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Re: post explant

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Carey !

Bless your heart. I am so sorry you are having such


Unfortunately Mayo believes implants are safe......

That would be the last place I would go.

Where do you live ? ?

What meds are you on ?


Dede**************Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com. (http://www.stylelist.com/trends?ncid=aolsty00050000000014)

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i live in anderson, indiana, about 20 min from indy, where would any of you suggest to go? Cleveland Clinic? i am not on any medicine for these problems except atarax for itching. i have been on multiple drugs-gastrocrom,claritin,zyrtec,zantac,plaquenil,xyzal and none of these really helped at all.Carey

In a message dated 9/11/2008 6:26:41 P.M. Central Daylight Time, DGRAHAMA@... writes:

Carey ! Bless your heart. I am so sorry you are having suchtroubles. Unfortunately Mayo believes implants are safe......That would be the last place I would go. Where do you live ? ? What meds are you on ? HugsDede**************Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.(http://www.stylelist.com/trends?ncid=aolsty00050000000014) Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.

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Dr Lu Feng is in Cleveland and she

does alot of the explants. I would call

her office and ask her what she thinks.

Who she thinks would best care for you.

I am so sorry you are so ill right now.

I have had hives before for 3 months

and it was horrible. Lu-Feng Clinic

She may just tell you the Cleveland clinic is best.

My sister lives in AZ and she says she has

friends that have use Envita , here is the web site:

http://www.behealthyamerica.com/ She wants me to go

there, but it is out of my league....financially.

Keep us posted ! You are in my prayers !



**************Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com. (http://www.stylelist.com/trends?ncid=aolsty00050000000014)

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I would avoid the Mayo clinic as they do not believe breast implants

cause problems. They get a lot of funding from Dow.


At 05:05 PM 9/11/2008, you wrote:

>hey girls, was just wondering how long of a time period till any of

>you started to see relief after explant. i have been eating more

>fruits/veggies and water but don't have too much of an appetite.

>i have had a couple of really bad days, tues/wed, with facial

>swelling,upper lip swollen, hands and feet red,swollen,burning

>sensation and also hives on arms,trunk,hips. at least today was

>a little better, mainly my feet are what hurts with hardness and

>burning sensations.

>i know it is way too early but my husband and i have even talked

>about mayo clinic if i don't get some relief. what are your thoughts?







>Psssst...Have you heard the news?

><http://www.stylelist.com/trends?ncid=aolsty00050000000014>There's a

>new fashion blog, plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.


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Hey Carey,

I didn't see much improvement in the first year and a half. I

continued to detox and do all the right things for 18 months with

nary a sign of relief. I was getting desperate, but my mantra

was " NO DRUGS! NO DRUGS! " There were days when I felt even worse

than when I had implants, and in fact, I had a few new symptoms

within about 6 weeks post explant. But gradually, (and I mean very,

very gradually) things started to get better. I felt very poisoned

still about a year and a half after explant, even though I had done

many kinds of detox. But then it all started to get better, and by 4

years post explant I was feeling almost fully back to normal.

I don't want to say that you will have a recovery like mine, but I do

want to stress that the healing process is very long and drawn out,

and you would be better off relaxing and not expecting big things to

happen. Your body may go through alot of ups and downs before it

levels off. I would suggest that you wait a good year to expect a

large amount of symptom relief.

There are some women who seek the use of drugs for their pain and

other debilitating issues. I understand that and don't fault them for

getting the help they need. I did not have the horrible pain that

some women have and so I was better able to stick to my " NO DRUGS "

rule. Drugs are toxic to the body and sometimes can prevent long

term healing for those who seek a natural cure. I wanted to stay

devoted to a natural healing path that relied on non-toxic therapies,

and I am glad I stuck it out.

You may need to " hunker down " and work your way through this...just

know that we are here for you, having been down this road before.

You can get better..just be patient and keep treating your body well!


-- In , Stottlemyer71@... wrote:


> hey girls, was just wondering how long of a time period till any of


> started to see relief after explant. i have been eating more

fruits/veggies and

> water but don't have too much of an appetite.

> i have had a couple of really bad days, tues/wed, with facial


> lip swollen, hands and feet red,swollen,burning sensation and also

hives on

> arms,trunk,hips. at least today was a little better, mainly my

feet are what

> hurts with hardness and burning sensations.

> i know it is way too early but my husband and i have even talked

about mayo

> clinic if i don't get some relief. what are your thoughts?

> Carey




> **************Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new

fashion blog,

> plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.

> (http://www.stylelist.com/trends?ncid=aolsty00050000000014)


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Hi Carey,I researched the whole Mayo thing too and found that explanted women who went there were basically told what they already knew going in...that they had auto-immune-like issues. As far as treatment, the Mayo didn't offer anything but liver-clogging drugs that relieve some symptoms temporarily.

I'm not sure how far Indiana is from Chicago but I went to Mercola's Optimal Wellness Center www.mercola.com If you do an advanced search on perfecthealth68 as author you can see more about my experience. The reason I went was because former member Palanca went there and recovered. Mercola seems to know a lot about the fungal/metal/implant connection. He no longer sees patients but has a staff that does. I do know that the protocol has changed slightly from when went. It is expensive, so you might want to see what and I got from it first before you decide. You can always take what you learn on this forum from searching the archives to a local ND (if you can find a good one).

I'm a year and half post explant but am dealing w/ mercury issues so it's taking me a little longer than I expected. I switched from Mercola to a local doc because it was difficult traveling 5 hours each way. As far as the prescriptions you're taking that aren't working...maybe you could try some forms of detox mentioned in the files and the archives. I'm not saying I'm against prescriptions as I'm on two (was just given one today for parasites), but for the most part it seems that the women who have fully recovered, did so through natural detox, a few key supplements and diet. Most of us have found help through naturopathic/alternative doctors rather than M.D.s because they seem to understand toxicity issues better.

Hang in there...you'll find your answers. Love, PH

>> i live in anderson, indiana, about 20 min from indy, where would any of you > suggest to go? Cleveland Clinic? i am not on any medicine for these problems > except atarax for itching. i have been on multiple > drugs-gastrocrom,claritin,zyrtec,zantac,plaquenil,xyzal and none of these really helped at all.Carey> > > In a message dated 9/11/2008 6:26:41 P.M. Central Daylight Time, > DGRAHAMA@... writes:> > > > > Carey ! > Bless your heart. I am so sorry you are having such> troubles. > Unfortunately Mayo believes implants are safe......> That would be the last place I would go. > Where do you live ? ? > What meds are you on ? > Hugs> Dede> > > **************> Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, plus the > latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.> (http://www.(http://ww(http://www(http://www.<WBR(http://www.<WB> > > > > > **************Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, > plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com. > (http://www.stylelist.com/trends?ncid=aolsty00050000000014)>

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