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Patty, ,Dede N Frinds

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After proper removal

My heart is not fluttering 24/7

No more panic attacks

But I am worse now than I ever was

I'm having extreme pain in my upper back

between my shoulders, back and knees

I cannot bend or hardly function

It's like a steel bar though my body

The problem is finding the right doctor

I am wondering if this is my

nervous sytems


The doctors said this was all in my head

Soon after being implanted my right shoulder

dropped down. I was walking around lopsided

and I never believed the doctors were right

because my friends definitely could see my

right shoulder was much lower than the left

The doctors insisted that we have nothing

with two of that's exactly the same.....I understand, but

not to that degree that evenmy 6 yr old son and other

people noticed the huge drop in my right shoulder!!!

After proper explant

To my surprise nobody notices that drop anymore.

Could that of done damages me walking around like

that for two years before my implants were removed

I am wondering if the drastic drop in my right shoulder

caused my nervous sytem to go haywaire

Carol said she can harldy walk and

that she is getting just like me.

Carol is now seeing a doctor in California

This doctor is giving her lots of tests and she feels

he may have answers why we cannot function

I cannot wait until she returns

Carol may be my only hope !!


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We've had women suffer from spinal damage....there was one who was a

nurse and quite sick, and she suffered from terrible pain in her

back. I wish I could remember her name....you could read her posts

in the archives, but it was a number of years ago.

The children have also suffered bone deformity...someone must know

why the bones are affected! We have studies that show destruction of

bone adjacent to silicone joint replacements, so that may show some


Some women show the terrible effects of silicone injury much faster

than others, and some women show the damage much more severely than

others. It all depends on your biological individuality.

I have to wonder if some of this damage has permanently altered some

of our systems (as in enzymes, hormones, nutrients), or if it is

reversible. Nerve damage may or may not be.

The key is to make sure you are supporting all functions in your body

as you detox. I think our hormones are VITALLY important. I think

eating the right fats is important for nerve function. Controlling

inflammation is another huge area. Saturated fats promote

inflammation, while unsaturated fats reduce inflammation. Enzymes

taken between meals help control inflammation.

Sandy, I don't know what the answers are for you, but it is to your

benefit to continue seeking answers whereever you think you can find

them. I don't mean to say that you should throw good money away at

every whim, but I think it is important to look under every rock,

examine every angle, check every crevice in the search for why you

are feeling the way you do. Try new natural therapies that can help

promote an alkaline body. Do you know if you are acidic? Get plenty

of water. Keep moving however you can....lack of movement will

stiffen you up. Do stretches. Jump rope. Walk. Do a little each day

to keep you as limber as you can be.

Make sure you are diligent to apply the right principles for health

and give your therapies a good effort, if you are prone to give up

after a short period of time. I'm not saying you are doing that, but

I know I've done that before. Keep up the good fight for your future

health. Don't give up.

Have you ever tried a watermelon fast? A grape fast? A juice fast?

(Freshly extracted juices only?) If you have not, consider trying

it. Eat only one fruit or vegetable for three days. Eat as much as

you want. Watermelon is very cleansing. See if that helps to loosen

up your joints.

I wish I could help you get better....I have no idea if these

suggestions will work for you. I've seen wonderful results with my

fasting, and I know it is hard. I can only suggest what has worked

for me, and pray that you will find the answers you need somehow.



> Patty


> After proper removal

> My heart is not fluttering 24/7

> No more panic attacks


> But I am worse now than I ever was

> I'm having extreme pain in my upper back

> between my shoulders, back and knees


> I cannot bend or hardly function

> It's like a steel bar though my body


> The problem is finding the right doctor

> I am wondering if this is my

> nervous sytems

> electrodes


> The doctors said this was all in my head

> Soon after being implanted my right shoulder

> dropped down. I was walking around lopsided

> and I never believed the doctors were right

> because my friends definitely could see my

> right shoulder was much lower than the left


> The doctors insisted that we have nothing

> with two of that's exactly the same.....I understand, but

> not to that degree that evenmy 6 yr old son and other

> people noticed the huge drop in my right shoulder!!!


> After proper

> To my surprise nobody notices that drop anymore.

> Could that of done damages me walking around like

> that for two years before my implants were removed


> I am wondering if the drastic drop in my right shoulder

> caused my nervous sytem to go haywaire


> Carol said she can harldy walk and

> that she is getting just like me.


> Carol is now seeing a doctor in California

> This doctoris giving her lots of tests and she feels

> he may have answers why we cannot function


> I cannot wait until she returns

> Carol may be my only hope !!

> Sandy


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