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Diabetes Health - Newsletter for May 12, 2011

Moms of Children with Diabetes Tell Their Stories, Ask to Support

Research For a Cure and Other Top Stories

Issue 446 - May 12, 2011 www.diabeteshealth.com

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Today's Top Diabetes Stories...

blog Moms of Children with Diabetes Tell Their Stories, Ask to Support Research

For a Cure

HOLLYWOOD, FL -- They come from New York, Miami, Milwaukee and more. They have

children of all ages with type 1 diabetes - and they're on a mission to find a

cure. They're the " Real Moms of the DRI Foundation " and in honor of Mother's Day

they're asking millions of moms - and others - to support the Diabetes Research

Institute, a world leader in cure-focused research.

In a weeklong campaign that kicks off today, almost a dozen moms of children

with type 1 diabetes tell their personal stories of how diabetes affects their

children's lives - and their lives - through a series of videos on the Diabetes

Research Institute website www.DiabetesResearch.org/RealMoms. For these moms,

real-life drama is more likely to revolve around finger pricks and carb counts

rather than fashion faux pas and catty snipes. Moms like Meredith Buchwald of

Weston, FL, Real Mom to , 5, says it's something that the whole family has

to deal with 24 hours a day, seven days a week. " It's day to day and so

difficult. She just can't go over to a friend's for a play date. It has to be

planned, " she says. " As a mom, having a child with diabetes is tough because you

turn yourself into a pancreas, and I have done that for . "

le of New York City, Real Mom to Leo, 8, thinks about all the

needles and testing and it breaks her heart. " It's my job to protect him. I want

to do everything I can to make this go away and I feel like our only hope is a

cure, " she says. " It would be my dream to see him living in this world without

diabetes. It would be the greatest gift - and not just Leo, for all kids. " Read


0 comments - May 8, 2011 -

news Prediabetes Sweet Tooth Doesn’t Always Lead to Weight Gain

A new study says that people who consume a " moderate " amount of candy per day

have a slightly lower body mass index than people who don't eat candy. They

also run a 15 percent lower risk than the general population of developing

metabolic syndrome, the cluster of conditions that is often a precursor to type

2 diabetes.

" Moderate " consumption is defined as 1.3 ounces-about 36.4 grams-per day. That's

equal to two " fun-size " packets of plain M & Ms, which total 176 calories and 24

grams of carbohydrates.

The study, co-sponsored by the National Confectioners Association and the U.S.

Department of Agriculture, confirms what dietitians and nutrition scientists

already know: Moderate consumption of sweets isn't what makes people pile on

weight. Other factors at work may include the following: Read more...

0 comments - May 11, 2011 -

blog Profiles in Type 1: Dr. Beach

Dr. Beach is a 35-year-old emergency medicine physician who has had

type 1 diabetes for 31 years. He owns and operates Urgicare, a wellness center

that includes The Northeast Center for Diabetes Care and Education in

Plattsburgh, New York, an isolated rural community that has few other resources

for diabetes. This is his story of his life with diabetes and his professional

experience with the insulin pump.

When I was four years old, I celebrated Christmas with a viral infection. In

early January, my mother noticed changes in my sleep and my eating and drinking

patterns, as well as frequent urination. Alarmed that I might have an emotional

problem, she had my godfather, a college professor with expertise with disturbed

children, take me for the day to see what he thought. We had a glorious time

making and frosting cookies. When Mom mentioned to " Uncle Ernie " that if she

didn't know better she would think I had diabetes, he found an expired bottle of

test strips. When I went home, I urinated on the strip, and apparently it turned

black. Thinking it was because the strips had expired, Mom settled me down for

my nap. To be on the safe side she checked with my pediatrician, who advised her

to bring me to the medical center immediately, without even taking time to pack

a suitcase. My father held the ferry for us, and within two and half hours, I

had my first insulin injection.

I loved every minute as a child with diabetes. I had a great relationship with

some of the nurses, and I loved my pediatrician. I got to make a few television

commercials on diabetes and to go to Joslin Camp in the summers. The medical

world was exciting, and diabetes became my way of learning and experiencing

more. When I was four, I decided I would be a doctor. Without a doubt, diabetes

shaped and directed my life in a positive way. There are certainly down times

with the disease, but as I see people with other medical problems, I'm far

luckier to have a disease that can be self-managed and affords a healthy active


0 comments - May 12, 2011 -

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