively avoiding soy by avoiding tofu and

other soy products but GM soy is present in the majority of processed

foods, about 60 percent -- usually as filler or oil. So it's being

unknowingly consumed by millions every day. Since neither Canada nor

the U.S. requires any safety testing on GM food products, so the

consumer is essentially being treated as a guinea pig.

One bad, one good

The second crucial question is whether the soy product is fermented

or unfermented. Unfermented soy products, such as soy milk, tofu, soy

burgers, soy nuts, soy formula, soy chips and soy ice cream - contain

high levels of phytic acid or phytates which block the absorption of

essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, iron, and especially zinc

in the intestinal tract. Unfermented soy also contains trypsin

inhibitors and hemaglutinin that stunt human growth.

Health risks

According to an article in The Guardian , researchers have discovered

that consuming unfermented soy may be linked to reduced male

fertility, increased cancer risk, damaged brain function,

developmental abnormalities in infants, and early onset of puberty.

The Weston A. Price Foundation, a non-profit nutrition research

organization, supports these findings with other scientific studies

detailing the health dangers of unfermented soy.

Dangers for babies

The most serious problem with soy may be its use in infant formulas.

Most of the fears concerning soy formula are around the high level of

estrogens. Professor Sharpe, head of the Medical Research

Council's human reproductive sciences unit at Edinburgh University,

recently completed studies on soya milk and testosterone levels and

found a link between the amount of soy consumed and lower hormone

levels. " Soya formula milk is a [recent] western invention. There is

not the historical evidence to show it is safe, " said Dr. Sharpe.

The healthy alternative

Fermented soy products, on the other hand, ARE good for us in

moderation. These include miso, tempeh, natto and tamari sauce. The

fermentation process removes the phytates, trypsin inhibitors and

heaglutinin. Fermented soy foods have long been a staple in Asian

diets and are generally beneficial when combined with other foods

such as rice, sea foods, fish broth, organ meats and fermented

vegetables. The traditional Asian diet contributes to lower levels of

cancer, heart disease, and increased bone density.

Moderation is important

While there are benefits to organic fermented soy moderation is

recommended. As explained by Dr. Marina Zelenovic, a nutrition

consultant, North American soil is full of aluminum, and soybeans has

the unique ability (for a plant) to uptake it from the soil and pass

it on to the consumer where it is toxic to brain function and the


Joyce is an environmental journalist based in Toronto.


> I just read recent articles in Mercola about

> tofu really being not so good as it is really

> processed somewhat like they pasturize.

> Is that true ? ?

> Dede



> **************

> Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion

> blog, plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.


> (http://www.stylelist.com/trends?ncid=aolsty00050000000014)


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