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Patty, ,Dede N Frinds

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After proper removal

My heart is not fluttering 24/7

No more panic attacks

But I am worse now than I ever was

I'm having extreme pain in my upper back

between my shoulders, back and knees

I cannot bend or hardly function

It's like a steel bar though my body

The problem is finding the right doctor

I am wondering if this is my

nervous sytems


The doctors said this was all in my head

Soon after being implanted my right shoulder

dropped down. I was walking around lopsided

and I never believed the doctors were right

because my friends definitely could see my

right shoulder was much lower than the left

The doctors insisted that we have nothing

with two of that's exactly the same.....I understand, but

not to that degree that evenmy 6 yr old son and other

people noticed the huge drop in my right shoulder!!!

After proper

To my surprise nobody notices that drop anymore.

Could that of done damages me walking around like

that for two years before my implants were removed

I am wondering if the drastic drop in my right shoulder

caused my nervous sytem to go haywaire

Carol said she can harldy walk and

that she is getting just like me.

Carol is now seeing a doctor in California

This doctoris giving her lots of tests and she feels

he may have answers why we cannot function

I cannot wait until she returns

Carol may be my only hope !!


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