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Sandy ~

Goodmorning ! I am so sorry you are so sick

from the anesthesia. Carey gave great instructions

of what to do. I am sorry your doc didnt have good

follow-up instructions for you. She is right, please

call the doctor on call. You need something for that

nausia and vomiting if it is still there.

Hugs N Prayers


Keep the bandages on they are there for protection.

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Sandy . . .

Do not take the bandages off . . . Your doctor will do that.

It doesn't matter which unit of measure you use . . . just use the same one every time.

If they gave you at bottle, I suspect they want you to bring the bottle with you when you next see the doctor.

In the meantime, keep track of how much you collect every time you empty the drains.

I'm glad to hear you're home . . . Hope the nausea is gone by now and you are sleeping soundly.

Hugs and prayers,


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