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Part 1 ~ Products derived from natural, nontoxic ingredients -- once seen as fringe -- are now mainstream.

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http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-greenchem14-2008sep14,0,2276532.story From

the Los Angeles Times A GREENER FUTURE Products derived from natural, nontoxic


-- once seen as fringe -- are now mainstream. Innovations in designing

green chemicals are emerging in nearly every

U.S. industry, from plastics and

pesticides to toys and nail polish. By Marla Cone

Los Angeles Times Staff Writer September 14, 2008

First of two parts

At first, the experimental shampoo looked like a putrid salad dressing. Its oil

and its water just couldn't get along. They separated in the bottle and, over

time, the shampoo took on an ugly brown hue.

The team at Avalon Organics, based in Petaluma ,

was trying to make a line of hair, skin and bath products without toxic

chemicals, using ingredients derived from plants, such as lavender and coconut.

"It was a disaster," said Shriftman, the company's vice

president at the time. "We thought we had failed."

In any recipe, whether for cake or shower gel, swapping out one ingredient for

another can result in a complete flop. But the chemists working for Avalon

Organics refused to give up. After years of tweaking recipes, at a cost

exceeding $1 million, the company reinvented more than 150 products and came to

lead a growing movement dubbed "consciousness in cosmetics."

"We accepted this stuff blindly for so long. Now we're asking questions,

seeking information. The awareness that we're living in a chemical environment

is finally taking hold," Shriftman said.

Innovations in designing green chemicals are emerging in nearly every

U.S. industry,

from plastics and pesticides to toys and nail polish. Some manufacturers of

cosmetics, household cleaners and other consumer products are leading the

charge, while others are lagging behind.

For decades, many manufacturers used the most powerful weapons in their

chemical arsenals, with scant attention to where they wound up or what they

might have been doing to people or the planet.

Now, in a fresh take on the pre-World War II slogan, "Better Living

Through Chemistry," small chemical companies and giant corporations,

including BASF and Rohm and Haas, are implementing the tenets of green

chemistry, creating safer substances that won't seep into our bloodstream,

endanger wildlife or pollute resources.

Once viewed as part of a fringe lifestyle, rooted in the hippie movement,

natural and nontoxic are going mainstream. Driven by regulations, consumer

demand, an eco-friendly business philosophy and fear of future lawsuits, large

corporations, retailers and manufacturers are eliminating some chemicals,

pulling products off shelves and redesigning others. The names are familiar:

Wal-Mart, the Walt Disney Co., Ikea, Home Depot, Nalgene, Kaiser Permanente,

Baxter HealthCare, Gerber, Clorox and Origins.


University chemistry professor

Anastas, known as the father of green chemistry, said the movement is "not

simply choosing the next, less-bad thing off the shelf. It's about designing

something that is genuinely good.

"Green chemistry is not a theory," he said. "It's being

demonstrated by companies over and over again."

With a little ingenuity, every substance in the world "can be reinvented

and made safe," said Warner, former director of University of

Massachusetts' green chemistry doctorate program and now president of a

research company creating sustainable chemicals.

But the greening of chemistry is a slow shift, not a revolution. Most chemists

lack basic training in understanding environmental hazards and seeking safer

solutions, and many businesses resist changing familiar chemicals and

manufacturing techniques.

Even companies like Avalon Organics are learning that manufacturing a shampoo

or shower gel without toxic substances isn't easy. Synthetic chemicals called

phthalates add fragrance, parabens kill germs, and sulfuric acid and

petrochemicals create a thick lather. Such substances have long been considered

key ingredients in cosmetics and bath products. But they have been linked with

cancer, skewed hormones and other threats to people and the environment.

"We heard from everyone that what we were doing was risky, that it was

unnecessary, that all the major cosmetics companies use these chemicals so they

couldn't be dangerous," Avalon's Shriftman said. "But we decided to

subscribe to the precautionary principle. We wanted to do the right thing. We

rebuilt our products from scratch. It took a long time. It took a lot of

experimentation. And it took a lot of money."

Though toilet bowl cleaners and body lotions may not save the planet, they are

the first step toward weaning its human inhabitants from their toxic chemical


"We believe that the small act of scouring the sink," said Shaklee

Corp. Chief Executive Barnett, "can be part of the giant act of

changing the world."

Early exposure

Chemical contamination starts in the womb. Even before a baby takes a breath,

her body contains chemicals passed on by her mother.

Tests of umbilical cords show that a newborn's body contains nearly 300

compounds -- among them mercury from fish, flame retardants from household

dust, pesticides from backyards, hydrocarbons from fossil fuels.

Virtually everything we buy, breathe, drink and eat contains traces of toxic

substances. The names are confusing; the list, mind-boggling: Bisphenol A in

plastic baby bottles and food cans. Phthalates in vinyl toys. Polybrominated

flame retardants in furniture cushions. Formaldehyde in kitchen cabinets. Radon

in granite countertops. Lead in lipstick. 1,4-Dioxane in shampoo. Volatile

organic compounds in hair spray.

Every day, about half a dozen chemicals are added to the estimated 83,000

already in commerce. In the United

States alone, about 42 billion pounds of

chemicals are produced or imported daily. Although California has no major chemical manufacturing plants, it is a large user: About 644

million pounds are sold daily in the state, according to a

University of California report on green chemistry published in January.

Many chemicals are probably benign, but basic health and safety data are

lacking for about 80%. Some, such as chlorine gas, are so highly poisonous that

a minuscule amount can kill. Others can raise the risk of cancer and other

diseases. Animal tests show that some suppress the immune system, obstruct

brain development, deplete testosterone, mutate cells, turn genes on and off or

alter reproductive organs.

Since the 1960s, when the pesticide DDT nearly wiped out the bald eagle, public

policy has dealt with the risks on a chemical-by-chemical basis: Ban a few,

restrict others and clean up the mess left behind.

Meanwhile, nearly half of the nation's waterways are classified as impaired by

pollutants, the air of most cities is shrouded with soot and smog, and the

multibillion-dollar bill to clean up the Superfund list of hazardous waste

sites keeps growing. Chemicals have moved pole-to-pole via oceans and winds,

turning animals and humans around the globe into unwitting lab rats.

Scientists and regulators continually try to figure out whether various

chemicals pose a threat, and to what degree, yet they rarely come up with

definitive answers. Even when a proven hazard is banned, it can take decades,

perhaps centuries, for it to dissipate. Sometimes, its replacement is just as


" California 's

hazardous waste sites are still growing. And they're still leaking," said

Maureen Gorsen, who directs the state Department of Toxic Substances Control,

which is spearheading a Green Chemistry Initiative launched by Gov.

Schwarzenegger. "We need a massive chemical shift. We need to move to the

beginning, to the design part, what goes into the products we use rather than

what comes out the end."

A simple formula

The laboratory inside Shaklee's corporate headquarters in

Pleasanton , Calif. ,

looks like any other. But it's missing a lot: chlorine, formaldehyde, glycol

ethers, solvents.

Wearing a white lab coat, senior scientist Arshad Malik starts with a beaker of

water. He mixes in a vegetable-based thickener, then pours in a blend of

coconut oil and sugar extracted from corn. Finally, he adds a drop of a


Malik is demonstrating the deceptively simple formula for Shaklee Corp.'s

household cleaner, the workhorse of its "Get Clean" line.

Gone are the petrochemicals and formaldehyde. Although cheap and effective,

they emit toxic vapors.

When Shaklee began searching for a green surfactant, the ingredient that

dissolves dirt and grease, no chemical company seemed interested in inventing

one made from vegetables. Not until Shaklee called

Germany and talked to chemists at

Cognis, a specialty manufacturer.

The result: a biodegradable mix of coconut oil and sugar.

f Koester, marketing director for Cognis' Care Chemicals North America,

said his company created the coconut-and-corn surfactant by incorporating a

simple concept: "Using less chemistry."

Over the past few years, this less-is-more approach has become big business for

companies going green. Even Clorox, which got its name from chlorine, launched

Green Works, a nontoxic line of cleaners, this year.

Two of the biggest innovators in household products are

California companies: Shaklee, which is sold

person-to-person, and San Francisco-based Method Products, which sells through

Target, Costco and other large retailers.

"What is driving this market now is concern over bioaccumulation of

chemicals in the body," said Jim Greene, Shaklee's vice president of

product development.

"The public is now reading labels and they're very concerned about what

they're putting not only in the environment, but onto their skin and into their


Some green chemistry products are trying to grab a market share from the big

brand names by offering something beyond environmentally friendly ingredients.

Method's kitchen and bathroom cleaners, which cost roughly 10% more than

traditional ones, are scented with lavender and other essential oils and

packaged in hip, colorful containers.

"If it needs to be ugly to be green, it won't ever be mainstream,"

said Adam Lowry, a Stanford University chemical engineering

graduate and co-founder of Method. "We show consumers that buying green is

not only more healthful but also more pleasurable, and it's almost


Sales at Method, one of the fastest-growing private companies in 2006, have

reached $77 million a year. Avalon Organics' market also soared; it was sold

last year for $120 million to Hain Celestial, known for producing organic


"We've built in green chemistry from the very beginning. It was at the

core of our business philosophy," Lowry said. "The companies that

don't do it will become the dinosaurs."


s manville co. may have learned the hard way. It was bankrupted by one of

the deadliest and most expensive toxic episodes in history: asbestos.

The building materials company, now under new ownership, wanted its new

fiberglass insulation to be as environmentally safe as possible. So it turned

to Rohm and Haas, a $9-billion-a-year chemical company that invented a new glue

with no formaldehyde, a carcinogen that has been the binder of choice for


s Manville is now the only manufacturer offering a complete line of

formaldehyde-free insulation, and because its factories emit no formaldehyde,

it is the only one exempt from federal hazardous air pollutant standards.

The new adhesives cost more per pound. But Mike Lawrence, s Manville's vice

president and general manager for insulations systems, said the manufacturing

process was tightened to bring costs in line. He said their products are priced

in the same range as competitors' and meet the same industry standards.

"It was the right thing to do for our employees, our customers, for our

shareholders," Lawrence said.

Peggy , the California Air Resources Board's indoor air quality

specialist, advises consumers to buy formaldehyde-free insulation to reduce

their exposure to the carcinogen.

Still, such products comprise only about 20% of the insulation market. Owens

Corning, the largest manufacturer, uses formaldehyde, saying there is no

evidence that trace amounts pose a health threat.

Colin Gouveia, a global marketing director at Rohm and Haas, said most

consumers are unaware that building materials contain formaldehyde.

"Sometimes green products," he said, "need a little kick from a

regulation to overcome the barrier to change."

That is what stoked the market for another green chemistry product, an

industrial paint. In 2006, the South Coast Air Quality Management District set

limits on smog-causing petroleum-based solvents in industrial coatings used in

the Los Angeles region.

Caltrans had to find new paint for the state's 850 steel bridges that was not

only low-polluting, but could withstand the elements. Rohm and Haas' biggest

challenge was the perception that a water-based paint couldn't be durable.

Barry Marcks, Caltrans' associate chemical testing engineer, said the new

low-emission paint has been used for two years on the state's bridges -- 86

million square feet of surface area. It's as rust-resistant as the old paints,

and has an added benefit: It retains its glossy colors better, he said.

The cost per gallon is in the same range, but the state saves on disposal and

cleanup. Caltrans workers like it too.

"Now the workers don't have to be around all those high-solvent-borne

paints. The waterborne ones are a lot less toxic," Marcks said.

Making sacrifices

Even green chemistry products have shades of brown.

No regulations or industry standards govern use of the words

"natural" or "organic" in cleaning products, cosmetics or

bath products. Many contain traces of toxic substances.

The Shaklee cleaner contains a small amount of a germ-killing biocide used as a

preservative. Avalon got rid of parabens but uses glycol ethers as


Sometimes consumers have to make sacrifices in the pursuit of green. Method and

Shaklee products, for example, are not disinfectants, because antibacterial

substances are toxic and not naturally derived.

The greenest products are 100% vegetable, made entirely of renewable, natural

feedstocks that are not chemically modified. Less green are those that include

minerals or inorganic materials.

Shaklee Corp.'s dish-washing detergent, for example, contains sodium carbonate.

The least green of the products use petrochemicals or animal substances.

"You can always say, I can do this greener," said Koester, Cognis'

marketing director. "But you don't want to go back to washing your hair

with soap, do you? That would be the consequence of going too green."

But more and more, the world's largest chemical companies are looking for

substitutes for some of the old petrochemicals that made them global


BASF, which has $90 billion in annual sales, invented a plasticizer with no

phthalates, which are estrogen-mimicking compounds used to make vinyl. It is

marketed in China ,

where 80% of toys are produced.

DuPont is using cornstarch as a key building block to make polyester. Dow

Chemical Co. is turning soybeans into a compound for polyurethane foam and

building a plant in Brazil that will use sugar cane to make plastic for use in grocery bags and other


Green chemistry is "not just a niche anymore," said Neil Hawkins,

Dow's vice president of sustainability.

"When you have retailers like Wal-Mart setting environmental goals,"

he said, "it creates a demand and a ripple effect for new, innovative

products. I see some real changes right now, driven by the market."


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http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-greenchem14-2008sep14,0,2276532.story From

the Los Angeles Times A GREENER FUTURE Products derived from natural, nontoxic


-- once seen as fringe -- are now mainstream. Innovations in designing

green chemicals are emerging in nearly every

U.S. industry, from plastics and

pesticides to toys and nail polish. By Marla Cone

Los Angeles Times Staff Writer September 14, 2008

First of two parts

At first, the experimental shampoo looked like a putrid salad dressing. Its oil

and its water just couldn't get along. They separated in the bottle and, over

time, the shampoo took on an ugly brown hue.

The team at Avalon Organics, based in Petaluma ,

was trying to make a line of hair, skin and bath products without toxic

chemicals, using ingredients derived from plants, such as lavender and coconut.

"It was a disaster," said Shriftman, the company's vice

president at the time. "We thought we had failed."

In any recipe, whether for cake or shower gel, swapping out one ingredient for

another can result in a complete flop. But the chemists working for Avalon

Organics refused to give up. After years of tweaking recipes, at a cost

exceeding $1 million, the company reinvented more than 150 products and came to

lead a growing movement dubbed "consciousness in cosmetics."

"We accepted this stuff blindly for so long. Now we're asking questions,

seeking information. The awareness that we're living in a chemical environment

is finally taking hold," Shriftman said.

Innovations in designing green chemicals are emerging in nearly every

U.S. industry,

from plastics and pesticides to toys and nail polish. Some manufacturers of

cosmetics, household cleaners and other consumer products are leading the

charge, while others are lagging behind.

For decades, many manufacturers used the most powerful weapons in their

chemical arsenals, with scant attention to where they wound up or what they

might have been doing to people or the planet.

Now, in a fresh take on the pre-World War II slogan, "Better Living

Through Chemistry," small chemical companies and giant corporations,

including BASF and Rohm and Haas, are implementing the tenets of green

chemistry, creating safer substances that won't seep into our bloodstream,

endanger wildlife or pollute resources.

Once viewed as part of a fringe lifestyle, rooted in the hippie movement,

natural and nontoxic are going mainstream. Driven by regulations, consumer

demand, an eco-friendly business philosophy and fear of future lawsuits, large

corporations, retailers and manufacturers are eliminating some chemicals,

pulling products off shelves and redesigning others. The names are familiar:

Wal-Mart, the Walt Disney Co., Ikea, Home Depot, Nalgene, Kaiser Permanente,

Baxter HealthCare, Gerber, Clorox and Origins.


University chemistry professor

Anastas, known as the father of green chemistry, said the movement is "not

simply choosing the next, less-bad thing off the shelf. It's about designing

something that is genuinely good.

"Green chemistry is not a theory," he said. "It's being

demonstrated by companies over and over again."

With a little ingenuity, every substance in the world "can be reinvented

and made safe," said Warner, former director of University of

Massachusetts' green chemistry doctorate program and now president of a

research company creating sustainable chemicals.

But the greening of chemistry is a slow shift, not a revolution. Most chemists

lack basic training in understanding environmental hazards and seeking safer

solutions, and many businesses resist changing familiar chemicals and

manufacturing techniques.

Even companies like Avalon Organics are learning that manufacturing a shampoo

or shower gel without toxic substances isn't easy. Synthetic chemicals called

phthalates add fragrance, parabens kill germs, and sulfuric acid and

petrochemicals create a thick lather. Such substances have long been considered

key ingredients in cosmetics and bath products. But they have been linked with

cancer, skewed hormones and other threats to people and the environment.

"We heard from everyone that what we were doing was risky, that it was

unnecessary, that all the major cosmetics companies use these chemicals so they

couldn't be dangerous," Avalon's Shriftman said. "But we decided to

subscribe to the precautionary principle. We wanted to do the right thing. We

rebuilt our products from scratch. It took a long time. It took a lot of

experimentation. And it took a lot of money."

Though toilet bowl cleaners and body lotions may not save the planet, they are

the first step toward weaning its human inhabitants from their toxic chemical


"We believe that the small act of scouring the sink," said Shaklee

Corp. Chief Executive Barnett, "can be part of the giant act of

changing the world."

Early exposure

Chemical contamination starts in the womb. Even before a baby takes a breath,

her body contains chemicals passed on by her mother.

Tests of umbilical cords show that a newborn's body contains nearly 300

compounds -- among them mercury from fish, flame retardants from household

dust, pesticides from backyards, hydrocarbons from fossil fuels.

Virtually everything we buy, breathe, drink and eat contains traces of toxic

substances. The names are confusing; the list, mind-boggling: Bisphenol A in

plastic baby bottles and food cans. Phthalates in vinyl toys. Polybrominated

flame retardants in furniture cushions. Formaldehyde in kitchen cabinets. Radon

in granite countertops. Lead in lipstick. 1,4-Dioxane in shampoo. Volatile

organic compounds in hair spray.

Every day, about half a dozen chemicals are added to the estimated 83,000

already in commerce. In the United

States alone, about 42 billion pounds of

chemicals are produced or imported daily. Although California has no major chemical manufacturing plants, it is a large user: About 644

million pounds are sold daily in the state, according to a

University of California report on green chemistry published in January.

Many chemicals are probably benign, but basic health and safety data are

lacking for about 80%. Some, such as chlorine gas, are so highly poisonous that

a minuscule amount can kill. Others can raise the risk of cancer and other

diseases. Animal tests show that some suppress the immune system, obstruct

brain development, deplete testosterone, mutate cells, turn genes on and off or

alter reproductive organs.

Since the 1960s, when the pesticide DDT nearly wiped out the bald eagle, public

policy has dealt with the risks on a chemical-by-chemical basis: Ban a few,

restrict others and clean up the mess left behind.

Meanwhile, nearly half of the nation's waterways are classified as impaired by

pollutants, the air of most cities is shrouded with soot and smog, and the

multibillion-dollar bill to clean up the Superfund list of hazardous waste

sites keeps growing. Chemicals have moved pole-to-pole via oceans and winds,

turning animals and humans around the globe into unwitting lab rats.

Scientists and regulators continually try to figure out whether various

chemicals pose a threat, and to what degree, yet they rarely come up with

definitive answers. Even when a proven hazard is banned, it can take decades,

perhaps centuries, for it to dissipate. Sometimes, its replacement is just as


" California 's

hazardous waste sites are still growing. And they're still leaking," said

Maureen Gorsen, who directs the state Department of Toxic Substances Control,

which is spearheading a Green Chemistry Initiative launched by Gov.

Schwarzenegger. "We need a massive chemical shift. We need to move to the

beginning, to the design part, what goes into the products we use rather than

what comes out the end."

A simple formula

The laboratory inside Shaklee's corporate headquarters in

Pleasanton , Calif. ,

looks like any other. But it's missing a lot: chlorine, formaldehyde, glycol

ethers, solvents.

Wearing a white lab coat, senior scientist Arshad Malik starts with a beaker of

water. He mixes in a vegetable-based thickener, then pours in a blend of

coconut oil and sugar extracted from corn. Finally, he adds a drop of a


Malik is demonstrating the deceptively simple formula for Shaklee Corp.'s

household cleaner, the workhorse of its "Get Clean" line.

Gone are the petrochemicals and formaldehyde. Although cheap and effective,

they emit toxic vapors.

When Shaklee began searching for a green surfactant, the ingredient that

dissolves dirt and grease, no chemical company seemed interested in inventing

one made from vegetables. Not until Shaklee called

Germany and talked to chemists at

Cognis, a specialty manufacturer.

The result: a biodegradable mix of coconut oil and sugar.

f Koester, marketing director for Cognis' Care Chemicals North America,

said his company created the coconut-and-corn surfactant by incorporating a

simple concept: "Using less chemistry."

Over the past few years, this less-is-more approach has become big business for

companies going green. Even Clorox, which got its name from chlorine, launched

Green Works, a nontoxic line of cleaners, this year.

Two of the biggest innovators in household products are

California companies: Shaklee, which is sold

person-to-person, and San Francisco-based Method Products, which sells through

Target, Costco and other large retailers.

"What is driving this market now is concern over bioaccumulation of

chemicals in the body," said Jim Greene, Shaklee's vice president of

product development.

"The public is now reading labels and they're very concerned about what

they're putting not only in the environment, but onto their skin and into their


Some green chemistry products are trying to grab a market share from the big

brand names by offering something beyond environmentally friendly ingredients.

Method's kitchen and bathroom cleaners, which cost roughly 10% more than

traditional ones, are scented with lavender and other essential oils and

packaged in hip, colorful containers.

"If it needs to be ugly to be green, it won't ever be mainstream,"

said Adam Lowry, a Stanford University chemical engineering

graduate and co-founder of Method. "We show consumers that buying green is

not only more healthful but also more pleasurable, and it's almost


Sales at Method, one of the fastest-growing private companies in 2006, have

reached $77 million a year. Avalon Organics' market also soared; it was sold

last year for $120 million to Hain Celestial, known for producing organic


"We've built in green chemistry from the very beginning. It was at the

core of our business philosophy," Lowry said. "The companies that

don't do it will become the dinosaurs."


s manville co. may have learned the hard way. It was bankrupted by one of

the deadliest and most expensive toxic episodes in history: asbestos.

The building materials company, now under new ownership, wanted its new

fiberglass insulation to be as environmentally safe as possible. So it turned

to Rohm and Haas, a $9-billion-a-year chemical company that invented a new glue

with no formaldehyde, a carcinogen that has been the binder of choice for


s Manville is now the only manufacturer offering a complete line of

formaldehyde-free insulation, and because its factories emit no formaldehyde,

it is the only one exempt from federal hazardous air pollutant standards.

The new adhesives cost more per pound. But Mike Lawrence, s Manville's vice

president and general manager for insulations systems, said the manufacturing

process was tightened to bring costs in line. He said their products are priced

in the same range as competitors' and meet the same industry standards.

"It was the right thing to do for our employees, our customers, for our

shareholders," Lawrence said.

Peggy , the California Air Resources Board's indoor air quality

specialist, advises consumers to buy formaldehyde-free insulation to reduce

their exposure to the carcinogen.

Still, such products comprise only about 20% of the insulation market. Owens

Corning, the largest manufacturer, uses formaldehyde, saying there is no

evidence that trace amounts pose a health threat.

Colin Gouveia, a global marketing director at Rohm and Haas, said most

consumers are unaware that building materials contain formaldehyde.

"Sometimes green products," he said, "need a little kick from a

regulation to overcome the barrier to change."

That is what stoked the market for another green chemistry product, an

industrial paint. In 2006, the South Coast Air Quality Management District set

limits on smog-causing petroleum-based solvents in industrial coatings used in

the Los Angeles region.

Caltrans had to find new paint for the state's 850 steel bridges that was not

only low-polluting, but could withstand the elements. Rohm and Haas' biggest

challenge was the perception that a water-based paint couldn't be durable.

Barry Marcks, Caltrans' associate chemical testing engineer, said the new

low-emission paint has been used for two years on the state's bridges -- 86

million square feet of surface area. It's as rust-resistant as the old paints,

and has an added benefit: It retains its glossy colors better, he said.

The cost per gallon is in the same range, but the state saves on disposal and

cleanup. Caltrans workers like it too.

"Now the workers don't have to be around all those high-solvent-borne

paints. The waterborne ones are a lot less toxic," Marcks said.

Making sacrifices

Even green chemistry products have shades of brown.

No regulations or industry standards govern use of the words

"natural" or "organic" in cleaning products, cosmetics or

bath products. Many contain traces of toxic substances.

The Shaklee cleaner contains a small amount of a germ-killing biocide used as a

preservative. Avalon got rid of parabens but uses glycol ethers as


Sometimes consumers have to make sacrifices in the pursuit of green. Method and

Shaklee products, for example, are not disinfectants, because antibacterial

substances are toxic and not naturally derived.

The greenest products are 100% vegetable, made entirely of renewable, natural

feedstocks that are not chemically modified. Less green are those that include

minerals or inorganic materials.

Shaklee Corp.'s dish-washing detergent, for example, contains sodium carbonate.

The least green of the products use petrochemicals or animal substances.

"You can always say, I can do this greener," said Koester, Cognis'

marketing director. "But you don't want to go back to washing your hair

with soap, do you? That would be the consequence of going too green."

But more and more, the world's largest chemical companies are looking for

substitutes for some of the old petrochemicals that made them global


BASF, which has $90 billion in annual sales, invented a plasticizer with no

phthalates, which are estrogen-mimicking compounds used to make vinyl. It is

marketed in China ,

where 80% of toys are produced.

DuPont is using cornstarch as a key building block to make polyester. Dow

Chemical Co. is turning soybeans into a compound for polyurethane foam and

building a plant in Brazil that will use sugar cane to make plastic for use in grocery bags and other


Green chemistry is "not just a niche anymore," said Neil Hawkins,

Dow's vice president of sustainability.

"When you have retailers like Wal-Mart setting environmental goals,"

he said, "it creates a demand and a ripple effect for new, innovative

products. I see some real changes right now, driven by the market."


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This is an important article...a step we need to go in.

Kids cancers are at all time high's...and this is why:

" Tests of umbilical cords show that a newborn's body contains nearly

300 compounds -- among them mercury from fish, flame retardants from

household dust, pesticides from backyards, hydrocarbons from fossil

fuels. "

The experiment called " Pottenger's Cat's " done by Francis Pottenger

showed that future generations concentrate the toxicity....

This needs to stop NOW!




> http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-greenchem14-


> From

> the Los Angeles

> Times


> Products derived from natural, nontoxic

> ingredients

> -- once seen as fringe -- are now mainstream.

> Innovations in designing

> green chemicals are emerging in nearly every U.S. industry, from

plastics and

> pesticides to toys and nail polish.

> By Marla Cone Los Angeles

> Times Staff Writer September 14, 2008


> First of two parts


> At first, the experimental shampoo looked like a putrid salad

dressing. Its oil

> and its water just couldn't get along. They separated in the bottle

and, over

> time, the shampoo took on an ugly brown hue.


> The team at Avalon Organics, based in Petaluma ,

> was trying to make a line of hair, skin and bath products without


> chemicals, using ingredients derived from plants, such as lavender

and coconut.


> " It was a disaster, " said Shriftman, the company's vice

> president at the time. " We thought we had failed. "


> In any recipe, whether for cake or shower gel, swapping out one

ingredient for

> another can result in a complete flop. But the chemists working for


> Organics refused to give up. After years of tweaking recipes, at a


> exceeding $1 million, the company reinvented more than 150 products

and came to

> lead a growing movement dubbed " consciousness in cosmetics. "


> " We accepted this stuff blindly for so long. Now we're asking


> seeking information. The awareness that we're living in a chemical


> is finally taking hold, " Shriftman said.


> Innovations in designing green chemicals are emerging in nearly

every U.S. industry,

> from plastics and pesticides to toys and nail polish. Some

manufacturers of

> cosmetics, household cleaners and other consumer products are

leading the

> charge, while others are lagging behind.


> For decades, many manufacturers used the most powerful weapons in


> chemical arsenals, with scant attention to where they wound up or

what they

> might have been doing to people or the planet.


> Now, in a fresh take on the pre-World War II slogan, " Better Living

> Through Chemistry, " small chemical companies and giant corporations,

> including BASF and Rohm and Haas, are implementing the tenets of


> chemistry, creating safer substances that won't seep into our


> endanger wildlife or pollute resources.


> Once viewed as part of a fringe lifestyle, rooted in the hippie


> natural and nontoxic are going mainstream. Driven by regulations,


> demand, an eco-friendly business philosophy and fear of future

lawsuits, large

> corporations, retailers and manufacturers are eliminating some


> pulling products off shelves and redesigning others. The names are


> Wal-Mart, the Walt Disney Co., Ikea, Home Depot, Nalgene, Kaiser


> Baxter HealthCare, Gerber, Clorox and Origins.


> Yale University chemistry professor

> Anastas, known as the father of green chemistry, said the movement

is " not

> simply choosing the next, less-bad thing off the shelf. It's about


> something that is genuinely good.


> " Green chemistry is not a theory, " he said. " It's being

> demonstrated by companies over and over again. "


> With a little ingenuity, every substance in the world " can be


> and made safe, " said Warner, former director of University of

> Massachusetts' green chemistry doctorate program and now president

of a

> research company creating sustainable chemicals.


> But the greening of chemistry is a slow shift, not a revolution.

Most chemists

> lack basic training in understanding environmental hazards and

seeking safer

> solutions, and many businesses resist changing familiar chemicals


> manufacturing techniques.


> Even companies like Avalon Organics are learning that manufacturing

a shampoo

> or shower gel without toxic substances isn't easy. Synthetic

chemicals called

> phthalates add fragrance, parabens kill germs, and sulfuric acid and

> petrochemicals create a thick lather. Such substances have long

been considered

> key ingredients in cosmetics and bath products. But they have been

linked with

> cancer, skewed hormones and other threats to people and the



> " We heard from everyone that what we were doing was risky, that it


> unnecessary, that all the major cosmetics companies use these

chemicals so they

> couldn't be dangerous, " Avalon's Shriftman said. " But we decided to

> subscribe to the precautionary principle. We wanted to do the right

thing. We

> rebuilt our products from scratch. It took a long time. It took a

lot of

> experimentation. And it took a lot of money. "


> Though toilet bowl cleaners and body lotions may not save the

planet, they are

> the first step toward weaning its human inhabitants from their

toxic chemical

> dependency.


> " We believe that the small act of scouring the sink, " said Shaklee

> Corp. Chief Executive Barnett, " can be part of the giant act


> changing the world. "


> Early exposure


> Chemical contamination starts in the womb. Even before a baby takes

a breath,

> her body contains chemicals passed on by her mother.


> Tests of umbilical cords show that a newborn's body contains nearly


> compounds -- among them mercury from fish, flame retardants from


> dust, pesticides from backyards, hydrocarbons from fossil fuels.


> Virtually everything we buy, breathe, drink and eat contains traces

of toxic

> substances. The names are confusing; the list, mind-boggling:

Bisphenol A in

> plastic baby bottles and food cans. Phthalates in vinyl toys.


> flame retardants in furniture cushions. Formaldehyde in kitchen

cabinets. Radon

> in granite countertops. Lead in lipstick. 1,4-Dioxane in shampoo.


> organic compounds in hair spray.


> Every day, about half a dozen chemicals are added to the estimated


> already in commerce. In the United States alone, about 42 billion

pounds of

> chemicals are produced or imported daily. Although California

> has no major chemical manufacturing plants, it is a large user:

About 644

> million pounds are sold daily in the state, according to a

University of California

> report on green chemistry published in January.


> Many chemicals are probably benign, but basic health and safety

data are

> lacking for about 80%. Some, such as chlorine gas, are so highly

poisonous that

> a minuscule amount can kill. Others can raise the risk of cancer

and other

> diseases. Animal tests show that some suppress the immune system,


> brain development, deplete testosterone, mutate cells, turn genes

on and off or

> alter reproductive organs.


> Since the 1960s, when the pesticide DDT nearly wiped out the bald

eagle, public

> policy has dealt with the risks on a chemical-by-chemical basis:

Ban a few,

> restrict others and clean up the mess left behind.


> Meanwhile, nearly half of the nation's waterways are classified as

impaired by

> pollutants, the air of most cities is shrouded with soot and smog,

and the

> multibillion-dollar bill to clean up the Superfund list of

hazardous waste

> sites keeps growing. Chemicals have moved pole-to-pole via oceans

and winds,

> turning animals and humans around the globe into unwitting lab rats.


> Scientists and regulators continually try to figure out whether


> chemicals pose a threat, and to what degree, yet they rarely come

up with

> definitive answers. Even when a proven hazard is banned, it can

take decades,

> perhaps centuries, for it to dissipate. Sometimes, its replacement

is just as

> risky.


> " California 's

> hazardous waste sites are still growing. And they're still

leaking, " said

> Maureen Gorsen, who directs the state Department of Toxic

Substances Control,

> which is spearheading a Green Chemistry Initiative launched by Gov.

> Schwarzenegger. " We need a massive chemical shift. We need to move

to the

> beginning, to the design part, what goes into the products we use

rather than

> what comes out the end. "


> A simple formula


> The laboratory inside Shaklee's corporate headquarters in

Pleasanton , Calif. ,

> looks like any other. But it's missing a lot: chlorine,

formaldehyde, glycol

> ethers, solvents.


> Wearing a white lab coat, senior scientist Arshad Malik starts with

a beaker of

> water. He mixes in a vegetable-based thickener, then pours in a

blend of

> coconut oil and sugar extracted from corn. Finally, he adds a drop

of a

> preservative.


> Malik is demonstrating the deceptively simple formula for Shaklee


> household cleaner, the workhorse of its " Get Clean " line.


> Gone are the petrochemicals and formaldehyde. Although cheap and


> they emit toxic vapors.


> When Shaklee began searching for a green surfactant, the ingredient


> dissolves dirt and grease, no chemical company seemed interested in


> one made from vegetables. Not until Shaklee called Germany and

talked to chemists at

> Cognis, a specialty manufacturer.


> The result: a biodegradable mix of coconut oil and sugar.


> f Koester, marketing director for Cognis' Care Chemicals North


> said his company created the coconut-and-corn surfactant by

incorporating a

> simple concept: " Using less chemistry. "


> Over the past few years, this less-is-more approach has become big

business for

> companies going green. Even Clorox, which got its name from

chlorine, launched

> Green Works, a nontoxic line of cleaners, this year.


> Two of the biggest innovators in household products are California

companies: Shaklee, which is sold

> person-to-person, and San Francisco-based Method Products, which

sells through

> Target, Costco and other large retailers.


> " What is driving this market now is concern over bioaccumulation of

> chemicals in the body, " said Jim Greene, Shaklee's vice president of

> product development.


> " The public is now reading labels and they're very concerned about


> they're putting not only in the environment, but onto their skin

and into their

> bodies. "


> Some green chemistry products are trying to grab a market share

from the big

> brand names by offering something beyond environmentally friendly


> Method's kitchen and bathroom cleaners, which cost roughly 10% more


> traditional ones, are scented with lavender and other essential

oils and

> packaged in hip, colorful containers.


> " If it needs to be ugly to be green, it won't ever be mainstream, "

> said Adam Lowry, a Stanford University chemical engineering

> graduate and co-founder of Method. " We show consumers that buying

green is

> not only more healthful but also more pleasurable, and it's almost

> cost-neutral. "


> Sales at Method, one of the fastest-growing private companies in

2006, have

> reached $77 million a year. Avalon Organics' market also soared; it

was sold

> last year for $120 million to Hain Celestial, known for producing


> foods.


> " We've built in green chemistry from the very beginning. It was at


> core of our business philosophy, " Lowry said. " The companies that

> don't do it will become the dinosaurs. "


> Formaldehyde-free


> s manville co. may have learned the hard way. It was bankrupted

by one of

> the deadliest and most expensive toxic episodes in history:



> The building materials company, now under new ownership, wanted its


> fiberglass insulation to be as environmentally safe as possible. So

it turned

> to Rohm and Haas, a $9-billion-a-year chemical company that

invented a new glue

> with no formaldehyde, a carcinogen that has been the binder of

choice for

> fiberglass.


> s Manville is now the only manufacturer offering a complete

line of

> formaldehyde-free insulation, and because its factories emit no


> it is the only one exempt from federal hazardous air pollutant



> The new adhesives cost more per pound. But Mike Lawrence, s

Manville's vice

> president and general manager for insulations systems, said the


> process was tightened to bring costs in line. He said their

products are priced

> in the same range as competitors' and meet the same industry



> " It was the right thing to do for our employees, our customers, for


> shareholders, " Lawrence

> said.


> Peggy , the California Air Resources Board's indoor air


> specialist, advises consumers to buy formaldehyde-free insulation

to reduce

> their exposure to the carcinogen.


> Still, such products comprise only about 20% of the insulation

market. Owens

> Corning, the largest manufacturer, uses formaldehyde, saying there

is no

> evidence that trace amounts pose a health threat.


> Colin Gouveia, a global marketing director at Rohm and Haas, said


> consumers are unaware that building materials contain formaldehyde.


> " Sometimes green products, " he said, " need a little kick from a

> regulation to overcome the barrier to change. "


> That is what stoked the market for another green chemistry product,


> industrial paint. In 2006, the South Coast Air Quality Management

District set

> limits on smog-causing petroleum-based solvents in industrial

coatings used in

> the Los Angeles

> region.


> Caltrans had to find new paint for the state's 850 steel bridges

that was not

> only low-polluting, but could withstand the elements. Rohm and

Haas' biggest

> challenge was the perception that a water-based paint couldn't be



> Barry Marcks, Caltrans' associate chemical testing engineer, said

the new

> low-emission paint has been used for two years on the state's

bridges -- 86

> million square feet of surface area. It's as rust-resistant as the

old paints,

> and has an added benefit: It retains its glossy colors better, he



> The cost per gallon is in the same range, but the state saves on

disposal and

> cleanup. Caltrans workers like it too.


> " Now the workers don't have to be around all those high-solvent-


> paints. The waterborne ones are a lot less toxic, " Marcks said.


> Making sacrifices


> Even green chemistry products have shades of brown.


> No regulations or industry standards govern use of the words

> " natural " or " organic " in cleaning products, cosmetics or

> bath products. Many contain traces of toxic substances.


> The Shaklee cleaner contains a small amount of a germ-killing

biocide used as a

> preservative. Avalon got rid of parabens but uses glycol ethers as

> preservatives.


> Sometimes consumers have to make sacrifices in the pursuit of

green. Method and

> Shaklee products, for example, are not disinfectants, because


> substances are toxic and not naturally derived.


> The greenest products are 100% vegetable, made entirely of

renewable, natural

> feedstocks that are not chemically modified. Less green are those

that include

> minerals or inorganic materials.


> Shaklee Corp.'s dish-washing detergent, for example, contains

sodium carbonate.

> The least green of the products use petrochemicals or animal



> " You can always say, I can do this greener, " said Koester, Cognis'

> marketing director. " But you don't want to go back to washing your


> with soap, do you? That would be the consequence of going too

green. "


> But more and more, the world's largest chemical companies are

looking for

> substitutes for some of the old petrochemicals that made them global

> powerhouses.


> BASF, which has $90 billion in annual sales, invented a plasticizer

with no

> phthalates, which are estrogen-mimicking compounds used to make

vinyl. It is

> marketed in China ,

> where 80% of toys are produced.


> DuPont is using cornstarch as a key building block to make

polyester. Dow

> Chemical Co. is turning soybeans into a compound for polyurethane

foam and

> building a plant in Brazil

> that will use sugar cane to make plastic for use in grocery bags

and other

> products.


> Green chemistry is " not just a niche anymore, " said Neil Hawkins,

> Dow's vice president of sustainability.


> " When you have retailers like Wal-Mart setting environmental goals, "

> he said, " it creates a demand and a ripple effect for new,


> products. I see some real changes right now, driven by the market. "


> mcone@...


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